Chapter 19

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Year 5 1995/1996 //Christmas and Presents// Finally, Christmas had come and Robyn finally could enjoy her time at the Weasley's and relax, forgetting about the occulemency lessons they now needed to endure. Robyn walked into the kitchen and spotted Mr. Weasley immediately as they entered. She forced herself not to grimaced at the cuts and open wounds that covered his body and the bandages that hid more. After Harry and Robyn had had the dream, Mr. Weasley has been found where they had suspected and brought to St. Mungo's hospital where they treated him as best they could, meaning that he could come home. “Oh, Robyn! Harry!” Greeted Mrs Weasley as Robyn and Harry entered, “There you two are.” She walked toward them with two large packages clasped in her hands, “Happy Christmas!” Mrs. Weasley hugged Robyn tightly and kissed her head as a mother would to her child and Robyn smiled gratefully at her touch. She pulled back and Mrs. Weasley handed the parcel labeled 'Robyn' then hugged Harry. Robyn walked over to the kitchen table and sat down at the place with her name on it then unwrapped the present and pulled out a pair of red knitted gloves. Robyn lifted them up and stroked the material, it was soft and warm. She smiled then glanced at Harry who had the same but a scarf. They both looked up at the Weasleys as they handing out the food down the table. Robyn felt her stomach grumble just looking at the food. Once Robyn had piled her plate high with potatoes, chicken, vegetables, gravy and more she allowed her eyes to trail around as she felt someone staring at her. Robyn's eyes fell onto the door way and she saw Sirius smiling and leaning against the door frame. She waved at him a little and he nodded in greeting. “Christmas toast!” Announced Mr. Weasley and Robyn turned to him, “To Mr. Harry Potter and Miss Robyn Potter. Without whom, I would not be here.” Robyn’s throat worked tightly as her dream flashed before her. The Weasley’s and Hermione raised their glasses, looking at the twins, “Harry and Robyn.” “Harry and Robyn.” Repeated the other’s with large smiles as they took a sip of their drink. Robyn felt her cheeks redden slightly and she smiled at the Weasley's - they were such an amazing family. “Harry and Robyn.” Robyn turned as Sirius spoke. He smiled at her and Harry and raised his glass to them and gave them a sly wink then took a sip of his drink. *** A few hours later, Robyn was sat on her bed with a small parcel. It had been under the Christmas tree and Robyn had recognised the handwriting as Draco Malfoys - there was no way she was going to open it infront of the Weasley's and her brother. So, now she was finally alone. She untied the ribbon from the package then opened the wrapping. Inside was a black box, it wasn't very big but bigger than a ring box. Robyn carefully opened it and picked up a slip of paper: FEELING-FOR-TWO For your loved one Robyn looked what was in the box and gasped softly. It was a beautiful necklace that held a single diamond at the end of it which twinkled in the dim light of her room. She smiled softly as she picked up the necklace and touched the diamond gently. It really was beautiful. She then put it back in the box and unfolded the paper that came with it and read: FEELING-FOR-TWO For your loved one A brilliant necklace of two parts hand one to your loved one and keep the other for yourself. The diamond changes colour depending on the situation of the other. The colour’s code for: Green – Relaxed Purple - Content Pink - Laughing Red – Fearful Pale Blue – Crying Dark Blue – In pain Yellow - Guilty Orange – Lonely Grey – Dying Black – Dead Robyn placed the paper on the bed then and pulled her hair aside and clasped the chain at the back of her neck, it hung down and rested just above her breasts. She touched the diamond gently with her finger and smile fondly at it as the diamond turned green. A warming feeling filled her and closed her eyes for a fleeting moment. Then, she frowned and opened her eyes and stared at the box. Did she really like Draco like that? Maybe. She was willing to try them together? Maybe. Could she risk losing her brother if he found out? Defiantly not. Robyn groaned and fell back on the bed with her eyes closed in frustration. She quickly sat up as she heard footsteps followed by a knock on her door, "Come in." She called and the door opened and Sirius Black walked in. "Hello." She greeted him and he smiled and entered the room, sitting beside her on the bed. “What’s this?” He motioned to the necklace and Robyn mentally scolded herself for not taking it off before he came in, “A present from a boy perhaps?” Robyn blushed and looked down shyly, she could hear the smirk in his voice as he mused, "So, I’m right?” She nodded “Then why do you seem so down? Did he upset you?” “Sort of.” Robyn muttered then looked up at him, “It’s just…” She sighed and looked back down at her fingers, “I don’t know what to do.” “Do you know what this is?” Robyn looked at him and saw him gazing at a silver band on his finger, his other hand touching it gently. She furrowed her brows as she slowly understood what it was, “It’s an engagement ring." She answered quietly then looked up at him, “You're engaged?” "I was." Sirius nodded as stared at the band, “To who?” “Evie” Whispered