Chapter 15

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Year 5 1995 //Project Study, The High Inquisitor and Hermione's Rant// Robyn had decided that History of Magic was her least favourite subject. Professor Binns had put the class in partners and, unfortunately for Robyn, she had been partnered with Malfoy. They had to complete a project on the war between Vampires and Troll’s in the nineteenth century, how it was caused and what it entailed. Malfoy hadn’t been too pleased with the arrangement but said to her that they should meet in the library after lessons finished. So that’s where Robyn was, sat in the back of the library with her book out and a quill in her hand waiting for the Slytherin to turn up. Robyn glanced up at the clock which read quarter past six, he was fifteen minutes late. She let out a sigh and looked down and started the project without him. She began to scribble down notes about the war when a voice sneered from above her, “Potter or Plotter?” A newspaper was dropped in front of her with a moving image of her and her brother walking through the ministry stared at her. Robyn lifted her head to see a small group of three Ravenclaw's looking down at her with smirks on their face “Coming up with another scheme to say you-know-who’s back?” Robyn stared at them without an expression, “Someone’s been reading the Daily Prophet’s lies.” Robyn commented with a simple shrug. “There’s more truthful than you.” Snapped a blonde haired girl with her arms folded, “What’s in it for you, Potter? More fame? More money?” Robyn glared at her and gripped the quill tightly, “I would’ve thought having dead parents would give you enough fame.” Robyn’s jaw clenched, a red haired girl sniggered evily as she hissed, “Someone’s getting angry. Gonna kill us like you killed Digory? Gonna say that you-know-who killed us too! to cover up your tracks.” Robyn opened her mouth to snap back but someone else got there before she did ,“What are you doing?” Robyn looked over their shoulders to see Malfoy stalking toward them holding few books, the girls turned and smiled flirtily at Malfoy. “Just talking to, Potter.” The blonde one answered playing with a strand of her hair, “What you doing here?” She touched his arm lightly and Robyn raised an eyebrow as Malfoy looked down at the girl with a blank expression, “Do you mind not touching me, Gardner? I’d rather you not wrinkle up my shirt.” Malfoy stated bluntly and the girl - Robyn guested her last name was Gardner - leaned back with a dejected expression then shook her head and winked at him, “Don’t worry, Draco.” She whispered to him “I’ll have the shirt on the floor tonight. I promise they’re won’t be wrinkles but I can’t won’t be ripped, though.” She walked away with her small clan of Ravenclaws following her. Robyn watched them leave then looked up at Malfoy who was putting his books on the desk and taking a seat opposite her. He didnt look at her as he pulled out his parchment and quill. Robyn ran her eyes over his face. His jaw was more defined than when last she’d seen him at the end of 4th year. He still had his mop of blonde hair but it was shorter and tidier. He did look quiet handsome - Robyn had noticed that throughout the years he’d become more attractive and even his personality had become more appealing. However, he still was the annoying slytherin who bullied her and her friends. She hadn’t realised she’d been staring until Malfoy looked up at her with a raised blonde eyebrow, “Is there something you want to say, Potter?” Malfoy asked and Robyn shook her head and looked down at the parchment, “Sorry.” She mumbled and continued writing down notes for her homework. Sub-consciously, Robyn twitched as pain shot through her bandaged hand. Its had been 3 days and the cut was still heavily bleeding. She shook her head and forced herself to ignore the pain and looked at Malfoy, “So, the conflict started in the eighteen century because of a confutation between a vampire and troll farmer as the vampire had drained one of the troll’s sheep.” “And then the troll killed the vampire which then led to the vampires clan to attack the troll.” Malfoy continued, “Which caused the troll group to kill the vampire.” “This caught the attention of the vampire overlord who, in the early nineteenth century declared a war on the troll leader after his nephew was killed.” Robyn finished as she wrote. They wrote in silence for a few seconds until Malfoy inquiredc “What did you do to your hand?” Robyn looked up at him and she followed his gaze to her left hand were the bandage was. “Oh, I cut myself during dinner.” Robyn lied as casually as she could but Malfoy did not look convinced. He stared at her then said, reaching across the table to grasp her hand, “Let me see.” However, Robyn recoiled and pulled her left hand to her chest. She snapped at him “No. Why are you so curious?” “Show me, Potter.” Malfoy demanded getting to his feet, ignoring her question. “No.” Robyn persisted and, before she could blink, Malfoy was towering over his grey eyes piercing into hers. His hands were clamped on the arms of her chair, locking her i. “This is the last time I will asked. Give me your hand.” Malfoy demanded seriously, “And for the last time, no.” Robyn said annoyed “If you don’t mind I – HAY!” Robyn exclaimed as Malfoy snatched her bandaged hand and began unravelling it, he held her free hand down with his other “Stop!” He continued until the bandage was completely off showing the words caved into her skin. Robyn’s throat worked