Chapter 9

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Year 4 1995 //The Third Task and A Graveyard// Robyn clapped loudly in the stands supporting a red scarf in support for her brother and her face had one red and one yellow strip on each cheek, celebrating Gryffindor and Hufflepuff. Today was the third and final task of the Tri-wizard tournament - much to Robyn's relief. Robyn cheered as Cedric came out dressed in yellow and black and the crowd of yellow behind him chanted his name loudly. Then Fleur came out a silk blue outfit and the section of blue danced and sung in French. Next was Krum who came out in brown trousers and a beige jumper with Karkaroff side him. Finally, Professor Dumbledore came out with Harry right behind him who looked very nervous, “Harry!” Robyn cheered, “Wooh!” Harry locked eyes with her and she raised her thumbs up at him, ` “Silence!” Bellowed Professor Dumbledore with his wand at his neck to magically increase the volume of his voice, Robyn and the rest of the students fell silent. Robyn took her seat beside Ron and looked down at the four champions, “Earlier today Professor Moody placed the tri-wizard cup deep within the maze. Only he knows its exact position. Now as Mr. Diggory – “ He was cut off by the crowd yellow and black yelling loudly in joy, “And Mr. Potter – “ Robyn and the other Gryffindor’s cheered loudly and clapped for him, Robyn smiled at the grateful expression on Harry’s face, “tied for first position they will be first to enter the maze. Followed by Mr. Krum – “ the Durmstrang students went mad and shouted loudly “and Miss Delacour. The first person to touch the cup will be the winner! I’ve instructed the staff to patrol the perimeter, if at any point should a contestant wish to withdraw from the task he or she need only send up red sparks with their wands. Contestants, gather round” Robyn’s foot was unconciously tapping against the wooden floor of the stands as she watched Professor Dumbledore spoke to the champions in hushed voices for a few long moments. “Stop it.” Hermione whispered to Robyn and she looked at him, “You’ll make yourself more nervous.” Robyn nodded just as Professor Dumbledore walked away from the champions and looked at the crowd, “Champions! Prepare yourselves!” Professor Dumbledore called and the four spread out the different entrances to the maze. The crowd clapped loudly and stood cheering them on, Robyn stood and watched her brother stand before the maze and beside Professor Moody. The twin’s locked eyes and Robyn sent him an encouraging smile to which he responded with a weak nod. Cedric hugged his father tightly before Amos walked away and back to the crowd, “On the count of three. One…” The cannon went off and Robyn looked back to see Filch shrugging in confusion. She returned her gaze to her brother to see him walked toward the maze and, once he was a few feet in the maze, look back at the crowd just as the hedge sealed itself. Cedric had gone in to. Dumbledore waited for a few moments and the cannon went of again and Krum walked into the maze strongly without a glance back. The Durmstrang students cheered and Robyn caught sight of Chadek who was holding up a large flag with the name ‘KRUM’ written in red on a black background. The cannon went off for a final time and Fleur entered the maze shakily. All four entrances to the maze were now completely closed by the hushes that had moved together. Robyn’s heart pounded in her chest as something loomed in her mind. She felt something was wrong. She couldn’t put her finger on it. Ron looked at Robyn, “Who do you thinks going to come out first?” Ron asked, “I bet Fred and George two sickles that Diggory will come out first then Harry." “Why not Harry first?” Hermione questioned leaning around Robyn to talk to Ron, “I’m just looking at the past two tasks.” Ron said defensively. Robyn rolled her eyes with a small smile and then looked down at the teachers but her eyes landed on Professor Moody who took a drink from his flask and shivered, Robyn assumed it was from the taste. Her eyebrows furrowed as she stared at the teacher. Around five minuet’s later, red sparks flew into the air, and Ron asked, “Who do you reckon it is?” Robyn shrugged in response whilst Hermione guessed, “Fleur.” A few moments later, Fleur was carried out of the maze on a stretcher and Robyn’s hand clamped over her mouth in shock at the girls frozen figure. She could see a few scratches on Fleur and gulped nervously as Maxime hurried over to her. She shared a worried glance