Chapter 6

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Year 4 1994 //The Yule Ball// A couple of days later, Robyn was looking at herself in the mirror pressing her hands down the silky purple fabric. She turned so that her back was to the mirror and looked over her shoulder and bit her lower lip nervously and ran her eyes over her body. She thought she looked pretty but different to how she normally looked, in a good way. The bathroom door opened and Robyn turned to see Hermione walk from the bathroom wearing a beautiful pink dress that was figure hugging at the top but flowed gently to her ankles with the material splitting off around her waist. She looked like a princess with her hair mostly up except for a single lock of hair that had been curled and rested on her shoulder. “Hermione…you look amazing.” Robyn gasped in awe, Hermione blushed then ran her brown eyes over Robyn, “You looked beautiful, Robyn.” She complemented “Chadek really does like you, doesn’t he?” She added fondly and the Potter bit her bottom lip and nodded slightly, “Yes…” She trailed off quietly before she looked up at the time, “It’s nearly time to start and you need to get there to begin the dance.” With Hermione's nod, the girls walked out and down the stair case into the Common Room then headed to the Great Hall As they assended the steps to the hall a few minutes later, Hermione whispered nervously to Robyn, “I don’t know if I can do this.” The brunette stopped and peering around the corner with a worried expression on her face. Robyn glanced to see her brother and Ron standing with their backs to them looking around. Robyn returned behind the wall and turned to her friend and held her hands in hers and smiled, “Yes, you can.” Robyn contradicted and Hermione looked at her with concern swirling her eyes, “You look like a goddess. You have a handsome boy waiting for you at the bottom of those steps. Go out there and show Ron what he missed.” Hermione blushed then said, after a few moments, “You’ll come down with me?” “Of course, you’re my best friend.” Robyn smiled, Hermione breathed slowly and then pair peered around the edge of the steps and Robyn gulped at the sight of her brother standing beside Parvati before her eyes moved to land on Chadek who was stood at the base of the steps straightening his shirt. His was dressed in a red blazer buttoned up with gold fastenings with a fur cloak across his shoulder held together by a large belt. He looked handsome. Robyn bit her lip then looked down at herself and brushed her hand over her dress. The girls then glanced at one another before they walked forward and stood at the stop of the stairs and looked down at the group of people below. Robyn slowly made her way down the steps and her eyes landed on Chadek who smiled up at her, his gleaming white teeth looking up at her. Chadek walked forward and stopped at the base of the steps and watched as Robyn ascended toward him. She blushed and he held out his hand and she placed her hand in his to which he raised her knuckle to his lips and kissed it. Chadek murmered to her softly, “You look beautiful, Robyn." “Thank you.” She said quietly and Chadek helped her down the last step and she watched Krum lead Hermione toward the line-up of Triwizard champions. Chadek smiled at her softly as he held his arm out to her and he asked, “Shall we?” With a small nodded, she looped her arms with his and they walked toward the entrance of the hall. Robyn glanced over her shoulder and saw her brother staring at them with his jaw tensed. He was defiantly going to talk to her about this later. She sent him a small smile and waved a little but he only stared at her with his sharp eye. Robyn looked back at Chadek then into the hall. They made their way into the crowd then stopped next to a couple, a Durmstrang by the name of Anton and his date from Beauxtons, Cecilia. A few moments of silence on her part with Anton and Chadek talking to another, the doors to the Hall opened and the champions walked in. Leading was Fleur and Rodger Davis, a Ravenclaw a few years above Robyn, then was Krum and Hermione – Robyn winked at Hermione, who blushed in response – , followed by Cedric Diggory and Cho and finally was Harry and Parvati. Harry’s eyes were darting around nervously as he walked and Robyn sent him an encouraging smile as she clapped for them. Chadek held onto Robyn’s hand gently as he pulled them through the crowd and stood in the front of the circle as the champions and the partners got into position as the Hogwart’s orchestra, conducted by Professor Flitwick, began to play beautifully. Robyn watched her brother stumbled around attempting to lead Partvati and, very clumsily, lifted her up by the waist. Dumbledore and Professor McGonagall walked onto the dance floor, signalling everyone to join. “May I have this dance?” Chadek asked and Robyn blushed with a small nodded and he lead her onto the dance floor. She kept her gaze on him as they slowed to a stop in the centre of the hall. Robyn placed her hand on his shoulder and the other in his hand whilst Chadek free hand rested on her waist before they