Chapter 7

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Year 4 1995 //The Second Task// The graveyard dream that had haunted Robyn’s sleep for weeks, making her shiver and her forehead drip with sweat in her sleep. The image of the riper statue loomed before her covered in a greyish snow and dark background. The next image was her in the point of view of the old man she’d seen in the first time she had the dream, walking up the rickety stairs of the Riddle House toward a door that was half open, she could see Pettigrew crouching my the chair but was then shoved aside by an unknown man who knelt by the chair. “Let me see it again.” A rasped voice came from the chair, the man raised his sleeve and Robyn’s mind flashed with a black mark of a skull and a snake entwined through its mouth upon the unknown man’s arm “The time is close now.” her vision shook slightly “Robyn, at last.” Pettigrew stood in front of the door looking directly at her, “Step aside, Wormtail, so I can give our guest a proper greeting.” Pettigrew moved and a blast of green light fired toward her. Robyn’s eyes snapped open and she blinked quickly and her eyes darted around the room. She raised her hand to her head and felt sweat cover her hand. Her breath was heavy and her chest heaved. Robyn pulled herself into a sitting position and looked down at the clock, it was two in the morning. Christmas day. She groaned loudly before collapsing back onto the bed. *** A few days later and Robyn walked down the length of the Gryffindor table before sitting down opposite Ron. She had forgiven him on Christmas day after he’d begged and begged for her forgiveness and even, Robyn could hardly believe it herself, had offered her all of his chocolate frogs. She had declined the offer quickly and had forgiven him. She spooned egg’s onto her plate and glanced up at Ron “When are you going to talk to Hermione?” she asked as she raised a forkful of eggs to her mouth, Ron rolled his eyes “When she apologies” was Ron’s response and Robyn rolled her eyes “God, both of you are idiots” Robyn grumbled “Hay!” Ron exclaimed moving his fork from his mouth and Robyn shrugged “Ron, you’re the most idiotic about of both of you” Robyn commented and Ron glared at her “I’m not that bad” he muttered taking a bite of toast and Robyn raised an eyebrow “What idiotic things have I done, then?” “How would you like it presented?” Robyn asked “List? Book? Trilogy? Documentary? Library form?” Ron playfully glared at her and pushed her gently “Shut up, Robyn” he muttered and Robyn laughed “At least I didn’t go to the ball with an i***t” Robyn rolled her eyes “He wasn’t that bad” she contradicted and Ron barked a laugh “Robyn, do you remember the other day?” Ron questioned and she blushed “It wasn’t his fault…he was just…” she trailed of and Ron smirked in triumph “Robyn, he though Harry was trying to kill you” Robyn shivered at the memory. She, Ron and Harry were sat in the grounds when Harry was muttering under his breath and, in Robyn’s opinion, looked a bit like an i***t, so imitated him. Of course, Harry wasn’t pleased so he had pinned her down and tickled her but, apparently, Calvan had thought that Harry was trying to kill her and had tackled Harry off her and threatened him only to be pulled away by Robyn and put straight on what was going on. Robyn flushed then looked at Ron and mumbled “I thought we agreed to forget that” and Ron shook his head with a laugh “How can we?” he laughed “Harry’s still got the bruise.” *** Two weeks later and the four Gryffindor’s were in the library. Robyn was stood against a shelf with her arms folded, opposite her was her brother - who had is head resting on a thick book, Ron was half asleep in a chair next to Robyn and Hermione was pacing between the aisle they were in. Tomorrow was the second task and Harry had figured out the egg but had no idea how to breathe underwater for one whole hour! Robyn rubbed her face as Hermione asked, in an authoritative tone, “Tell me again.” “’Come seek us where our voices sound’.” Recited Harry hitting his chin on the book repeatedly, “That Black Lake” Robyn pointed out “That’s clear. Hermione shook Ron, who had begun to snore, and handed him the golden egg as Harry continued, “’An hour long you’ll have to look’.” “Again obvious,” Hermione commented, “though I must admit potentially problematic.” Harry looked up at her incredulously, “Potentially problematic?” Harry repeated disbelievingly and Robyn glanced at him “When was the last time you held your breathe under the water for an hour Hermione?” “Look Harry,” Hermione sat on a chair beside him and placed a hand on his shoulder, “we can do this. The four of us can figure it out.” Robyn nodded in agreement and smiled encouragingly but it fell as a voice grumbled from behind her, “Hate to break up this scholar session but Professor McGonagall would like to see you in her office.” Robyn stood up from the desk and turns to look at Professor Moody, Harry went to stand too, “Not you Mr. Potter