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MELIA POV Rounding the corner, I saw Kira pouting at the breakfast table with our cousins Lily and Vera. I slid myself into a chair at the massive kitchen island, making sure I kept my back to the three of them. There was a huge bouquet of all different flavored muffins sitting in the middle of the island. I took two, one blueberry and one banana. I quickly devoured the first one and started on the second one when my cousin Matt snuck up behind me and ferociously started tickling me. Screaming, I sucked a big chunk of blueberry muffin down my windpipe. I coughed so hard I thought my lungs were going to burst. Once, I dislodged the muffin chunk and I tried regaining some of my composure. With everyone in the room trying not to hysterically laugh, my composure was a lost cause. Matt was, of course, bent over laughing, looking as if he was hyperventilating, so I punched him in the side, which abruptly ended not only his but all the laughter in the kitchen. “Damn, Mia”, Matt said, rubbing his side. “Don’t Mia me, you ass. The next one is to the side of the head” “Oh, don’t get your panties in a twist little cousin”. Matt patted me on the head. Throwing my elbow behind me, I caught him square in the ribs. “Keep petting me and the next one is to your nose” “Damn, I see the combat training has finally paid off”, he massaged his sore ribs. Turning to look up at him. “Don’t try to butter me up now after you almost let me choke to death,” I said with my nose and eyes scrunched in disgust. Before he could say anything else, my mom walked into the kitchen with a huge smile on her pretty face. “Aww, my beautiful baby. Are you excited about finally turning 18?” She wrapped her arms around my waist. “Of course not mama.” I playfully sassed at her wrapping my arms around her tiny frame. Pulling away, she slapped me on the arm. “Smartass!” “I don’t want to grow up, mom. Is that so bad?” “Oh baby, if I could have kept you and your sisters small forever, I would have! Believe me. Some days I'd pray for it and other days I fantasize about damning us all.” She smiled with a wink. “Thanks a lot, mom.” “Well, you and your sisters gave me and your father a run for our money, honey. Hell, you all still do!” “Speaking of Maisie and Margot, where are they this morning?” “Umm, I haven’t seen them yet!” I shrugged. “They were up early this morning training with Dean, unlike someone we know.” Kira happily chimed in. “Of course,” I grumbled under my breath. “I thought I told them no training today. I don’t want you guys to be overly exhausted for your party this evening,” Mom said sternly. “PARTY?” “Mom, when was that made official?” “YES PARTY! We decided weeks ago and we made it official last week.” “MOM!” “Don’t start! You are going and, since you don’t listen, you had better already have something presentable to wear. Your dad has invited several high-ranking members from our neighboring covens to attend.” “It wouldn’t hurt for us to become sister covens instead of neighboring covens if you catch my drift,” Mom smirked as she swayed her hips. “Ewww, Mom!” “Love you, honey. Happy Birthday!” She chuckled and smiled sweetly as she left the room with the rest of my blueberry muffin. I don’t understand why the only way we can strengthen our coven is by marrying a man! I rolled my eyes at my thoughts. Immediately, after mom left, I opened up my mindlink to my sisters. Mom was on her way to embarrass them, not that they gave me the same courtesy or anything. Mindlinking or telepathy for most witches takes years to master and that’s if they can do it at all. All the inner court members and warriors in our coven are able to mindlink with one another, but some lose the ability once they cross over the coven border. Mom can project her mindlink to the whole coven at once, but not everyone in the coven can mindlink back to her. It wasn’t until mom took over as the High Priestess that she insisted on all the coven members seeking out the mind-linking ability. My sisters and I have always been able to mindlink with one another as far back as I can remember. Mom thinks it has something to do with us being triplets, but no one knows for sure. “Where the hell are you guys? Neither one of you wanted to remind me about tonight’s festivities?” “Don’t blame us.” Maisie chuckled. “You’re the worst,” Margot said dryly. “Shut it, Margot!” I shot back at her. “Where are you anyway? We all agreed that we were going to train this morning before mom forbade it, remember.” Margot sarcastically stated. “I’m eating breakfast. Well, I was,” I said as my mind wandered off. A sweaty, earthy scent that smelled just like red cedar right before it rained, swirled around and engulfed me. I cut off my mindlink when I smelled Dean walking into the kitchen. “Ms. Kingston.” “Dean!” “You weren't at training this morning.” “Ahh, you missed me?” I raised an eyebrow at him. Shaking his head, he let out a chuckle as he grabbed water from the fridge. Right before he turned to exit the kitchen, he looked back at me and winked. Dean was the only son of the covenant's head trainer and I have been madly in love with him since the week we moved back to the coven but that isn't saying much since all the single girls in our coven were in love with him. He had been training his whole life to take over for his dad, Sam. Just this year, Sam finally let Dean take over eighty percent of everybody’s day-to-day training. Which is ninety-nine percent of the reason I hadn't been complaining about going every morning at 5 am. Dean is perfect; 6’2, shoulder-length dreads, milk chocolate skin, dark-cinnamon swirl eyes, a perfectly chiseled body that even the gods would be jealous of, and the most beautiful smile, framed by big pouty peach colored lips. Oh, did I mention the eight-pack of abs? Not six, freaking eight!! Mmm goddess, I could just eat him up. “Earth to Melia. Are you ready yet?” Kira said loudly with a sigh, pulling me out of my fantasy. “Ready for what exactly?” I rolled my eyes. “The mall! You promised you would take us to the mall!” “You already made us miss our hair appointment this morning.” Lily pouted. “Get up. Let’s go. NOW!” Kira pulled me out of my seat. When did this turn into Kira’s day?
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