Chapter 12

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Year 5 1995 //Dementor's in Little Whinging and Rescuing From the Dursley It wasn't often that Robyn and Harry took notice of their miss of parents. It was something they'd lived with their entire life and they had suited to it. In their mind, they had eachother and that was all they needed. However, watching a mother dote affectionately on her children in the park before them often brought their missing family memory to their front of their mind. Of course, when their lack of mother and father came to light, it make them question how their life would have been different. This just lead them down a dark hole of depression. Robyn shook her head and pushed ideas about her parents out her head and looked down at her feet as she rocked back and forth on the swing. Beside her was her brother, Harry Potter, who was watching the mother walk her children out her park. She bit her lip and rested her head on the chain of her swing and sighed softly to herself. Would James and Lily Potter have taken her and Harry to the park? Would they have gone into diagon alley with them in first year? Ever since the graveyard Robyn had been having the same recurring nightmare of Cedric Diggory’s death and it had brought back the screams of her mother and the flash of green light that night fourteen years ago. Sniggering was what broke Robyn from her thoughts, she looked up to see Dudley and his gang of idiots lumbing toward them “Beat up another ten year old?” Robyn commented simply at her cousin, Dudley replied with a sneer, “This one deserved it.” The other members of Dudley's gang grunted in agreement. Robyn only knew two out of the four; Piers Polkiss and Malcom Meldo. And she could safely say she didn’t like either of them. “Five against one very brave.” said Harry mockingly, “Well your ones to talk.” Dudley said, “Moaning in your sleep every night. At least I’m not afraid of my pillow.” Dudley and his gang laughed loudly and then Dudley continued evilly, “’Don’t kill Cedric’. Who’s Cedric your boyfriend, Robyn?” Robyn glared him, “She’s already got a boyfriend, Big D." Jeered Piers, licking his reedy lips, “It’s me. Didn’t I tell you?” They laughed again and Robyn bit her lip to keep from shouting in anger, “Cedric’s Harry boyfriend.” “Shut up.” Harry said without much strength behind his words, “’He’s going to kill us, mum!’” Impersonated Dudley, “Where is your mum? Where is your mum, Potters? Is she dead?” The gang let out ‘ooh’s’ behind Dudley “Is she dead?!” “Is she dead, Potters?” Shouted another gang member. The little restraint that Harry had seemed to snap and he ran forward, pulling his wand out of his poked. "HARRY! NO!" Robyn cried and jumped off her swing and ran after him as Harry pointed his wand at Dudley's neck with his jaw clenched. There was silence then laughter filled the air as the gang members began to jeer, their lack of understanding was evident. Dudley gulped and looked between the wand and Harry. Robyn stood behind her brother, "Harry, stop it!" "Aw, let your little brother be brave.” Cooed Piers as he strode forward toward Robyn and then she felt arms wrap around her waist and pull her back against a chest. She thrashed but Pier’s arms locked her own against her body, making it impossible for her to move - it didn't help that Pier was a good half a foot taller than her. Robyn gave up and glared at Dudley whilst Harry’s gaze flicked between her’s and Dudley, clearly trying to figure out what to do. All of a sudden, Robyn felt a harsh wind against her face. It was off because the sky had been clear. She looked up at the sky as her hair began to blow across her face. The once blue clouds above them turned from bright untouched to thick grey storm clouds, all around them became dark and cold. The hair on Robyn's neck and arms stood up and she felt a shiver run down her spine. Dudley’s gang looked around fearfully and Dudley looked at the two Potter’s, clearly thinking they had caused this. “What you two doing?” Dudley asked seriously, “We’re not doing anything.” Harry answered, Pier dropped his grip from Robyn and moved behind Dudley. Robyn stepped away and stood beside her brother as the other boys began to panic. She wrapped her arms around her body nervously as she looked around at the grey clowds. “Let’s get out of here, Dudley!” Shouted