Chapter Fifteen

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*** Zero, Mason and Ramone had been driving for several minutes, the landscape shifting ever so often as they travelled even further from Caldwell Town. They were now in the outskirts, an area that was more forest that suburb with the ocassional mansion coming into view within the trees. "This area is pretty beautiful...Is this the Highlands?" Mason inquired, earning a nod from Ramone who simply stared out the horizon, waiting for the sign that they had left the boundaries of Hunter Land. He could sense the growing shift in the air, the air of power that always seemed to surround this particular area. Zero watched the Priest, noting the same shift as he stared out at the area, enthralled. "Why do the Vampires live here and not in the other side of town with the rest?" Zero inquired, watching as the Priest turned to face him. Ramone had expected that Zero would be curious, that he would ask questions of him. Zachary had known that he would be the one who could explain the intricacies of this world to his son- to mould him into the next head of the Black Household and the Hunter's Association as a whole. Maybe he will finish where his Father started... Carry out the incredible work he was doing... "A long time ago, before the Supernatural Races War, they all lived together within Caldwell. There were no lines drawn or segregation. But then, a battle broke out and the result was catastrophic. In order to maintain peace between the Races, especially the Vampires and the Hunters, there was a peace treaty that was signed. Within this was the annexation of certain parts within each Race's territory. For example, the Vampires are mainly based in New Orleans but the other Races also occupy some areas within New Orleans, areas in which the former Vampire monarchs granted them as a sort of olive branch. Thus, within Caldwell where the Hunters are the Territory rulers, the Vampires and other races also have their region of occupancy, that is, The Highlands." The History of the Supernatural world fascinated the two men who listened aptly and processed the explanation. There was seemingly more politics on the whole matter than met the eye. Zero longed to udnerstand more, to rid himself of his ignorance and be able to integrate wholly into this new world he had been thrust into. A world he had already been deeply entangled into. "So they're finally here...You might want to slow down, Mason. Or we might start an inadvertent war." Ramone commented, his eyes fixating on something beyond the trees that neither Zero nor Mason could see. Zero could, however, sense it as he nodded to a confused Mason. The man sighed before slowly easing up on the accelerator. Silence reigned within the car, each of them waiting with baited breath for what was to come. True enough, three figures appeared from the dense forest, each of them standing right in the middle of the road. Mason was quick to bring the car to a full stop, right before they reached the imposing looking figures in the middle of the road. Ramone guided Mason to park the car at the side of the road before beckoning each of them to vacate it. "They are the individuals tasked with guarding these lands from intruders. Each race sends out a set number of their guards do ensure the safety of the area as a whole. They don't particularly like visitors but I'm sure that the Queen of Vampires sent word of our arrival. Otherwise, we would probably be in deep s**t. They're ruthless and they don't like Hunters or Humans very much." Ramone muttered in explanation to his stunned companions. They watched the three figures closely, now noting the animosity that was plainly displayed not only in their expressions but their body language. They were not happy to see them but none of them made a move, each of them turning to watch yet another car approach from the other side and stop right before them. An older gentleman stepped out of it, prompting one of the three guards to bow low before them which was a surprising turn of events for Mason and Zero who watched in absolute fascination. "Lord Carter. We were not expecting your return..." The guard stated, earning a nod from William who turned to gaze at the three men who were quick to recognize him from the funeral. Zero, however, knew him from way before that. His presence at the party, the night everything changed, was still as vivid as ever in his mind. "I have come to personally escort Her Majesty's guests. Lord Black, Mr Turner, Lord Martinez; Welcome to the Highlands. If you would please come with me, Her Majesty is awaiting your arrival." William stated, earning a nods from the three men who proceeded towards the waiting car. Zero and Mason glanced at the three guards who watched them closely, curiosity seemingly wedged deep in their gazes. Neither Zero nor Mason would have been able to tell that these men were Supernatural beings and yet the inhumanity of their beauty and countenances was the first sure sign of this. "I am grateful to you, Lord Carter, for getting my message across to Her Majesty. Zero has an urgent matter to discuss with her. We are hoping to dispell the evil lurking in the background." Ramone spoke up as soon as they were on their way towards their set destination. Zero was stunned by the small revelation of the Priest's familair interaction with one of Reina's closest companions as he silently watched the two interact. William simply nodded, his gaze fixed on the road but his atention was fully on Ramone who was seated at the passenger seat with the other men in the back. "Anything to find the culprit behind these murders. Sharing information is a sure fire way of getting this done. Besides, His Highness, Prince Raiser left strict instructions that when the time came and the request was delievered, Lord Black should be allowed an audience with his sister." William explained, earning a nod from Ramone who recalled the same train of conversation from Zachary. He had not thought that Zero would wish to entangle himself in this new world and hadn't thought much of his friend's request but seeing Zero now and his insistence on meeting with the Queen of Vampires had dispelled it all. He was ready to tackle the Supernatural world. I just wish it was at a better time...A time when we are not all threatened by a potentially extremely powerful enemy... "I was saddened to hear of your father's passing, Lord Black. He was a good friend for many years and I am happy to see that you have taken up the mantle of his position. I hope that you become a beacon of hope for the Races as he was." William stated, eyeing Zero from the viewing mirror. The two shared an intense look before Zero nodded, a kind of warmth spreading through him. He didn't know why but he felt like he knew the older, wiser gentleman and that he was not as terrifying as he had believed he would be. Zero could relate the things he had read about him from his Father's journal to the man before him. He knew that William's guidance and support would come in handy. According to Dad, William has been with Reina for a very long time, since before he even knew them. His support is important...I must ensure to keep him close not only as an ally but as a friend... "Thank you, Lord Carter. I hope to make him proud. I hope I can count on your continued support as you did for my Father." The Older Vampire nodded, the ghost of a smile on his lips but it was gone as soon as it came as he stopped the car in front of steel, wrought computerised gates that opened and let them into a massive Estate that filled Zero with a crushing sense of nostalgia and familiarity. He could feel William's gaze on him, almost as if the man knew something he did not. But the look was gone as quickly as it came once more as he, instead, turned to the other occupants of the car who had been silently taking in their interaction. "I welcome you all to the Valentine Caldwell Estate. As you meet Her Majesty, I suggest that you be as open and honest with her. Only then can you hope to have a semblance of understanding that can make our efforts to rid this world of the evil that has inhabited it. I wish you all the best of luck and a great stay for the time that you shall be here." Each of the men knew that his advice was given not for formality's sake but because he knew well enough what they were walking into. They would be wise to listen to him and, true enough, they each internalized his words as they waited with great anticipation to meet the Monarch of the Vampire Race for a true, one-on-one meeting... ***
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