Chapter 21

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Year 5 1996 //Snape's Memories, Fireworks during O.W.Ls and Umbridge Reaches Her Limit// Robyn stood, once more, in front of the mirror of Erised with her parents smiling down at her eleven year old self and brother then Snape appeard between them. “Feeling sentimental?” Snape asked Robyn panted heavily as she was brought back to the reality of Snape’s office where she was sat in a chair beside her brother. “That’s private.” Robyn weezed out. “Not to me.” Drawled Snape, “And not to the Dark Lord, if you both don’t improve.” Snape moved forward so he was glaring down at the two Potter’s, “Every memory he has access to is a weapon he can use against you. You won’t last two seconds if he invades your mind. You’re just like your father. Lazy, arrogant.” Robyn and Harry’s jaws clenched and the pair pulled themselves to their feet as Harry snarled, “Don’t say a word against our father.” “Weak.” “We’re not weak!” Robyn shouted, “Then prove it!” snarled Snape, “Control your emotions. Discipline your mind.” Robyn held firm as she watched Snaoe pointed his wand at the pair “Legilimens.” Robyn hissed in pain as images of her shouting at Malfoy, landing in the graveyard in year four, being picked up by Grawp, hugging Sirius in year three, Dumbledore disappearing, kissing Malfoy, Voldemort at the train station, a shaking Mr Weasley, opening the present to Draco, her parents smiling and laughing at the camera and talking to Sirius during Christmas, the long corridor, the pail hand of Voldemort, the prophesy and hugging Sirius at Grimold place flash before her eyes. “I may vomit.” Robyn was hunched over sweat dripping down her face and she scrunched her face up in pain. “Stop it!” begged Harry, “Is this what you call control?” Questioned Snape and Robyn looked up at him her chest heaving, “We’ve been at it for hours.” Harry said as he pulled Robyn around Snape, she looked at Snape pleadingly “If we could just rest.” Snape cornered them at his desk, “The Dark Lord isn’t resting. You two and Black, you’re three of a kind. Sentimental children forever whining about how unfair your lives have been. Well, it may have escaped your notice, but life isn’t fair. Your blessed father knew that. In fact, he frequently saw to it.” “Our father was a great man.” Robyn defended through narrowed eyes, “Your father was a swine.” Retorted Snape as he grabbed the twins shirts and flung them back to the chairs and whipped out his wand, Robyn and Harry pulled out theirs in an instant, “Legilimens.” Cast Snape only to have Robyn and Harry cry “Protego!” *** Robyn’s vision was filled with a lanky, greasy haired boy walking down the halls alone with students sniggering at him. She concluded it was a young Snape from the large twisted nose. Then it changed to the boy sitting at the base of a tree alone reading his book, “Come on, Moony, Padfoot. Snape!” Snape scrambled to his feet and pulled out his wand, “Expelliarmus!” The wand flew from the boy, “Nice one, James.” Laughed a boy with curly black hair and Robyn looked over to see - “Dad?” The twins gasped and Robyn could see Sirius beside a tall boy, Robyn guessed to be Lupin, and behind them was a girl with thick long brown hair jogging after them, “Impedimenta!” Cast their father and Snape was being lifted up into the air, “No, Sirius, James!” The girl cried, “Stop it!” The boys didn’t listen to her but Sirius swung an arm around her waist and kissed her cheek, “Calm down, Evie. Don’t worry about this filth.” Robyn’s eyebrows furrowed as she ran her eyes over Evie. This was, or would be, Sirius’s fiancé who would be killed by Voldemort. “ Snivellus Greasy!” chanted the crowd that had formed “Snivellus Greasy!” Robyn’s jaw dropped, everything she knew about her father was wrong? He was a bully? Robyn could see Evie with her hands over her mouth in shock, “Right. Who wants to see me take of Snivelly’s trousers?” smirked their father. “Snivellus Greasy! Snivellus Greasy!” *** “Enough!” Snapes voice pulled the twins from the memory’s and stumble backward onto the chairs behind them, “Enough.” Robyn got shakily up as Snape stalked toward them and grabbed their front of their shirts and glared at them “Your lessons are at an end.” “I-“ Snape cut them off, “Get out!” Hissed Snape and he realised their shirts allowing the pair to leave the room their minds whirling with what they just witnessed. Robyn and Harry jogged out under cover around the courtyard on the way back from their lesson with Snape. They hadnt spoken about it at all as both tried to process what had happened. As they walked around the cover they stopped at the sound of whimpers and hushed voices, Robyn turned to see the Weasley twins either side of a small blonde boy, who looked like he was crying. She nudged Harry and he looked at her and she motioned over to them before they walked a little closer to listen. “What’s your name?” Fred asked the boy softly, “Michael.” Whimpered the boy, “Your