with Hermione and could only hoped Harry was okay. “Miss Potter.” Robyn looked down to see Professor Moody looking up at her with his fake eye rolling around her, “A word.” He motioned for her to come down and Robyn nodded. She bid a short goodbye to Hermione and Ron walked down the stands and followed him to a shadowed area’s just behind the stands, not realising that someone else was following them. Robyn turned to Professor Moody, “Sir?” She said as Professor Moody twitched then took a gulp of his flask before turning his back on her, “Professor Moody?” The last thing Robyn heard before her vision was engulfed in blackness was, “Stupfy.” *** Malfoy glanced around the corner of the stands to see Robyn knocked out at the feet of a large figure. He watched as the figure placed something that looked like a piece of cloth in her hand and then looked at the watched on his wrist and muttered something that Malfoy didn’t catch then Robyn was gone in a flash of white light. His grey eyes widened in shock as he realized that Robyn had been handed a port key. *** Robyn landed with a harsh thump on the ground and a small moan escaped her lips as she rolled onto her back. She blinked her eyes open pulled herself onto her elbows and looked around and her breath caught in her throat. She was in the graveyard that had been haunting her dreams since summer, she recognised the house in the distance and the gravestones around her. Her heart began to thump heavily against her chest. Then, a flash of white light came to her left and she scrambled to her feet and yanked her wand out as she saw two figures hit into to the ground and a large cup bounced away from them. The two looked up and got to their feet and pointed their wands at her. She furrowed her brown as she recognised them but the black haired boy spoke first, “Robyn?” It was Harry. Robyn lowered her wand in shocked as he asked, “What are you doing here?” “I don’t know.” was her reply “What are you two doing here?” She jogged over just as the two boy’s stood up, “Are you okay?” Cedric asked them, “Yeah.” The twins answered, “You?” Harry questioned, Cedric nodded to say that he was fine then looked around, “Where are we?” Cedric questioned and a crow squawked in the background. Robyn and Harry slowly moved over to a large statue of the grim reaper holding a scythe above its head, “I’ve been here before.” Harry commented then looked at his sister as he added, “We both have.” Robyn’s eyes moved over to a large cauldron that lay in front of the statue, “It’s a port key.” Cedric said looking down at the Tri-Wizard cup, “Harry, Robyn, it’s a port key.” “We’ve been here before.” Harry repeated, “In a dream” Robyn then placed a hand on the word written on the plaque of the statue: THOMAS RIDDLE 1880 – 1943 MARY RIDDLE 1883 – 1943 TOM RIDDLE 1905 – 1943 “We have to get back to the cup.” Robyn said not removing her gaze from the words written on the statue as she stared at the last name. “Now.” Robyn had met Tom Riddle in second year in the form of a diary. Tom Riddle was Lord Voldemort and she had no desire to stay in a place like this. “What are you talking about?” Cedric asked looking at her, Robyn opened her mouth to answer but a loud and eerie creaking sound turned their attention to a small tunnel were a short bolding man walked out. Peter Pettigrew. Anger filled her but was almost immediatly overtaken by immense pain that shot through Robyn’s scar and she let out a scream and clutched at her neck, her bother doing the same as of the pain from his scar. Robyn fell to her knee’s clutching at her neck and Cedric rushed over to the twins just as a fire lit under the cauldron before them but Robyn took no notice as she tried to handle the pain, “Harry! Robyn! What is it?” Cedric shouted worriedly, “Get back to the cup.” Harry said through gritted teeth, Robyn squeezed her eyes shut and whimpered. She managed to open her eyes a bit to see Pettigrew walking toward them with, what looked like, a thin baby wrapped in black blankets. Cedric walked around the cauldron with his wand raised pointing it at Pettigrew, “Who are you? What do you want?” demanded Cedric, "Cedric! Get back!" Robyn cried as she looked at him, "Please!" “Kill the spare.” A voice hissed and her eyes widened, “Avada Kedavra.” In a flash of green light, Cedric Diggory was flung backward and lay dead on the grass his eyes wide. Robyn stared at him with a traumatised expression. A small,pathetic whimper escaped Robyn's lips and she heard Harry shout in anger, "No!" She suddenly