Chapter 16

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Year 5 1995 //The Hogs Head, The Room of Requirement and Unexpected Lessons// “This is mad. Who’d want to be taught by us? We’re nutters, remember.” It was heavily snowing now which meant there was a thick layer of snow on the ground of Hogsmeade. Robyn tucked her hands into her pockets and looked at Ron as he chirped, “Look on the bright side. You can’t be worse than old toad face.” “Thanks Ron.” Robyn muttered meakly and Ron shrugged. “I’m here for you two. Ive got your back.” Ron pointed out and Robyn smiled a little and nodded gratefully. They stopped as they reached a dingy looking pup with a sign creeking in the wind: The Hogs Head Robyn peered inside the window and saw a few shady people smoking and muttering. She raised an eyebrow then looked at Harry as he asked, “Who’s supposed to be meeting us then?” “Just a couple of people.” Answered Hermione honestly with a small shrug, “Lovely spot.” said Ron sarcastically as they opened the door to reveal a single scruffy man at the bar and a small goat. Robyn glanced at Hermione with an expectant expression, “I thought it would be safer somewhere off the beaten track.” Hermione explained and Robyn hummed a little and made her way inside. Hermione’s idea of ‘a couple of people’ was much different to Robyn’s apparently. Ron, Robyn, Harry and Hermione sat in front of at least thirty students ranging from second years to seventh. The Potter twins looked at Hermione waiting for her to speak – there was no way Robyn was going to be the first one to stand up in front of these people, especially ones who accused her and Harry of murdering Cedric and making up lies about Voldemort, like Seamus. Hermione stood and looked around the students, "Urm…Hi?” Hermione addressed awkwardly and Robyn had to force herself not to run out the pub from fear, “So, we all know why we’re here. We need a teacher…a proper teacher. One who’s had real experience defending themselves against the dark arts.” Robyn bit her lip as someone asked, “Why?” “Why?” repeated Ron “Because you-know-who’s back you toss pot.” This earnt him a nudge of warning from Robyn. “So they say.” The boy said again motioning with his head to the twins disbelievingly. “So Dumbledore says.” Hermione corrected, “So Dumbledore says because they said.” the boy contradicted “The point is: Where’s the proof?” “The Potter’s could tell us more about how Diggory got killed.” Michael Corner said and Robyn flinched as the image of Cedric’s body hitting the ground flash in her mind. Silence fell over the crowd at Corners words. “We’re not here to talk about Cedric.” Harry finally said, standing up, “So, if that’s why you’re here you might as well just clear out now. Come on, Robyn.” Robyn got to her feet at her brothers words. She agreed with him. “Come on, Hermione they all just think we’re some sort of freaks.” Harry muttered bitterly. “Wait.” Hermione whispered desperately. “Is to true that the two of you can produce a patronus charm?” A soft voice questioned from the crowd. Robyn looked up at Luna’s voice and spotted her looking at her and Harry with honest curiosity. “Yes.” answered Hermione, “I’ve seen it.” “Blimy, Harry, Robyn, I didn’t know you could do that.” Dean said amazed with a grin on his face. “And they killed the Basilisk with the sword in Dumbledore’s office.” Neville piped up, Ginny confirmed, “It’s true.” “In third year they fought of about a hundred dementor’s at once.” Ron added looking up at the two Potter’s, “And last year they really did fight off you know who in the flesh.” Hermione said, “Stop.” Robyn sighed looking at Hermione then at the crowd, “Its not as cool as it seems.” “The truth is, most of that was just luck.” Harry took over “We didn’t know what we were doing half the time and we nearly always had help.” “They’re just being modist – “ Hermione tried to excuse, “No we’re not, Hermione.” Robyn denied, “Facing this stuff in real life is not like school.” Harry began taking over from Robyn "In school if you make a mistake you can just try again tomorrow but when you’re out there…when you’re a second away from being murdered or watching a friend die right before your eyes…” Robyn looked around at the students then at Harry who was already looking at her , “You don’t know what that’s like.” Robyn and Harry sat down slowly and stared at the floor. “Your right, Harry, we don’t.” Hermione agreed sitting down with a small sigh, “That’s why we need you and Robyn’s help because if we’re going