Chapter 10

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Year 4 1995 //Duel's with the Dark Lord and Professor Moody's confession// “Welcome my friends.” Voldemort said looking around at the Death Eaters and Robyn narrowed her eyes, “Thirteen years it’s been, and yet you stand before me as though it were only yesterday. I confess myself…disappointed, not one of you tried to find me. Crabb,” He yanked off the mask of a deatheater, “Goyel.” He pulled off another “McNair." He continued and Robyn's eyes widened. It was the monster that tried to kill Buckbeak last year. Voldemort kept going until there was only a few were left “Not even you, Lucius.” Robyn’s eyes widened and she gripped the stone harder as Voldemort swiped and the mask disappeared and Malfoy fell to his knee’s, “My lord,” Addressed Lucius “Had I detected any sign or even a whisper of your whereabouts – “ “There were signs my slippery friend,” Voldemort hissed, “and more than whispers.” “I assure you I never renounced the old ways.” Lucius said pulling off his hat and looked up at Voldemort then stood, “The face I have been obliged to present each day since your absence,” he looked back at the hat on the floor “that was my true mask.” “I returned.” Pointed out Wormtail shakily then shrunk into himself as Voldemort moved to him, “Out of fear, not loyalty.” Growled Voldemort, “Still you have probed yourself useful these past few months, Wormtail." He waved his wand over the stump of his wrist and a silver hand materialised and Pettigrew looked upon his new hand in awe and stammered, “Thank you master, thank you." Robyn watched as Voldemort walked over to Cedric’s copse and murmered, “Oh, such a handsome boy.” He moved Cedric’s face with his pail foot and Harry spat from beside her, “Don’t touch him.” Voldemorts looked up at them and an evil smile formed on his face, “Harry, Robyn!” It was as though they were old friends and Robyn narrowed her eyes, “I’d almost forgotten you two were here.” He moved and stood before the two Potter’s “Standing on the bones of my father. I’d introduce you both but word has it you’re almost as famous as me these days.” Robyn moved her head back as far away from his pail face as she could – which wasn’t far considering she was trapped between the scythe and statue. Voldemort then turned and looked at the Death Eaters, “The boy and girl who lived. How lies have fed your legend Harry and Robyn. Shall I reveal what really happened that night thirteen years ago? Shall I divulge how I truly lost my powers?” He walked away few paces away from them and moved around the circle of Death Eaters “It was love. You see when dear sweet Lily Potter gave her life for her only son and daughter she provided the ultimate protection. I could not touch either of you. It was old magic, something I should have foreseen. But no matter, no matter. Things have changed,”Hhe was suddenly in front of the pair with both his hands raised up with the index finger on each hand leading. Robyn shook her head as the finger on his right hand neared her neck whilst the index finger on his left Harry reached for Harry’s forehead, “I can touch you both now!” He moved forward and both Potter’s screamed as a finger pressed on their scars. Robyn though her whole being was being stabbed. She screamed loudly and closed he eyes from the pain. Robyn felt a single tear slip down her cheek as the pain intensified as his index finger pressed harder on her scar. Finally, she felt the finger leave but the pain her neck stayed but began to subside slightly after a few moments, “Astonishing what a few drops of you blood will do eh, Harry, Robyn?” Robyn and Harry looked down at the evil being with anger. Voldemort yanked the scythe away from the two and Robyn fell to onto her knee’s beside her brother, “Pick up your wands, Potter.” Robyn looked up at Voldemort as the Death Eaters moved away to give them all space, “I said pick it up, get up! Get up!” Robyn looked around for her wand franticly with Harry doing the same next to her, “You’ve been taught how to duel I presume, yes?” Robyn found her wand and got to her feet along with Harry, the wand clutched tightly in her hand, “First we bow to each other.” Voldemort bowed slightly but the Potter’s didn’t move. She stared at him with a blank expression, “Come on Harry, Robyn the niceties must be observed, Dumbledore would not want you both to forget your manners now would he? I said bow!” He pointed his wand at them and Robyn felt something forcing her back to bend, she tried to push it back but it only caused her pain. Robyn looked up from her bent back at Voldemort clenching her teeth in pain then he swiped his wand and Robyn and Harry were knocked off their feet, Voldemort moved forward and pointed his wand at Robyn, “Crucio!” Robyn writhed in pain from the curse and screamed loudly. Her body contorted and curled and tears formed in her eyes, as pain covered her body, “Robyn!” Harry shouted from beside her and she could make out a worried expression on his face, “Stop!” “Crucio!” Voldemort yelled and moved his wand to Harry, who began twisting and squirming in pain. Robyn panted heavily as the pain left her but then snapped her eyes to her brother and weezed, "No...Harry!” Robyn forced out with her arm