felt her voice return as she screamed, “Cedric!” She went to get up but Pettigrew ran forward and pointed his wand at the throats of the two Potter’s. Robyn felt as if something was wrapped around her neck as she was lifted upward and backward. The scythe of the statue behind them moved around and pinned the twin’s neck against the statue, Robyn and Harry thrashed as the statue returned to stone and the pair were unable to escape. She was just able to breath with how tight the statue was holding them. “Do it, now!” The same voice hissed, Robyn new it was Voldemort and she had a horrid feeling that the creature that lay in Pettigrew’s arms was Voldemort himself. Robyn watched as Pettigrew shuffled a few feet to the cauldron and raised the creature above the boiling cauldron before letting the fragile figure drop into the water and the black cloth still in his grasp. The scar on Robyn’s neck began to singe with pain as Pettigrew walked forward, “Bones of the father, unwillingly given.” Pettigrew said raising a bone from under the Potter’s and hovered it over the cauldron before it burst into flames and was dropped into the bubbling liquid, “Flesh of the servant willingly sacrificed.” Pettigrew pocketed his wand and whipped out a knife and raised right arm over the cauldron and cut of his own hand. Robyn flinched and trembled as the burning in her scar became worse, she panted and gulped as Pettigrew walked toward them, “Blood of the enemy.” Robyn gasped as the man walked over to her and cut open the sleeve of her forearm then dug the knife into her arm and Robyn let out a scream and tears slipped down her cheek, “forcibly taken.” Pettigrew moved the knife down her forearm a few inches and Robyn let out a sob as he pulled the knife away to see the edge covered in her blood. Pettigrew walked over to the cauldron and held the knife over it and tapped it and a few dropped of blood fell into the liquid. Pettigrew returned to the Potters and cut Harry’s sleeve and dug the knife into his blood, Harry let out a shout of pain then the man allowed a few drops of Harry’s blood to drop into the liquid, “The dark lord shall rise again.” Each time a drop of Harry and Robyn’s blood landed in the liquid the pain in their scars intensified. The cauldron began to bubble and squelch and Robyn and Harry shouted in pain as the liquid turned from a murky grey to blood red then caught alight. The whole cauldron went up in flames and Pettigrew ran a short distance away from the roaring fire leaving Robyn and Harry to feel the intense pain of their scar’s and the burning hot fire before them. Robyn watched in horror as the cauldron melted and only a ball of molten flames was left floating in mid air. The fire vanished leaving only smoke a naked curled up creature then twisted and began to stretch into a tall skinny figure. Once it’s pale feet touched the ground black mist swirled around it and formed a black cloak around it. Robyn and Harry yelled in pain as Lord Voldemort was appearing before their eyes. Robyn watched fearfully as Voldemort stood and twisted his neck before running his pail hands over his bold head. Voldemort kept his back to the two but Robyn knew that he was now full back in his form. Robyn watched him walk forward slowly toward Pettigrew and let out a small cold laugh – if it could even be call one – and stood before Wormtail. “My wand, Wormtail.” Voldemort’s voice was spine chillingly cold, Pettigrew shakily reached into his cloak and pulled out a wand with a bone as a handle and bowed down presenting the wand to Voldemort. The pail hand wrapped around the end and took it from Wormtail “Hold out your arm Wormtail." “Master…thank you.” Pettigrew sniffed, “Master…” Robyn watched Pettigrew begin to raise right arm, the one missing a hand, but Voldemort hissed, “The other arm Wormtail.” Pettigrew looked concerned for his own well-being for a moment before raising his left arm. Voldemort grasped it and raised his wand just as his pail hand squeezed the forearm of Wormtail. The dark mark appeared on Pettigrew’s arm as the wand tip pressed harshly against it. Robyn looked up as thunder rumbled loudly above them and a skull appeared with a snake slithering out of its mouth in the dark clouds that covered the sky. The two Potter’s watched horrified as black mists flew down and around Voldemort. The mists transformed into men dressed with black robes and a skull mask. The same people that had attacked the Quidditch World Cup. Death Eaters
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