Chapter 13

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Year 5 1995 //Voldemort's Secret Weapon and The Hearing// “If anyone has a right to know its Harry and Robyn.” Sirius voice was heard threw the extendable ears – Fred and George’s invention – Robyn glanced up at Harry who was opposite her. This had to be one of the strangest situations she’d found herself in. Listening to an ear on the end of a string. “If it wasn’t for them we wouldn’t even know Voldemort was back. They’re not children, Molly.” “But they’re not adults either!” Mrs. Weasley exclaimed “They’re not James and Lily.” “They’re not your kids.” Sirius retorted snidely, “They’re as good as.” Was Mrs. Weasley’s defence, Robyn’s lips twitched into a faint smile at her words “Who else have they got?” Sirius hissed angrily, “They’ve got me.” “How touching of you Black.” Robyn’s eyes widened at the sound of Professor Snapes voice coming from the ear “Perhaps they will turn out to be a felony just like their godfather.” “You say out of this, Snivvelus.” Sirius snarled and Robyn’s eyebrows furrowed and she glanced up at her brother as he whispered in confusion, “Snape’s part of the order?” "Git.” Was all Ron replied with. “…I know better.” Sirius snapped, the voices were muffled as Hermione’s fat ginger car, Crookshanks, pawed and the ear and attempting to pull it off the string. “Crookshanks!” Hermione whispered hastily, “Hermione, stop your bloody cat.” Ron hissed, “Crookshanks leave it alone!” Hermioen begged just as the cat pulled the ear off the string and Robyn dropped the string in her hand and looked up at Hermione with a blank expression, “I take back everything nice I ever said about that fur ball.” She grumbled and Hermione shot her a glare as Ron added “Hermione I hate your cat.” s “Bad Crookshanks” Hermione said but the cat was long gone, now happily playing with its new chew toy. Robyn sighed to herself then followed the Weasleys down the steps at Mrs. Weasley’s call for dinner. The door opened and Mrs. Weasley walked over with a bright smile on her peachy face as she said, “We’ll be eating down in the kitchen.” Just then, the Weasley twins apperated with a loud pop behind them causing Mrs. Weasley to yelp in fright and she threw her hands in the air in rage as she exclaimed, “Just because your allowed to use magic now does not mean you have to whip your wands out for everything!” Robyn stopped in front of Mrs. Weasley as she turned to face her and Harry, “Im sure you’re both very hunrgy.” “You sure your both alright? You gave us quite a turn.” Mr Weasley asked them wrapping an arm around his wife’s shoulder. Mr. Weasley hadnt changed much, if at all since Robyn had last seen him. He still had a freckled face with blue eyes and a pointed nose. Of course, the striking red hair that was the signature look of the Weasley family. She also had no doubt she would be asked about muggle objects whilst here with him - not that she had any objections. His interest in such simple things was almost childlike. “Harry and Robyn Potter.” Robyn turned to look at her godfather and a wide smile formed on her face as Sirius addressed them and the two Weasley’s parted into the kicthen, leaving the three black haired people in the corridor. Their godfather opened his arms for them with a grin on his wizened face. She ran forward and hugged him tightly, pressing her face into his shoulder. He wrapped his arm around her with a smile and kissed her head softly. Her body relaxed as comfort laid over her. Anywere Sirius was, was home. She pulled back and he looked down at her then she stepped aside as her brother hugged him tightly. It was then that she noticed Remus lingering behind Sirius with his scarred and tired face holding a small smile. Robyn locked eyes with him then walked forward and embraced him in a hug that he clearly wasn’t anticipating. His body stiffened then relaxed and soon he hugged back. She pulled back and he led her, along with Sirius and Harry into the kitchen. Robyn took a seat beside Harry and Remus and the food was placed before her. She breathed in the smell deeply and her whole body filled with warmth and her mouth with saliva. Nothing was better than Mrs. Weasley’s cooking. Once everyone had been served, Robyn tucked in with glee. She restrained herself from moaning at the taste as Mr. Weasley commented, casually, “It’s very peculiar. Your hearing at the minister is to be before the entire wizengamot court.” “I don’t understand,” Robyn began, swallowing her food, “what’s the minister for magic got against us?” It didnt go unnoticed by Robyn that the adults at the table looked at eachother nervously. “Show them.” said Moody after a few seconds, “They’ll find out soon enough.” Robyn looked at Mad-Eye before looking between her god-father and Remus then at at the rest of the table who stared at them worriedly. What were they hiddjng? She and Harry then turned to Kingsley who handed them the Daily Prophet. Immediately she was greater with a picture of Harry and Robyn on the first page with the words ‘THE BOY AND GIRL WHO LIES?’ In bold. Robyn’s eyebrows furrowed in confusion as she began scanning the paper quickly. It talked about then lying about seeing you-know-who during the tri-wizard tournament. “He’s been attacking Dumbledore as well.” S Sirius as the front page turned to a picture of Fudge with the title, ‘FUDGE: “ALL IS WELL”.’ Robyn raised an eyebrow as she stared at the pudgy face before her, “Fudge is using all his power, including his influence of the daily Prophet, to smear anyone who clams that Dark Lord has returned.” “Why?” asked the Potter twins in unison looking at their god father. “The Minister thinks that Dumbledore is after his job.” Remus answered solomely. “But that insane!” exclaimed Harry “No one in their right mind would think Dumbledore – “ “That’s exactly the point.” Remus cut across with a small sigh, “Fudge isn’t in his right mind, it’s been twisted and warped by fear. Now, fear makes people do terrible things. The last time Voldemort gained power he almost destroyed everything we hold most dear.” Robyn saw Remus’s eyes flick to Sirius and she turned her gaze to him. His head was bowed and his jaw clench and gazed at the floor as if in a trance. Clearly something was on his mind. Remus continuued, “Now he’s returned I’m afraid the Minister would do almost anything to avoid that terrifying truth.” “We think,” Robyn looked up at Sirius who seemed to have snapped out of his trance, “Voldemort wants to build up his army again. Fourteen years ago he had huge numbers at his command and not just witches and wizards but all manner of dark creatures. He’s been recruiting heavily and we’ve been attempting to do the same but gathering followers isn’t the only thing he’s interested in.” Mad-Eye cleared his throat as if to stop serious continuing “We believe Voldemort might be after something – “ “Sirius.” warned Mad-Eye, Robyn eyes flicked to Mad-Eye then back to Sirius, “Something he didn’t have last time.” Sirius continued, taking no notice of the one eyed man. “You mean…” Robyn looked at her brother as he looked down quickly then back up at their godfather “…like a weapon?” Sirius opened his mouth to responsed but Mrs. Weasley got there first, “No!” She snapped “That’s enough. They’re just children.” She placed a hand on the back of Robyn’s seat and pulled the Daily Prophet away from Harry, “You say much more as you might as well induct then into the order straight away.” “Good. I want to join!” Harry said and Robyn nodded in agreement, “If Voldemort’s raising an army I want to fight.” “Me too. This is our fight.” Robyn added looking between Remus and Sirius, her godfather clapped and leaned back in his chair and winked at them to which the twins supressed smiles. *** The following day was Harry and Robyns hearing and, once they and Mr. Weasley had take a very long journey through the London underground, the three of them stood in front of a red telephone box. She glanced around looking for the entrance to the ministy of occurred to her she had no idea what it looked like nor what she was expecting. “I’ve never used the visitor’s entrance before.” Mr. Weasley commented opening the door for them, “Should be fun.” Robyn shared a confused look with Harry then entered the small box first followed by Harry and Mr. Weasley, “I’ll just get my muggle money.” Robyn turned and face the empty street and gulped as they began to sink downwards once a few coins where incerted into the machine. Robyn’s jaw dropped at the sight that she was met with once the telephone box reached the floor of the ministry. Hundreds upon hundreds of wizards were power walking around a massive room with pitch black tiles covering the walls but they seemed to have a tint of green within the blackness. There was also a massive fountain in the centre of the room that seemed to hold the grandness of it even higher. There were offices on one side of the wall. Masses of flying pieces of paper flew threw the air down different exits. Robyn