Chapter Eight

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*** Zero flipped through the pages of the journal, internalizing all that he was learning as he tried to find even more clues on what could have happened on the night of his father's death. The sun was now setting in the horizon, casting an ethereal glow on the town they were approaching as they left the green suburbs where Black Manor was situated. Leaving the house had not been a hassle with Zero explaining to a surprised Gracia about exploring the town and passing by the Church to check on everything. Although it was a lie, it was melded in with some truth to ensure that anyone listening in would report exactly what they had heard. Zero hated lying to Gracia but it was the only way to leave and begin their search for the truth. ''You've been quiet for some time. Find anything useful on there?'' Mason asked, easily navigating through light traffic leading into the town in the sleek, black, Chevrolet SUV. The GPS that had been set by Zero before he became engrossed in the journal guided him through the streets as they headed towards their destination. ''Yeah actually.....Listen to this entry......'' Zero said,lapsing into reading the most riveting entry he'd found yet. July 4th, 1916. I could not believe my eyes as I watched her walk down the stairs. Her hair was strawberry blonde and longer than I have ever seen any woman keep it. It flowed down in sensual curls to the small of her back. Her icey blue eyes were so beautiful and yet so mysterious, one could get lost in them. They were enough to literally take everyone's breath away in the room. Her hedonistic body was clad in the most beautiful cobalt raven black ball gown with intricate golden designs that just brought out her inhuman beauty even more. She was our host. Her voice was even more bewitching and beautiful with a slight spanish accent as she welcomed us all to the ball. I knew I had to get myself together. I knew I had to control my feelings and do what I had been sent to do. My target was the host of the ball. Her. She was a Royal, Queen of Vampires otherwise known as Vermiculus stella- The Crimson Star. I could now clearly see where the nickname came from as she descended to the bottom of the stairs. I could feel her eyes on me most of the night as she danced it away with different suitors, some mortals who were completely enthralled by her and others Vampires who confirmed that she indeed was my mark. They couldn't get enough of her. As I stared at her laugh at a naive, young mortal's joke, I couldn't help but feel a sense of foreboding. How could something so beautiful be said to be full of 'pure evil'? There wasn't a soul who hadn't heard of her. She was an Enigma that everyone was dying to understand. As for me, I just wanted to get it over with and drown myself in Bourbon. Its the only way I could convince myself that she was only but a predator and that everything she had came with the monstrous package. I was reflecting on how I should have let Clark do it when she suddenly landed in my arms. My startled look must have been hilarious for she chuckled, the sound more beautiful and enchanting than I could have imagined. ''Well then,shall we dance,Sir?'' She'd asked, gesturing at the surrounding throng of bodies waltzing on on the ball room floor. I nodded before leading her back into the middle. My mind was in a frenzy as we gracefully moved through the throng of the other dancers. I had not expected any of what had just happened, something that wasn't possible for my kind. There was something about her.... ''If you're not going to ask then I guess I should take the lead. So what brings a Hunter to my Ball? I doubt its for the wine and food for I have heard that you men are richer than Croesus. And I don't peg you to be obtuse enough to try and kill me in a ball full of Vampires.... Or are you?'' She'd asked, an amused glint in her gorgeous eyes. She smelled of cherry blossoms, the intoxicating scent having a heady effect on me. I was having trouble thinking straight and she knew it, her smile all but too revealing. ''Of course not, My Lady. I only came to enjoy the party. I have a thing for the forbidden, you see, so this is exactly my scene.'' I'd responded finally, composing myself. She laughed once more, the sound sending shivers down my spine. * ''Smooth.'' Mason muttered, distracting Zero from reading. He had been quiet the whole time, the tale pulling to him just as it had to the former. Zero nodded, the two of them admiring Zachary's prowess before his son continued to read the entry. * ''Oh really? Then you certainly aren't what I expected you to be. Well played.'' She'd responded in kind, her gaze shifting from me momentarily and landing on someone behind me. I could sense her immediate discomfort and was about to ask her when the orchestra concluded the set and she backed away from me. ''Thank you for the dance, My Lady.'' I'd said courteously and bowed as did she. ''You should leave. This is no place for rookie Hunters. It would be too unfortunate if I had to get rid of you. You're much too interesting and It would be a waste for you happen to be the best waltzer I have met in a while....William here will escort you out. Thank you for the wonderful dance.'' She'd replied silently before walking away. I was going to follow her out when a dark haired man who I had noticed had been hanging around her most of the night blocked my path. I felt as if I had been punched in the gut as I watched her dance with a brazen looking fellow but I couldn't erase the look in her eyes as she'd walked away. I knew something was wrong even as I followed the dark haired man out into the open. ''I'm very sorry, Sir, but you need to leave the grounds right now.'' The man, William, had said, adding that they were his Master's orders. ''If I have