Chapter 8

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Year 4 1995 //The Pensieve and Igor Karkaroff// The Great Eagle rumbled loudly as it turned to allow the two Potters onto the door of Professor Dumbledore’s office. Robyn and Harry had been told to go to Professor Dumbledore's office a few hours ago by owl. From the otherside of the door, Professor Dumbledore's voice reached their ears, “A man has died here, Fudge.” The twins shared a look of confusion, why was the Minister of Magic here. “And he won’t be the last, you must take action.” “I will not.” Retorted a deep voice, Fudge, “In times like these the wizard world looks to its leaders for strength, Dumbledore." “Then for once show them some.” Professor Dumbledore snapped, “The tri-wizard tournament will not be cancelled.” Fudge stated firmly, “I will not be seen as a coward.” The two Potter’s looked at each other before returning to look at the door, “But surely that is what’s right, no matter what others think.” Professor Dumbledore said “What did you say?” Fudge demanded, “What did you just say to me?” “Excuse me gentlemen,” Robyn heard Professor Moody’s voice from inside the room, “it may interest you to know that this conversation is no longer private.” Harry raised his fist to knock but the locks on the door clicked and it swung open revealing Professor Dumbledore standing behind his desk with Fudge opposite him whilst Moody stood beside the door, “Oh, Harry, Robyn!” The minister exclaimed, turning to them, “Good to see you two again.” “We can come back later Professor.” Harry suggested and Robyn nodded quickly, Professor Dumbledore assured them with a small smile, “Oh not necessary, Harry. The minister and I are done. I’ll back in a moment.” The headmaster moved down the steps toward them and stopped then looked at Fudge, “Minister, after you. Do feel free to indulge in a liquorice snack in my absence, but I have to warn you they’re a little sharp." Robyn watched as Fudge, Professor Dumbledore and Professor Moody past them, Moody's eyes staring at them as he past then he halted and waved his wand and the door closed. Robyn looked back and ran her eyes around the room curiously. She observed the portraits of previous head masters that covered the walls, elaborate ornaments and complicated contraptions. Robyn turned to see Harry take a hand full of the liquorice that Dumbledore offered them, she moved beside him and watched him pick up one and hold it up. The little black thing jumped up and sunk its jagged teeth into Harry’s thumb, apparently that seemed to trigger all the other ones as they jumped at Harry and Robyn snapping at their body. Robyn squeezed and batted them off her hands as the bit at her, the two Potter’s stumbled backward into a cabinet. Robyn quickly pulled out her wand and muttered a freezing charm and stamped on them and once there were all dead she looked up at her brother to see him crawling on the floor as the liquorice bounced away. Harry looked up at his sister who stood with the dead things at her feet, Robyn shrugged and helped him to his feet just as a bright blue light came from behind them. The two turned to see the cabinet they had bashed into open to reveal a floating bowl with a bright blue light shining from it, the bowl moved toward them and stopped with a crunch of stone. Being part of the inquisitive Potter family, they just couldn't help themselves and went to investigate. the pair walked over to the bowl with interest. Robyn looked down at the bowl to see it filled with a thick liquid which reflected Harry and Robyn’s face with a swirling white and blue mist moving in the bowl. They leaned forward unconsciously as a large image of a tall room with hundreds of people huddled at the bottom appeared. The next thing Robyn knew was that she was falling and screaming, with her brother doing the same thing beside her. Robyn and Harry fell toward the mass of people and landed with a hard thump on a bench, but it was almost as if no one had noticed the two teens falling from the sky as no one looked at them - not even Dumbledore, who they landed next to, “Professor?” Harry said looking at their Head Master. Robyn noticed that Professor Dumbledore looked slightly younger with less wrinkles. He didn’t reply just stared forward, “Professor Dumbledore?” Robyn attempted but no response came from the man, “Professor.” Robyn heard a man greet and an arm reached through Harry's stomach