Malcom as he and the rest of Dudley’s gang ran off, leaving only the Potters and the only Dursley child. Robyn looked around as paper’s whipped around them as the wind whipped strongly then they all looked up at the darkening sky and she felt the temperature begin to drop more, Robyn felt as if someone had poured ice in her blood as the cold reached past her skin. Then, a drop of water fell on her nose as it began to rain. “Run!” Harry yelled and he shoved his sister forward and all three broke out into a run as fast as they could down a thin dirt lane. Robyn’s heart thumped in her chest as her feet pounded the ground, her hair begun to cling to her face from the falling water. Finally, the three ran under cover of a dimly lit tunnel and slowed down into a jog then stopped, panting heavily. Robyn stopped between her cousin and brother and brushed her wet hair out her eyes and behind her ears. She breathed deeply then looked behind her at the tipping rain, no doubt they were going to have to stay here until the rain passed. However, even she felt that something was wrong. This wasnt a normal storm. Robyn turned and stared down at the long tunnel where the lights began to flicker on and off. She notice the temperature drop again, allowing their breath to become visible. Then, a feeling of dread that she had only felt once before. Her mouth parted as she muttered, barely audiable, “Dementors.” The feeling suddenly became more intense and she looked upward only to have a black scabby hand clamp around her throat and pin her to the wall harshly. Her hands snapped to her neck and scratched and clawed it at it to no avail, fearing the black empty hood that leered before her. “ROBYN!” Harry yelled and moved toward her only to have another one grab his neck and slam him up the wall opposite his sister. Robyn gasped out for breath and kicked her legs widely, “Dudley…run.” She heard Harry wheeze. The creature holding Robyn leaned toward her face opening it’s large mouth. Her mother’s scream echo loudly in her head and she scrunched her face up in pain. It was becoming to painful to bare and she was also loosing air, fast. Suddenly the creature was gone and she turned to see Harry had used the Patronus charm on both his and her dementor sending them away. Robyn dropped to the floor and, still gasping for breath, quickly pulled out her wand and turned around to search for her cousin. She saw himlying flat on his back with a third dementor hovering over him, sucking his memories from him without remorse. “Expecto Patronum!” She shouted and waved her wand which produced a burst of white light that flew toward the dementor and pushed it away from her cousin and out of the tunnel. Robyn dropped the charm and ran, beside her brother, to Dudley who lay frozen but his chest rising and falling. She dropped to her knees, along with her brother, beside their cousin and shook him but he remaid staring at nothing with a look of confusion and illness. Footsteps then reached her ears and she turned to see Mrs. Figg, the cat obessed lady that the Dursley’s used to send Harry and Robyn to whist they went on holiday, standing at the other end of the tunnel. The two began to put their wand away as small lady hurried toward them, “Mrs. Figg.” Addressed Harry as she looked between the three black haired children, “Don’t put your wands away, you two.” Mrs. Figg said “They might come back." Clear enough to say that Robyn and Harry blinked and shared a look of confusion. Robyn limped heavily under the weight of her dumber cousin, even though it was shared with her brother. She glanced at the short women beside her as she spoke, “Dementor’s in Little Whinging. Whatever next? The whole worlds topsy turning." “I don’t understand.” Harry grunted, also looking at Mrs. Figg, “How do you know about – ?” “Dumbledore asked me to keep an eye on you two.” Cut off Mrs. Figg without taking care for Harry's question, “Dumbledore?” repeated Robyn with her eyebrows furrowed “You know who Dumbledore? And what do you mean keep an I on us?” “Yes,” Confirmed the lady, “and after you-know-who kill that poor Diggory boy last year did you expect him to let you two go wondering around on your own? Good lord, they told you were intelligent, Robyn. Now, get inside and stay there. I expect someone will be in touch soon but, whatever happens, don’t leave the