Chapter Two

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*** "Mr. Takashi and Mrs. Ayala will be the first we need to approach before the beginning of the charity auction. I assume you've read the materials I prepared for you on what you need to discuss?" Nala Tisdale was as efficient as ever, raising a brow at her boss' shrug and light chuckle at the sight of her disapproving frown. And with good reason. As the Chief Operations Officer in one of the most prolific companies in the world, she was hard pressed to ensure her ever elusive CEO was in line with what was to come. Zero rarely attended the Company's functions, leaving everything to her as the face of the company. This particular event was, however, an inevitable undertaking that had pulled two of the founders out of the shadows and into the limelight as they interacted with their peers. Her gaze shifted to Mason Warner, the brilliant CFO behind their company's success. Just as much a wallflower as their boss, Nala knew well enough that she had her work cut out for her in integrating the two back into high society after such a long period of absence. Not that the two men ever made mistakes. Although people did not know much about the founder of the company, Zero Black was a household name in many of the high society circles with individuals longing to meet the brilliant man behind the Empire he created. Of course, he was ever elusive and extremely picky about what functions he attended but whenever he did, he was met with wonder and awe by men and women who had built Empires after being inspired by his business prowess. Nala had been just as enamored when she first met him, scouted to first shadow him as he worked before taking over as the face of the company from Mason Warner. Although Zero was brilliant in every sense of the word, the man abhorred business functions and upper society shmoozing in general and who could blame him? That world was not for the weak-hearted or otherwise... He chose to stay in the shadows and commission Mason's help but with time, even his best friend had had his fill of the duties and responsibilities of upper society. Nala had been the perfect choice with her bubbly personality and her ability to shift back into business mode when the need arose. She was their anchor and had done a marvellous job so far of keeping the company image spick and span. The two men retreated into the shadows and let her take reigns whilst guiding behind the scenes. Even now, the two men glanced at each other, small smiles on their lips at the sight of her determination to ensure she utilizes their acceptance to appear in public. She was also a perfectionist which was one of the main reasons they all got along so well. Although their friendship had grown over time, Nala still couldn't help but be in awe of the two men and do everything in her power to ensure she made their life all the more simpler. Including preparing profiles for individuals she was sure they would know nothing about... She knew they had read the materials she prepared- as they always did- but she also knew to always keep him on his toes. I can't have them getting cocky...he'll make mistakes and we can't have him making any sort of mistakes... "Yes, I've read the materials. They were thorough, as always. Thank you, Nala." Zero responded at the sight of his her blank glare, a look she always assumed when she was particularly displeased with him. She didn't care that he was her Boss, which is what he and his best friend loved about her. The woman was a force to be reckoned with and was part of the reason why Black Enterprises and Holdings still stood. "Do you ever ease up, N? Like, just relax with a glass of wine and watch a movie or something?" Mason Warner spoke up as he adjusted his bow tie, his question met with a chuckle from his best friend and a small smile from Nala. Although Nala had joined their friend circle a little later, Zero and Mason had welcomed her with open arms with the three of them forming a friendship bond that was hard to break after everything they had gone through to establish the Company. The little jabs they threw at each other were a reflection of the bond they shared, a bond that many in the business world admired. "If I did, you wouldn't be billionaires, now would you?" Nala hit back, rolling her eyes playfully at the sight of Mason's own playful grin as Zero chuckled at their interaction. His mind was, however, a little far away from the current conversation. He couldn't help but latch onto the dream he'd had. A full day of work and meetings and yet the image of the creature leaning over him, about to devour him whole had not left his mind. He could still feel the overwhelming fear that contradicted the rush of warmth and power going through him. Everything about the dream was unrealistic and yet he had never felt so alive, in the moment and present as he ran through the forest of nightmares where the creatures seemed to be swarming, waiting and eager to hunt and rip apart all those who stood in their way. Although a part of his mind knew that it was a dream, he was conflicted with the side of him that was sure what he saw was a warning. What he wasn't sure about was what to do or why he was reading so much into a damn dream. Take a breath, Zero...This is not the time to be in your head... Taking a deep breath, the CEO turned to stare out of the window just as their Limousine came to a stop in front of the Portland Museum where the event for this night would be held. Paparazzi lined the edges of the red carpet where celebrities and guests were arriving in droves. This was the part the two men hated and more. "Well, s**t. This