Chapter 20

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Year 5 1996 //Dumbledore's Leave, Punishment and Grawp// “Make it a powerful memory;” Harry said looking around at the D.A members as they practiced their patronus’s a few days later, “The happiest you can remember. Allow it to fill you up." “Keep trying, Seamus.” Robyn encouraged as she walked over to him, continously failing. He looked at her and gave her 'really?' look before we went back to trying the spell. She ran her eyes over the people then spotted Neville trying to no avail and she sent him thumbs up as Harry continued to preach to the group. “A full bodied patronus is the most difficult to produce, but shield forms can be equally useful against a variety of opponents.” Harry explained as she past Ginny and two other girls, Ginny’s patronus turned into a beautiful horse that galloped upward and around. Robyn noticed it but then quickly turned her attention to a forth year who was making sparks fly out her wand. She hurriedly went over and adjusted the forth years arm with a small smile, "A little straighter and its Expecto Patronum, not Expecto Patronua." Robyn explained kindly and the student nodded a little before stepped back and watching her cast the spell again and a cat scampered out her wand. Robyn looked at Hermione to see her with a blue otter dancing around her as she giggled. Then she potted Ron produce a Jack Russell Terrier that barked loudly and knocked over Neville as it ran around the room without a care. A wide grin made its way onto Robyns face as she looked around at the swirling patronus’s that flew around the room. They ranged from tiny hamsters to large horses, all showing the individuality of the people in this room. She moved aside as a wolf glided past her then heard something and paused. It was like a thundering sound. She looked up as she heard the sound of glass hitting together. The chandelier above them was shaking, and so, everyone began to notice, was the room itself with the lights flickering on and off. Everyone flinched as a loud boom came, shaking the room again, and all the students moved closer together. Carefully, moved forward with alone, her wand clutched tightly in her hand. She gently nudged Nigel backward to her brother whilst she continued toward the entrance of the room. The mirror suddenly began to crack and she flinched a little and slowly raised her wand. Then, a voice came from behind the wall. “I’ll make sort work of this.” Robyn’s eyes widened at the sound of Professor Umbridge’s voice and she stumbled backward fearfully, “Bombarda Maxima." Robyn covered her face with her arm as she stood infront of her brother and the young boy. Rubble flew everywhere, bits hit Robyn causing rips in her jumper. Once their was nothing flying at them, Robyn lowered her arm and watched the thick grey smoke fad until they could clearly see who was on the otherside. There stood Professor Umbridge, Filch and the inquisitorial squad, all wearing smirks on their faces. Robyn ran her eyes over the inquisitorial squad and noticed Draco wasn't there. However, before she could think any deeper about the matter, Draco appeared dragging Cho Chang from around the corner. Cho looked down guiltily and avoided the gaze of the students before her. Robyn clenched her fists and jaw, she should've guessed someone would crack under Professor Umbridge's pressure. Her eyes then locked on Draco's and she saw him staring at indifferently, but in his eyes she read shock. Her attention was drawn to Professor Umbridge as she hissed “Get them." *** Robyn and Harry were hauled forward by PercyWeasley into Dumbledore’s office whilst Professor Umbridge walked beside Fudge with Shaklebolt and another ministry wizard behind him. “I’ve been watching them for weeks,” Professor Umbridge hissed, “and, as you can see, Dumbledore’s Army proof of what I’ve been telling your right from the beginning Cornelius. All you’re fear mongering about you-know-who never fooled us for a miute.” Robyn turned to Cho who was being pulled by another ministry associate and glared at her shortly before looking back at Professor Umbridge “We saw your lies for what they were, a smoke screen for your bid to cease control of the ministry.” Robyn turned to Dumbledore who was sitting calming on a small bench, “Naturally.” Professor Dumbledore affirmed casually, “No! Professor Dumbledore had nothing to do with it was all me and Harry.” Robyn attempted to deny but the Head-Master shook his head as he said, “Most noble of you Robyn to shield me, but, as it’s been pointed out, the parchment clearly says ‘Dumbledore’s Army’ not Potter’s. I instructed Robyn and Harry to form this organisation and I, and I alone, am responsible for its activities.” “Dispatch an owl to the Daily Prophet.” Demanded Fudge, “If we hurry we should still make the morning addition. Dorlish, Shacklebolt, you will escort Dumbledore to Azkaban to await trial for conspiracy and sedition.” Robyn’s jaw dropped and she looked at Dumbledore who stood calmly, “Ah, I thought me might