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MELIA POV We were finally back home after hours upon hours of shopping. Kira drug us through every store in the Southgate Mall. Don’t get me wrong, I love to shop but for whatever reason I was anxious, I had a gut feeling that something was going to go wrong. It could have just been nerves because of the party tonight, but whatever it was, I wanted to be close to my sisters. They made me feel safe. I opened my mindlink. “Mace, where are you guys?” “In the bathroom, we are getting ready.” I closed off my mindlink. “Kira, are you, Lily, and Vera coming upstairs to get ready with me?” “Yes, but I’m starving. Give me a minute, I’m having Mrs. Wilson bring us some lunch.” “I’ll meet you up there,” I said before turning and making my way through the coven house and up the stairs. “Grrh.” The mention of food made my stomach do cartwheels. “Mace, where are you?” “I'm in the closet. What is the matter? I felt your anxiety as soon as you hit the coven border. Is everything okay?” “I don’t know. I feel off like something is up.” “Well, knock it off. I want to have a good time tonight, and all of your nervous energy is stressing me out.” Margot chimed in from the bathroom. “Shut up, Margot! I’m serious, something is off.” I looked over at Maisie. “I don’t know if it’s my anxiety or yours, but I feel it too. Where are Kira, Lily, and Vera? I want us all to stay close together tonight. Don't wander off.” Maisie gave more of an order than a suggestion. The other girls finally made their way up to our room and we finally unpacked everything from the mall, starting to get ready. *** Leaning up against the cool window seal, I closed my eyes, allowing myself to feel the presence of each person's aura that crossed over our border and onto our land. As I opened my eyes, it was incredibly serene, looking out over the coven grounds as the decorative lights danced across the skin of all of our awaiting guests. Engulfed in thought, I looked past the people and stared out at the amazing stretch of wooded land that goes on for hundreds of miles. The big eye in the sky was starting to fall asleep, getting real comfortable behind the massive Montana mountains. Rich hues of gold, orange and crimson were starting to bleed into one another and spread like wildfire across the cotton candy-colored October sky. Casting dark ombre shadows over the top of the lush green forest, that was covered in miles of massive red cedar trees awaiting to be tucked in by the protective blanket of the night. The stars stretched and yawned, patiently waiting for the moon to awaken from her slumber. The blood moon would soon be high in the sky, smiling and dancing with the stars as they winked at us from above. A sting of sadness pushed into my mind as I reminisced on how grateful I was to call this beautiful place my home. I pulled my attention from the sky and glanced around the room. A wave of calm washed over me for being so close to all my sisters. I silently thanked the moon goddess for blessing me with all these beautiful women that I had in my life as the setting sun's last bit of fierce golden light swirled across their exquisite faces. Maisie was wearing a dark blue dress that was skintight with no sleeves and it just barely grazed the floor. Her hair was already slicked back and straightened. When the light hit her eyes just right, you could see the sparkle of her lovely midnight blue eyes that matched the color of her dress. She never wore any makeup except mascara to frame her eyes, but tonight she graced us with a burgundy red lip gloss to color her lips. Margot was wearing a short, off-the-shoulder, skin-tight sequin dress that was a beautiful silver color that matched her new silver streaks. Wearing only mascara with mauve-colored lips. Her hair was curled and pulled up into a high ponytail, allowing her eyes to reflect off her dress. Causing the golden honey color in her bright silver-green eyes to shine like stars. I wore a long emerald green colored dress that was silk, brightening my eyes at least three shades. It had a plunging neckline with a thigh-high slit and although it wasn’t too tight, it hugged all my curves just right. My hair was three times its normal size with my head full of puffed up bright auburn red curls that tumbled loosely down my back. Only wearing mascara and a dark shade of blood red lip gloss. When we were all finally done getting ready, I had one of the house ladies take a group picture and then a picture of just the three of us. I couldn’t believe how we could have all looked so similar but so different at the same time, I thought as I flipped through the pictures, making sure all of our eyes were open. My heart skipped a beat when mom let out a small muffled scream as she came bouncing into the room. Mom, Kira, Vera, and Lily were all wearing maxi dresses, trying not to draw too much attention to themselves on our special day, but it was impossible. They were all goddesses in their own way, regardless of what they were wearing. Kira had her curls pulled up in an overflowing messy bun on top of her head with her intense sea blue-green eyes perfectly matching her maxi dress. Lily's massive beach blonde curls were trimmed into a bouncy pixie cut showing off her big, bright amethyst-colored eyes. Vera's hair was jet black with hues of jade green laced throughout her hair that was pulled into two French braids. Thanks to the sprinkle of gold flakes swirling around her dark chocolate-colored irises, her eyes sparkled like miniature galaxies. Lily and Vera had matching summer dresses, Lily wore sapphire blue and Vera wore creamy gold. Mom had a large braid framing the crown full of crystals sitting on top of her head as the rest of her hair naturally flowed down her back to her feet. Wearing a stunning blood red maxi dress. They all had mascara, glossy nude lips, and huge smiles placed across their beautiful faces. “Oh my goddess, my girls! You all look breathtaking.” Mom whispered through the tears flowing down her face. “Oh mama, please don’t cry.” We all said in unison as we pulled her into a massive hug. “Okay, okay my beautiful babies. Step back and don’t mess up your faces because of your whiny ole mom.” Which just made us hold onto her tighter. “We love you, mama,” I said with a small smile as tears slid down her face. Mom gave each of us one last squeeze and stepped out of our embrace. “Come on, beauties. I want pictures!” We took what seemed like a million more pictures before mom turned to us and pulled out six little jewelry boxes, handing one to each of us. "I know it's not all of your girl's birthday