Chapter 11

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Year 4 //1995// //Barty Crouch Junior and Goodbyes// “Expelliarmus!” Professor Dumbledore shouted as he burst into the room with a few other teacher. Mad-Eye went flying backward into a chair which slammed into a wall, far away from the twins. Robyn jumped to her feet and stood by Harry as ProfessorDumbledore, Professor Snape and Professor McGonagall ran into the room, Dumbledore clamped his hand around Mad-Eye’s throat and pointed his wand at his chin and hissed, “Severus.” The potion master administered a small vile, Robyn guest was verutaserum, to Mad-Eye who shuddered and wiggled demonically, “Do you know who I am?” Moody snarled, “Albus Dumbledore.” “Are you Alasteror Moody? Are ya?” Professor Dumbledore snapped agressively and Robyn flinched, “No." Gargled ‘Moody’, Robyn had a sneaky suspison to who it was but daren’t say, as she saw a malicious smirk form on his face, “Is he in this room?” Demanded Dumbledore, “Is he in this room?” ‘Moody’ looked over to where Harry and Robyn stood frozen at the twitching man, “Harry! Robyn! Get away from there!” Harry grabbed his sister’s hand and pulled her to Professor McGonagall who pushed them behind her and Professor Snape. The potion’s master flicked his wand at the chest which opened to reveal more chests inside. Robyn watched as chest after chest opened before it finally stopped. The three teachers and two students looked down into the chest. Robyn's jaw dropped as she saw what was inside the box. It was a half-naked, Alastor Moody. “Are you alright Alastor?” Called Professor Dumbledore, “I’m sorry Ablus.” called up Alastor, “That’s Moody then who’s…” Harry trailed off, turning to the fake man, “It’s Barty Crouch Junior.” Robyn whispered not taking her eyes of the real Moody, Professor McGonagall turned to her, “What makes you say that, Miss Potter?” she questioned and the other two teacher’s turned to Robyn “It’s a theory and a guess.” was Robyn’s answer “Professor Snape’s store has been raised for ingredients for the polyjuice potion and, if I’m correct in say, in that flask is polyjuice.” Snape flicked open the lid and sniffed and nodded, “Polyjuice potion.” “In the memory that Harry and I saw in Dumbledore’s pensieve was of Barty Crouch Junior’s arrest." Robyn explained and all eyes turned to her, “He showed great loyalty to Voldemort in front of the court, he even defied his own father. When myself and Harry found Mr. Crouch dead after the second task. It had to be someone with some kind of grudge against crouch. I have reason to believe that it was Barty Juniour who killed him because his father sentenced him to prison. However, this wasn't confirmed until today when I finally noticed 'Moody' kept licking his lips like Barty Juniour did...and he only ever drunk from that flask." Everyone stared at her. Teachers with raised eyebrows, Professor Dumbledore with an amused expression whilst Harry just looked dumbfounded. She gulped nervously and turned red, "Just a theory." Then, the man behind them began to groan. They all turned and saw the man’s face drooping off and he let out a cough and spluttered and Robyn grabbed Harry’s arm out of insist. He raised his hand up and few off the flake eye and let out a scrambled scream that made Robyn jump back in fright. The man’s body began to twitch and his head twisted from side to side before finally he stopped and his whole body flung forward. The eyes of Barty Crouch Junior flicked up at them, his touch slicking his lips. Barty Jr. made a lung for the two Potter’s but Dumbledore was able to push them back and shove Barty Jr. into the chair with Professor McGonagall’s wand at his throat, “Barty Crouch Junior. You were correct, Robyn.” Professor Dumbledore said, with a glanced at Robyn and nodded at her and she smiled a little but it fell as she looked at Barty as he stared at her and Harry, “I’ll show you mine if you show me yours.” He growled at them as he rolled up his sleeve to reveal the dark mark on his forearm, “You’re arms, Harry, Robyn.” Professor Dumbledore said pulling the pair’s arms forward and showing the large cut on their own forearm, “You know what this means, don’t you?” Barty Jr. said with a horrid smirk “He’s back. Lord Voldemort has returned.” “Sorry, sir.” Harry winced “We couldn’t help it." “I’ll be welcomed back like a hero." Barty Jr. smirked, “Perhaps.” said Dumbledore, “Personally, I’ve never had time for heroes.” *** It was a