hit this little snag.” Dumbledore commented, “You seem to be labouring under the illusion that I am...what was the phrase? Come quietly. Well, I can tell you this, I have no intention of going to Azkaban." “Enough of this.” Hissed Umbridge and Professor Dumbledore winked at the twins, “Take him!” Fawkes suddenly flew down toward Dumbledore who clapped his hands upward and dissappeard in a burst of bright flames that sent Umbridge, Fudge and the ministry wizard flying back along with Percy. Robyn gasped and looked down at them then at Harry in complete shock. Once the ministry people had got up Shaklebolt looked around and straightened himself, “Well, you may not like it minister, but cant deny…Dumbledore’s got style." *** PROCLAMATION. EDUCATIONAL DECREE No.119 _________________________________________ DELORES JANE UMBRIDGE HAS REPLACED ALBUS DUMBLEDORE AS HEAD OF Hogwarts school of WITCHCRAFT & WIZARDARY. That was sign that had caused Robyn’s heart to sink in fear. Professor Umbridge was now their headmistress. If Robyn thought the past few months had been bad, she had no idea how she was going to survive this. Ridiculous rules had been set in place such as boys and girls were not allowed to be more than eight inches of it each other, Portraits had been removed from around the castle, Hogmeads trips were band, etc. The place Robyn Potter had once thought to have been a safe haven had been invaded. Pain shot through Robyn’s left had as she, and the rest of the D.A, members sat in the Great Hall at desks writing lines using Umbridge's special quills. Robyn forced herself to stop hissing in pain as she wrote lines repeatedly. She flicked her eyes up at Umbridge where she was sat at the top of the hall staring down at them from Dumbledore’s chair with a small cup of tea in her hands. Robyn flinched as the words ‘I will not break rules’ were being carved into her hand deeper and deeper with each stroke of her quill. Her ears were filled with gasps of pain, moans, whimpers and huffs as everyone inflicted unwilling self-harm through the inhumain detention method. They were there for two hours before D.A were dismissed to their dormitory’s. Seeing as Robyn was at the front of the lines of desks - to allow Umbridge a good view of her pain - she was one of the last people to leave. She walked holding her injured hand with her free one and left the Great Hall without a word to anyone as she walked up the stairs, only watched from a distance as people whimpered in pain up ahead of her. Suddenly, a hand grabbed her arm and yanked her into a branching corridor and she gasped in surprise only and went to reach for her wand but stopped when she saw the person's face. She scowlled at the sight of Malfoy and slyly hid her hand behind her back so Malfoy wouldnt see it. She was not in the mood to talk to him, not after the pain they had to endure because of Malfoy and his new club. “Let me see it.” He demanded but Robyn shook her head as she denied, “No. There's nothing to see.” She made a move to push past him but he pushed her back so she was against the wall. “Robyn, I’m telling you, let me see your hand." “No! Why do you want to see it anyway?” Robyn snapped angrily, keeping her hand behind her back, “To tell me that I should have listened to you. Or looked down at pride to what you’ve helped do to me and thirty other people?” He gulped and shook his head a little as he pleaded, “Just show me your hand, Robyn." He went to grab her left hand, “I said no.” Growled Robyn but Malfoy grabbed her wrist and begun pulling her hand from her back “No! I said no! Don’t touch me!” H ignored her and pulled out her wrist and looked down his hands, where the words were plain to see on the back of her hand. They were fresh and the skin around them was bright red and there were beads of blood that were trickling down from the words. Robyn looked at Malfoy and saw him staring at the words with a clenched jaw. “Robyn…I swear I had no idea…” Malfoy stumbled, lifting his grey eyes to look at her. She saw sinserity in his eyes, it was clear he had no intention of hurting her or her friends. She knew that already but still, the pain in her left hand was all she could focus on. Robyn yanked her hand out of his grasp and glared at him then walked away as fast as she could, “Robyn! Come back!” “LEAVE ME ALONE!!” Robyn shouted loudly, the vein in her neck pulsing angry and she twisted her neck sharply and hissed through her teeth. She felt anger surging through the blood and panted heavily before breaking out into a run toward the Gryffindor Common room. *** “You did everything you could.” Ron attempted to assure Robyn and Harry the following day as they stood upon the bridge at Hogwarts, “No one could win against that old hag.” “Even Dumbledore didn’t see this coming.” Hermione pointed out as the four of them slowed and stood on the bridge, “Harry, Robyn, if it’s anyone’s fault, it’s ours." “Yeah, we talking you two into it.” Ron added in agreement, “But we agreed.” Robyn mumbled looking at the mist that covered the grounds and