outstretched to him, Voldemort stopped and the pair breathed deeply. She whimpered and looked at Voldemort. “That’s it.” Voldemort sneered looking down at them, “Your parents would be proud. Especially your filthy mongrel mother”. Robyn glared up at Voldemort and pointed her wand at him, “Stupfy!” She said and the red light that came from was waved off by Voldemort’s deflection charm and the two Potter’s were rolled backward. Robyn and Harry rolled onto their sides and looked up at Voldemort, “I’m going to kill you, Harry and Robyn Potter.” Voldemort hissed down at them and they rolled onto their backs and looked up at his pail face “I’m going to destroy you. After tonight no one will ever again question my powers. After tonight if they speak of either of you they’ll speak of how you both begged for death, and I, being a merciful lord, obliged. Get up!” He placed a hand over them and stood pulling the two raven haired teens with him. Robyn whimpered in pain as she was forced to her feet by magic before being pushed backward with her brother. Robyn and Harry stumbled sideways and Voldemort moved away, Robyn and Harry made their way to the cup, “Don’t you turn you back on me!” Robyn and Harry dived behind a head stone clutching their wands in fear, “I want you both to look at me when I kill you, I want to see the lights leave your eyes.” Robyn’s jaw clenched and she looked at Harry. He, like her, was covered in bruises and dirt. Harry nodded at her as they both breathed heavily before getting to their feet the blood pumping in their veins and they stood and from the stone. Robyn limped slightly beside Harry as they stood in clear sight of Voldemort and the Death Eaters, “Have it your way.” Harry stated and the pair looked at Voldemort definatly gripping their wands readily, “Expelliarmus!” Shouted Harry, "Stupify!" Cast Robyn and and two gets of red light flew from their wands and met a few meter’s in front of them before moving forward as one single line of red light, “Avada Kedavra!” Voldemort shouted and a green light jetted from his wand. Red and green clashed between the three creating a large ball of blinding white light. The white light moved toward Voldemort then toward the twins. Robyn clutched her wand with both hands and the white slight moved closer to them and was only a few inches away from their split lights. The pair gripped harder and put more force behind their wands and the light moved back toward Voldemort, “You’re mine to finish!” The light moved ever close to Voldemort and Robyn could see Malfoy pull out his wand but Voldemort snarledat him, “They’re mine!” Suddenly a large shield like things appeared around the three cutting off the deatheaters, it source was the bright light that was between the two jets of light. Then, a ball of pail blue flew from Voldemort’s wand and moved around before Cedric Diggory appeared beside Harry and looked between Robyn and Harry. Another blue light appeard from Voldemort’s wand and the old man from the Potter’s dreams appeard between Voldemort and the twins. Two blue shots of light flew from Voldemort’s wand and one landed beside Robyn and the other beside Harry. Robyn looked to see James Potter standing beside her and on the other side was Lily mother. Their mother and father, “Harry, Robyn, when the connection is broken you must get to the portkey.” Robyn’s dad said to them, “We can delay it for a moment to give you both time but only a moment, do you understand?” Robyn and Harry nodded and she felt tears in her blue eyes, “Harry, Robyn take my body back will you?” Cedric asked, “Take my body back to my father.” The twins nodded again and Lily said to them gently, “Let go. Sweethearts, you’re ready. Let go! Let go!” Robyn looked at her father and mother one last time before pulling her wand back alone with Harry. The pair ran as fast as they could to Cedric’s body and Harry tucked Robyn under his arm and pointed his wand at the cup, “Accio!” the cup flew into his hand and Robyn tucked her head into Harry’s chest and gripped onto Cedric as they vanished. *** Robyn landed under Harry with her face on Cedric’s chest and tears falling down her cheeks. Her body was racked with sobs as she clung to his body. Around her the crowd erupted with cheers and clapped, not knowing the horror the three had just faced as the twins kept their faces hidden in Cedric’s shirt . The trumpets sounded and Robyn began to sob and cling to Harry. From behind her, Robyn could hear people walking toward them. Then, a scream ran in the crowd from Fleur. “Harry! Robyn!” Professor Dumbledore shouted and Robyn chocked on a sob as Dumbleore knelt beside the and attempted to pull them off Cedric’s body, Harry shouted in defiance, “No!” “Don’t touch me!” Robyn cried as she and Harry clung onto Cedric’s body, “For god sakes Dumbledore, what’s happened?!” Exclaimed Fudge as he joined them, “He’s back” Robyn cried looking up at them with tears sliding her cheeks, “Voldemort, he’s back!” “Cedric, he asked us to bring his body back.” Harry added chocking on a sob, “I couldn’t leave him, not there.” Robyn breathed a whimper and Dumbledore placed a hand on her and Harry’s face looking them in the eye. Blood dripped down Robyn’s cheek from a cut from falling on rocks in the