Chapter 17

2753 Words
Year 5 1995 //Rejections, Stupfey's lesson's and Questioning// Robyn stared at her ginger best friend with her eyes wide as dinner plates. She blinked as Ron looked down guiltily. Her mind was a whirl of what just happened. “What the hell was that?” Robyn asked him, her voice low as she against the wall, “Did you just kiss me?!” Her voice was an octave higher then before. “Look, Robyn, I’ve liked you for a really long time.” Ron began, looking at her, “Since third year, to be precise. You just looked so beautiful I just…” He trailed off and fiddled with his fingers, “I’m sorry but I couldn’t help myself. I know I just stole your first kiss.” Robyn bit her lip that technically wasn’t he first kiss. That had been taken by an unknown person in a broom cupboard at the end of third year - that was a different problem. “Anyway, now is a good a time as any. Robyn, will you be my girlfriend?” Robyn’s jaw dropped and she placed her hand over her mouth in shock and she lowered her hand slowly. This was Ron. He would understand. “Ron…I don’t like you like that....” She told him softly, with an apologetic tone, Ron’s face fell into a frown, “Oh.” “I’m really sorry, Ron.” Robyn said nervously, “I truly am.” “It’s okay.” Ron shrugged, pushing his hands into his pockets, “It was worth a shot.” “I’m so sorry.” “Robyn, its fine.” Ron looked up at her with a forced smile then disappeared and was replaced by a smaller, much realer one. “At least I can say I tried. I hope this doesn’t change anything between us…” Robyn shook her head quickly, “No, no, of course not, you fool. You’re still my best friend.” He nodded with a smile then a frown formed on his face and he asked, “What were you doing down here anyway?” “I…I…I was looking for my History of Magic book.” She answered after a few seconds of silence and Ron looked at her suspiciously before conceding and nodding, “Do you want some help?” “No, no, no.” Robyn laughed off as best she couldv “You go to bed, I’ll be up in a minute.” Ron nodded and bid her goodnight and headed to the door. Robyn watched him stop as he opened the door and turned to look at her with a faint blush on his cheeks and he reached up and scratched the back of his neck nervously, “I’d be gratefully if you didn’t tell Harry about know...” Robyn nodded hurriedly, “I won’t, I promise.” Ron left the room with a muttering of thank you and closed the door behind himself. Robyn let out a breath of air and leaned against the wall. She looked up at the ceiling blankly. “We’ll that was unexpected.” Robyn squeaked at the voice and spun around to see Malfoy step out from a shadowy corner with his arms folded and a lazy smirk on his pale face. Robyn watched him walk slowly toward her as he continued, “Well, unexpected to you because you didn’t know the blood traitor felt that way. And unexpected to me because I didn’t think he had the guts to do it.” Robyn glared at him, “Stop calling him a blood traitor. He’s better than you could ever be.” Malfoy scoffed and stopped a foot or so from her. “Weasel-bee has nothing on me.” Malfoy said looking at the door where Ron had left with a look of disgust, “Anyway,” He returned to looking back at Robyn, “let’s get on with this spell.” Robyn rolled her eyes and crossed her arms, “I don’t think I will. You just insulted my best friend” “Yeah, the ‘best friend’ that kissed you without permission.” “He said he couldn’t help it.” Defended Robyn shakily as Malfoy walked slightly closer, “Did he now?” Malfoy questioned in fake thought, “What else can’t he help, Robyn? What if he goes too far?” Robyn’s jaw dropped, “Are you insinuating…He would never…How dare you?!” Robyn finally shouted, “I cannot believe…this was a mistake coming down here.” She spun and headed to the door swiftly. “I’ll tell everyone one happened, Robyn.” Malfoy’s cool voice floated to her and she stopped as she reached for the door handle, “If you leave, I’ll tell everyone about what happened tonight. Ron, of course, will think you told everyone, even when you promise you wouldn’t. Imagine what your scar-head brother would say, or do to Ron if he found out that his best friend kissed his sister without permission. Or, maybe I could spin the story.” Malfoy was right behind her now, his breath fanning against her neck, “Just imagine” Robyn could literally hear the smirk in his voice. She closed her eyes out of