Chapter Sixteen

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*** "Welcome to the Valentine Caldwell Manor. My name is Trixie and I will be serving you tonight. Please, come with me. Her Majesty will join you in a few minutes." Trixie reported, smiling kindly at the three men who were awed by the beautiful house they were currently in. William followed behind as they were led into the lounge room where they each took their seats in wait for the being they had come to visit. Anxiety coursed through their nerves as they ocassionally-nervously glanced at each other. "Follow my lead, okay?" Father Ramone muttered over to them, earning a nod from the two men. They knew better than to interfere in this part of the world. They did not know enough to butt in and say anything. And they were meeting a being who had been a fairy tale a few days ago. They did not have to wait long, though, as Reina's heels clinked against the marble floors- announcing her arrival before she appeared before them. Each of them stood, enamored as they watched her enter the room. William bowed low before his Master as she passed him. Dressed in a midnight black, long-sleeved, sweater dress with a long slit on the side, she looked gorgeous with her hair in a high ponytail- the curls flowing down to the small of her back. She melded the look perfectly with a pair of black sandal heels. Her make up was light with winged eye liner, mascara and harlot red lipstick. She sat atop the white, Victorian Lounge Chair in front of them, crossing her legs as her icey blue gaze watched them closely. "Thank you for agreeing to meet with us, Your Majesty." Father Ramone spoke up, breaking the spell that she had all captured them in. He bowed his head slightly, prompting the two men to follow through as well. They did not know much about the customs and traditions of this new world but were glad for Father Ramone's help and guidance. Zero could not help the growing fascination within him as he watched her, his heart beating a steady pace that increased with every single moment as he stood a few ft. away from her. She was much more beautiful than he remembered, enough to take his breath away as she had in the Church. She had consumed all his thoughts, enamored him all the more and now- he knew he was obsessed. He couldn't believe it. That finally, they were together. That all the dreams he'd had, the moments he had spent thinking only of her had led them here- to being in her presence which was different now than it was then because finally, he knew who she really was. She really is the Queen of Vampires... "Of course. I received Lord Black's message and acted accordingly. You can take your seats." She responded, earning nods from the three who all sat down whilst William took his spot beside her, standing ever close and ready to act should he be required to take any form of action. "We've come to discuss the events that have been going on within our world. It seems a threat is looming in the horizon, Your Majesty. We must come together, share information and act before this threat destroys us all." Ramone stated, never missing a beat as he expounded on their reason for the visit. Reina was silent for one tense moment as the three men watched on, each of them waiting for her response with bated breath. Her shifted gaze was the first sign of any sort of change in her demeanor as her eyes met Zero's own and held there. "I understand and appreciate the sentiment, Lord Martinez. Thank you for coming to me with this. My only question would be why, then, the Hunters are gathering to stage an attack against my people. I have heard that they wish to put the blame of all the murders on us and thereby begin yet another war." Reina's words caught Zero and Mason off guard who each turned to the exasperated Priest who shook his head in absolute disappointment. "Its because my brothers and sisters are fools, Your Majesty. Their actions are fueled solely by their own selfish and convoluted emotions. They are falling right for the trap that has probably been set up for them because of their inability to see beyond their prejudice. We plan to do everything in our power to stop them from making such a foolish mistake. Only when we work together can we stand strong against the real enemies who try and tear us apart and destroy our people." Ramone stated rather candidly and strongly, disappointment clear on his features as he tried to salvage the meeting. He knew there was a possibility that the Queen of Vampires had heard of the Association's plan to act against them but he had not expected her to come out so boldly with it. "What say you, Lord Black? Do you think your Godfather would be amenable to any sort of conversation that isn't degrading and/ or threatening towards my Kind?" The question caught all of them off guard, Zero included who stared in absolute surprise at the woman he had been observing silently and falling more and more into the rabbit hole that she was. Mason and Ramone stared nervously at each other before turning to their companion who straightened up and prepared himself to answer her question. I have a feeling this question is more than truly meets the eye.... Zero glanced momentarily at William, noting the knowing look in his eyes before he turned back to the Icey Blues that he had been dreaming of every single night since he met her. Sometimes, it even felt like more...Like he had known her for his entire life- just as it did in this very moment as he watched her and tried not to admire the sliver of skin she showed through the slit dress and her exposed thigh once she crossed her legs. There was a tattoo there, one he was curious as hell about but he knew that staring in this moment would take him closer to the edge of his control. "No. He seems to have some sort of grudge against not only you but your Kind as well and it seems to stretch further and deeper than