lake, "So, its our fault." “We tried so hard to help, and it’s done is make things worse.” Harry sighed softly, “Anyway, that doesn’t matter anymore because I don’t want to play anymore. All it does it make you care too much. The more you care, the more you have to lose." “Maybe it’s just better to…” Robyn trailed of quietly looking down at the large drop with a small frown, “To what?” Asked Hermione, Robyn and Harry turned to them. “To go it alone.” Robyn finished then looked at Harry, “Just me and Harry...” Before anyone could make a sound, a short whispering caused all four to look over at the entrance to the bridge to see Hagrid half hiding behind an arch as best he could. “Hagrid?” The forest was dark and gloomy as Hagrid lead the four Gryffindor’s though the trees, Robyn’s eyes constantly darted around looking for any movement. She didnt like this forest - she’d had multiple bad experiences occuring in it and she wouldnt like to repeat them. “Any idea where he’s taking us?” Ron questioned to the other three, “Hagrid, why can’t you just tell us?” Harry asked as Robyn stumbled over a large root. She straightened herself up as hooves beating the ground began to be heard, causing Hagrid to push the four backward slightly just as a mass of centaurs charged passed. “I’ve never seen the centaurs so riled up.” Commented Hagrid, shocked “And they’re dangerous at the best of times. The Ministry restricts their territory much more they’ll have a full uprising on their hands.” “Hagrid, what’s going on?” Hermione demanded slightly scared, “I’m sorry to be mysterious, you four.” Hagrid apologised as he looked at them, “I wouldn’t be bothering you at all with it, but with Dumbledore gone…I’ll likely to be getting the sack any day now. And I just couldn’t leave without telling someone about him.” “Him?” repeated Robyn just as loud crunching of leaves reached their ears. She slowly lifted her gaze upward to see a massive giant stumble upward with his back to them. His had a large cloth like shirt that covered his upper body and a piece of cloth that hung from his waist to cover downward. “Grawpy!” Hagrid called and Robyn shifted nervously ready to run at anytime as she stared at the creature, “Down here, you great buffoon.” Robyn stumbled backward not removing her gaze from the massive giant as it turned and spotted a bird, and started clapping his hands together to catch it. Robyn gasped and stumbled back from the fear of being squished. “Grawpy.” Scolded Hagrid, “Brought you some company.” Grawp looked down at the students and Robyn stared up at him in shock then stumbled back with the other’s as Grawp stomped toward them, Robyn gripped her brother’s arm as they moved further and further back fearfully. Suddenly, the giant stopped and Robyn panted with a few strands of hair in her face and peered around the giant, to see a large rope tying him to a tree, “I ouldnt just leave him, because – he’s my brother.” Ron was the first of them to speak, “Blimey.” “Well, half-brother, really.” Specified Hagrid, “He’s completely harmless, just like I said. Little high-spirited, is all.” He bent down and inspected the four but looked between Robyn and Hermione particularly. Hermione stumbled slightly and Grawp seemed to take that as a signal and pick up Hermione in one large hand and Robyn in the other. The two girls shrieked as he raised the two girls closer to his face. Robyn wiggled in his fist in an attempt to get out, “Grawpy, that is no polite.” “Hagrid, do something!” cried Ron from below them, “We talked about this.” Hagrid said to Grawp “You do not grab, do you?” Robyn gulped and looked down at the ground then at Grawp, “Their your new friends, Robyn and Hermione. GRAWPY!” Boomed Hagrid and Robyn looked down to see Ron hit Grawps leg with a stick only to have it break and Ron pushed back by the giants massive toe. Robyn looked back at Grawp and gulped, “Grawp.” said Hermione sharply, “Put us down!” ordered Robyn in the strongest voice she could managed and the large eyes of the giant stared at her then Hermione, “Now” Added Hermione forcefully and, very gently, Grawp lowered the two girls to the ground where Robyn stumbled back into Harry who rubbed her arm gently. “Are you alright?” Harry asked her concerned and Robyn nodded, “I’m fine.” “Just needs a firm hand, is all” Hermione added from beside her, “I think you two have an admirer..” Harry commented as Grawp rummaged around behind him, “You just stay away from them, all right?” Ron demanded his voice cracking. Grawp turned around and bent down handing the two girls a bicycle handle to which each one grabbed one handle and looked up at the giant before Hermione rung the small bell which caused a smile to break out onto the giants face. “He gets his own food and all.” Explained Hagrid “It’s company he’ll be needing when I’m gone. You will look after him, won’t you? I’m the only family he’s got.” Robyn nodded and smiled at the innocent giant who was ringing the bell with a content look on his face.
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