Chapter One

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*** The Manor was alive with activity, the Însoțitors- vampire servants, rushing in their duties to prepare for the return of their Queen and Master. Many centuries had passed since the inception of such urgency. Since the Great Valentine Manor was alive with so much activity. But it was all with good reason for the Queen had not only returned but would soon see the Domnul- the Aristocratic Vampire Households- visit her and welcome her back to her rightful place on the throne. Reina watched all this from the balcony in her room, exhaustion wading through her at the thought of being part of all the fan fare that came with being Royalty. There was a reason she had chosen Darkness over everything else, over the eagerness of the Aristocrats to kiss her ass. Raiser has always been better at politics than I am. I would much rather stay away from the aristocrat's nonsense but alas, I don't have much of a choice anymore... Thoughts of her Twin brother had Reina frowning, her heart constricting painfully at the thought of having left him for so many years, all on his own. It broke her to know that he had always come to her tomb for counsel, to feel close to her despite her Stasis sleep. She had left a massive responsibility to him and although he had done an incredible job of keeping everything and everyone together, it broke her to think of the crippling loneliness he must have gone through. We only had each other in this damned world and I failed him...I left him because I could not handle my grief and despair. The only way I can be able to repay him is by ensuring that I finish what he started. I must keep our people safe. Its the least I can do for him... A knock on the door brought her back from her thoughts as she turned towards it and away from the increased activity below. "Enter." Her voice was strong, alerting the individuals on the other side who slowly opened the door and bowed low before their Queen. "Your Majesty, My name is Mira. I am the head of the Valentine Household's Însoțitors- the household cleaning staff. I am at your service for anything and everything you may need." Mira and two other Însoțitor women bowed low before her, each of them filled with reverence at being in the presence of their Queen after so many years of her absence. "Thank you, Mira. It seems the world has changed quite a bit. I will need your assistance to navigate through it until I can get my bearings straight." Reina responded, granting the elderly woman a small smile that she returned before bowing low yet again in respect and acquisence. The world had shifted with technology reaching great heights since 1922, the year in which Reina had gone into Stasis. Her eyes shifted from her old fashioned, white dress that she had donned before entering the tomb, to the clothing options that the two Însoțitor women placed on her King sized bed. "The Aristocratic Nobles from House Delacour and House Kisner have arrived to pay their respects and welcome your return. We are here to assist you to prepare to receive them. I have chosen some clothing options for you to pick from as we prepare a bath for you." Mira reported, glancing over to the two women who were quick to nod and disappear through the open glass doors that led into the said bathroom. Water began to run soon after, the scent of cherry blossoms and vanilla filling the room. Reina scanned through the options, picking out her favorites as Mira placed them aside and began to formulate a wardrobe according to her Queen's specifications. "You seem to know my taste quite a bit. Black is my favorite color with red coming in at a close second. I am not a massive fan of bright colors but monochromatic looks should do fine, even if it is white. Also, I would rather stab myself in the eye than wear dresses but I'm afraid I don't have a choice so you can include some options within the mix. I will leave the rest to you." Mira nodded, pleased to have managed to pick out options that pleased her Queen. Rifling through the options, she picked out a dress she knew would be perfect for the formality of the ocassion- especially now that she had been given the go ahead to add dresses to the main wardrobe. "Leave it to me, Your Majesty. I will handle every purchase and otherwise for you. However, if it so pleases you, I believe this dress would be the perfect outfit to welcome your return. It is a designer dress we had tailor made to your specifications and should speak to not only your status as Queen but will look dashing on you." Mira was excited, her eyes alit with wonder and anticipation at seeing her Queen grace their world with her overwhelming presence once more. Despite their love for Prince Raiser, they knew well enough that Queen Reina's return was all that he wanted and thereby what they all desired. To see the Royals stand tall and strong once more, rulers of their race... Reina gazed at the dress, admiring the gorgeous design. Spaghetti straps held up a corsetted upper bodice that cinched the waist at the middle before flowing out into lace