Chapter 14

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Year 5 1995 //Nargles, Professor Umbridge and Detention// Hogwarts school had opened its doors for the Potters 5th year. Even on such a joyous occasion as beginning the one place Robyn and Harry were able to call home, the reminder of their hearing was constant in their minds. Robyn stepped off the train at the station at Hogsmeade with Ron beside her. She had her arms crossed and hair pulled into a pony-tail that hung over her shoulder. She looked up at the castle in the distance and smiled softly. Her smile fell as a familiar voice reached her ears, “I’m surprised the ministry’s still letting you walk around free, Potter.” Robyn saw a mop of blond hair brush past her accompanyed by a white and pale face. Malfoy leered at Harry directly he past, “You better enjoy it while you can. I expect there’s a cell in Azkaban with your name on it.” Harry jumped forward but was held back by Ron, who had reacyed on impulse. Robyn’s throat worked tightly as she watched Malfoy’s piercing grey eyes flick to hers then back to her brother then to Crabbe as he said, “What’d I tell you? Complete nutter.” “Just stay away from us!” Harry shouted and Robyn moved forward and stood by her brother watching Malfoy walk off between Crabbe and Goyle. Malfoy glanced back and looked at Robyn who just stared at him blankly but her mind was whirling. It was clear he was speaking directly to Harry, so why wasn’t he saying it to her as well? However, it seemed she was the only one that noticed. “It’s only Malfoy.” Ron muttered releasing Harry, “What’d you expect?” Ron looked at Robyn and touched her arm comfortingly “Are you okay, Robyn?” She nodded absentmindedly, “Yeah...Just fine...” Ron nodded shortly and the four of them headed away from the train station to where the carriages were. The Gryffindor’s arrived to see Cho and a few other Ravenclaws leaving in a carriage. Robyn waved friendly at Cho, she had been Cedrics girlfriend before he died. She looked over as footsteps reached her ears and saw Neville join them, with a large cactus in his arms. “Hi guys.” Neville greeted cheerfully, “Hay Neville.” The four said in unison staring at where the previous carriage had been. The sound of hooves behind her cause Robyn to turn and see a large winged bony creature looking down at her with cloudy eyes. It seemed like a skeleton of a horse with large wings. “What is it?” Harry questioned from beside her, almost in awe. “I-I don’t know.” Robyn muttered shocked as she watched it stamp its feet and snort. “What’s what?” Ron asked from Robyns right, “That, pulling the carriage.” Harry said and Robyn nodded in agreement then glanced at the other three to see them looking around confused. Could they not see the giant skeleton creature standing before them?! “Nothing’s pulling the carriage.” Hermione said slowly, “It’s pulling itself like always.” Robyn furrowed her brow then followed her brother toward the carriage whilst keeping her eyes fixed on the creatures attached to the carriage. “You’re not going mad.” A danty voice commented from the carriage and Robyn looked up to see a girl with bleach blonde hair sat in the carriage, she with a held upside down in front of her face. The girl moved her magazine down and looked at the two Potter’s with an almost dazed expression, “I can see them too. Your both just as sane as I am.” Robyn nodded unsurely - she wasn’t entirely sure whether that was a good or bad thing. The four Gryffindor’s clambered onto the carriage and Robyn sat between Ron and the girl with Harry opposite her along with Hermione and Neville. “Everyone this is Loony – “ Hermione stopped herself, “Luna Lovegood.” she corrected shyly and an awkward silence fell across them. Robyn bit her lip and allowed her eyes to wonder before Hermione said, with a small smile and in attempt to start up a conversation, “That’s an interesting necklace...” “It’s a charm, actually.” Luna said looking at the necklace, “Keeps away the nargles. Hungry? I hope there’s pudding.” Robyn smiled weakly as Luna looked at her with large glassy eyes. As the carriage set off, Ron leaned into Robyn and whispered, “What’s a nargle?” ”Absolutely no idea.” Robyn shifted un-comfortably at all the eyes that she could see, and feel, staring at her. She looked down at her plate of un-touched éclair’s and gulped feeling rather ill. “You gonna eat that?” Ron asked her with a mouth full of trifle, Robyn shook her head and pushed the plate toward him which he took gratefully just as Professor Dumbledore spoke, “Good evening children.” All eyes turned to him, much to Robyns relief, “Now, we have two changes in staffing this year. We are pleased to welcome back Mr. Grublyplank who will be taking care of magical creatures while Professor Hagrid is on temporary leave.” Robyn’s eyebrows furrowed and she looked at the table and registered his absence, “I also wish to welcome our new defence against the dark arts teacher, Professor Delores Umbridge.” Robyn’s eyes ran over to a small women dressed completely in pink sat at the end of the teachers table. She was familiar. Robyn finally recognised her as the lady who had accused Dumbledore of blaming the ministry at her hearing and had also wanted to prosecute Harry and Robyn. Professor Dumbledore pressed on, “...and I’m sure you’ll all join me in wishing the Professor good luck.” Robyn rolled her eyes and muttered under her breath, “Not likely.” Ron sniggered beside her, “As usual our caretaker, Mr. Filch, has asked me to