and shook hands with Professor Dumbledore, Robyn squeaked and looked at Harry shocked as he touched his stomach to check that he was still whole, to which he was - Robyn found the same when she did it to. Robyn’s attention was then drawn to a large cage in the centre of the room where a dirty man rose up dressed in Azkaban clothing and shackles in a cage. A small gasp escaped her lips when she realized she recognised him. Igor Karkaroff. Robyn gulped then turned at the sound of another familiar voice, “Igor Karkaroff, you have been brought from Azkaban at your own request to present evidence to this counsel.” It was Barty Crouch. “Should your testimony prove consequential. Counsel may be prepared to order your immediate release. Until such time you remain in the eyes of the ministry a convicted deatheater. Do you accept these terms?” Harry turned to Robyn and whispered, “Why would they let a deatheater become head of a school?” Robyn shook her head, “I don’t know.” They returned their gazes to the shaking Igor Karkaroff as he spoke, “I do sir.” “What do you wish to present?” Crouch asked, “I have names, sir.” Answered Karkaroff “There was…Rosier, Evan Rosier.” A man beside Crouch handed him a small pile of papers, he glanced at them, and Crouch said, “Mr Rosier is dead.” “Dead?” Repeated Karkaroff in confusion, “Yeah took a piece of me with him though, didn’t he.” Mad-Eye growled to Professor Dumbledore slowly, Robyn gulped and glanced at him before looking back at Karkaroff as he stammered, “I didn’t know." “If that is all the witness has to offer – “ Karkaroff cut of Crouch desperately, “No! No! There was Rookwood, he’s a spy!" “Augustus Rookwood?” Questioned Crouch, “Of the department of mysteries?” “Ya ya, the same.” Nodded Karkaroff hurriedly, “He passed information to you know who from inside the ministry itself." “Very well” commented Crouch “Counsel will deliberate. In the meantime you will be returned to Azkaban” “No! Wait! Please! I have more!” Cried Karkaroff and from what Sirius had told Robyn about the prison, she could understand why Karkaroff was so desperate not to go backm “What about Snape! Severus Snape?" “The counsel is very much aware you have given evidence on this matter.” Dumbledore said standing up “Severus Snape was indeed a deatheater and prior to Lord Voldermorts downfall turned spy for us at great personal risk.” Robyn’s eyes widened and she looked at Harry, "Snape was a deatheater?” She asked shocked and Harry nodded also confused, “Why is Dumbledore defending him and letting him teach at Hogwarts?” Harry questioned, “That’s a lie!” protested Karkaroff madly and Robyn looked back at him, “Today he is no more a deatheater that I am.” Professor Dumbledore sat back down as he finished, “Severus Snape remains faithful to the dark lord!” Contradicted Karkaroff and people started talking, “Silence!” Demanded Crouch hitting a his desk with a tiny hamme,r “Until the witness possesses any name of genuine consequence this session is now concluded." “Oh, no, no, no, no, no.” Karkaroff’s voice was calm, completely opposite to how his tone was previous, “I heard about one more.” “What’s that?” asked Crouch, “That name…” “Yes.” Crouch snapped, “I know for a fact this person took part in the capture, and by means of the cruciatus curse, torture of the auror Frank Longbottom and his wife!” Karkaroff screamed “The name!” Screamed Crouch “Give me the wretched name!” “Barty Coruch!” Shouted Karkaroff, silence covered the crowd, “…Junior." Robyn followed everyone's gaze and saw them looking at a youngish man standing up from the crowd dressed in a dark suit. Barty Crouch’s son was a deatheater. The man ran down in an attempt to escape but Moody pointed his wand him and hit him with a white flash, sending him into a pile of paper in the centre of the court room. Member’s of the Counsel stood in shock and a few guards seize Barty Crouch Junior, Robyn could see the complete shock on Barty Crouch’s face, “Get your filthy hands off me you pathetic little men!” Spat Barty Junior as he was pulled to hand in front of the frozen Barty Crouch, he licked his lips and snarled, “Hello father.” “You are no son of mine.” Was Barty Crouch’s response, Barty Crouch Junior snarled and thrashed in the guards grip as they hauled him away. Robyn stumbled backward and landed harshly on the stone floor of Professor Dumbledore’s office beside Harry, panting. Once he stood, Harry helped his