really was a big ass event." Mason murmured, earning himself a hum of agreement from Zero as Nala chuckled. She was in her comfort zone, ready to take charge and socialize. She was in her element now, ready to guide the incredibly handsome wall flowers before her who seemed to want to be anywhere but here. "We've got this. Just smile and I'm sure you'll be just fine. Well, probably not you though, M. Your forced smile is literally terrifying." Nala jabbed, grinning wide at the sight of Mason's frown as he flipped her off. Zero straightened his bow tie, readying himself to leave the safe confines of the car despite the cautious emotions going through him. His stomach churned, unsettled. Part of him didn't want to leave the car. Part of him wanted to turn back and go home. Not my penthouse...home- back to the Manor and my dad... "Zero....are you okay, bro?" Mason's hand settled on Zero's shoulder, pulling him back from his reverie of thoughts and had him pushing the fear and worry to the back of his mind as he took in his friend's concerned looks. "I'm okay. Just a little in my head. Now, shall we?" He ignored their shared concerned looks, choosing instead to restore the mask he beholds for the public. With a silent sigh and nod, Nala knocked lightly on the window to signal their readiness to exit and venture beyond. Part of her was anxious, as she always was whenever she was with the two men beside her and what was expected of her and yet another side of her was thrilled to show them just how much she's grown. This has to go perfect...Tonight must be perfect... ** "Thank you for your efforts in the business proposal, Miss Turner. Nala presented it to me and it has the potential to grow into something truly remarkable. I've requested her to schedule a meeting for us to discuss the details further." Mason was in business mode, reminding Zero exactly why he had chosen him to become the face of the company before Nala came along. The latter was already working the room, doing absolutely amazing in performing her duties for the night and networking. Zero had done his best to be as interactive with all the business associates that had approached him and taken advantage of his presence to interact with him and yet his mind couldn't help but fixate on the weird feelings rushing through him. Feelings that he seemingly could not drown with alcohol either. He could tell Mason was worried about him what with how he was lurking around, never too far away to jump in if he needed to. That was just the kind of friend he was. Loyal to a fault and so much more. So why can't I get out of my damn head about a freakishly realistic nightmare? What the hell is wrong with me? "Thank you, Mr Warner. I trust that you shall be present in the meeting as well, Mr Black?" Elise Turner's voice broke through the haze of thoughts surrounding Zero, her flirtatious gaze reminiscent of many of the women around who were, as always, enamored by the magnates before them. As eligible bachelors of the higher society, they were on high demand with women vying for their attention and more. It was part of the reason they stayed away from big parties in general. Well, Zero more so for in as much as he was somewhat oblivious to all their advances, he was also disinterested in anything other than a s****l relationship with specific women. Romance was not high on his list of priorities, least of all tonight when his mind was going wild with conspiracy theories and his entire body was rebelling his mere presence in this party. I need to take a breath...Center myself and get it together... "Depending on my schedule. Nala and Mason have it covered in the event that I am not available. Now, if you'll please excuse me..." Zero nodded subtly to his best friend, the two of them silently communicating as he walked away from the visibly displeased businesswoman who clearly hadn't gotten what she wanted- his attention. Zero didn't care, though as he made his way towards te bar for a refill. Blank expression that ensured that no one would approach him, he slowly made his way towards the bar area that was lightly crowded. Soothing jazz music filled the entire space with well dressed men and women socialzing and dancing all around him and yet Zero's mind could not register anyone else other than the taste of the expensive whisky placed swiftly before him and the incessant urge to leave the event early. Nala and Mason can handle it....There has to be a reason behind these feelings within me...This...danger I'm sensing.... "Breathe, Zero. Just Breathe." A foreign, feminine and slightly accented voice spoke up from beside him just as a manicured hand reached out and plucked the drink from his hand. Confused, Zero turned to look at the stranger and take his drink back but he was met with the most mesmerizing frost colored, blue eyes he had ever seen. They were gorgeous, filled with so much depth and yet unreadable. His breath hitched in his throat as he took in the woman before him, one he had never seen before and yet she felt like she had been a part of him all of his life. It was a conflicting emotion, one he allowed to consume him as he took in everything about her, including how easily she downed his whisky in one go. For a moment, he forgot to breathe but her raised brow and her subtle step toward him seemed to return his senses with a vengeance and push him into taking a long, deep breath before releasing it. His mind was alive, not with worry or speculation but with absolute clarity and a calm contentment that seemed to encompass his entire body. "That's good. Now, how about a dance?" ***
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