the fact that we are seemingly supposed to be natural enemies or something. It seems personal and although I don't know the story behind that, I am more than prepared to ensure that my Uncle does not do something he'll regret later. Anything to avoid a senseless war when true danger lurks in the background." His words were measured, calculated and inherently true. He did not wish his Uncle to begin a battle that they were sure to lose multiple lives in. Reina did not seem like the kind of monarch who would take the attack lying down. She would retaliate and s*******r all those who believed they could harm her people. There was madness in her eyes. Zero could see it and yet he still could not let go. "And how do you plan to stop him? Will you take the position that he has taken from you? Will you take up your birthright, knowing that you probably won't be able to go back to the life you had before? If the last part is the case then why would I agree to engage in any sort of plan or otherwise with you? You would have no stake in this war, and thereby no reason to be in the mix of it all. You would be dead weight." Her question touched at the unsure part of himself, the part he refused to think about lest he be stuck in a battle between his responsibility and what he'd always known. What had been normal for him all his life. The question was a challenge from the Queen of Vampires, a way to measure his determination and commitment to the world he had now learnt of. There is probably no going back...Becoming the Head of the Hunter's Association will be a massive responsibility that will never allow me a life outside of it. Is that really how I plan to spend the rest of my life? "Your Majesty..." "Your Majesty..." Ramone and Mason begun, noting Zero's conflicted countenance but his attempts to speak were met with a warning glance from William that instantly quieted them down. This was not their battle to fight. This was Zero's responsibility and a crucial part of Reina's tests. If he fails then there would be no other chance to gain an audience with her. And after this, all hell is definitely going to break loose... Reina's gaze never left Zero's own, her mind a whirlwind as she observed him closely. She didn't know why she had given him an Out, a way to run from her plans to destroy his family as she had before. A way for her to begin her camaign against them. It was an unexpected show of mercy that the Heir of the Black Bloodline was clearly considering. He's not going to back down...He is too much like those who came before him...He is too determined... Reina didn't know whether to admire him or to marvel at his idiocy at not seeing this as what it really was- a way out from her plans to destroy him... "I plan to avenge my Father, Your Majesty. That is my main motivation. That is where my whole energy is being directed. And I will do everything in my power to ensure that I succeed in this mission- no matter the cost. Tell me then, Reina Valentine, is that enough reason for you to trust me and work beside me to ensure we all get justice from the real culprits and destroy everyone trying to stop us?" His words sent chills through her, feelings she did not wish to truly recommend as she held his fiery gaze. A hurricane had swept in, made his eyes an impossinly darker shade of gray that was truly a sight to marvel at. She had no doubt in her mind that he would fulfill his promise. That he would destroy anyone in their way. Keep that fire, Zero Black. I am going to use it to destroy you and everything you care about... Reina mused inwardly before allowing a small smile to grace her lips, the look stunning them all into silence- William included. "My Master..." He began when Reina shook her head, tucking a lose strand of her hair behind her ear before she turned to the floor to ceiling windows where the sun had already set and was paving way to the darkness- the realm in which she reigned supreme. "Its nothing, William... I am just in awe of Lord Black's determination. Alrigt then. I shall ally myself with you. I trust that you shall find a way to deal with Clark Grant and the Hunter's Association because I assure you, a war declared on my kind will be their downfall. I will show them no mercy." Her words were delivered softly, without any hint of threat and yet they all felt the chill of apprehension that travelled through them at the sound of it. Zero could see more, though. He could see the death in her eyes, the determination to destroy everything and everyone who threatened her. Including me...She clearly has her reasons for agreeing to this but I know well enough that the deep sated hate she has for my family is still there...And I will find the truth behind it... "Please, call me Zero. Lord Black sounds too formal..." Zero insisted as he tried and failed to calm his fast beating heart at the sight of her smile. It was clearly a rare occurence and he ensured to imprint it within the depths of his sub conscious with the hopes that, one day, he could bring it back. That he could be the one to make her reveal the side of her that no one else had ever been privy to. "Then I must insist that you call me Reina. My Royal title has always been too stifling. That goes for you, Ramone, and you too, Mason." She stated, earning nods from the two men as they watched the interaction and finally participated in it as well. There was an intensity unlike anything else they had ever seen between the two and although Ramone knew that this new development would spell disaster for many, Mason couldn't help but be in awe- making a mental note to mention the same to Zero. "Forgive the interruption, Your Majesty, but Dinner has been served." Trixie announced, earning a small nod from Reina who got to her feet just as the rest of the men did the same. "Thank you, Trixie...Shall we, gentlemen?" ***
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