remind you – “ Professor Dumbledore stopped as a tiny cough from the teacher’s table. All eyes turned to Professor Umbridge as she stood, not changing that much in height, and walked around the table to where Professor Dumbledore was. “She was at our hearing.” Harry whispered “She works for Fudge.” “Thank you, headmaster...” Professor Umbridge said, Hermione looked at Robyn and she nodded they knew why Umbridge was here. No doubt the ministry wanted to keep a close eye on Hogwarts, more specifically Dumbledore. The pink floof continued with a sickly sweet smile, “...for those kind words of welcome and how lovely to see all your bright happy faces smiling up at me.” Literally no one cracked a twitch of their lips “I’m sure we’re all going to be very good friends. The Ministry of Magic has always considered the education of young witches and wizards to be of vital importance. Although each headmaster has brought something new to this historic school. Progress for the sake of progress must be discouraged. Let us preserve what must be preserved. Perfect what can be perfected. And pro practices that ought to be prohibited.” She smiled widely at the students and gave a happy squeak before walking slowly back to her seat. Robyn stared at her with an almost disgusted expression. Professor Dumbledore began to clap along with a few other people in the room. “Thank you, Professor Umbridge. That really was most illuminating.” “Illuminating?” Ron repeated “What a load of waffle.” “What’s it mean?” Harry asked, Robyn looked at Hermione then Harry then back at Umbridge, “The ministry is interfering at Hogwarts.” Robyn answered with a tight jaw and Hermione nodded in confirmation. All four turned their eyes to the toad like face of their new defence against the dark arts teacher. An hour or so later, Robyn walked beside her brother through the Gryffindor common room where mutterings and stares greeted them. Her blue eyes darted around and landed on Seamus who was reading an article of the Daily Prophet with a picture of Harry and Robyn during the hearing with the title ‘PLOTTER’S’ in large bold lettering at the top of the page. She gulped nervous and lowered her head to avoid attention. The twins walked slowly past Seamus, Dean and a few other Gryffindor 5th years but Harry stopped and greated them cheerfully, “Dean. Seamus. Good holiday?” Robyn briefly closed her eyes then smiled and turned to face the boys, “Alright.” Dean answered with a small nod at Harry, “Better than Seamus’s though.” Seamus dropped the paper on the table and stood up. He looked serious and a Robyn flexed her hand and moved it near where her wand was stored in her pocket. “Me mam didn’t want me to come back this year.” The Irish boy said, “Why not?” Robyn asked in pure confusion her hand freezing in its position, there was no mockery or sarcasm in her tone. “Let me see…” Seamus pretended to think then glared at her, “...because of you. The Daily Prophet’s being saying a lot of things about you Robyn, and about your brother and Dumbledore as well.” “What? And your mum believes them?” Harry asked incredulously, “Well, nobody was there the night Cedric died.” Seamus pointed out with a small shrug, “You’re suggesting that we killed him?” Robyn asked completely shocked and slightly angry. “No one was there to witness it, were they?” Seamus shrugged and Robyn took a step forward toward Seamus but Harry grabbed her arm quickly, “Maybe you should read the Daily Prophet like your stupid mother.” Harry snapped, “It’ll tell you everything you need to know.” “Don’t you dare talk about my mother like that.” Seamus warned “I’ll have a go at anyone who calls me, or Robyn, a liar.” Harry retorted harshly, narrowing his eyes, “What’s going on?” Ron asked entering the common room before anyone else could speak. “They’re mad is what’s going on!” Seamus said pointing at the twins as Ron stood between beside Harry and looked out at the rest of the Gryffindor’s “Do you believe the rubbish their coming out with about you-know-who?” “Yeah, I do.” answered Ron “Has anyone else got a problem with Harry or Robyn?” No one answered and Robyn glanced at Seamus with a disappointed expression then walked through the crowd to the girls dormitory’s her Gryffindor cloak flowing behind her. She rushed up the steps and into the empty dormitory and went to the bed furthest from the door and sat on her it and pulled off her cloak and threw it behind her then leaned forward rubbing her face with her hands. Her heart stung a little at the fearful and distrusted expressions that her ‘friends’ had held. Robyn slowly raised her head and let out a small sigh. Oswald cherped beside her bed but she paid him no heed and pulled off her tie and rest of her school clothes and changed into her red night trousers and shirt. She crawled into bed, pulling the sheets over her body. As she closed her eyes, her name began to whisper in her and she twitched a little before shaking her head. Slowly but surely she fell into a sleep filled with long black corridors and pale hands. *** A paper bird flew around the defence against the dark arts class room a few days later, Robyn smiled as it flew over her and Hermione’s head and swooped around the class room gracefully then flew toward the front of the class when it burst into flames and floated down onto the Patel twin’s desk. Robyn took a deep breath as she heard the high-pitched voice that sent chills down her spine. “Good morning, children.” Robyn looked over her shoulder to see Professor Umbridge looking