began to dance, Chadek leading them. Robyn smiled at him as they danced before he held her waist and lifted her up she held his shoulders and she forced herself not to gasp in shock before landing gently on her feet. As they moved across the dance floor more people began to bring their partners forward and, before long, Malfoy and Parkinson began to dance as well. Robyn was twirled around by Chadek and her blue eyes locked with grey as she locked eyes with Malfoy. They stared at eachother as Robyn's hand slipped out of Chadeks hands with her dress swishing around her feet. Draco Malfoy had his hair slightly messy but also quite neat at the same time and he was dressed in an expensive black suit with white shirt accompanied with a black bow-tie and, as much as Robyn wanted to deny it, he looked extremely handsome. She saw his eyes run over her but they were taken away as Parkinson moved infront of him, blocking her from view. Robyn shook her head and looked back at Chadek and saw he had a confused expression. She told him she was okay and appologied before returning to dance with him. Every-so-often, Robyn and Malfoy would meet eyes as they danced but always turned to look at their partners. Robyn looked back at Cadhek from Malfoy and saw him smiling at her warmly and a guilty feeling sunk in. She'd spent more time looking at Malfoy than her date who bought her the beautiful gown she was currently wearing and asked her to be his date. Chadek spun her around and held her against him with her hands on his chest and his on her waist. *** An hour later, Robyn was dancing to the Weird Sister’s with Chadek with a large smile on her face. He spun her around as she laughed happily then gasped softly as he twirled her before she was caught by him and she giggled. Her hair was now mostly out of his ties and she was starting to get tired. Her eyes landed on her brother, Ron and their dates who were sat at a table a little away from the dancing crowd with grumpy expressions on their faces, she decided that they would be her excuse to have a rest. Robyn bit her lip as Parvati was taken to the dance floor by a Durmstrang boy then Robyn looked up at Chadek who was dancing widely with his hair completely messy. She tapped his shoulder gently and he looked down at her, slowing his dancing, and she shouted over the music, “I'm going to see my brother." He nodded and shouted back, "Come back as ‘zoon as you can.” She nodded then weaved through the crowd and over to her brother, who stared at her with a blank expression. She stopped before the too, “What’s wrong, Harry?” She asked breathlessly, a smile on her face, "You look like Hermione when a test is cancelled." “Nothing.” Grumbled Harry, Robyn raised an eyebrow just as Ron hissed up at her, “Why are you flirting with the enemy?” “The enemy?” Robyn asked in confusion then saw Ron motioned behind her and she followed his gaze and saw him looking at Chadek, who was cheering with some other Durmstrang students, she looked back at her brother and Ron, “What are you talking about?” “Told him everything about Harry, have you?” Ron growled up at her, “Your own brother. Who knew you could sink so low?” Robyn’s jaw dropped at the accusation, “I bet you told him come clues about the egg and all to tell Krum!"” “How dare you?” Robyn gasped at him, “I would never help Durmstrang with the egg, I’m a Hogwarts student. I support Harry and Cedric.” Harry scoffed at Cedric’s name, “Cedric.” Harry muttered “Always Cedric. “Diggory? You support Diggory?” Ron asked shocked, “Of course.” Robyn replied simply, “He’s my friend.” “Oh, and I suppose ‘Chadek’ you’re friend too?” Ron glared at her “Yes. Yes he is actually." Robyn replied bluntly, “Is that how you treat all your friends?” Ron asked, “Flirty and touchy. Why don’t I get that treatment then, Robyn? I bet you give that to Diggory don’t you?” Robyn’s jaw dropped and she felt tears well up in her eyes, “Make your way up the ladder of fame by using people.” He scoffed and Robyn clenched her fists and blinked rapidly to get rid of her tears, “Are you insinuating that I’m some sort of…” She stumbled for the word, “…harlot?” Ron shrugged and she felt her stomach tighten and she stared at him in horror. She shifted her gaze to her brother but he didn’t say anything but just stared at the crowd. He didn’t say anything - almost like he didn’t care that their best friend had just called her a harlot! “You two are unbelievable!" She shouted angrily and Harry looked up at her, not having heard what Ron had said, “What?” Harry asked stupidly and Robyn just shook her head and a single tear slipped down her cheek before she walked out the Great Hall. *** Once she'd left, Harry turned to Ron with his eyebrows furrowed, "What happened? Why is she crying?" He had a frown on his face and a guilty expression came on his face and Harry knew it was something Ron had done, "What did you say?” Ron sighed softly and looked down, “I didn’t mean it…I just…” “What did you say, Ron?” Harry repeated darkly, “I may have suggested that she was selling her body to get to higher ranks with the winners”. Ron whispered and