appliques that seemed to be ankle-length long. It was a truly beautiful dress and Reina knew it would fit perfectly with the upper society Aristocrats she was about to face. With a simple nod of agreement, Mira granted her a wide grin before placing the dress aside from the rest and gathering all the accompaniments that would go with it. From diamond bracelets and necklace to peep toe, strappy, red bottomed sandals- everything came together into the perfect look that left Reina breathless several minutes later once she gazed at her transformation in the full length mirror before her. "Oh Your Majesty...You look amazing. I am glad you decided not to cut your hair. It frames your face perfectly and is certainly a wonderful choice. A big change from the past years." Mira breathed, admiring her handiwork as she gazed at not only the outfit but at her make up that consisted of black eye shadow, mascara, winged eye liner and red lipstick. Her waist length hair was up in a bun, rhinestones melded into the curly strands. Reina was not sure why she had chosen to keep her hair after all. It was a source of despair to her in the past, angered her enough to cut it short to keep the memories at bay. This awakening felt different, though. A foreboding filled her entire being, almost as if a warning that nothing would be the same in this new age. So why not do things differently? Besides, Raiser always liked my hair long. He may not be here to see it but I'm sure he would be pleased... Reina blocked out her longing for her brother as quickly as it came, choosing instead to focus on the task ahead. One which would not be easy. In order for her to be able to finish what Raiser started, she would need to put her all into it. No distractions or everything would crumble before her. Our future depends on this...I must focus... "Thank you, Mira. Alright then, it is time. Let us go receive our guests." The hallways of the modern, lavish, Spanish-style mansion were alive with activity as every single member of the household staff bowed low before their Queen as she passed. Each of them could sense the power that surrounded her, the immense presence she beheld that was known to bring people to their knees. William and Finneas were waiting at the threshold leading into the throne room, the two bowing low at the sight of their Master as well. "Your Majesty, we have prepared a feeding chamber for you to retire into before..." William began when Reina shook her head, instantly silencing the servant who gazed at his Master in confusion. It had been almost a century since she last fed and although that was not an unordinary feat for the Queen of Vampires as compared to others, it was still cutting it close to absolute hunger which would be a disaster not only for the Vampire race but the Queen as well. Having her go raving mad from hunger would be a true catastrophe... "Not now, William. I will inform you when I am ready." She responded simply, turning her gaze to the double doors that were quickly opened by the waiting servants. William and Finneas shared a look but neither voiced their worried thoughts, choosing instead to bow low in acquisence. "As you wish, My Master." William murmured, straightening up only when Reina proceeded into the grand room. High ceilings, black marble floors and grand pillars signified only part of the impressive opulence of the room. Draped in red and black silks, the scene was set in an almost gothic-like look with early century influence. Floor to ceiling windows brought in the light needed to brighten up the place somewhat, the sun's rays casting the chandeliers in different light. Reina observed the Însoțitors walking behind her before turning her gaze to the windows. The sunlight did not affect them which meant that the glass was double paned. Technology had clearly advanced enough to benefit the Însoțitors- Cleaning staff who did not have the capability to purchase the Daywalking Amulets. Only Mira brandished one around her neck as the Head of the Staff and ultimately the one who would be sent out on errands should the need arise. The throne loomed before Reina, the sight of it sending a chill through her as memories of sitting upon it and standing beside it during her parents' rule came back in waves. Anxiety curled at the pit of her stomach, almost as if her body knew that sitting upon it once more meant that nothing would be the same ever again. It would mean that I have really returned and not in the best of circumstances after all... Steeling herself, Reina ascended the steps as the rest stood at the bottom, each of them bowing low as she took her seat on it after taking a deep, calming breath. Although the immense size of the throne seemed to cushion and lessen her actual size, her regalness and air of power was unmistaken by all who looked upon her. The Queen of Vampires was well and truly back. "You may Rise. Also, send in the guests." She declared, her voice carrying over to the figures before her who each took their positions as the servants opened the massive, oak brown double doors at the very end of the room. Four individuals