hand’s gonna be fine, Michael.” Assured Fred soothingly, “Yeah.” Nodded George as he showed his own hand to the small boy, “It’s not as bad as it seems. See? It’s fading already.” “You can hardly see ours anymore, and the pain stops after a while.” George smiled sadly and the two stopped beside the Weasley’s and Michael, who was now crying. They all looked up at a small cough to see Umbridge standing in the arch way dressed in pink, they walked forward and the twins stood, glaring at her. “As I’ve told you before, Miss and Mr. Potter,” Professor Umbridge said in a mocking sweet voice, “naughty children deserves to be punished.” Robyn stepped forward and gripped her wand only to have Fred hold her arm to stop her as Professor Umbridge walked inside the school. “You know, George…” Fred said slowly, “I’ve always felt out futures lay outside the world of academic achievement.” “Fred, I’ve been thinking exactly the same thing.” *** SILENCE O.W.Ls IN PROGRESS O.W.L. EXAMINATIONS – Year 5 Use Magical Regulation 572 Azul Marino ink ONLY EXAM: Theory of Charms Exam commences…16.00… Exam finishes…18.00… Quill’s scratched across pages of the exam papers a few weeks later. Robyn bit her lip as she answered the questions for her O.W.L transfiguration. As hard as she tried to focus, she could still feel the patronising stare of Umbridge as she watched over the fifth years students fron the top of the hall. A muffled boom came from the corridor outside and Robyn glanced over her shoulder at the door, booming sound happened again. This had grabbed everyones attention, including Umbridges. She walked between an aisle of desks toward the doors with her heels clicking loudly. Robyn glanced at her brother, who was behind her then back, at Umbridge. The door’s opened and the pink poof stepped outside. Robyn saw a small buzzing light in her face before it zoomed into the exam hall and burst into smaller blue sparks which flew off and exploded into fireworks. A loud wooshing sound came from the hall way and in zoomed Fred and George on broomsticks and they waved their wand, sending everyone’s papers flewing. Robyn let out a laugh as she saw the twins sens up more fireworks that exploded at the top of the ceiling in beautiful colours. As Robyn got to her feet, a small fire work let off a tiny explosion that sounds like a squeak. The hall was lit up with bright coloured sparks and smoke, Umbridge walked through the unordered desk with a look of pure shock. Robyn looked over at the Slytherin’s to see Goyel have a small firework burn his nose, she then looked at Draco was being cornered by a firework and moved just to avoid his face being singed off. A giggle escaped her lips and she turned to look back at Umbridge who looked utterly horrified. “Ready when you are!” Shouted George and Fred threw something into the air which exploded in a massive orange light and from it came a large dragons face. Robyn’s jaw dropped as it growled and seemed to be staring directly at Umbridge as it moved down toward her with its nouth wide open showing its large sparking teeth. The pink poof squealed in fright and ran toward the exit of the hall with the dragon a mere meter or so behind her. Once Umbridge reached the entrance the dragon snapped its mouth shut and exploded into tiny sparks which whistled as they hit the rules that hung on the wall, smashing them to pieces. Robyn’s cheered happy for the twins and spotted Hermione laughing beside her. Even Hermione was glad the twins had interupted the exam. The two girls ran with the crowd as Fred and George flew out of the hall and to the court yard then high into the air. Robyn clapped widely as the twins exploded more fireworks what formed the letter ‘W’ high in the sky. She giggled and cheered but it slowed as she felt something pushing at the back of her mind. She moved her gaze to the floor and her body suddenly felt ten times heavier and she fell to the floor as her vision was replaced. Sirius’s face came into view, dripping with swear and in a dark familiar room. “I need that prophecy.” hissed Voldemort and Robyn could see him circling Sirius, “You’ll have to kill me.” Sirius answered blankly, “Oh, I will.” Assured Voldemort in a deathly calm voice, “But first, you will fetch it for me. Crucio!” Sirius let out a painful gasp, “Crucio!” Sirius writhed in pain and shook madly. The image of Grimold place, a long dark aisle with the number ‘97’, a small crystal ball with the name ‘Harry James Potter and Robyn Lily Potter’, the long dark corridor and Lucius and Fudge flash before her eyes. Then she returned to Hogwarts with a loud gasp. She trembled as her eyes focused on Hermione, who was kneeling before her and, she noticed, Harry - he clearly had seen what she had seen as he gasped, “Sirius.” “Harry, Robyn, are you sure?” Asked Hermione and the four bounded up the moving stair cases a few minutes later. “I saw it. We both di.” Robyn said as she ran before Harry, “It’s just like with Mr. Weasley.” “It’s the same