to have any chance at beating – “ She stopped and her throat worked before she forced out, “Voldemort." There was a viable silence that fell over the crowd before them. Robyn looked at Hermione with a breaking smile. “Is he really back?” The youngest Creevy brother asked and Harry nodded in agreement. That, it seemed, was the clenching deal for the crowd. Hermione placed a piece of parchment on the table with the title Dumbledore's Army. Everyone who had turned up, signed their name on the parchment. Thus was formed the revolution against Umbridge. *** Educational Decree number sixty-eight made Robyn’s heart drop. The voice of Professor Umbridge drilled into Robyn's head from the speakers that had been set up around the corridors of the school. Robyn and Nevile walked through the corridor with grumpy expression as Umbridge boomed, “All student organisations are henceforth disbanded any student in noncompliance will be expelled." “My gran will kill me.” Muttered Neville and Robyn looked at him pitifully, “She won’t." Robyn assured him “She’ll be proud of you.” Neville shrugged just as they rounded a corner only to have Goyle and Crabbe hit Neville’s shoulders as they pass with their own burly ones. “Watch were you’re going Longbottom?” Jeered Goyel and Robyn turned around to the Slytherin’s and took a step forward gripping her wand in her pocket. Goyel and Crabbe turned around and squared up to her, “You got something you want to say, Potter?” Goyle challenged taking a step toward her and gripping his wand in his thick fists and pointed it at her. Robyn retorted stirnly, “I do actually." “Robyn, stop.” Neville whispered from behind her, “Come on then.” smirked Goyle, his piggy eyes gleeming, “Show us what you got.” Robyn opened her mouth to respond but someone cut across her, “Crabbe. Goyle.” Robyn spun around to see Malfoy stalking toward them and brush past Robyn and grab the sleeves of the two boys and walked off without so much as a glance. Robyn stared after them with her jaws still clenched, “Robyn?” “What?!” she snapped and turned to see Neville take a step back, she sighed and shook her head. “Sorry, Neville.” She mumbled, “I don’t know what’s going on with me this year.” Neville nodded and the pair resumed walking down the corridor. We need a place where no one can find us. We need a place where no one can find us, repeated Robyn in her head just as they passed a large blank wall. She ran a hand through her thick black locks. The sound of cracking and grinding of stone caused the pair to stop and turn before walking front of the wall where elaborate patterns had begun to appear in the stone before they turned charcoal black and a door appeared. Her jaw dropped in shock and Neville whispered in aw beside her, "I-I-Is that a door?" She nodded a little in shock and the two Gryffindor’s watched in amazement as the door’s opened to reveal a large spacious room. “Oh my god.” Robyn gasped as she stepped into the room looking around at the high ceiling. The walls were mirrors and there was a figurine of a wizard along with pillows and parchment and more! Then, it dawned on her, “You know what this place is don’t you.” Neville shook his head still entranced by the room itself, “This is the Room of Requirement." “The what?” Robyn ignored him but hugged him tightly and squealed, “This is perfect!” She squealed into his ear and kissed his cheek then grinned madly, “We need to tell the others!” She grabbed his hand and pulled him back to the Gryffindor common room to tell everyone of their discovery. *** One week later, Robyn stood alone in an empty class room with her wand out and her sleeves rolled up and her hair pulled back into a high pony tail, she closed her eyes and pictured the image of her parents talking to her and a smile graced its way to her lips, she opened her eyes and cast, “Expecto Patronum!” A pale blue swirling swan came flying from her wand and it glided around the room gracefully leaving a trail of blue around the room. She twirled in awe as she followed the swan fly around the room. Yet, she couldn’t help but wonder: Why a swan? It wasn’t the first time Robyn had asked herself this question. From what she read about the creatures there were symbolic of grace, love and protectiveness. She found that they mated for life. It was said, in Roman Mythology, that the Swan was sacred to Venus, the goddess love. No one of it made sense. Robyn had had no lovers in her life at all, she supposed that was just one of the traits that didn’t link with her. Maybe