Chapter Thirteen

1276 Words
*** Reina glanced up as they entered the computerized gates. That was a new improvement. Technology had clearly spread a significant distance, well into the 'Highlands'. She was slowly growing accustomed to the changes within the new world she had awoken to that was far beyond in advancements than she had anticipated. It was a new age and that meant that she had to ensure her people survived and thrived through this century and beyond. Her mind flittered back to the task ahead, the threat looming over them and the revelations that she had garnered from coming back to Caldwell. The spectral who visited her was right. There was so much more than meets the eye on the sidelines and following her gut by accepting Zero’s invitation had been the right move. Missing it would have been disastrous, not only for me but for Zero too… Her mind shifted back to the funeral and to the new emotions that she felt bubbling up from within her. Emotions she was not sure how to comprehend or accept because they clashed with the fundamental rules she had set for herself. This connection I now have with him is rather troublesome but if it means finding the culprits behind this mess then so be it… She wasn’t the only one who noticed her shifted body language after her personal moment with Zachary. Maya had been worried and confused by the new energy that seemed to course through her and the longing stares she granted the new Head of the Black Household- a contrast to the usual glares and nonchalance. Zorin Demonaire’s perceptive gaze had caught onto her shifted countenance and proven why everyone preferred to stay away from his proximity. Comments on her past had reminded her of why she hated the Black Bloodline with a vengeance and irritation began to cloud her thoughts at the mere possibility that the situation she was now in was a ploy by her brother and Zachary to keep Zero close and safe. But then she sensed his devastation, confusion, desperation and determination- those had been enough to eliminate some of the volatile emotions going through her. She clutched at her heart as she felt his presence once again, knowing that this would become a normal occurrence for a period of time. ''Are you okay, My Master?'' William asked, glancing nervously at her. She nodded, feeling the intensity fade away but the residual emotions were still lingering. ''Yes, I'm fine. My connection to him is still quite strong despite the distance. Unless he’s making his way here…'' She muttered, remembering the longing look he granted her as Clark barred his advances towards them. Maya had been ready to give the Assistant Head of the Hunter’s Association a piece of her mind for his words that rang crystal clear for them through their Supernatural hearing but Reina’s subtle shake of the head had stalled her advances. They could not risk an altercation in full view of the mortals. Reina was, however, pleased by Zero’s rebuttal and refusal to back down. He was clearly more capable than she had given him credit. He’ll come to me…Somehow, he’ll find his way… Her gaze presently shifted to the beautifully manicured lawns before her, the Jasmine tree at its full bloom sending a waft of heavenly aroma their way. The mansion looked amazing from the outside, its original cream colour seeming to have been repainted once more. A grey tarmac driveway had been added leading up to the main entrance and she couldn’t help but be in awe as she took in all the advancements. William opened her door once they got to the end of the driveway, proferring his hand for her as she got out of the sleek, Black car. Her gaze drifted to the entire landscape, marvelling at the changes that had been affected. The familiarity and the sense of belonging were still present though, reminding her of a time long past. She had turned away from this mansion centuries back, refusing to return to the place that had caused her so much grief and threatened to break her. Raiser was the only one who came to visit over the years, resulting in a strengthened relationship between him and Zachary. His urgings for her to come with him had been met with resistance and sometimes fights that neither one of them wanted to have. In the end, he had let it go and she had pushed the mere thought of coming back to the crevices of her mind- never to be explored. During their flight, a part of her had been somewhat repulsed by the mere mention of sleeping within the confines of this very place and yet now, everything seemed to have changed somewhere within her. ''It's beautiful, William. When was it done?'' She inquired, turning to William who smiled and shrugged from beside her. ''There have been multiple renovations over time, each of them ordered by His Highness, Prince Raiser. The most recent is from three years ago. He wanted the house to be continually modernized but never shifted from the foundations of the old design. He had hoped that one day, you would return and be comforted by the changes that would help assuage the pain you experienced. He had wanted to give you a tour himself when the time came but I would be honoured to take his place if you would allow me?'' William asked, watching as she processed his words and the emotions that they elicited. It was rare to see such raw displays from her. Over time, he had watched her shut down any inkling as to her true feelings- a truly devastating outcome for those who knew her before the burdens of her position and the tragic occurrences of her past had shadowed her light. “I would like that. Thank you, William.” Her acceptance came as a surprise to him but he did not waver, smiling as he led her first to the Jasmine Tree closest to the Manor which was one of the most important monuments within the Estate. Reina followed her Servant, memories of her childhood clouding her mind in that moment. She could see herself as a young girl, laughing so innocently as she struggled to outrun the beautiful red-haired boy trying to catch her- her little brother Raiser. She'd known that if she eventually got to the top of the tree, then maybe she would have had a chance. She could still see his mocking smile as he told her that it would never work and indeed it never did work. He always found a way to get to her. To get to their favourite spot. Their hide away from everything. She presently put out her hand as yet another purple jasmine leaf fell on it, pulling her back to yet another memory of her lying beside one of the most important people in her life. This was a memory from a much more distant past, a time in her life that she had sworn never to recall and yet the nostalgia of being back in their original home had taken over her thoughts fully and completely. She could still remember his voice, his laugh as they ran down these very fields and collapsed under the safety of the Jasmine Tree. She remembered those eyes…the way she got lost in the storm of them. How they consumed her as he held her close and made so many promises. As they planned their life beyond what was expected of them. What a f*****g joke that had been…So Naive and Illogical… ***
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