did know where to look. Witches and wizards appeared in bursts of green flames in fireplaces and joined the mass of people and magical creatures that walked I’m through the hall. Robyn stepped out the telephone box and joined the crowd. She spotted someone selling Daily Prophet, “Anybody for the Daily Prophet?” the man called holding out a paper, “Dumbledore: Daft or is he Dangerous?” She frowned then lost the man in the crowd. Robyn, Harry and Mr. Weasley continued walking through the crowds of people and Robyn’s eyes landed on a massive golden statue before she looked up at a large translucent moving image of Fudge. Mr. Weasley directed the teenagers into a crowed lift where Robyn stood between a dwarf and her brother at the front of the lift “Moring Arthur.” A man greated, “Moring Bart.” He replied just as magical paper aeroplanes entered the lift and hovered above them, Robyn and Harry looked up at them in wonder. Mr. Weasley clearly noticed their interest as he leaned downcand whispered to them, “Interdepartmmental memos. Used to use owls. The mess was un-believable.” Robyn let out a small smile just as Kingsley entered the lift and pushed past the twins and whispered something to Arthur. “Merlin’s beard. Thank you, Kingsley. They’ve changed the time of your hearing.” Robyn turned and looked at him, “When is it?” Robyn asked as the gates closed in front of her, “In five minutes.” “Department of mysteries.” A robotic women’s voice informed them as the gates of the lift opened. Robyn walked beside Mr. Weasley with Harry on his other side through a long stretch of corridor where two voices could be heard both of which were familiar to Robyn. One was Lucius Malfoy, Draco Malfoy’s father, and the other was the Minister of Magic, Cornelius Fudge. They passed a branching corridor and they looked to see the two wizards conversing quietly to themselves, Malfoy and Fudge turned to the three. Robyn and Harry stopped for a few seconds and Robyn stared directly at Malfoy and he narrowed his eyes a little before she was nudged forward by Mr. Weasley. She continued walking with her brother and they rounded a corner to come face to face with a large black door with a golden door knob in the center. “Remember, during the hearing speak only when you’re spoken to.” Mr. Weasley informed them quickly, “Keep calm. Neither of you have done anything wrong. As the muggles say ‘Truth will out’. Yes?” Robyn and Harry gave a half-hearted nod in response, “I’m not allowed in I’m afraid.” Robyn slowly looked up at Mr. Weasley her blue iris swimming with fear and he sent her a reassuring smile and rubbed her arm gently, “Good luck you two.” Harry and Robyn took a deep breath before Harry pushed the door open and they walked into the court room. She ran her eyes around the room and gulped at the size. There were lines upon lines of benches around the wall and all gave a perfect view of two seats that were in the centre of the floor. The court was already there. Masses of people in black robes lined the seats and all muttered among themselves as the twins entered. Robyn slowly approached the seats with Harry and sat down. She gulped nervously and breathed deeply just as Fudge entered from a separate door and sat in the large seat that had a small balcony before them. He straightened his hand and picked up a small hammer and tapped it on his desk, “Disciplinary hearing on the twelfth of August for offences committed by Harry James Potter and Robyn Lily Potter.” Read out Fudge “Residence at number four Privite Drive, Little Whinging, Surrey. Interrogators: Cornelius Owem Fudge, Minister for – “ “Witness of the defence!” A voice boomed from behind the twins and Robyn looked back to see Albus Dumbledore enter the courtroom with a stern expression on his face. A small weight lifted off her shoulders and she smiled, “Albus Percival Wulfric…” she watched as he walked around her and her brothers chairs, “...Brian Dumbledore.” Robyn tried to make eye contact with Professor Dumbledore but he didnt look at her, not once. He stopped infront of them and kept his back to Harry and Robyn as he spoke to the court, “So you got our message that the time and place of the hearing at been changed, did you?” Fudged mused with a tight face, “I must have missed it.” said Professor Dumbledore clasping his hands together, “But by a happy mistake I arrived I arrived at the ministry three hours early.” Mutterings ran around the crowd but Professor Dumbledore ignored them as he inquired, “Charges?” “The