she was given a Swan because she was protective of her brother and friends? That sounded right. Her blue eyes looked back at the her swan and she continued to watch it swore around the room. Robyn was so entranced by her swan that she hadn’t realised that someone had entered the room. “What charm is that?” She yelped and the spell was broken. She spun around to face the intruder, it was Malfoy. He was leaning against a pushed aside desk with his arms folded across his chest. His hair was a little messy and his shirt untucked and tie hung loose around his neck, “I have a hunch, but I doubt I’m right.” “I doubt it to.” Robyn agreed sourly and she made her way to the door only to have it slammed shut in her face before she could reach it. She closed her eyes for a fleeting moment and before opening them again and looking at Malfoy who was sat there with a lazy smirk on his pale face, “Come on, Potter.” Malfoy purred, “Tell me.” Robyn pulled at the door and realised it was locked and groaned mentally. Sighing, she turned to completely face Mafloy, “It’s a complicated spell.” Robyn stated simply, “You wouldn’t understand it.” Malfoy raised an eyebrow then replied, “Try me” She shrugged in defeat and pulled out her wand and turned to face the open room. The memory of her parents flooded her mind as she cast, “Expecto Patronum.” The blue swan appeard from her wand tip and flew around the room, spreading it’s gorgeous wings out in flight. Robyn glanced at Malfoy to see him staring at the creature in amazement, his grey eyes twinkling with wonder, “I was right.” Murmered Malfoy, he looked at her, “Patronus charm.” At Robyn nod, he continued, “But, barely any adult wizards can conjure one. Let alone a full bodied one!” Robyn felt the tips of her ears heart up in embarrassment, “Can you teach me?” Robyn’s smile dropped and her patronus vanished as she looked at him incredulously, “You can’t be serious?” “I don’t see why not.” Malfoy shrugged “I’ll give you some information in return. Some of which I think you’ll find…very intriguing.” One of Robyn’s eyebrows raised, “What information do you have that I will find so intriguing?” Malfoy tapped the side of his nose with his finger, a slippery smirk on his face, “After I’ve produced a full bodied patronus, Robyn.” “I don’t think I gave you permission for you to use my first name.” Robyn snapped with her eyes narrowed and Malfoy raised his hands in mock surrender, “Hey, I’m just trying to be civil.” Malfoy defended, “The least you could do is call me by my first name, Robyn.” A smirk made its way onto his lips as her face twitched a little, her mind racing. “Go on. Say it.” “Draco.” She said through gritted teeth, Malfoy gave a triumphant smile, “So it’s settled then.” He said standing up, “I’ll meet you here tonight at eight.” Without giving Robyn anytime to object, he left. Robyn rolled her eyes in annoyance and tucked her wand into her pocket, “Prick.” Even so, the rest of her day was occupied by thoughts of that night. So, at quarter to eight, Robyn left the Gryffindor common room ‘claiming’ that she need to talk to Professor McGonagall about some transfiguration homework. She headed down the corridor to the deserted charms class room. She opened the door and glanced at the clock, there was still five minutes until Malfoy would arrive. She sighed and closed her eyes and leaned against the wall in a relaxed state. She thought about the first D.A. meeting that had happened a few days ago and smiled. Neville’s awful attempt at disarming had nearly cost the youngest Creevy to lose his head. A few minutes past and Robyn heard the door open, before she could open her eyes, hand held her face and brought her upward a little and lips pressed against her own. Robyn seemed frozen in shock as she stood with her person. Her eyelids seemed frozen shut an the rest or her body seemed to have completely shut off. What? What? Who? How? Who is this?! Questions flashed in her mind as the unfamiliar lips moved against her own, she didn’t respond though. Could it be Malfoy? Part of her felt disgusted by the idea but the other part felt her heart flutter. Then, she managed opened her eyes and her heart and stomach dropped. Who she saw was defiantly not who she was expecting was stood with his lips connected to hers. She shoved him off quickly and stared at him in horror. The boy who looked down at the ground nervously with a faint blush on his pale cheeks, almost as red as his hair... “Ron?!”
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