graveyard. “He’s home. All three of you are.” Professor Dumbledore tried to calm them, “Keep everybody in their seats!” Ordered Fudge walking over to the crowd, “A boy has just been killed” He rushed back to Dumbledore “The body must be moved, Dumbledore, there are…too many people.” Robyn gasped though her cries and looked up only to see Malfoy staring at her, she let out a sob and returned her gaze to Cedric who’s eyes were wide and lifeless, “Let me though!” She heard Amos shout as he rushed toward them, Robyn cried into Harry’s shoulder as Amos looking down at the boy, “That’s my son! That’s my boy!” Amos collapsed onto his knees on the otherside of Cedric's body, “My boy!” Arms wrapped around Robyn and pulled her back to a chest, away from Cedric, “No!” Robyn screamed and thrashed as tears slipped down her cheeks, “No! Let me go!” But the person just tightened their grip of her, “You’re safe.” Robyn hyperventilated into the persons chest as the person spoke, “I’ve got you. Everything’s going to be okay.” Robyn let out a chocked sob into the person’s shoulder. One glance at the silvery blonde hair and she knew it was Malfoy. However, she had little care for it. He stroked her back soothingly, “Stop it, Robyn.@ Amos’s loud cry of pain caused Robyn to clutch at Malfoy’s back harder and her eyes squeeze tightly shut. A hand grabbed the back of her shirt and pulled her away from Malfoy, “Come on.” It was Professor Moody, he pulled Robyn and Harry under his arm and walked away from the crowd, with them thrashing to be free from his hold “It’s alright. I’ve got you.” in the background Robyn could hear Amos’s wails of sorrow as she stared at Malfoy with tears sliding down her face. *** Professor Moody pushed the two Potter’s gently into his office and closed the door behind them whilst the other two just stared at the floor. Robyn felt a large hand on her shoulder push her up the steps and further into his office beside her brother, she shivered as Moody closed a curtain across an open arch. Robyn and Harry were pushed down onto two small stalls, Moody leaned down and looked at them, “Are you alright?” Robyn and Harry nodded, still trembling “Does it still hurt, that?” He nodded to the cut on their arms where they had been hurt by Pettigrew. Harry replied in little more than a whisper, “Not so much, now." “Perhaps I’d better take a look at i.t” Professor Mody said and he held Robyn’s forearm and looked at the bleeding cut, “The cup was a port key.” Harry explained, Robyn hissed in pain as Moody tapped the cut with his finger. She gave him a quick glare but Moody didn't look at her. Harry continued, “Someone bewitched it." “I remember someone knocking me out.” Robyn muttered staring at their teacher with accusing eyes. The last person she saw was Moody. She had an off feeling about him, “That was it. Then I was there.” “What was it like?” Pressed Mad-Eye, “What was he like?” “Who?” asked Harry, “The Dark Lord.” answered Moody, Robyn yelped as Moody pressed her cut tightly. Moody stood and walked away from them, “What was it like? What was it like to stand in his presents?” “I-I don’t know.” stammered Harry, “It was like falling into one of my dreams.” “To the nightmares.” Robyn corrected quietly staring at the flames of the fireplace. A clink caused the two Potter’s to turn to Moody who stumped through a curtain. Robyn looked at Harry confused, “Were they’re others?” he heard Moody ask, “In the graveyard, where they’re others?” The pair stumbled across words as they stared looks. Before Robyn’s eyebrows furrowed, “I-I…I don’t think we said anything about a graveyard, Professor.” Robyn said softly with an edge of worry in her tone, Mad-Eye moved from behind the curtain and looked at the pair. Robyn and Harry turned slowly to look at him, “Marvelous creature’s dragons, aren’t they?” Moody commented and stared at them for a few seconds before limping over to a cabinet, “You think that miserable oaf would have led you into the woods if I hadn’t suggested it? Do you think Cedric Diggory would have told you to hold the egg under the water if I hadn’t have told him first myself? Do you think Neville Longbottom the witless wonder could have provided you with gilliweed if I hadn’t given him the book that led you straight to it? Huh?” He moved toward the two, he licked his lips and Robyn's narrowed her eyes at him. “It was you from the beginning.” Harry accused, “You put my name in the goblet of fire. You bewitched Krum. B-B-But…” “B-B…” mocked Mad-Eye “You won because I made it so Potter. You ended up in that graveyard tonight because it was meant to be so. Your sister was there because I sent her there via a portkey. And now the deed is done.” He gripped Harry and Robyn’s forearms and they let out shouts of pain, “The blood that runs through these veins runs within the Dark Lord.” Mad-Eye brought his blood covered thumbs up to his lips and sniffed. Robyn and Harry got to their feet, ripping their arms from his grip, and took a few steps back and moved around a large chest as Mad-Eye moved toward them his face dropping slightly as he hissed, “Imagine how he will reward me when he learns that I have once and for all silenced the great Harry and Robyn Potter."
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