as she watched his emotionless expression as he stared at the words carved into her hand, “Let my hand go.” She whispered weakly but Malfoy furrowed his eyebrows and glanced up at her, “Why did you do this to yourself?” Malfoy uttered, shocked. “I didn’t do it to myself.” Robyn said defensively, “Who was it?” Malfoy snapped, Robyn shook her head quickly “It’s none of your business.” Robyn retorted, attempting to yank her hand from his grasp but Malfoy gripped it tightly, making sure to avoid the wound, “Stop being stupid.” Malfoy growled at her fiercely, “ “Tell me who did this?” He raised her hand up so that the words were in front of her face. Robyn gulped nervously and whimpered, pathetically, “Stop it.” Malfoy grabbed her jaw with his free hand, Robyn made no attempt to move her now mobile hand. “Robyn, I’ll ask you one more time: Who did this to you?” Malfoy said his grey eyes searching hers but Robyn’s eyes slid down to the table to avoid eye contact. Malfoy stared at her and Robyn felt his face move closer and his eyes flicking from her blue iris’s to her lips. She blinked then pushed him away and he stepped backward without protest and she slid her things into her bag, slinging it over her shoulder. “Robyn…” He breathed but she didn’t look at him as she brushed past him, walking out the library without a glance back. *** A few day’s later, Robyn was sat beside Hermione during the Great Hall looking at Ron with a raised eyebrow with Hermione beside her staring at Ron with a disgusted expression as he shoved a large sausage into his mouth. Ron saw their expressions and said, defensively, “What? I’m hungry.” “Harry.” Robyn looked up to see her brother stood beside her, “Can I join you?” Harry asked them slightly nervous, Robyn smiled and nodded just as Professor Umbridge’s voice echoed into the Great Hall, “Pardon me, Professor, but what exactly are you insinuating?” Robyn looked at her brother confused before pulling herself from the bench and jogging beside her brother, Hermione and Ron a little behind them, out of the Great Hall to see Professor McGonagall walking up the steps beside Professor Umbridge, “I’m merely requesting, that when it comes to my students you conform to the described disciplinary practices.” Professor McGonagall snapped and Robyn stood in the crowding crowd of students and watched the confrontation between them. “So silly of me, but it sounds as if you’re questioning my authority in my own class room, Minerva.” Professor Umbridge stated sourly and she took a step up so she was taller than the head of Gryffindor house. “Not at all, Delores.” Professor McGonagall contradicted taking a step up so she was, once again, taller than the spout Umbridge. Something told Robyn that Professor McGonagall wasn’t being all to sincere, “Merely your medieval methods.” “I…I am sorry, dear.” Professor Umbridge gapped as if Professor McGonagall had said something truly shocking, “But to question my practices is to question the ministry and, by extension, the minister himself. I am tolerant women but the one thing I will not stand for is disloyalty.” Professor McGonagall’s jaw dropped slightly as she stepped down one step as she looked at the pink toad in shock as she repeated, “Disloyalty?” Professor Umbridge stepped up again and looked down at the students as if she was their superior, “Things at Hogwarts are far worse than I feared.” Professor Umbridge commented, “Cornelius will want to take immediate action.” *** If it was even possible, Robyn hated Umbridge more than ever now. In every lesson that she’d attended the stupid pink poof had watched from the corner of the room and interrupted to ask questioned to the teacher as students. Though, it had been a bit of a smile when Professor Umbridge had tied to intimidate Snape and had failed miserably. A few week’s after the argument between Professor McGonagall and Professor Umbridge, Robyn walked beside her brother was students rushed passed them as if to see something. Robyn frowned a little and shared a confused glance with her brother. Her brother spotted Cho and ran over to her, Robyn following quickly. “Cho, what’s going on?” Harry asked as he slowed to a stop beside her, Robyn doing the same. “It’s Professor Trelawney.” Cho answered and the three students rushed out into the court yard where students crowed around the covered area around it. The divination teacher stood shaking in the centre with bags surrounding her and Filch bring more from the hall. Robyn’s jaw dropped slightly as she pushed her way through the crowd to the front as Professor Trelawney whimpered sadly, clearly tears were briming in her eyes. Then, the pink poof herself walked through the entrance toward Trelawney eith a gleeful smirk on her small face and Robyn’s jaw clenched in anger. She may not be best friends with Trelawney but whatever was happening was not right. Robyn pushed her say though the people to an entrnace and ran forward across the courtyard. She stood beside the shaking Divination teacher who looking at her with fearful eyes. Robyn sent her a reassuring smile and held her hand then turned to Professor Umbridge as she walked toward them, “S-Six…Sixteen years I’ve lived and taught here.” Trelawney trembled gripping onto Robyn’s hand, “Hogwarts is my home.” “You can’t do this.” Robyn said stepped forward with blue eyes staring at the pink poof daring her to challenge her. “Actually I can, Mis Potter.” Professor Umbridge said with fake sadness holding up a folded up piece of parchment. Robyn snatched the