Harry’s eyes darkened with anger and stood, “You just can’t keep your mouth shut, can you Ron?” Harry snarled before standing and chasing after his sister only to see no trace of her. *** Robyn walked through the corridors of the school with a few tears filling her eyes. Her heals clipped loudly as she walked down a corridor and wiped a few falling tears with the back of her hand. She wiped the tears away with the back of hand and sniffed. Her feet soon began to hurt so she dropped to the floor and pulled off her heals and rubbed the balls of her feet. How could he assume such a thing? Robyn thought, that she would flirt just to get herself more fame? She already has too much - any fame in her opinion was too much! Even Harry didn't say anything! “Stupid Ron." She muttered softly, “Stupid Harry.” “Potter?” Robyn snapped her head up to see Malfoy walking toward her, his bow-tie un-done and handing loosely around his neck and his hair messier than when he'd been in the hall. She looked away and wiped her cheeks hurriedly before he could see but it wasn't enough as he asked, “Are you crying?” She shook her head and got to her feet, “No.” She denied but her voice was slightly broken brushing off her dress and quickly changed the subject, “What are you doing down here?” “Why are you crying?” He demanded, it wasn’t soft at all, “I’m not crying.” She hissed back at him, “Stop lying, Potter.” He snapped, clearly frustrated, and moved to stand directly in front of her, “Was it Weasley?” Robyn’s jaw clenched and a smirk made its way onto his face, “I thought so. Weasley can never keep his mouth closed. What did he say?” Robyn rolled her eyes and muttered, “He implied that I was some kind of prostitute.” A suprised look formed on Malfoy's face as he said, “I didn’t think he’d say that." “Well he did.” Robyn grumbled picking up her heals, “Stupid ginger idiot.” She leaned on the wall and looked up at the ceiling, then wiped away a tear, “How was your date?” He spoke the words as if they were poison but it went un-noticed by Robyn, “He was the only good thing about tonight.” Robyn uttered looking down at her dress, “He’s really sweet.” “Really?” “Yes.” Robyn smiled softly, “He bought me this dress, actually.” She brushed her hand over the dress fondly, “Did he now?” Robyn nodded at his words before looking up at him to see his arms crossed and jaw tense, “Why aren’t you in there?” Robyn inquired, Malfoy relaxed slightly and ran a hand through her hair, “Oh, Pansy got a bit to…clingy.” He answered with a shuddered slightly, “Why did you go with her then?” Robyn questioned, “Because she’s pureblood.” Was Malfoy’s simple answer and Robyn’s jaw dropped, a smirk made its way to his face, “Is that how you chose your date?” Robyn asked bitterly, “Upon their blood status.” “Of course” Malfoy shrugged then said, with a smirk, “Why? Want to change my mind of that front.” Robyn’s eyes widened, “W-What?” she stammered, “Are you deaf? I said: Why wouldn’t I?” Malfoy repeated, Robyn blushed she’d just imagined Malfoy asking her to change his opinion. Robyn shook her head and whispered nervously, “Umm...I should go.” She went to move but arms slammed either side of her trapping her against the wall and she jumped a little and looked up at Malfoy, “Is there another way I should chose my dates, Robyn?” He whispered leaning close to her face, “Care to tell me?” Robyn gulped, “Urm…maybe through their...personality or…maybe…?” Robyn trembled leaning backward slightly “Are you okay?” H asked lowly leaning forward, “You seem a bit flustered.” Robyn gulped and pressed herself into the wall as far as she could, “You looked gorgeous by the way." He looked down at her dress and Robyn felt herself began to shake nervously, “Very beautiful.” Her throat tightened as he leaned closer and closer till their lips were but a breath away. Robyn’s eyes flicked her eyes up to his and glanced down at her and cupped the back of her head and kissed her. Malfoy moved his lips against hers softly and held her head in his hands as he kissed her, Robyn’s hand were stuck to her sides and her eyes were closed. Before she realised what was happening, Robyn was kissing him back. The kissed deepened and Malfoy bit her lip and moves is tongue into her mouth and he brought her face closer to his and leaned over her and searched her mouth thoroughly with her with his tongue. Robyn’s hand seemed to ignore her mind as she moved up to grip his shoulders. Malfoy pushed her back and into the wall harshly. Robyn let out a moan and gripped his shoulders. “Potter? Potter? Potter?” Robyn blinked as she snapped out of her day dream and looked up to see Malfoy looking down at her with a frustrated expression, “Out of our little day dream, Potter? I asked if you were okay?” Robyn felt her neck, ears and cheek’s heat up and his face crunched up in confusion, “Goodnight, Potter." He walked away with her eyes following him until he disappeared from sight. Robyn gasped then fell back against the wall with her hand over her mouth. She just had a day dream of snogging Draco Lucius Malfoy.
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