door I - we - have been dreaming about for months.” Harry added as they assended another flight of stairs, “I couldn’t remember where I’d seen it before. Sirius said Voldemort was after something. Something he didn’t have last time.” “And it’s in the Department of Mysteries.” Robyn finished, “Will you both please, just listen!” Hermione begged and Robyn and Harry, reluctantly stopped and turned to her. She was looking at them imploringly with Ron beside her looking conflicted, “What if Voldemort meant for you to see this? What if he’s only hurting Sirius because he’s trying to get to you two.” “What if he is?” Harry asked quickly, “We’re supposed to just let him die?” “Hermione, he’s the only family we’ve got left. You must understand, trap or not he is our godfather.” Robyn begged for Hermione to understand. She watched as Hermione and Ron shared looks before Ron nodded saying, “What do we do?” Robyn and Harry broke out into a run again up the steps. She recalled the lines of fire places she’d seen when going to the ministry and it clicked. “We’ll have to use the Floo Network. Its the only way we can get in.” “Umbridge as the chimneys under surveillance.” Hermione pointed out quickly from behind them, Harry smirked as he replied, “Not all of them.” Harry led them down a corridor to Umbridge’s office and they slowed to a stop at the door. Harry pulled out his wand out and muttered, “Alohomora.” He pushed the door open allowing the four to enter the over pink room with walls covered in plates with kittens on them. Robyn walked inside but was stopped by her brother, “Alert the Order if you can. Im going alone.” “Harry, don’t be stupid..” Robyn snapped angrily, “I’m coming with you.” “But – “ Robyn cut him off with a glare and he reluctantly nodded then turned to the others. “Are you mental?” exclaimed Ron, “We’re going with you” “It’s too dangerous.” Harry denied as he knelt by the fire, “When are you going to get it into your heads?” Hermione hissed knelling beside him, “We’re in this together.” Robyn stared at her then smiled gratefully, “That you are.” Robyn spun around to see a dirt covered, ruffled Umbridge looking down at them with evil and manic eyes with a few members of the inquisitorial squad behind her. “Get them.” Demanded Umbridge and the squad grabbed each of them and halled them up. Robyn glared at the Slytgerin holding her then at Umbridge. The pink lady flicked her wand and the two guest chairs moved to the centre of the room, “Put the Potters in their seats. I want to have a little chat with them.” Robyn was pushed forward by the Slytherin then into the chair. The moment her hands touched the arms of the chair, straps snapped out and tied her arms down. She tugged fearfully but the straps didnt move. Robyn looked behind her at Hermione and Ron who were held by two other members. She felt guilt rise up, this was all her and Harrys fault. “Caught his one trying to help the Weasley girl.” Robyn looked at the door as Malfoy walked through pushing Neville into the room, along with Luna and Ginny behind him with two other members. Her breath caught in her throat as their eyes locked for a second before he looked away, dragging Neville beside the others and she could feel his grey eyes piercing into her from the side and Robyn breathed shakily. “You were going to Dumbledore, weren’t you?” Umbridge asked Robyn, causing her to lift her head and stare directly at the lady as she replied, honestly, “No.” “Liar.” She slapped her around the face and Robyn hissed quietly and clenched her fists. “Its true!” Harry fought but Umbridge ignored him. Robyn noticed Draco’s eyes widened slightly and tightened his grip on Neville. Robyn stared at him for a few long moment then and looked back at Umbridge blankly, her cheek turning red. “You sent for me, headmistress.” A voice drawled and Robyn looked to see Professor Snape entering the room casually. “Snape, yes.” Professor Umbridge nodded, “The time has come for answers, whether they want to give them to me or not. Have you brought the Veritaserum?” Robyn gulped nervously and shared a worried glance with her brother. “I’m afraid you’ve used up all my stores interrogating students.” Snape replied simply. “The last of it on Miss Chang. Unless you wish to poison them – and I assure you, I would have the greatest sympathy if you did – I cannot help you.” He turned to leave but Harry blurted, “He’s got Padfoot. He’s got Padfoot at the place where it’s hidden.” Robyn watched as Professor Snape halted in his tracks. “Padfoot?” Repeated Umbidge confused, “What is Padfoot? Where what is hidden? What is he talking about, Snape?” The potions master slowly turned around to face them and stared directly at Harry and Robyn as he replied, cooly, “No idea.” He looked at Umbridge one more before taking his leave. Robyn looked down at her lap and felt her throat tighten in fear. That was their last hope. Umbridge seemed unfazed by the development, “Very well. You have given me no choice. As this