house.” Robyn and Harry nodded and Mrs. Figg gave them a little push toward number four and the twins carried Dudley toward the house. She used her free hand to open the door and they walked inside, closing the door behind them as Harry carried Dudley into the lounge where Aunt Petunia was sat in a summer dress with a tanned face, holding a fan to her sweaty face. Robyn saw her face turn to look at them and her relaxed expression turn to one of horror, “Duddy?” gasped their aunt “Vernon, come quick!” Robyn and Harry stepped back as Vernon helped Dudley into an arm chair with a bucket in his large arms, provided by their Aunt, “We’re going to have to take him to hospital." “Who did this to you, boy?” Their uncle asked and Robyn gulped and shared at look with Harry as Dudley raised an arm and pointed it at Harry and Robyn. Their uncle turned to them and walked over to them with an angry expression, “Happy, are we? Now? You’ve finally driven him loopy!" Robyn flinched a little whilst their aunt hissed, “Vernon, don’t say that.” “W-Well j-just look at him, Petunia!” spluttered Vernon, motioning to Dudley who was swaying with a green face, “Our boy has gone yumpy.” Vernon turned to Harry and Robyn and walked toward them “I’ve reached my limit, do you hear? This is the last I’m going to take of you and your nonsense." Just then an owl flew into the room and smacked into the ceiling after dropping a letter on the ground. Robyn watched as the letter flew upward and hovered infront of the Potter twins, then letter turned into a face and began to speak: “Dear Mr. and Miss. Potter, the ministry has received intelligence that at six twenty-three this evening you both preformed the patronus charm in the presence of a muggle. As a clear violation of the decree for the reasonable restriction of under-aged sorcery, you are both here by expelled from Hogwart’s School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.” Harry and Robyn’s jaws dropped in shock and Robyn felt her heart sink as the one happiness she had began to fade. The letters tone turned perky and happy as it finished, “Hoping you are well, Mafalda Hopkirk.” Then, the letter dropped and ceiled itself again. and Robyn’s breath caught in her throat as she stared at it in shock and sadness, what was there left to be happy about? Of course, there was one person who was exceedingly happy to hear the letter and that was Vernon Dursley. He expressed it with a gleeful hiss, "Justice." Harry slammed his fists against the wardrobe causing Oswald and Hedwig to squeak, Robyn to flinch and the picture of their mum and dad to fall onto the floor face down. She stared at the frame from her position on the bed with her hands on her lap. Harry bent and picked up the frame and looked at the smiling faces of their parents, “I’m sorry, Hedwig, Oswald.” Harry muttered sitting beside Robyn and placing the frame on his bedside table and watching their parents dance with large smiles on their faces. Robyn sighed softly and stood and walked over to her bed and pulled the covers back and lay down in silence. She pulled the sheets over herself and rolled onto her side, back to her brother and stared at the wall. Robyn sighed quietly and closed her eyes and fell into a deep sleep, “You have to straighten your arm.” Robyn said and lifted the arm of a student before her, “Think of your happiest memory.” “I don’t exactly have one.” The person muttered looking down, Robyn couldn’t see their face as the image was so blurry. Robyn rolled her eyes and shook her head as she laughed kindly, “Just think.” The person huffed and pointed the wand outward and closed their eyes then waved the wand then snapped their eyes open, “Expecto Patronum!” A tiny wisp of white came from the tip of the person’s wand and Robyn smiled at the student who’s expression was one of shock, “What was your memory of?” Robyn asked and the person froze and they looked down at her, “Just something...Doesn't matter...” They muttered and Robyn raised an eyebrow before the person then said, “I can show you, though.” Robyn’s eyes closed and she could only see blackness the only thing she felt was a pair of lips on her own. Robyn’s eyes snapped open from her dream. She breathed deeply and blinked rapidly then lifted her hand up and rubbed her eyes sleepily. She rolled over and looked at the clock on the table: 00:32 She