sister up and they looked around confused for a few seconds then their eyes landed on Professor Dumbledore who was stood beside the bowl illuminated from the blue light of the liquid, “Curiosity is not a sin,” Professor Dumbledore commented looking at the two Potters, “but you should exercise more caution.” Robyn and Harry moved forward and looked down at the bowl, “It’s a pensieve, useful if like me you find your mind a wee bit stretched. It allows me to see what small things I have already see. You see Harry, Robyn, I’ve searched and searched for something, some small detail. Something I might have over looked, something that would explain why these terrible things have happened. Every time I get close to an answer it slips away, it’s maddening.” “Sir, Mr. Crouch’s son, what happened to him?” Robyn asked as she and her brother stepped forward toward their headmaster, “He was sent to Azkaban.” Professor Dumbledore answered as if it was obvious, “Destroyed Barty to do it. But he had no choice, the evidence was overwhelming. Why do you ask?” “It’s just that we’ve been having a dream about him.” Harry answered glancing at Robyn who nodded in agreement, “It was in the summer, before school.” Professor Dumbledore stood as Harry began explaining, “In the dream I was in a house and Voldemort was there only he wasn’t quite human, and Wormtail was there and Mr Crouch’s son." “Have there been other dreams like this?” Professor Dumbledore inquired, “Yes. Always the same one.” Robyn answered and Dumbledore moved and looked down into the pensieve and she continued, “Sir…these dreams, what we see, you don’t think their actually happening, do you?” “I think it’s unwise for you to linger over these dreams Robyn, Harry.” Professr Dumbledore said “I think it’s best that you simply…” He placed the tip of his wand to his temple and pulled it away slowly pulling along with it a string of pale blue “…cast them away”. *** The two Potter’s walked down the dimply lit corridor in silence, that is, until low muttering’s reached their ears as they passed a small broom cupboard. Robyn instantly recognised the voices. “It’s a sign, Severus,” That was Karkaroff “you know what it means as well as I.” Suddenly, the door swung open just they passed and Robyn and Harry stopped to see Karkaroff standing with his sleeve rolled up showing his forearm where a black mark lay, in the shape of a snake and skull. The Dark Mark. Robyn’s breath hitched and Karkaroff looked directly at them as he stormed past them, shoting them a quick glare and yanking down his sleeve. “Potters!” Hissed Professor Snape “What’s your hurry?” The pair walked toward their potions teacher as he motioned them in, “Congratulations, your performance in the black lake was inspiring. Gilliweed, am I correct Mr. Potter?” Harry nodded, “Yes, sir.” “Ingenious.” Drawled Snape he walked into the small cupboard and the two Potter’s followed, “A rather rare herb gilliweed, not something found in your everyday garden.” Robyn watched him climb up a ladder and pluck a small bottle from the shelves and climb back down, “Nor is this.” He stood before them and held up the vile, “Know what is it?” “Bubble juice, sir?” Harry suggested and Snape looked at Robyn who shrugged, “Veritaserum.” Answered Snape and Robyn’s eyes widened in recognition, “Three drops of this and you-know-who himself will spill his darkest secrets. The use of this on a student is regrettably forbidden, however should either of you steal from my personal stores again, my hand might just slip over your morning pumpkin juice." “We haven’t stolen anything.” Robyn defended “Don’t lie to me, Miss Potter.” Professor Snape growled leaning toward her face, “Gilliweed might be innocuous, but boomslang skin? Lacewing flies?” Robyn hide the looked of fear on her face. Robyn and Hermione had used those ingredients in second year and, regrettably, had stolen them from Snapes cupboard for the polyjuice potion. Snape hissed, “You and your friends are brewing polyjuice potion and believe me I’m going to find out why?” He pushed them back and slammed the door in their face. Robyn looked and Harry with her eyebrows furrowed, “Who’s been making polyjuice potion?” Robyn asked, “Surely someone who notice if they were drinking that vile drink. They’d been throwing up or shivering all over the place.” Harry shrugged and said, “I don’t know, Robyn. I don’t know.”
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