Chapter Twelve

1937 Words
*** Zero watched as they led his father's coffin into the tomb, a tear escaping his eye that he was quick to wipe away despite the urge deep within to let all of the volatile emotions coursing through him out. All he could focus on was gaining justice for him. That was the only thing that was centring him, giving him the strength to stand firm and push back all the devastating emotions coursing through him and threatening to make him break down. I will get to the root of all of this, Father. I will make you proud and become the son you have always wished me to be. Our family's legacy will never fade but will stand strong in the wake of my ascension as the new Head of our Household... It was a promise he knew he would keep and work towards fulfilling... It would keep him sane... His friends and family's presence somewhat helped, kept him standing strong in the wake of the final stages of the funeral. He had met many people, all of whom expressed their condolences and their fond memories of his Father. He was a man they all respected and were just as torn up about his passing as he was. Zero could not help but wonder how many of them knew his father not as a member of one of the founding families of Caldwell but as the Head of the Hunter's Association. His gaze fluttered over to where Reina Valentine stood, his entire form pulled in not only by her presence but at the memory of their interaction in the Church. All the thoughts he had accumulated over the time he had not seen her seemed to fade in comparison to having her so close. I can't believe she actually came...I didn't think she would answer the call but I guess there is more to her than I know... He looked up at that very moment and was met by her icy blue eyes that pierced right through his soul, making him feel a sudden calmness that he hadn't realized he'd been longing for until that very moment. The connection he'd felt earlier was still so strong that he could feel it claw at him, begging him to interact with her more. To feel her soft, well-manicured hand in his once more. I want to know her, discover all I can... ''Hey Zero, you good?'' Mason asked from beside him, pulling him from his shared look with Reina who also seemed to be pulled into a conversation by some of her companions. ''Yeah, I'm okay. Thank you for being here. I really appreciate you, brother.'' Zero stated, the two hugging tight as Mason kept his own emotions at bay. Seeing his friend in pain hurt him more than he thought he would but he knew he needed to be strong for him. Especially with the craziness that they had discovered in the past few days. Zero would need all the support he could get and something within him was sure that he was the one who needed to be by his side in this time. His gaze followed Zero's own once they pulled away from each other, noting his fixation on a beyond gorgeous woman he suspected was the one they had been looking for. Their chemistry in the Church had been undeniable despite the fact that Clark Grant seemed ready to pop a blood vessel. There was a clear tension between the Hunters and the Vampires who, as of now, were still glaring over at where the inhumanly beautiful and somewhat intimidating individuals stood- oblivious and uncaring of the negative attention they were receiving. ''I'm guessing she's the one you sent a message to. I understand your fixation, brother. She's gorgeous but if you keep staring at her like that, your Uncle might literally pop a couple of blood vessels." Mason murmured, glancing at the Vampire Queen before shifting his attention to Clark who was silently glaring at the Vampires- seemingly in a heated conversation with his companions who were most likely hunters. Zero found himself smiling, amused by his friend's comical warning. He was not wrong, though. The animosity had been there but Zero didn't care. He needed to speak to her and no one would be able to stand in his way- not even his Godfather. It saddened Zero not being able to rely on the man but he knew that caution was key and his father's instructions were given for a reason. Father Ramone, Mason and Reina were his most trusted companions for the moment and they would ensure his sanity as he worked towards finding justice for his Father. ''I'm going to have that meeting with her, no matter what. Uncle Clark can't stop me. I won't let him.'' Zero stated firmly, determination coursing through him. Mason nodded in full agreement, knowing full well that their best chance lay with the red-haired goddess who now raised a brow at something her companion said. Shock seemed to resonate through the little group as they all stared at the older man in surprise which morphed into annoyance for some whereas Reina seemed undisturbed. "That doesn't look too good..." Mason murmured, earning a nod from Zero who found himself moving before he could comprehend his actions. His steps faltered, though, at the sight of his Uncle who stepped before him and barred his advance. ''Don't do it, Zero. Their tussles should not concern you. I told you to stay away from them and I meant it. They are dangerous, the embodiment of pure evil and she stands at the head of their corrupted race." Venom dripped from Clark's words, taking both Mason and Zero aback as they internalized his words. For some reason, Zero found himself struggling to contain