walked down the black carpet that led towards the throne room, each of them dressed fashionably with an air of power and opulence surrounding them. Many could tell an Aristocratic Vampire not only from the vampiric energy that surrounded them amassed over years and years of life but also from the way they carried themselves. They were considered to be the one among the highest classes in their world. A powerful but also incredibly scheming and sly crowd. "Your Majesty. It is an honor to stand before you after One Hundred Years of your absence. I am equally honored to be among the first to welcome you back from your Stasis." Reina instantly recognised Lord Felix Delacour, the Head of the Aristocratic House Delacour. He was the current Patriach of his Household, taking over three hundred years before after the death of his Father. Not much had changed about the man from his handsome, inhuman features that all Vampires possessed. His green eyes shone with true reverence, his dark blonde hair styled perfectly whereas his outfit consisted of the finest threads from this century no doubt. His loyalty to the Royal Family seemed to stand firm, his aura indicating no form of deception to Reina who watched him through cautious eyes. It would be a massive mistake to underestimate or overlook anything the Aristocrats did. Especially after her absence. Alleigances shifted ever so easily in their world... "Thank you, Lord Delacour. It is good to see you after such a long time." Reina's words were measured, calculated whilst relaying a silent message of thanks for his continued support of her family. The two shared a knowing look, one that didn't seem to go unmissed by the Patriach standing beside the Lord of the Delacour House. "I hope you are just as glad to see me as well, Your Majesty. Especially considering how long I have been waiting to meet with you once more. The Crown Prince and I have been working closely over the years to ensure the prosperity not only of our fellow kind but of the Valentine Royal Household." Reina's gaze slowly shifted to the loud, boisterous man before her. Lord Andrei Kisner was one of the oldest serving Aristocrats, his influence spreading far and wide due to the multiple years he has been around- many of which he spent serving the Royal Family. His Father had been the former King's closest friend and confidant. Although the same could not be said of Andrei and Reina, their family's close relationship had never waned. Many speculated their inability to get along just as well was due to their age difference with Andrei being older than the Royal Twins but others knew well enough it was solely due to their different opinions and approach on how to rule over the Vampire race. Whereas Lord Kisner fully respected Raiser Valentine and served him well, the same could not be said about his reverence of the Queen. He is simply a misogynistic asshole who believes my brother should have fought harder to be born first. And I probably have proved all of his misogynistic opinions with my hands off approach of ruling. I see Andrei still isn't my biggest fan...No surprise there... Reina mused inwardly, allowing herself the slightest amusement to seep through her carefully crafted wall. She loved riling up the man before her, one who was already struggling to hold back his eye twitch at her visible amusement. He hated her guts all the more each and every single day. "Thank you, Lord Kisner, for providing my brother with such avid support. I am grateful for your dedication to ensuring our people's prosperity." Reina chose not to comment on his 'eagerness' to see her again. They both knew that was BS and neither one of them said much on it. Everybody watched the silent war between the two. It was not much of a secret that Lord Kisner was not a fan of their Queen but his power and influence protected him from severe punishment anyone else would have received for such a crass comment and approach. William was especially irritated despite his cool features, knowing well enough not to say anything without his Master's express permission. Even if he hated the Aristocrat's guts with everything in him... "But of course. All for the Prosperity of the Vampire Race. Speaking of the continued strength of our people, our Queen must be in tip top shape if she is to face all the matters waiting and to catch up on work. Which is why I have prepared for you a special gift- a welcome back present from the Kisner Household," Lord Kisner stated, a wide, unsettling grin on his lips as he called forward a meek looking young woman who looked like she wanted to be anywhere but beside the Aristocrat. Her gaze was downcast, looking away from the Queen but Reina could already see it, the fear in her eyes which instantly had her blood boiling as she turned her gaze back to the smirking Lord. "I know you must be famished after a century of slumber. I, therefore, offer you one of my daughters as a present. Her blood is pure, untainted and should be enough to help you regain your strength. You may drain her if you so wish. She will, after all, be your property as