frustration and slowly turned around to face him, “Fine.” She said through her teeth, “But I’m not doing this tonight. Tomorrow meet me here at seven and I’ll teacher you how to produce a patronus. Okay?” “Perfect.” *** “You will copy the approved text four times,” Professor Umbridge said as she walked through the isles in Robyn’s defence against the dark arts lesson the following morning, “to insure maximum potential. There will be no need to talk.” “No need to think’s, more like it.” Hermione muttered to Robyn as the pink poof past them and Robyn smirked a little as she wrote on the parchment. “Wands away.” Umbridge said sharply to someone behind her. Robyn stood beside Nigel at one end of the room “Stunning is one of the most useful spells.” Robyn explained to the crowd around them at a DA meeting in the afternoon. “It’s sort of a wizard’s bread and butter really.” Harry added as he stopped at the other end of the room and faced Nigel, Robyn stepped backwars so she was a little away from Nigel, “Come on then, Nigel. Give me your best shot.” Robyn smiled at the young boy encouragingly. Nigel stared at her brother for a long time before throwing his wand arm back and pointing his wand forward and shouting, “Stupefy!” Both Harry and Nigel went flying backward into the walls behind them. Robyn bit her lip and looked between Nigel and Harry worriedly, “Good.” Panted Harry as he got to his feet, “Not bad at all, Nigel. Well done.” Next it was Hermione against Ron and she stood off the right as Ron whispered to Hermione, “Don’t worry, I’ll go easy on you.” “Thanks, Ronald.” Hermione said confused and Robyn raised an eyebrow as Ron walked away to the other side, “Come on Ron!” Cheered the Weasley twins and Ron smirked at the Neville who nodded encouragingly at him. Ron began to raise his wand but Hermione was much faster, she whipped her wand and cried, “Stupefy!” Ron went flying backward with a yelp before he landed on the ground, flat on his back.Robyn grinned and rushed toward Hermione and giggled, she looked back at Ron to see him talking to his brothers and friends who looked at him with expectant expressions. “I let her do that.” Ron muttered “It’s good manner’s, isn’t it. It was completely intentional.” Robyn rolled her eyes and looked at Hermione and gave her a high five. Next it was Robyn and a second year Ravenclaw by the name of Ella Parks who looked quite nervous as she faced the Potter girl. Robyn stood without her wand as she was seeing how well the Ravenclaw faired. “Okay, when you’re ready Ella.” Robyn smiled, Ella gulped but she pulled her wand back and cried, “Stupefy!” Robyn was sent flying backward and hit into the wall behind her, Robyn moaned in pain then sat up on her elbows slightly dazed. She held her head and looked at Ella, who looked guilty, “Perfect.” Robyn commented as she got up to her feet, her legs wobbling slightly, “Absolutely perfect, Ella.” She patted the girl on the shoulder as she limped past. That was going to hurt in the morning. Robyn looked at Malfoy and sat on a table later that night in a charms classroom. “Think of your happiest memory.” She instructed and Malfoy raised an eyebrow at her as if to ask if she was being serious, “Close your eyes, it’ll help.” Malfoy huffed and rolled his eyes, “I don’t need too.” He boasted smugly, “I’ve already got one.” Robyn raised an eyebrow but nodded, “It has to be the happiest memory you can think of.” Robyn pointed out, “Yes, yes, I know.” Malfoy said quickly and pulled out his wand, flexing his hand around it. “Say the words: Expecto Patronum.” “Expecto Patronum.” Malfoy repeated as he waved his wand. Nothing happened. He tried again, “Expecto Patronum!” Once again, nothing happened. Malfoy furrowed his eyebrow in confusion and he shouted, “Expecto Patronum!” Robyn stood when she saw anger writing on his face. She placed a hand on his arm to stop him. “Stop.” She said quickly, “You won’t get it the first time.” Malfoy huffed at her words but didnt move his arm from her touch, “You need to make sure that your memory is strong enough. Is that your happiest memory? One that makes you feel more alive than anything you’ve ever felt before.” “From what I can recall, yes.” Malfoy answered annoyed and Robyn folded her arms across her chest, “Look, it’s obviously not strong enough.” She tried to explain, “It needs to be something that shows true happiness then