Chapter Fourteen

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*** And yet she presently leaned down and traced her hand across the stem of the tree, the R & Z still there, safely encircled within the symbol of Infinity, the symbol they used to define their love for each other. ''You kept it......'' Reina finally muttered, pulling herself out of the reverie of memories that had flooded her entire being. They were fierce, threatening to shatter the ice within her but she refused to let herself break. 'Yes, My Master. Prince Raiser left strict instructions to not touch it. He knew how much it meant to you and to him as well…'' William replied, letting the sentence stray off as he watched her. Reina's breathing had shifted as she straightened up suddenly, all her instincts going on the defensive. She needed to get away from there. William seemed stunned by the sudden change. Part of him had been sure that this would be a great first step into thawing the Ice surrounding her heart, to attain a shard of her humanity back from the void she had thrust it. But, of course, it won’t be that simple. This was good… He presently stepped back a fraction, watching as she ran a hand nervously through her hair. ''My Master.....'' He began when she interrupted, shaking her head in response to whatever question he wanted to ask. ''I'm tired. Let's head in.'' She walked away from the tree, not even sparing one look back at it. William sighed outwardly, relieving the tension he didn't realize that he had had. In that small moment, he'd seen a little bit of the real Reina Valentine. The Reina he had watched grow from birth. And it had been a slice of heaven that he will forever cherish as he worked to find a way to fully bring her back. He followed her up the steps and pushed the double white oak doors for her where the Insositors were waiting dutifully, undoubtedly to receive their Queen after centuries of her absence. ''Welcome home, Your Majesty.'' Trixie Martelle, the Head of the Cleaning staff greeted them, stepping forward and bowing slightly at her. She was a beautiful golden blonde that was held up in a simple ponytail, her brown eyes warm and inviting. Reina smiled at her, her features instantly striking her as very familiar. She also surprisingly didn't seem as meek and intimidated by her as the rest were which pleased her to no end. ''Thank you. How is everything here?'' Reina asked, scanning the house. It looked almost similar to what she remembered with the modernization and renovations having breathed life into it all the more. She already loved what she was seeing without having seen as much as she wanted to. ''Everything is fine, Your Majesty. The renovations went very well. His Highness, Prince Raiser, Sir William and I coordinated with each other as they went on. I can give you a guided tour if you’d wish…'' She responded, following Reina’s gaze as she continued to scan the room. ''Maybe later, Trixie...'' William began, sure that His Master had changed her mind when Reina interrupted with a small smile. ''No, it's fine. I'd love to see the new improvements. William had already begun showing me around but you can accompany us as well, Trixie?'' Reina replied, smiling at Gail who nodded enthusiastically before leading them through the massive hallway that opened up to the rest of the house. ''I thought you were tired, My Master.'' William muttered, turning to her Reina who released a long-winded chuckle, the sound stunning not only Trixie but the rest of the staff who gaped at the sight. It was a rare occurrence, seeing their Queen so amused but it was welcome all the same and reminded some of them of the time they had spent with the former monarchs. ''You got me there. I did say that, but remember, Vampires don't get tired that easily.'' She replied with a smug smile, following Trixie around the newly renovated house that now had a sophisticated living room with advanced electronics from a flat-screen Tv to a modernized fireplace that seemed cosy enough with the couches placed before it. It was the current, top contender for her favourite room in the house...well at least she thought so until they went through the glass doors that opened up to the backyard of the mansion. ''And this is the new patio. His Highness, Prince Raiser informed the Architect last year that he would like to add the swimming pool for both Your Majesty and himself since you both enjoy the activity. I oversaw the renovations personally and sent regular reports to him. I do hope it is to your liking, Your Majesty.” Trixie said, lurking behind as both William and Reina stepped forward. The expansive stone patio was dazzling to look at but not as much as the massive swimming pool in the middle with the 'V' at the very bottom, undoubtedly standing for ‘Valentine’. Reina released a small chuckle and sigh at that, shaking her head at her brother’s antics. ''He’s always been so dramatic…But either way, this is beautiful, Trixie. Thank you for your hard work.'' Reina replied, turning back to her and smiling widely and warmly. Trixie smiled back, acknowledging William's nod of approval too. Meeting the Queen of Vampires had not been as daunting a task as they all thought it to be. Whereas the rest were petrified, Trixie took solace in the stories her mother and grandmother shared with her of the kind and gentle Vampire princess turn Queen. There was, of course, darkness wedged deep within her eyes but she knew that the woman they spoke of was still there, in the background. ''It was my pleasure, Your Majesty.' Trixie replied, bowing low before her. Reina smiled slightly as she passed her and returned to the house, William following close behind. ''There are some more improvements upstairs, specifically in your room. We didn't touch any other room apart from those that Prince Raiser asked us to. Your luggage has already been taken up as well as a fresh set of towels. If there's anything you need, please do not hesitate to inform me. Dinner will be served in twenty minutes…” “Please include three more guests as you set the table for dinner. We shall be having company.” Reina stated, earning a side glance from William that morphed into a small, secret smile. He was pleased by Zero’s initiative and Reina’s openness to receiving him- most especially in this Manor. Trixie nodded before excusing herself with a bow and making her way through a couple of open double doors, no doubt heading to the Kitchen to report the new orders from their Queen. Reina watched her as she walked away with a thoughtful frown before also making her way up the spiral staircase. ''She's very nice. Reminds me of Gaia. Her grandmother, right?'' Reina asked, walking down the hall with William in tow. ''Yes. They actually quite resemble each other, don't you think?'' William asked as they stopped in front of a couple of double Oak doors, the symbols embedded on it meaning more to them both of than any other layman would ever know. They were the symbols of House