Sirius then at Robyn with a small sad smile on his wizened face, “Evangeline Jenner.” “Where is she?” Robyn questioned and she saw his throat work, “Dead.” Robyn’s breath caught in her throat at his answer and she went to appologies but Sirius continued, “Voldemort tortured her for information about your parents. When she didn’t comply he…” Sirius closed his eyes for a fleeting moment before breathing as he said, “…killed he.r” Robyn looked at him sadly. She had no idea and had never heard of this Evangeline women. Sirius let out a small laugh as he told Robyn softly, “You were named after her actually. Her middle name was Robyn. Lily and Evie were best friends.” Robyn said nothing for a while then asked, “Did you love her?” “With all my heart.” Robyn bit her lip and nodded as she saw the pained expression on Sirius's face, “Look, Robyn, I'm not going to ask who this boy is but…I just want you to be happy...however that may be..." “…but I don’t know what I want.” Robyn muttered softly looking at him sadly. He gave her a pitiful look then pulled her to his chest and hugged her gently, “You will…I promise." *** Robyn and Harry wondered into a medium size room there the walls were covered in trees that had tiny face sprouting from the branches along with tiny labels. It was the fifth day in the new year and Robyn had Harry had decided to explore the halls of their residence one last time before they took the train to Hogwarts. Robyn came to the conclusion that the drawings were family trees and went forward to look but stopped at the sound of muttering below her. She looked down to see Kreature, the house elf glaring up at them, “…Robyn and Harry Potter, the children who stopped the dark lord...” Kreature sneered and Robyn moved back slightly as his beady eyes flicked between her and her brother. “Friends of mudbloods and blood-traitors alike. If my poor mistress - “ “KREATURE!” Robyn looked at the steps to see Sirius staring down at the house elf angrily, “That’s enough of your bile. Away with you!” “Of course, master.” Kreature bowed respectfully, but Robyn seemed to sense mockery in his voice, “Kreature lives to serve the noble house of Black.” The house elf walked away, muttering to itself bitterly. Sirius continued down to them and stopped at the doorway and glanced at the retreating house elf then at the twins, “Sorry about that. He never was very pleasant, even when I was a boy…Not to me anyway.” Robyn walked over to the walls and noticed the name 'Black' appearing multiple times. She looked at Sirius then at Harry as he asked, “You grew up here?” “This is my parent’s house.” Sirius said as he ran his eyes over the walls, “I offered it to Dumbledore as headquarters for the Order. It’s about the only useful thing I’ve been able to do. This is the black family tree." He pointed at a picture of a black haired women and Robyn read 'BELATRIX' on the label under the image, "My deranged cousin. I hated the lot of them. My parents with their pureblood mania.” He pointed to a picture that’s face had been burnt off with a small label of ‘SIRIUS’ underneath, “My mother did that after I ran away. Charming women.” Robyn looked up at her godfather pitifully, “I was sixteen.” “Where did you go?” Robyn questioned, “Your dads.” Sirius said with a tiny smile, “I was always welcome at the Potter’s. I see him so much in both you. You are so very much alike." “I’m not so sure.” Harry muttered, “Sirius, when we were…when we saw Mr. Weasley attacked…we weren’t just watching…we were the snake.” Robyn’s throat tightened and her mind replayed the dream of her striking Mr. Weasley, sending horrid shivers down her spine. “A-And afterward, in Dumbledore’s office,” Robyn added, trying to move her mind from the horror that showed up in her mind, “there was a moment when I-I…I wanted to…” She couldn’t finished and looked down at her feet with a guilty expression that matched how she felt inside. “This connection between us and Voldemort what if the reason for it is that we are becoming more like him?” Harry asked, taking over from Robyn, “I, we, just feel so angry all the time and what if, after everything that we’ve been through, something’s gone wrong inside us. What if we’re becoming bad?” Sirius stepped forward and placed each hand on the outer shoulder of the twins, “I want you to listen to me very carefully, Harry, Robyn.” Sirius said looking deep into their pale blue eyes, “You’re not bad people. You’re very good people. Who, have had bad things happen to. You understand? Besides, the world isn’t split into good people and Deatheaters. We’ve all got both light and dark inside us. What matters is the part we choose to act on. That’s who we really are.” A knock on the door caused all three of them to look to see Hermione looking at them, “Harry, Robyn, time to go.” Sirius placed a hand on each Potter’’s back and walked them forward as he said, “When all this is over, we’ll be a proper family.” Sirius said and Robyn and Harry looked up at him, “You’ll see.” Sirius opened his arms and Harry hugged him tightly and Sirius rubbed his back and head. Then Harry pulled away and Robyn hugged Sirius and gripped his back and squeezed her eyes shut tightly. She felt tears well up but forced herself not to cry then pulled back and looked up at him then followed Hermione along with Harry out the