your patronus will show.” “How do I choose my patronus?” “You don’t choose it. The animal reflects your personality and who you are. It’s a visual representation of your soul.” “And yours is a swan.” Observed Malfoy and Robyn nodded a little, “I would have thought it would be a robin.” She sighed, “My name is Robyn, not personality.” “What do you think mine will be?” Malfoy questioned as he looked at his hand curiously, “I think maybe…a crocodile or a bear or a - “ “Frog?” “Oi!” *** Robyn stood beside her brother and watched as Flinch hung yet another decree on the wall a week later. PROCLAMATION. EDUCATIONAL DECREE No. 82 __________________________ ALL STUDENTS WILL SUBMIT TO QUESTIONONING ABOUT Suspected ILLICIT ACTIVITIES Robyn gulped, this was bad. Very bad. That very afternoon Robyn sat outside Professor Umbridges office along with a few other Gryffindor’s, some of which were members of the D.A. She looked up as the door opened and Umbridge looked down at her sweetly, “Miss Potter, do come up.” Robyn walked up the steps and into her office where Umbridge smiled at her, “Come in dear.” She gently pushed Robyn into the bright pink room, “Would you like some tea?” Robyn shook her head “I don’t like tea, Professor..” Excused Robyn, which was true. Umbridge’s face tightened in frustration and Robyn glanced at the tea then at the table and noticed a small empty vile. There was something in that cup of tea. What it was she didnt know but she knew not to drink anything she was offered. Professor Umbridge sat opposite her and motioned to a small glass of water, “Perhaps some water?” Robyn shook her head and the pink poof smiled tightly in an attempted to keep frustration from her expression, “I insist.” Clearly Umbridge wouldnt give up until Robyn accepted, she picked up the glass and placed it before her and the returned her hands to her lap immediately, “Good. Let’s begin shall we? Would you like a drop of water before we start, I can always fill it up if need be?” Robyn shook her head simply, trying not to look suspicious, “Alright then.” She looked down at the paper’s before her then back at Robyn, “So, you’re name is Robyn Potter?” Robyn nodded, “You’re parents were James Potter and Lily?” She nodded again and Umbridge let out a quite giggle, “I think we’d get much further if you spoke, Miss Potter. How about a drink to sooth your throat?” “No thank you.” Robyn said strongly, a flash of anger appeared in Professor Umbridge’s eyes before she smiled sweetly and began inquiring, “Are you part of any clubs at school at present time?” “No.” “Do you know of anyone in any club or group at school, whether it be authorised or not?” “No.” “No one will know if you tell me, Miss Potter” Professor Umbridge assured her ‘kindly’, “You will be helping Hogwarts become a better place. So, I’ll ask you again. Do you know of anyone in any club or group at school, authorised or not?” “No.” Professor Umbridge’s eye twitched, “That will be all.” She said stiffly and Robyn stood quickly and left the room. She decended the steps and she brushed past a few D.A members that were waiting for their interigation, “Don’t drink anything or have anything she offers you.” Robyn muttered to them and they nodded quickly before one was called. Robyn strode off as fast as her legs could carry her. Robyn sat with Harry, a few hours later, with her head resting on his shoulder staring at the fire in the Gryffindor Common Room. “Neville’s improvement are amazing.” Harry gushed with a wide smile on his face, “I mean, he’s not there yet but I reckon one more class he’ll have mastered the disarming charm.” Robyn nodded with a large smile which dropped as soon as it had come as a pressing matter raised its ugly pink head. “Harry, what do we do if Umbridge finds out about the D.A?” He was silent for a moment before he sighed, “She won’t. I trust everyone in the D.A. As should you.” “I do.” Robyn pointed out quickly, “But I’m just thinking what would if she did, hypothetically.” Harry looked at her and Robyn sat up so she was looking directly at Harry. “You know I won’t let anyone hurt you, Robyn.” He said looking at her with serious eyes, “You’re my twin and my best friend.” “I love you, Harry.” Robyn whispered and hugged her brother tightly. He wrapoed his arms around her too and replied, “I know. I love you too Robyn.”
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