month before their was a ceremony for Cedric. All the students and teachers were there. It was then that Dumbledore annonced in truth that Voldemort was back and that they needed to trust eachother. Robyn walked down the girl’s dormitory steps in her Gryffindor robes beside Hermione, speaking about their summer plans. “Robyn,” She looked up to see Professor Dumbledore standing with his hands together in front of him, standing a few paces away from the steps “do you mind?” Robyn turned to her friend and nodded before walking over to Dumbledore. He motioned for her to follow him as they moved up the stairs to the boy’s dormitory. Dumbledore opened a door and Robyn saw her brother sat on the edge of a bed with his back to them. Harry stood and turned as they entered, Robyn moved and stood beside her brother as Dumbledore walked toward Harry and looked around the room before touching the red curtains that hung on a bed one from Harry and Robyn “I never liked these curtains.” Dumbledore commented, “Set them on fire in my fourth year, by accident of course.” He walked forward and leaned on the edge of Harry bed and looked at the pair of them “I put you in terrible danger this year, Harry, I’m sorry.” “Professor, when we were in the graveyard there was a moment…” Robyn bit her lip before continuing, “…when Voldemort’s wand and ours sort of connected." “Priorium Contatum." Muttered Dumbledore looking up at the two with a very serious expression, “You saw your parents that night, didn’t you? They reappeared.” Robyn and Harry nodded with smiled on their faces, “No spell can reawaken the dead, I trust you know that? Dark and difficult times lie and. Soon we must all face the choice between what is right and what is easy. But remember this,” he placed a hand on the outer shoulders of the twins “you have friends here. You’re not alone." *** Robyn stood with Hermione and Angelina outside in the court yard, a month before the school closed for summer. All the students from Durmstrang and Beaubaxons were getting ready to leave. She laughed softly as Angelina explained the hapening at the Yule Ball between her and Fred. Then an arm wrapped around Robyn’s waist and pulled her apart from them gently. She frowned then looked up at and a small smile formed on her face as she recognised the person. Chadek smiled down at her. He had a thick fur had on and a dark red cloak with fur lining. He handed her a slip of paper as he asked gently, “You will write to me?” he asked “Promise?” “I Promise.” Robyn nodded honestly and he hugged her quickly, “I hope you find happiness, Robyn.” He said and kissed her hand before walking away through the crowd. She watched him leave and smiled a little, slipping the paper into her pocket. Angelina and Hermione huddled around her and all three giggled, talking about Krum and Chadek walk. Robyn’s eyes landed on her brother and she said goodbye to Angelina and Robyn and Hermione ran over to him. Robyn swung around a pillar and leaned on it whilst Ron sat in a small gap, “Do you think we’ll ever just have a quiet year at Hogwarts?” Ron questioned with a smile, The replied quickly, “No." “Nah, didn’t think so but what’s life without a few dragons, eh?” Ron laughed he jumped down and wrapped an arm around arm around Robyn and Harry's shoulders and they started walking down the covered around. They quickly stopped looked back at Hermione when they realised she hadn’t come with them, “Everything’s going to change now, isn’t it.” Hermione commented sadly and the three walked back over to her. Harry stood before her and placed a hand on her shoulder, “Yes.” Harry said with a shrug, Hermione nodded and walked between Harry and Robyn, “Promise you’ll write this summer.” Hermione said, looking between them “All three of you.” “Well I won’t.” Ron joked from beside Robyn, “You know I won’t." “Harry and Robyn will won’t you?” Hermione said looking between the two Potter’s, rolling her eyes, “Yeah.” They both said and Harry added, with a laugh, “Every week.” Robyn giggled a little as they stopped and looked up into the sky where white flying horses flew through the air pulling with them a gold and blue carriage. Robyn smiled softly as the Durmstrang ship sank into the black lake and the Beauxaton’s carriage became nothing but a tiny dot in the sky. As she stared at the rippling water, Robyn understood that what had happened this year was only a taste of what was to come.
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