frowned, why was she awake now? Her answer was quickly answered by the sound of something hitting the floor outside the room. She glanced at the door then looked toward her brothers bed and saw him lying in his bed staring at the door. Robyn gulped nervously and looked at the door and saw the key that was in the door slowly turning. She scrambled out of bed and reached under the bed frame and pulled out her wand and stood beside her brother with their wands pointing at the door. She flexed her hand around the wand as the key was pushed out the lock and landed on the floor with a thump. Then, the door burst open and Robyn and Harry were momentarily blinded by a bright white light, “Very clean these muggles.” Robyn heard a voice whisper, “Tonks, for god sake.” Robyn knew that voice, it was the voice of Mad-Eye moody. Robyn and Harry’s supposed Defence Against the Dark Arts teacher but instead turned out to be Barty Crouch Junior last year. The tip of a wand lit up and Robyn was able to see a women when bright purple hair walk in with Mad-Eye mood beside her, “Professor Moody.” Robyn addressed with a glance at her brother, “What are you doing here?” “Rescuing you, of course." was Moody’s response and Robyn was reminded of the time when Ron had said those words to her and Harry when he was helping them escape from the Dursley’s three years ago and a small fond smile formed on her face. She was brought back to reality by Moody, “Pack up.” Robyn quickly threw her spell books, clothes, and other belongings into her trunk before she was ushered out the room with her wand tucked into her pocket. “I’ll take this, Miss Potter.” A dark skinned wizards said and Robyn nodded and followed Mad-Eye outside, “But where are we going?” Harry asked as they walked out the drive way “The letter said that we’ve been expelled from Hogwarts” “No, you haven’t been." Grumbled Mad-Eye, “Not yet. Kingsley, you take point." “But the letter said –“ Kingsley cut Robyn off “Dumbledore has persuaded the minister to suspend your expulsion on pending of a formal hearing.” Explained Kingsley, “A hearing?” Repeated the twins and Kingsley nodded with a small sound of confirmation. “Don’t worry, we’ll explain everything when we get back to headquarters.” Tonks, the lady with the purple hair, said reassuringly to them but Robyn felt no such reassurance, “Sh!” hissed Mad-Eye, “Not here, Nymphadora." “Don’t call me Nymphadora.” Growled Tonks and her hair turned a brilliant shade of orange and Robyn's eyebrow to raise. Robyn looked forward and waited between Harry and Kingsley, Mad-Eye knocked his staff on the ground and broom sticks flew into everyone’s hand. Robyn knew how to fly but was no way near as good as Harry. She caught the broom in her right hand, “Stay in formation everyone.” said Mad-Eye looking between everyone, “Don’t break ranks if one of us is killed.” Robyn’s eyes widened as she gasped, “What?” No one answered her and they all mounted their broom, she quickly copied them and kicked off the ground and gripped her broom lightly and she zoomed into the darkening sky. They flew in a triangle formation with Robyn and Harry centre of the arrow. Robyn looked down at the dark water of the river below her with a smile before looking at the cruise that was beside her before looking forward and moving around another on coming boat. They flew past the House of Parliament which was bit up with the yellow lights. The group of wizards and witches flew upward and into the deep blue sky. “Come on.” Ordered Mad-Eye as he ushered them across an empty road, Robyn looked up at the long row of houses with confusion. Then Mad-Eye tapped his staff three times against the tarmac road and she saw the houses began to shake slightly and move down slowly and her jaw dropped in awe as another house immerged slightly darker than the others and its windows moved backward slightly with the sound of grinding stone and the balcony extended “In you go, kids.” Robyn and Harry made their way cautiously through the gate and up the stone path to a completely black door with the numder’s ‘12’ written in silver on it. The door opened and Harry walked forward with his sister slightly behind him thought a very think and barley lit hall with pictures lining the wall and voices coming from a door at the far end it. A hand clamped on her shoulder and pushed her out the way and she