at them dressed in complete pink - no suprise there - at the back of the class. Robyn watched as she walked down the isle of the desks toward the front, “Ordinary. Wizarding. Levels. Examinations.” Professor Umbridge flicked her wand for each word and it appeared on the black board in front of the class, appart for ‘examinations’ “O. W. L.” She turned to face the class once she reached the small stand, “More commonly known as owls. Study hard and you will be rewarded. Fail to do so and the consequences maybe…sever..” She waved her wand a large piles of books floated down the isles administrating a book to each student, “Your previous instructions for this subject have been disturbingly uneven. From now on you will be following a carefully structured ministry approved course of defensive magic.” Robyn looked down at the title of the book: DARK ARTS DEFENCE. Basics for Beginners. She flicked through the book and frowned just as Hermione raised her hand. Professor Umbridge smiled at her and nodded for her to speak, “There’s nothing in here about using defensive spells.” Hermione observed, “Using spells?” Professor Umbridge said as if the idea was ridiculous, “I can’t imagine why you would need to use spells in my classroom.” Robyn looked at her in confusion but before she could speak, Ron did, “We’re not going to use magic?” “You will be learning about defensive spells in a secure risk freeway.” The teacher said, “What use is that?” Robyn questioned with her eyebrows furrowed, “It won’t exactly be ‘risk free’ if we are attacked, Professor.” “Students should raise their hands if they want to speak in my class.” Professor Umbridge said and she turned to face the class, “It is the view of the ministry that a theoretical knowledge will be sufficient to get you through your examinations. Which, after all, is what school is all about.” “And how is theory supposed to prepare us for what’s out there?” Harry questioned incredulously, “There is nothing out there, dear.” Professor Umbridge corrected him as she turned to face them, “Who do you imagine would want to attack children, like yourself?” “Oh, I don’t know.” Harry said sarcastically “Maybe…Lord Voldemort?!” Whispering ran around the class “Now, let me make this quite plain.” Professor Umbridge began as calm as she could, “You have been told that a certain dark wizard is at large once again. This is a lie.” “It’s not a lie!” Harry exclaimed, “I saw him. I fought him.” “Detention Mr. Potter!” Professor Umbridge snapped and Robyn looked at her angrily, “So according to you, Cedric Diggory dropped dead on his own accord?!” Robyn shouted, “Cedric Diggory’s death was a tragic accident.” Professor Umbridge said to her, “A tragic accident!” Robyn repeated shocked “That’s a lie and you know it! It was murder! Just because your stupid ministry doesnt want to deal with a problem when its staring them in the face!” “You’ll be joining your brother in detention, Miss Potter.” Professor Umbridge snarled at her, her eyes ablaze, “Voldemort killed Cedric, you know this!” Harry joined in, “Enough!” screeched Professor Umbridge and all went silent, “Enough. See me later, Mr. and Miss Potter. My office.” Later that day, Robyn and Harry entered Professor Umbridges office and their eyes were immediately drawn to the hundreds of plates that hung on the bright pink walls with cats meowing and purring on them. “Good evening, Mr. and Miss Potter.” Professor Umbridge greeted and Robyn looked at her to see her dressed completely in pink and with a single cup of tea before her on the the desk she sat behind, “Sit.” She motioned to the two desks that were beside her desk. Robyn sat and looked at the teacher blankly, “You’re both going to be doing some lines for me.” They reached to their bags for their quill they had brough but she hurriedly stopped them, “No, not with your quill. You’re going to use rather special ones of mine.” She stood and handed the pair each quill, “Now, I want you both to write ‘I must not tell lies’.” Robyn clenched her jaw and picked up the quill and looked at the paper then at Harry. “How many times?” Robyn questioned as she turned her gaze to the pink lady, “Well let’s say…for as long as it takes for the message to sink in.” Answered Professor Umbridge with a sickly sweet expression. “You haven’t given us any ink.” Harry pointed out, “Oh, you won’t need any ink.” She assured the twins and sat behind her desk. Robyn began to write on the blank parchment the sentence then moved to the next line and her hand before to ache, she flexed her left hand as she continued to write. A stinging pain began to occur in her hand and she looked down to see her hand turning red as the letter ‘I’ was carved into her hand, to Robyn it felt like someone was using a knife to write the words. She clenched her fists as the second word began to cut into her skin then, a few seconds later, the sentence ‘I must not tell lies’ appeared in her skin. She flinched and looked up at Umbridge who was looking at that her and her brother with mock pity, “Yes?” “Nothing.” Said the twins in unison, “That’s right.” nodded Professor Umbridge “Because you both know, deep down, you deserve to be punished. Don’t you Miss Potter? You also Mr. Potter.” Neither twin moved just stared at the pink lady with blank expressions, “Go on.” Robyn gripped the quill and begun writing again and the pain her hand started once more digging the words deeper into her skin, along with the hatred of Professor Umbridge.
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