nor you Mr. Weasley. Just Miss Potter and Miss Granger.” The two girls shared a look of confusion, “But sir, “ Hermione began “the second task is only hours away and – “ “Exactly.” stopped Professor Moody and Robyn frowned, “Presumably Potter is well prepared by now and could do with a good night’s sleep. Go. Now.” Robyn looked at her brother and mouth ‘Bye’ then waved and walked with Hermione out the library. The pair walked down the corridor. “I wonder why see want to see us.” Hermione questioned as they walked down the transfiguration corridor, Robyn shrugged in response. The two Gryffindor’s entered Professor McGonagalls office to see Igor Karkaroff, Madam Maxine, Dumbledore, Professor McGonagall, Barty Crouch, a small blonde girl – Robyn recognised her as Fleur’s younger sister and Cho Chang. Professor McGonagall looked up as the two girls and greeted them stiffly, “Ah, Miss Potter, Miss Granger.” Twalked forward and Robyn stood between Hermione and Cho and noticed the other two girls looked as confused as she and Hermione were. McGonagall looked at the four with a pitying expression before turning to Barty who stepped forward in front of the four, “Now, the second task involves the champions rescuing something or, in this case, someone dear to them.” Crouch explained, “After careful analysis, we have chosen you four to be the ones that our champions will be retrieving. All four of you shall drink a vile of this,” He handed each student a small tube with clear liquid inside it, “it will give the look of death but will allow you to breathe underwater for the hour. You will be in an almost dream state but when you’re head’s break the surface you shall wake. There is no need to worry.” Robyn looked down at Fleur’s sister who was looking up at her Head Mistress with a fearful expression and Robyns heart squeezed, “If the champion’s do not reach you, you will be taken up to the surface by the mermaids. I promise, no harm shall come to you. Understood?” They nodded, “Okay, now, I want each of you stand in front of your champion’s head teacher.” Crouch looked at the four, “Miss Delacour you will be Miss Delacour’s.” The girl moved over and stood in front of Madam Maxine, who placed a comfortingly hand on her shoulder, “Miss Granger will be Mr. Krum’s.” Robyn bit her lip to prevent herself from laughing at Hermione’s red cheeks as she stood in front of Igor Karkaroff – who wore a sour expression – and Hermione sent a small glare at Robyn, “Miss Chang you are Mr. Diggory’s.” Cho moved and stood in front of Professor Dumbledore, “And, Miss Potter you will be Mr. Potter’s.” Robyn nodded and stood in front of Professor McGonagall, who looked down at her with an apologetic expression, “On the count of three I want each of you to drink the content. Ready? One, two,” Robyn looked down at the liquid and breathed shakily as she took the cork out of it”...three.” Robyn closed her eyes and brought the vile to her lips and let her head fall back and the liquid trickle down her throat. It didnt really have a taste, just water with a hint of sourness. Then, the potion set in...darkness consume her. *** The sun was high in the sky over Hogwarts School the following day. The stands were filled with students who cheered excitedly for their champions. It was the day of the second task. Malfoy looked down into the water with a frown then down at the lower stands, where was Robyn Potter? He had noticed she wasnt at breakfast and it seemed that her brother and Weasley hadnt seen her either as they were looking around constantly. His grey eyes found Weasley’s red hair but the Potter girl wasn’t anywhere to be seen then his eyes moved back to the dark water of the lake as Professor Dumbledore’s words rang in his mind which he had announced at the begining of the task: “Last night something was stolen from each of our champions…These four treasures, one for each champion, now lie at the bottom of the Black Lake.” Malfoy groaned in his mind as realisation hit him. Robyn was at the bottom of the lake as bate for her brother. She’s not even competing in the tournament and she’s in danger. Damn it Potter. A loud splash came from the water and Malfoy’s eyes darted over to see Diggory and Chang immerge from the water, he clapped loudly but his eyes wondered over the lake. At least he won. He smirked at Weasley then looked down at the water and the question surfaced in his mind. Where was Potter? There was only five minutes left. Once Diggory and Chang were on the lower deck, Granger and a shark came from the water but the shark transformed back into Krum. He bit his lip nevously. It was only the two Potter and Fleur’s person left in the lake. Malfoy’s foot tapped subconsciously as neither were seen. Then, the clock donged loudly. The hour was up. Malfoy stared at the water just as two heads broke the water and his eyes widened as a mop of black hair was visible. *** Robyn gasped loudly and coughed, spluttering water as she surfaced from the black water. She opened her eyes