watched Mad-Eye stomp past her followed by a white haired wizards, Kingsley and Tonk – who gave a Harry a wink as she past then tripped over a troll leg stand. Robyn moved forward at the sight of her godfather, Remus and Arthur Weasley sitting at a table, “Keep you’re voices down.” Scolded Mrs. Weasley, “Voldemort is getting stronger by the minute.” Groaned Sirius, “We need to act now.” Sirius looked up at the pair and Robyn smiled at him. He looked much better than the last time she’d seen him. His hair was still shoulder length but much neater he had a shaven face with a handle-bar moustache and his skin was grey and had more light, even thought he was still pale. All in all he looked much healthier. Robyn and Harry’s view was blocked by Mrs. Weasley, “Robyn! Harry!” She cheered and closed the door before walking toward them, “Mrs. Weasley.” The pair greeted. Mrs. Weasley was one of Robyn’s favourite people, she was always so bubbly and kind and – in Robyn’s opinion – made the best mince pies in the world! “Heaven’s your both alright” she beamed and reached her arms out and pulled them both into a hug to which they returned gratefully before she pulled back and placed her right hand on Robyn’s cheek and her left of Harry and tapped them lightly “Bit peeky but I’m afraid dinner will have to wait until after the meeting’s finished “What – “ Harry was stopped by the looked Mrs. Weasley sent him “No time to explain,” She said and motioned to the stairs, “Straight upstairs and the first door on the left.” Robyn smiled and her before making her way up the black steps, she gazed at the house elves that seemed to be preserved in glass bottles along the damp dark walls. Muttering’s caused Robyn to looked up as they made their way to a small landing, “Scum. Such mess in her house.” She looked up to see a hunched house-elf cleaning the frame of a large picture covered by a large black sheet, “What would she say to old Kreature?” The old house-elf turned and staring at the two Potter’s as they edged their way around the banister and up the next flight of stairs, Robyn glanced back to see him patting the covered frame again “There, there mistress, Kreature is here." Harry pushed open the door and was immideatly engulfed in a hug by Hermione whilst Robyn jumped back in shock, “Harry!” Hermione exclaimed before she pulled away and pulled Robyn into tight hug “Robyn!” she pulled away and looked the two breathlessly “Are you alright? We over heard them talking about the Dementor attack. You must tell us everything.” Ron muttered with a smile, “Let them breath, Hermione." “And this hearing at the ministry,” Hermione continued, “it’s just outrageous. I’ve looked it up they simple cant expel you.” Robyn looked down as Hermione continued, “It’s completely unfair." “Yeah.” Harry mumbled “There’s a lot of that going round at the moment.” Harry and Robyn walked further into the room and Robyn ran her eyes around as she asked, “So, what is this place?” Robyn questioned in an attempted to chance the topic, Answered Ron, “It’s headquarters." “Of the order of the phoenix." Added Hermione, “It’s a secret society. Dumbledore formed it back when they first fought you-know-who” “You couldn’t put any of this a letter I suppose?” Harry accused as Robyn stopped by the end of one of the beds, “We’ve gone all summer without a scrap of news." “We wonted to write, mate.” Ron defended sadly “Really, we did. Only…” “Only what?” Robyn snapped with her eyes narrowed, “Only Dumbledore mad us swear not to tell either of you anything..” Hermione said quickly and Robyn’s eyebrows furrowed as Harry voiced her thoughts, “Dumbledore said that?” Harry asked, almost hurt, “But why would he want to keep us in the dark? I mean, after all, we were the ones who saw Voldemort return. We’re the ones who fought him. We’re the ones who saw Cedric Diggory get killed!" Robyn yelped as a hand grabbed her shoulder, she turned to see a tall red hair smiling down at her, “Evening Harry, Robyn.” Greeted George from behind Robyn, “Thought we heard your dull-set tones.” Fred added from the bed, “Don’t keep it all in, mate.” George said with a grin, "Let it out.” Robyn raised an eyebrow as Fred smirked looking between them, “Anyway, if you’re all done chatting.” “Do you want to hear something a little more interesting?”
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