charges against the accused are as follows: That they did knowingly and in full awareness of the illegality of their actions both produce a protronus charm in the presents of a muggle. Do you deny producing said protrunus?” Fudge explained, “Well, no –“ Harry was cut off by Fudge as he continued, “And you were aware that you were forbidden to use magic outside school while under the age of seventeen?” “Yes, we were but – “ Harry was cut off again by the minister, “Witches and wizards of the of the wizengamot – “ “We were only doing it because of the dementors!” Robyn burst out in desperation, gripping the arms of her chair. Gasps rang around the court members at Robyns words and she felt sweat begin to form on her skin, “Dementors?” a lady asked leaning forward in confusion, “In Little Whinging?” “Yes, that quite clever.” commented Fudge with an expression like the cat who’d got the cream, “Muggles can’t see dementor’s, can they girl? Highly convenient.” “We’re not lying.” Harry said, “There were two of them and if we hadn’t – “ Fudge raised his hand to stop Harry, “I’m sorry to interrupt what, I’m sure, would have been a very rehearsed story,” Fudge leaned forward “but since you can produce no other witnesses of the event – “ “Pardon me, Minister.” Professor Dumbledore stopped him and all eyes turned to him “but as it happens, we can.” Robyn and Harry were directed to a the empty stands behind them just as Mrs. Figg entered. Robyn felt her heart begin to sing happiness as Mrs. Figg sat in Robyn chair and looked up at the wizengamot, “Can you describe the attack?” A lady asked kindly, “What did they look like?” “Well, one of them was very large the other two were rather skinny.” Mrs. Figg began to described and Robyn groaned internally.They were doomed. “Not the children, the dementors.” Fudge said through gritted teeth, “Oh, right.” smiled Mrs. Figg in slight embarrassment, “Um…well…urm…Big. Cloaked. Then, everything went cold although all the happiness had gone from the world,” “Now, look here.” sniggered Fudge, “Dementor’s don’t just wonder into a muggle suburban and happen to come across two wizards. The odds of that of astronomical.” “I don’t think anyone would believe that the dementor’s were there by coincidence, minister.” Corrected Professor Dumbledore as he walked forward. A squeaky cough came from the crowd and Robyn turned to see a story women dressed in all black with a pink frill collar smiling down at Dumbledore sweetly, “I’m sure I must have misunderstood you, Professor.” She commented in a high pitched voice with her eyes blinking like that of a child trying to be innocent, “Dementor’s are, after all, under the control of the Ministry of Magic. It’s so silly of me, but sounded, for a moment, as though you were suggesting that the ministry had ordered the attack on these two children.” “That would be disturbing indeed, Madam undersecretary.” Professor Dumbledore agreed, “That is why I am sure the minister will be mounting a full scale inquiry why the three dementor’s were so far from Azkaban. And why they mounted an attack without authorisation. Of course, there is someone who might be behind the attack.” Fudge leaned forward with his jaw clenched as Professor Dumbledore walked closer, “Cornelius, I implore you to see reason. The evidence that the Dark Lord has returned is incontrovertible.” “He is not back.” Snarled Fudge through gritted teeth, Robyn gulped nervously as Professor Dumbledore looked down before pacing and speaking, “In the matter of Harry and Robyn Potter, the law clearly states that ‘magic maybe used before muggles in life threatening situations’”. “Laws can be changed if necessary, Professor Dumbledore.” Fudge said blankly and Robyn felt terror sink into her bones. “Clearly it has become practice to perform a full clinical trial to deal with a simple matter of underage magic.” Commented the Head Master and Robyn mutterings ran around the crowd at Dumbledore’s words. “Those in favour of conviction.” A lady said and no hands raised for a long time before Fudge slowly put his hand up along with the pink lady from before and a few other members of the crowd, “Those in favour of clearing the accused of all charges.” Nearly everyone raised their hand – bar the onces that had voted for Harry and Robyn’s conviction – along with Mrs. Figg, who quickly out it down when she realised her mistake. The hammer hit the table as Fudge concluded, reluctantly, “Cleared of all charges.”
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