his anger. He hated that his Uncle was so close-minded and the mere thought of Reina being privy to such hate-filled him with unease and anger. "You talk of them- of her as if you know her. Your judgement of them as a whole is pretty dark and uncalled for, Uncle. I mean I know I don't have much info on this other world that you all live in but the prejudice you are displaying is certainly unlike you. I know the kind of person you are and this is not a good look for you." Zero could not hold back his comments, noting vaguely that Reina was now aptly staring at them. His focus was shifted back to his Uncle, though, who seemed perturbed by the words he had spoken before a kind of exasperation hng heavy on his shoulders and seemingly his entire form. "Zero, you don't understand. There is so much more than meets the eye and all I am doing is trying to keep you safe. Please, take the car back to the mansion. There is a gathering of mourners who wish to pass their condolences and gather for the final part of the funeral. Leave this world to me. Please." Zero wanted to protest, he really did but he knew his Uncle would not let it go. They were both stubborn as hell with strong personalities that would definitely clash. Zero knew that he would meet with Reina, no matter the consequences or whether his actions would hurt his Uncle. The tension between them was high as they stared off, ignoring the curious looks they were garnering from everyone. I am sorry, Uncle Clark, but I must find the truth. No matter the cost... "Alright, you two. That's enough. We're making the humans uncomfortable." Father Ramone's voice was the icebreaker they needed as the two men backed away from each other and finally noted the tension that had spread throughout the gathering of mourners. Mason sighed in relief, glad that someone had managed to get through to them. He was unsure of whether to step in, scared that the situation would escalate. But the Priest had known exactly what to do and it had been the perfect way to calm them all. "Zero, I'll hitch a ride with you to the Manor. We must finish your father's funeral rites. You know that... And don't worry, Clark. I'll make sure he gets there in good time and performs his obligations. Is that an amicable arrangement for you both?" The Priest asked, turning his gaze from one man to the other. Clark nodded tensely before turning away, leaving Zero who hesitated, his gaze turning to Reina whose intense icy blues lingered momentarily on him before she turned away, prompting the rest to do the same. A gorgeous blonde woman who looked right about her age seemed to be opposed to her sudden exit, granting him what seemed like an apologetic shrug before she followed her out. The sight of her back turned to him filled him with the same kind of longing it had the first night they met. He knew what came after- the crushing loneliness and obsessive thoughts that didn't seem to want to grant him peace. He needed to be beside her, no matter what. He could not allow himself to go through what he had. Being far away from her had been absolute torture. "But Father Ramone..." Zero began to protest when the Priest shook his head, his gaze relaying something that Zero had missed in due to his clouded thoughts. Mason saw it too, choosing to grant his best friend a silent but reassuring nod. Father Ramone had a plan but he needed to agree to his suggestion now to keep Clark from being suspicious. The seasoned Hunter was already staring at them in confusion, waiting to fight his godson once more. Zero released a long sigh before nodding and turning towards the exit where everyone was headed. "Zero...please understand that everything I am doing is to keep you safe." Clark urged, unable to keep the words back. He needed the young man to understand his motivations. He could not stand being at odds with him. "It's okay, Uncle. I understand. Thank you." Zero granted him a small smile before he proceeded towards the exit with Mason and Father Ramone flanking him on either side after they said their goodbyes to Clark who lingered back with his fellow Hunters and some of the mourners who would not be proceeding to the Black Manor. "Well, that was intense." Mason murmured, earning nods from the two men. The parking lot loomed before them, a sleek Chevrolet SUV waiting to take them back home. "Please tell me you have a plan because I am not going to miss my opportunity to meet with Reina Valentine." Zero urged, learning a chuckle from the Priest as he ran a hand through his long, brown hair. "Of course, I have a plan. I didn't go through all those lengths to get her here so that you miss your chance. Heck, I didn't think she'd agree but I guess she also has her own motivations for coming. She left strict instructions, however, that she would not meet you at Black Manor- which is understandable of course." Mason and Zero frowned in confusion, waiting for the Priest to continue his explanation. "So where..." Mason began when the Priest grinned wide, his reaction taking the two men aback. "We are going to venture into a place where no Hunter has gone in and come out alive. Caldwell may be predominantly Hunter territory but there are areas in which the Vampires reign supreme. The Highlands are also home to The Valentine Manor. That's where we're going." ***
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