she was mine... step forward, girl! Offer yourself to Her Majesty!" He growled the last part, shoving the young woman forward who was quick to follow her father's words and kneel before Reina before pulling her flimsy gown down to reveal her neck to the Vampire Queen. "I am ready to be of service to you, Your Majesty." Her voice shook violently but her words were clear all the same to everyone in the room who dumbfoundedly watched the scene before them. "Have you lost your mind, Kisner?!" Lord Delacour murmured angrily, fixing the incredibly pleased Lord Kisner with a hard glare which didn't seem to faze the man in any way. No, he was watching the Queen whose gaze was fixated on the girl's neck. He knew she could scent what everyone else in the room could. The purity of the girl was unmistaken. Her bloodline was strong as was her determination to be fed upon. It was a true aphrodisiac indeed, one that was irresistible for any one of the individuals within the room who were trying and failing to hide their enamor. All including their Monarch. Yes, go on. Feed on her and show us your savagery, Queen Reina...Show us your hypocritical side... Lord Kisner mused, anticipation pouring off of him in waves. Reina observed the woman before her closely, taking all of her features into account. Despite inheriting her Father's chestnut brown hair, everything else was different and likely inherited from her mother- whichever one of Andrei's mistresses that was. The man was a serial casanova with multiple women and just as many children scattered all over despite being married to a Vampire of Noble birth. The young woman before Reina was considered worthless to the misogynistic man a few ft. away because of her gender. It was no secret that Andrei valued his sons above all his daughters. No, he considered his girls cattle- good only for selling to the highest bidder and breeding them. It was why the young lady before her now had been discarded so callously. He doesn't care if she lives or dies...a very real possibility considering how long I have gone without feeding... Reina reigned in her urges, turning away just as her vampiric eyes flashed true. Yes, the girl was untainted and smelled truly delectable but it would be a mistake to feed into whatever sick, twisted game Andrei Kisner was playing. He is such an asshole... "That will not be necessary, Lord Kisner. But I will receive your...'gift'." Reina responded, her voice firm as she planted the Aristocrat with what seemed like a blank look but secretly spoke volumes of how much she wanted to tear him apart. Not many could feel or see through her intent. She had allowed herself to show him just what she thought of his little twisted game. Just this once, she wanted to remind him and only him of who she was and why she sat upon the throne and he didn't. He seemingly got the message loud and clear by the small step back he took as he lowered his gaze at the pressure of her power. Only people who were reasonably powerful were able to sense this shift and each of them shared a knowing look, small smiles on their lips at the discpline she dished out. "Mira, please take the young lady to the guest chambers and cater to her every need." Reina ordered, earning a nod from the Head of her Staff who was quick to assist the young woman to her feet and lead her out of the room. Lord Kisner did not even glance her way as she left and neither did the young woman who seemed truly shaken by the events and the fact that she was still alive- all due to the Queen's generosity. "Now then, we have prepared an especially delectable meal for you all. We can discuss anything further in the dining room. Finneas, if you would kindly escort them there." The Servant nodded, bowing low before her with the rest before he led the Aristocrats out of the room. Soon, only she and William remained within with the Royal taking a deep breath to calm her hunger which lurked in the sidelines. "My Master..." William began, concern etched on his features as he watched his Master's eyes flash vampiric before disappearing as quickly as it came. "I'm fine, William. Don't worry about me. In the meantime, something has been in the back of my mind. Raiser asked me to find someone when we were communicating telepathically before he went into Stasis. He said his name was...Zero? He insisted that we would need to find him as soon as possible. That this Zero's life might be in danger. Do you know who he could have been referring to?" The Servant blanched at the mention of the name, growing even paler if that were possible. Reina noted all this with increased interest, raising a brow in question as she waited for the man before her to tell her what she needed to knew. And it was seemingly news that would not be as pleasant judging from his reaction... "The man he was referring to... His full name is Zero Black, CEO of Black Enterprises and Holdings and also...he is Zachary Black's son." William's words did nothing to abate Reina's aches from deep within. If anything, it worsened it all the more... ***
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