offended her in any way, then I am profusely sorry but I have to go back in there.There's something very wrong...I have to help her...You have to help her....'' I'd pleaded with hi, choosing to trust my gut that was sure that something big and bad was about to happen. However, his only response was a blank expression on his face. Judging by the reconnaissance I had done and the rumors I had heard about the man, I knew I stood a very slim chance of beating him, if at all I could. Lazriel himself was definitely not up to it. ''If she doesn't want you here then you should listen to her. She is doing it for your own good...Just....Trust her.'' The man had said, pulling me from my countless thoughts on how I would get past him and stunning me. My own good?! Really, it sounded ridiculous in the grand scheme of things for he and she barely knew me at all. I was about to ask him more when he simply turned and walked off back into the party. I couldn't help but think of all the peculiarities that had graced the night, the main one being that I was actually considering saving the woman I had been sent to kill. I walked around the property, using my skills of evasiveness to avoid the guards as well as my Hunter abilities if it was very necessary. It was only when I reached the backyard that I saw her and the brazen fellow from earlier. The sight of her still did something to me, though I pushed that to the back of my mind and crept forward so as to hear their conversation. There was something about the man's voice that seemed familiar, though I couldn't place it as he talked on to her. I made sure to keep a bit of distance though, knowing that she could still sense my presence. I couldn't hear much of it but what I did hear made me freeze on the spot. He wanted to begin another war. One that would ensure all Supernatural creatures get wiped out of the face of the earth, leaving only the two of them as the rulers of their new Kingdom. I watched as she sighed and pulled him close to her. I was about to look away when she suddenly reached into his chest and ripped his heart out, whispering something inaudible into his ear before letting him fall to the ground, his heart following suit. It was only when she was attacked by his henchmen that I stowed away the graphic death and joined the fight, finishing off the ones remaining from her very skillful and graceful extermination. I wouldn't have stood a chance if I had gone one on one with her. It was only after the fight that I looked down at the dead man only to see Antoine Ward, one of the main family heads of the Hunter Bloodlines. He was the traitor that had been rumored to be within our walls. I could barely believe it as I turned to her, waiting for an explanation. She still looked disturbingly beautiful with the blood all over her face and dress. It certainly wasn't only Black anymore. ''You do realize that they will hunt you down relentlessly when they found out about this,right?'' I'd asked her, watching as she smiled a carnal smile, her fangs clearly visible now, undoubtedly due to the blood. ''That's why you're not going to tell them anything.You and I both know if this gets out, there will be a war. You heard what he said. Did you wish me to let him commit g******e all in the name of 'love' and his greed for power? '' She'd reasoned, accepting a handkerchief proferred by William. She seemed angry at him for some reason. ''No, of course not. Antoine was a good Hunter but also pure evil.'' I'd replied, earning a slight smile from her. ''Alright then. If that's established then you'll have to excuse me. All this blood is making me hungry and itchy and I certainly need a change of clothes...Until next time?'' She'd said, about to walk away when I realized I hadn't told her my name. ''Wait, My Lady..I haven't told you...'' I was saying when she turned with a smile before replying, one that did not feel warm at all. No, this was different from what I had seen on her. This was callous and cold. It was calculative and bone-chilling at it took me aback for anyone else would not have seen what I saw within her icey blues. ''I know who you are, Zachary Black. Your kind has never been good with hiding your ranks. I trust that you will find something to report back to them regarding your failed task. This is the one and only time I will proffer you mercy despite the fact that you came here to kill me. Now do have a good night, Sir Black, and Please get off my property for goddsake .'' She'd replied, walking away. All I could do was bow as I watched her walk off, William in tow who seemed very impressed and amused over something. I have yet to hear from her or see her again and although a part of me is worried about what the next encounter will be like, a part of me also knows that we have the potential to become friends. I have no idea why but there is something about her that makes me trust her even more than my kind. My own brothers. So many secrets plague us all but what I am sure of is that we shall be the beginning of a new age......... * ''Wow, that's some deep story, bro. Do you think this mystery lady was Reina Valentine? Your father seemed to have made a connection with her back then." Mason commented, earning a nod from Zero as he gazed up at the Church they had stopped outside of. Nighttime was here and the Church was illuminated by the street lights surrounding the small town they were in. ''Yeah, he did and I heard her talk about him. I don't know exactly how we will find her but maybe the Priest has some insight. Come on, let's go in and find out.'' Zero stated, exiting the car with Mason in tow who locked it as they ascended the steps. The truth was looming in the horizon and they hoped that the good Priest was present to answer some of their pressing questions and more... ***
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