is an issue of the Ministry security you both leave me with…no alternative...The Cruciatus Curse ought to loosen your tongues.” Robyn’s eyes widened as Hermione warned, “That’s illegal.” “What Cornelius doesn’t know won’t hurt him.” Umbridge said as she placed the picture of Fudge face down on the table. “Professor, I don’t think – “ Draco began, “Silence!” Snapped Professor Umbridge turning to face Malfoy. Robyn looked at him, her blue eyes full of fear, and saw him looking nervously between Robyn and Umbridge. “But – “ “I said silence!” She shouted and Robyn flinched slightly and Draco looked at Robyn with wide and paniced eyes. What could he do? Not much. Professor Umbridge moved over and stood before the twins with her wand out and pointing at them. Both the inquisitorial squad and D.A looked around nervously. It was clear Umbridge had gone mad. “Lets start with Miss Potter. You like to talk, dont you.” Robyn stared at her and gripped the chair as Umbridge moved her wand to point at Robyn and opened her mouth, “Tell her!” Cried Hermione before Umbridge could curse Robyn. Robyn felt her chest move up and down rapidky and she, and the others, looked at Hermione. “Tell me what?” Umbridge demanded keeping her wand pointed at Robyn. “Well, if you won’t tell her where it is…” Hermione paused, “...I will.” Robyn was looking at Hermione with a mixture of alarm and confusion. She had no idea what was happening. “Where what is?” Pressed Umbridge, her eyes blaring with interest. “Dumbledore’s secret weapon.” A few minutes later and Robyn was still strapped to the chair whilst Professor Umbridge, Hermione and Harry had left to find ‘Dumbledore’s secret weapon’. She could only hope that Hermione knew what she was doing. The Inquisitorial squad had the D.A members in a corner whilst they muttered between each other around Umbridges desk. Robyn glanced at her friends and locked eyes with Ron and he gave her a small wave whilst Neville have her a weak smile. She nodded then looked to her left where Malfoy was leaning against the wall with his arm folded and staring at the floor. He was clearly deep in thought. She looked at Ron who was pulling out a bag of sweets “What you doing?” Demanded Crabbe and Robyn looked at where Crabbe was looking and saw Ron holding a bag of what looked like sweets. “I’m hungry.” Ron defended, Goyel stomped over as he grumbled, “Give ‘em here.” He snatched the bag away from him before shuffeling over to the Slytherins who gorged themselves on the sweets, all except Draco that is. Robyn raised an eyebrow then looked at her friends who were all smirking and she furrowed her brows in confusion. Then, a few minutes later, groaning and moaning of discomfort filled the roon as the Slytherin’s hekd their stomachs in pain. She watched as Crabbe grabbed the small bin and threw up. Then she looked at the bag of sweets and noticed a orange ‘W’ on the packet and a small smirk formed on her lips. Fred and George’s Puking Pastilles. They’d told her about it a while ago and had tried to get her to taste - which she had refused and ended up being chased around the common room. Draco walked casually over to Robyn and she looked up at him and saw him point his wand at the straps on her wrist and whispered, “Relashio.” Then bonds unlatched themselves and Robyn pulled her hands to her chest rubbed her wrists and looked at him then at the D.A member’s who looked completely confused as they stared at them. “Come on.” Robyn said quickly as she got to her feet, “We’ve got to get Harry and Hermione.” Neville, Ginny, Luna and Ron ran past her and Robyn made an attempt to follow them but Draco grabbed her arm and spun her around and she looked at him. He cupped her cheeks and kissed her deeply. Robyn’s eyes widened but before she could do anything, he pulled away. “Stay safe.” He whispered and she nodded quickly before chasing out the room after her friends. Robyn ran down the bridge as fast as she could where she could see her friends and brother talking to eachother. “…Where’s Robyn?” Harry asked and Robyn moved through the crowd and stood before him as she nodded, “Here.” “So, how are we getting to London?” Neville questioned looking at Harry and Robyn, “Look, it’s not that I don’t appreciate everything you’ve gone, all of you,” Harry began, “but we’ve got you into enough trouble as it is.” He grabbed Robyn’s arm and the pair began walking away from their friends. “Dumbledore’s Army supposed to be about doing something real.” Neville said and the twins stopped then looked at them, “Or was that all just words to you?” Robyn shook her head a little with a frown as Ron stepped forward, “Maybe you don’t have to do this all by yourselves.” Robyn and Harry looked at eachother and sighed, there was no point arguing with them. He looked at their friends as he said, “How are we going to get to London then?” Luna spoke up for the first time as she said, quite simply, “We fly, of course.”

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