house and toward the car. *** “I’m ordering you to tell me where you’ve been!” Demanded a familiar uptight voice that made Robyn want to punch the nearest person to her - she stopped herself doing that, lucky Ron. The four Gryffindor looked through the stain glass window of Hagrid's hut to to see Professor Umbridge talking to Hagrid. She was less than half his height but didn't seem to care as she stared up at him with an angry expression. They had gotten back to Hogwarts yesterday and had immediately jumped at the opportunity to see their old friend after they had seen smoke rising from his hut. Sadly, the pink b***h had gotten their before them. “I told you.” Snapped Hagird, “I’ve been away for me health.” “Your health?” “Yeah.” Nodded Hagrid, “Bit of fresh air, you know.” Robyn and the other’s ducked as Umbridge attempted to peer around Hagrid’s massive frame as she observed the place. Robyn breathed as she listened to the lady, “Oh, yes?” Mused Professor Umbridge without the slightest hint of sincerity in her voice, “As gamekeeper, fresh air must be difficult to come by.” Robyn stood up and looked through the window with her brother and friends. Hagrid shifted awkwardly as she continued, “If I were you, I shouldn’t get too used to being back.” The Potter girl’s fist clenched in anger, “In fact, I mightn’t bother unpacking at all.” Robyn grabbed Ron’s robes and yanked him back just as the front door of Hagrids hut opened and Professor Umbridge came out. They watched the pink poof walked away, each stride showing the power and authority side tried to hold. The four of them then entered Hagrid's hut to where Robyn had to hold in a gasp at the sight of Hagrid’s face. She couldn't see it through the glass before but now it was clear. There was a massive bruise on his face along with a few deep and infected cuts. She gulped nervously then sat down on the bench with the others as Hagrid began to speak, “This is top-secret, right?” The four nodded and Robyn watched him from between Hermione and Harry, “Dumbledore sent me to parley with the giants." “Giants?” repeated Hermione shocked and quite loudly, Hagrid placed a finger in front of his lips to shush her hurriedly. He nodded a little and Hermione breathed in awe, “You found them?” “Well, they’re not that hard to find, to be perfectly honest.” said Hagrid truthfully, “They’re so big, see? I tried to convince them to join the cause. But I wasn’t the only one that was trying to win them over.” “Death Eaters?” Ron answered, “Yes.” nodded Hargrid, “Trying to persuade them to join you-know-who.” “Did they?” Harry pressed urgently, “I gave them Dumbledore’s message.” Hagrid explained, putting a piece of meat on his face, “Suppose some of them remember he was friendly to them. I suppose." “And they did his to you?” Robyn inquired softly, “Not exactly, no.” Hagrid muttered almost defensively as he raised the raw meat to his cuts, Fang whimpered and whined hungrily at the meat, drool dripped down his mouth and onto the floor, “Oh, go on, you have it, then.” He threw the meat at Fang, who ate it quickly, “You dozy dog." Suddenly, the wind began to pick up outside, causing the windows to rattle lightly in their frame and Fang began to bark. Robyn looked over at the window to see that the clouds were turning a dark grey. The four students and Hagrid stood up and stared out the window, she frowned a little. “It’s changing out there. Just like last time. There’s a storm coming, Harry, Robyn. We’d all best be ready when she does." *** “Look’s like you and your brother’s story is beginning to make sense.” Draco commented as Robyn sat at a table with her transfiguration notes out. They were in a hidden part of the library where no one was. She noticed that he wore an identical version of her necklace around his own neck and she couldn't help but feel a sense of happiness serge inside her knowing they shared that. She could only hope that her brother and friends wouldn't notice. She rolled her eyes but didn’t look at him as she continued to write her notes, "Can I assume you didn’t believe us then?” “Oh, no, I knew you were right.” Draco smirked cockily, taking the seat beside her, “I was just wonder how long it would take idiots like Finnigan to realise.” Robyn rolled her eyes at his comment - Seamus had asked for forgiveness that morning at breakfast and she and Harry happily accepted. Why wouldn't they? It was a dangerous and confusing time and it was only right that Seamus follow his parents believes. “If you’re going to continue insult my friends, then there is no chance for us being together or us meeting like this every other night.” Robyn muttered as she wrote down a few notes, Draco scoffed, "Please. Anyway, I just though I should tell you. Umbridge is getting suspicious of you.” She looked up at him, “She seems to be looking for any chance to get rid of you. Join the Inquisitorial Squad, Robyn. Trust me, you’ll get her off you back.” Robyn raised an eyebrow, “And become all buddy-buddy with that pink poof? I think not.” She returned to jotting down notes as Draco sighed, “I’m being serious. Please, just think about it?" She stared at him for a few seconds then looked back down at her notes and went back to writing. It seemed that Umbridge grew closer and closer to discovering them.
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