today, but since it won't be much of a surprise once Maisie, Melia, and Margot receive their gifts I figured you should all get them at the same time. If that's alright with the birthday girls?". We quickly nodded our heads. "Okay, open them!” Mom ordered. We all pulled out small gold bracelets with three charms attached. An amethyst crystal, a gold locket with our names engraved on the front, a mini-gold coven symbol, a pentagram inside a triple moon inside a triquetra. Mom had the most beautiful smile on her face as she described our gifts. “They are all protected by a powerful protection spell. As long as you are wearing them you will be protected from most black magic. The bracelets themselves are indestructible, and any charms that are placed on one of them will also become indestructible as long as they remain on the bracelet." "Once the bracelet is on your wrist it can only be removed with a spell.” “The amethyst crystal will glow if you come into any contact with black magic. The locket holds pictures of each of your loved ones. The coven symbol is to help keep you grounded and to remind each of you that you come from an incredible line of witches. “ “Do you want me to teach you the spell so you can put them on?” We all pulled her into another tight hug as tears swelled up behind our eyes. “Yes, mama teach us.” Maisie finally said with a sniffle. Mom took a step back and spoke “Dederam Praesidio” and the bracelets magically appeared on our wrists. Then she said “Propatulus” and all six bracelets appeared in the palms of our hands. Right on cue, Nana lightly knocked on the open door and walked in. Silence washed over the room as she spoke. “I see your mom has given you your presents.” “So it's now my turn to give you my gift.” “Please collect your spell books, athames, wands, potion bottles, crystal balls, and a small bag." We did what she said after we looked around at one another suspiciously. When we were done, we looked back up at Nana. “Here, put everything on this bed." She told us as she pointed to Maisie’s bed. We nodded our heads, and we did as we were told. Nana took out her wand, touched each item with the tip of it, and whispered a spell that only she could hear. “Stand back”, Nana warned as she swirled her wand in the air above the items, taking a step back. “Leporem,” Nana snapped her fingers. All the items on the bed disappeared. “Dederam Praesidio.” Mom stepped forward and spoke. Making our bracelets appear back on our wrists! “Oh my goddess, oh my goddess,” Kira squealed. “Nana turned them into charms,” she shrieked as we all took note of each of the six new additions dangling from our wrists. Nana laughed as she clapped her hands together, tickled at our amazement. “Yes, my princesses, now you can carry everything you need on your wrist.” “All you have to do is hold the charm you wish to use in your fingers and speak the word “Leporem” to turn it back into its normal size.” “Then put your hand on any of the items, speak the same word “Leporem” again, and it will appear back on your wrist as a charm.” “Anything you put in your backpack charm will also shrink and return to normal.” “So please, no living creatures!" "I have never tried it with a living being before, and the consequences could be deadly,” Nana warned. We all looked back at our mom just as she was closing her mindlink, her eyes came back and landed right on us. “I know you’re all very excited about your gifts but it's time for the festivities to begin. So I need you all downstairs in five minutes.” Mom said as she turned on her heels and walked out the door. We hugged Nana, thanking her for our gifts before we followed our mom out the door and down the coven house stairs. I latched onto my sister’s arms as we descended the stairs. "Goddess, I am so nervous. I do not even know why," I thought to myself. “Everything is going to be fine. I promise,” Maisie said, tightening her grip on my arm as she read my mind. “You never get nervous Mia, well unless you have to spar with Dean at training." Margot giggled. I blushed and elbowed her in the ribs. "Just kidding but seriously Mia we got you, always!” Margot teased trying to lighten the mood as she laid her head on my shoulder. Not even my sisters were able to calm my anxiety. As soon as we reached the bottom of the stairs, my best friend Roxanne laced her arms around my waist and hugged me. My sisters released me and vanished into the crowd of people as I turned around to hug Roxy back. “I’m so glad you’re here, Rox.” “Of course, where else would I be?” We intertwined our arms and made our way through the crowd towards the tables overflowing with food. The best thing about Roxy is that she loved food just as much as I did, and we were neither ashamed to admit it. She had been my best friend since middle school and is the only living being I had told all my secrets. Secrets my sisters did not even know. "So have you seen Dean yet." Roxy nudged my shoulder. I immediately stopped eating and looked around scanning the crowd. "No, have you?" I tried to act like I didn't care. "Don't try to be all nonchalant with me Mia. You've been in love with that man since the day I met you and at midnight you're no longer jailbait." Roxy teased. "With every girl in the coven throwing themself at him I'm sure he isn't looking at me." I rolled my eyes. "Are you kidding? His eyes always linger on you just a little too long after all your conversations end. Roxy raised her eyebrows. "Do you really think so?" I asked hopefully sounding way too desperate. Before Roxy could answer Matt and Dean walked right by us. "Ah-am." Roxy cleared her throat. "Doesn't the birthday girl look beautiful?" She asked them. Dean's mouth dropped open when his eyes found me. "Oh my goddess, you look . . . breathtaking." Dean tried to find the right words. "Thank you." I blushed "You look great little cousin but we need to find your dad before you and lover boy here can eye f**k one another for the rest of the night." Matt spat out. "Matt." Roxy and I both yelled. "What?" He shrugged. "Excuse us ladies before Matt says anything else embarrassing. But Melia I'd love a dance before the nights over." Dean gave me his world class smile. "Sure." I smiled tugged at my lips as they walked off. "Sure? Seriously Mia?" Roxy had her hands on her hips. "I didn't know what to say after Matt said eye f**k. Who even says that?" I gave her a disgusted look. "Matt." We said in unison as we shook our hands. "Let's get some Mac n cheese before its all gone." Roxy pulled me to another table filled with food so we could load up our plates.
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