Valentine- a representation of our history. ''Yes. She really does. It is quite fascinating to see the new generation of Martelle's take over the Household. I wonder whether she and Mira converse. She is her aunt, yes?'' Reina asked, still staring at the golden knobs of the door before her. William nodded, impressed by her astute observation skills. The Martelle family had been in service of the Valentine Household for generations and Reina had managed to observe a number of those generations come and go. They were a constant in her life and she appreciated their service and dedication. ''I believe they do. Mira must, after all, pass all of her knowledge and responsibilities to the new generation when the time comes. Trixie shall be serving you directly one day but, until then, Prince Raiser instructed that she cater to the Caldwell Manor.'' William responded, watching the internal turmoil going on within his Master at that very moment. Although their conversation was flowing smoothly, he knew that she was going through something more complicated within her. Stepping into the room she had once called her own so many centuries before was certainly a large step- especially considering she swore she never would. “That was a good decision. Do inform me when the time comes for her to move. I would like to be involved in the selection of the next individual who shall take care of Caldwell Manor.'' Reina responded thoughtfully, earning a surprised glance from William that he quickly morphed behind nonchalance as he bowed low before her. “Yes, My Master.” He was a picture of calm and collected despite the excitement coursing through him at seeing how much she had grown. Never could he have anticipated that she would take over that particular responsibility from Prince Raiser. She’s growing…Shifting more and more now that she’s back in a familiar environment. Maybe this means she’s finally allowing herself to heal…Slow but sure… Reina presently released a small sigh before finally opening the double doors and stepping into her room. She hadn't been there for ages and the sight of it pulled her back instantly. Nothing had changed; the four-poster bed with her black and white striped duvet and matching black curtains that were opened to reveal floor-to-ceiling windows that were the theme throughout the house. Fluffy, white pillows were on the bed, matching the Victorian chair at the side that was facing the closed, glass balcony doors that opened up to the backyard of the house and overlooked the pool. Everything looked almost the same as she'd left them. The two doors each leading to the bathroom and closet were open, revealing snippets of a now modernized and large bathroom as well as a walk-in closet that truly impressed her. She glanced back at her black dressing table, her things still just as she left them. This was truly her space. The room she'd spent her entire childhood and part of her adulthood in. ''Perfect.'' She muttered finally with a smile, more pleased than she anticipated by the old melding with the new changes. ''I'm glad you like it, My Master. I shall leave you to it then.'' William said with a slight bow before turning to leave, inwardly sighing in relief at her contentment. He had not been sure how she would receive the sight of the space but was glad that it was not as volatile a reaction as he believed it would be. ''Before you go…Could you personally receive Zero and his companions at the border? They’re almost here it seems and we wouldn’t want them to have a rough welcome from the Guards.” Reina instructed, earning a swift nod from her servant. “Of course, My Master. I shall ensure that no harm comes to them as your guests.” “Thank you, William. For everything.'' She responded with a slight smile, knowing full well that he knew what she meant. The House. The Tree. Her whole legacy and her family's past, present and future were alive because of his initiative to assist Raiser in all the work they had done to keep Caldwell Manor alive. She would not have done all that they had and seeing the changes had brought her a sense of happiness- more than she anticipated. I may not love this place but the fact that it is still here makes me happy…Glad that we can protect a shred of our history, no matter how dark… ''I am here only to serve you, My Master. Please excuse me as I go to receive our guests.' 'William responded with a warm smile before heading out, closing the doors behind him. Reina sighed, collapsing on the bed once the exhaustion of the day’s events crashed through her. Her mind drifted to the events of the day. Everything that had been revealed to her was simply pieces of a larger puzzle from which Zachary’s survival seemed to be stemmed in. A plan needed to be formulated and Maya’s return to her Caldwell Estate to wake her Father from Stasis was the first part before everything else could come together. I can’t believe she asked me to be nice to him…As if I would eat the man alive or something… Reina frowned at the memory, shaking her head at Maya’s antics before she left for her Caldwell Estate where her Father had chosen to rest instead of New Orleans. He had formed a great connection with this place despite the exodus to New Orleans after the Supernatural war all those centuries ago. He will be pleased to see that I have returned more than anyone else, I know… Saber Leviathan had been the number one individual pushing for her return and was pleased by Raiser’s visits. His letters to me were filled with regret at my choice to stay away and the hope that I would, one day, return. Yet here I am now, Uncle… They would all meet soon to discuss the next steps but until then, Reina chose to focus on the meeting she would have with Zero and what information he would have to offer… That is the only reason I have allowed you to come close to me, regardless of Raiser and Zachary’s plans. Your use to me is the information you provide that will save my people and return peace to my Kingdom…That is the only reason I need you, nothing more… The frost in her heart still stood, unwavering even in the face of his approach and the connection between them that still resonated within her. She would not let it change her inherent detest for the Black Bloodline… ''Let us see what you have to offer, Lord Black. Once that is done, I shall endeavour to make your life a living hell should you explore the curiosity I sense you have of me within you. That will be your downfall and I shall revel in your destruction as well as your Bloodline’s end. Just as I promised your predecessor all those centuries ago.'' She muttered, a wild grin on her lips as her emotions ran rampant with thoughts of destroying him. She hoped he would push her, all so she could fulfil the burning within her for his accursed bloodline’s end. These very thoughts fueled her excitement as she made her way to the bathroom for a much-needed shower before receiving her guests… ***
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