paper and ran her eyes over the words. Anger rose up in her but a whimper behind her cause Robyn to fold up the paper and drop it. She thened around and pulled Trelawney into small hug and patted her back softly. The teacher sobbed into Robyn’s shoulder, clingling to her as if for life. Robyns blue eyes wondered around the people staring, many looked conflicted as if they didnt know how to feel. As her eyes looked around, they locked with a pair of grey ones. Malfoy stared at her with slight concern from one of the entrances with his arms crossed. Robyn pulled her eyes away as the sound of heals reached her ears. She looked at the entance to the school and saw Professor McGonagall striding over to them. She patted Professor Trelawney’s back softly. Professor Umbridge hummed innocently, “Something you’d like to say dear?” “Oh, there are several things I would like to say.” Answered Professor McGonagall angrily. Professor Trelawney sniffed sadly as Robyn patted her back and glared at Umbridge. The door slammed open and all eyes turned to see Professor Dumbledore standing at the entrance before striding toward them, his face full of anger. He looked at Robyn and addressed her, “Miss Potter, might I ask you to escort Professor Trelawney back inside?” Robyn nodded at the head master’s request and smiled at Trelawney as she pulled back and looped her arm with the shaking lady’s and helped walk forward. Robyn stopped as Professor Trelawney reached over and held Professor Dumbledore’s hand greatfully. He took it and smiled at her reassuringly but make no idiciation or recongition that Robyn was beside her. The Gryffindor helped the still sobbing Divination teacher back inside the school. Robyn thought it best to ignore the rest of the conversation between Dumbledore and the pink poof. A few minutes later, Robyn had helped the Divination teacher to her class room and helped her sit on a large arm chair where she sat shakily, the sobbing had subsided but Professor Trelawney continued to let out small sniffles. Robyn smiled at her softly as the teacher held her hands between her own, “T-Thank you.” “It’s alright.” Robyn assured her then Professor Trelawney gripped her hand tightly and her eyes glazed over and Robyns eyes widened. “The ones who believed in lies shall for tell truth and forgo death of one whom is realized.” Professor Trelawney said her voice much deeper, Robyn’s eyes widened and her breathing was harsh and Professor Trelawney blinked and looked up at her as she fell out of her trance. “Oh, are you still here, dear?” She asked in her usual dazed voice, “I’m quite alright now” Robyn nodded carefully and walked backward slowly before quickly turning away and dashing back to the Gryffindor Common room with her cloak billowing behind her. “That foul, evil gargoyle!” Hermione insulted angrily the following night, Robyn listened to her friend rant as she leant on a table next to Harry’s chair. Robyn idely watched as Hermione pace up and down the empty Gryffindor Common room, “We’re not leaning how to defend ourselves. We’re not learning how to pass our owls. She’s taking over the entire school.” “…security has been, and will remain, the ministry’s top priority.” Fudge’s voice spoke from the radio from beside Robyn and she turned the volume up, “Furthermore, we have convincing evidence that these disappearances are the work of the notorious mass murder, Sirius Black. Make no mistake – “ “Harry! Robyn!” Robyn shot up and looked at the fire place to see Sirius’s face in the flames. Her eyes widened in suprise and she, and Harry, exclaimed in shock, “Sirius!” They rushed around the room and knelt in front of the fire. Harry spoke quickly as he asked, “What are you doing here?” “Answering you letter.” Robyn bit her lip as she remembered the letter they’d send to him a few days ago, “You said you were worried about Umbridge. What’s she doing? Training you to kill half breeds?” “She’s not letting us use magic at all.” Robyn said from between Hermione and Harry, “Well I’m not surprised.” Sirius commented gravely, “The latest intelligence is that Fudge doesn’t want you trained in combat.” “What does he think? That were forming some sort of wizard army?” Ron questioned from the sofa behind them, “That’s exactly what he thinks.” Sirius confirmed, “That Dumbledore is assembling is own forces to take on the Ministry. He’s becoming more paranoid by the minuet. The others…wouldn’t want me tell you this, Robyn, Harry, but things aren’t going at all well with the order. Fudge is blocking every twist and every turn and these disappearances are just how it started before. Voldemort is on the move.” “Well, what can we do?” Harry asked and Robyn furrowed her brows as she listened, “Someone’s coming.” Sirius said in a hushed tone, “I’m sorry I can’t be of more help and, for now at least, it looks like you’re on your own.” Robyn watched her godfather’s face disappear at the flames vanished. She sat back on her heels then pulled herself to her feet, along with the others. They slowly walked around the couch with Robyn stopping between the boys as Hermione walked forward and looked up at the rain covered window just as a large flash of lightening came in the sky. “He really is out there, isn’t he?” Hermione muttered staring up at the dark sky, “We’ve got to be able to defend ourselves. And if Umbridge refuses to teach us how, we need someone who will.” Hermione turned and stared directly at Robyn and Harry with a pinning gaze.
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