only to see black as her hair stuck to her face. She slicked back her hair from her face blinked, gaining her sight back. She heard cries and splashes from beside and turned to see Fleur’s little sister coughing out water and trying go stay afloat, she was panicking. Robyn wrapped an arm around her waist and the little girl clung to Robyn as she swam over to the deck. People in the stands were cheering loudly as Robyn and the small girl came over. A few of Robyns friends where at the bottom level and held their hands out to her. She recognised Fleur who was sat on a ladder holding her hand out to her sister speaking French worriedly. Robyn helped the little girl into to Fleurs before she looked around for her brother, paddling to keep herself afloat. “Robyn, come on!” She heard Ron call but Robyn ignored him and then looked down at the water. She had a feeling he was down there. She took a deep breath and diving back under the water, people screaming and shouting after her. She swam down and could make out the blurry figure of her brother as he floated downward toward the kelp. Robyn’s pushed herself toward him as her lungs began to burn from the lack of oxygen. She held her hand out to him and grabbed his arm and nearly gasped at the many cut’s that covered him from where he’d clearly been attacked. She pulled him against her and his eyes opened slowly and looked at her weakly. She gave him a reassuring nod then she looked down and noticed Harrys wand and grabbed it. Her vision was slowly becoming more distorted and her head began to ache. Robyn wrapped an arm around Harry’s waist and pointed his wand up at the surface. “Ascendio.” She said as best she can through the water then she was propelled forward, bringing her brother with her. She shot from the water and landed with a loud thump on the lower deck of the stand beside her brother shakily with the cold. She breathed deeply with her eyes wide. Her ears were overwhelmed as the stands irrupted with cheers. She saw Professor Dumbledore kneel beside the two of them as they spewed out water like fountains. A towel was wrapped around her as someone sat her up. They rubbed her arms then another towel began drying her hair. “It’s alright, Harry, Robyn.” Professor Dumbledore assured them, “Go get them another towel!” Seamus said as he rubbed Robyn’s hair and shoulders, she could see Dean working on drying Harry. Robyn looked at Seamus and smiled weakly and he rolled his eyes playfully, “You’re an idiot.” He told her and she shrugged, “Or brave?” ”No, idiot.” Agreed Dean and she laughed softly as Professor Dumbledore shouted, “I want all the judges over here now!” Fleur knelt in front of the two Potters, “You saved her, even though she wasn’t yours to save.” She said gratefully “My little sister! Thank you!” She grabbed Harry’s head and kissed him on the cheek, “And you helped her too!” She grabbed Robyn and kissed her head then looked up at Ron, “And you…you helped” she stood and moved over to Ron, “Well…yeah…a bit” Ron waved of causally, Fleur kissed his cheek and Robyn giggled at Rons bewildered expression. Fleur spoke French to her sibling before pulling her into the crowd and Ron breathed, “Meci.” “Harry! Robyn! Are you alright? You must be freezing!” Hermione exclaimed kneeling down beside the twins and throwing her towel over the both of them. Robyn wasn’t shaking as much as Harry but still trembled slightly “Personally I think you behaved admirably." “I finished last Hermione.” Harry reminded her and Robyn’s eyes widened then looked around and only then did she notice everyone else had got here before Harry, Hermione grabbed his head and kissed it, “Next to last.” Hermione corrected him “Fleur never got past the grindylows." “What?” Robyn gasped, snapping her head to her but Hermione said nother and helped Harry up whilst Ron wrapped an arm around Robyn’s waist and hoisted her up, “Attention please!” Professor Dumbledore called but chants around them continued, Robyn looked over to her Head Master just as he placed the tip of his wand to his throat and his voice magnified “Attention!” Robyn clamped her hands her ears as his voice rang in her ears, “The winner is…Mr Diggory!” Robyn clapped for him as Cedric and his supporters cheered loudly. At least Hogwarts won this round, “For showing unique command of the bubblehead charm. The way I see it, Mr Potter would have finished first had it not been for his determination to rescue not only Miss Potter but the others as well. We’ve agreed to award him second place! For outstanding moral fibre!” Robyn screamed in happiness and hugged her brother wasn’t the people around them clapped, “Second place!” Hermione exclaimed happily, the crowds were mostly cheers but there was the odd booing from Durmstrang. Robyn smiled and looked up only to lock eyes with Malfoy who stared at her for a few long moments before turning and walking into the crowd with Goyle trailing behind him. Robyn staring after him.
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