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***PRESENT DAY*** MELIA POV Just as I was about to implode, Kira's squeal ripped me out of the most amazing dream I had been having. "Melia." "Now Melia." “Melia, I am not playing," Kira screamed at the top of her lungs as she made her way into my room. "Get out. Go away," I grumbled. As she plopped down on my bed, I yanked the blanket and kicked her toward the floor. “YOU b***h!” Kira flailed her arms around like a chicken. She was grabbing for anything that would save her, but it was too late. With a hard thud, she landed face-first onto the hardwood floor. "What in the goddess is going on in there?” Our mother hollered from the bedroom up the hall. "Sorry mom, you know how clumsy Kira can be," I stuck my tongue out and crossed my eyes at Kira. "Melia spartan kicked me!" Kira shrieked like a siren. "Melia!" I mouthed my name, mimicking my mother under my breath. “Girl, who are you sassing?" Mom warned. "I swear to the almighty herself, that woman has ears of a gosh darn bat." I rolled my eyes. "You will lose your beautiful emerald eyes if you roll them any harder," Mom warned again. I knew my mom had her hands on her hips without even being in the same room. Kira smirked and stuck her tongue out at me. "Goddess, please help me!" I pulled my blanket back over my head. “You are a real b***h. You know that.” Kira hissed, pulling herself up off the hardwood floor. “It takes one to know one, b***h!” I snapped back. “Besides, you have enough cushion back there to break a fall from any height.” I threw my pillow toward her. She instinctively flicked her wrist, and the pillow flew back in my direction. I waved my hand, and the pillow froze in midair just before it could hit me in the face. “Show off, get up! Do you have to insist on making us late every day?” Kira ripped the pillow from the air. “We are never actually late. We are just not super early.” I got to my feet, letting my blanket fall to the floor. My bright auburn hair flowed down my naked back and landed right at my hips. “Early is on time. On-time is late!" Kira turned her head to look back at me, and she gasped. "You look like a gosh darn bloodsucker, you need a tan!” Kira belly laughed. I waved my hand at her, then flicked my wrist to the left. Kira gets pulled out of my bedroom before the door slams in her face. Hitting my door with her fist. “b***h!” She screamed. “Kira Rosalie Kingston!” “Sorry, Mom.” Kira stomped her way down the hallway. “If she is not the biggest pain in the ass,” I said under my breath. "I heard that!" Mom reminded me of her supersonic ears. I rolled my eyes for the millionth time that morning while making my way to my bathroom. Walking towards the shower, I swirled my index finger, causing the water to turn on and adjust itself. I am not supposed to be using magic for everyday tasks. But how was I supposed to strengthen my abilities if I didn't? I shrugged my shoulders as I reasoned with myself. Twisting my hair into a messy bun, I stepped into the shower. The hot water washed over my body, and a moan escaped my lips. I pulled the shower head up and off its perch, changing its spraying pace to a much quicker one. Right on the top of my hard n*****s, I lowered it. The rhythmic sensation caused my body to respond. A moan slipped through my lips as I slid the shower head down over my stomach, residing between my lips right up against my clit. My head fell back, my eyes fluttered shut, and my mind wandered back to the amazing dream I had been having right before my sister rudely interrupted me. Looking into his big dark-cinnamon swirl eyes set my body on fire, and I was too intoxicated to acknowledge that I was burning from the inside out. His milk chocolate colored skin was pulled tight against his deliciously defined abs, chest, and biceps. His shoulder-length hair was jet black and he had perfectly plump peach-colored lips. He smelled like red cedar right before it rained, and it was intoxicating. Everything about him was massive, and I mean everything. If only I could lick every inch of him! The heat that radiated off his body made me ravenous, but I always woke up right before I was about to peak. He could never get further than licking his way up my thighs. No matter how hard I tried, I could not stay asleep long enough to enjoy the complete experience. *** After my much-needed release, I washed off and quickly rushed through the rest of my shower routine. Stepping out of the shower, I wrapped myself in my favorite extra fluffy white towel before turning to look at myself in the mirror. As each day passed, my sisters and I were filling out and becoming almost identical to our mother. To most, we have a very physically attractive coven. Unfortunately, while my whole family is beautiful with caramel-colored skin, my triplet sisters and I were at least three shades lighter. Our Nana calls us her "porcelain princesses." However, the only difference people outside our coven seemed to notice was our eyes. Witches, like humans, don't generally have unusually colored eyes. We all have long, naturally dark, thick hair. Our heart-shaped faces are very similar, with pouty lips, high cheekbones, perfectly arched brows, and long thick eyelashes. Kira's nose was slightly wider, moms was a tad bit thinner, and we all had perfectly shaped button noses with little round tips. Maisie, Margot, and I were taller and more athletic, at 5’7 with longer legs. Mom and Kira both have caramel-colored skin, wider hips, and bigger butts, making them more pear-shaped. My mom, Athena, and her twin sister Rosalie have straight dark chestnut brown hair, and big golden honey eyes, and stood no more than 4’9, even if she swears to everything holy that she is 5’1. Maisie is my older sister. She takes the title very seriously, even though it was only by a measly three minutes. Maisie has straight, raven black hair and midnight blue eyes with the same golden honey color as our moms circling her pupils. Half of her left eye is an icy silver-green color. Margot is my younger sister, even though for the last 18 years she has stated at least once a day that there was a mix-up at the hospital and she was actually the middle sister. I have pretty much given up on that argument. Margot has wavy, dark chestnut brown hair with one streak of silver hair starting at her right temple. Both of her eyes are the same icy silver-green color, wrapped in mom’s golden honey color circling her pupils. Kira is the baby and our youngest sister, and she wholeheartedly believes that we "the triplets" were adopted as a punishment to her. Kira has a head full of dark chestnut-brown curls, laced with butterscotch-colored highlights, big ocean blue-green eyes, and the same golden honey color wrapped around her pupils. Then there's me, and I also had dark chestnut brown hair, but as I've grown older, my hair has lightened into a bright, wavy auburn-red. My eyes are bright emerald green with mom's golden honey color wrapped around my pupils. My right eye is paler than my left because half of it is that same icy silver-green color my sisters have, and it goes unnoticed in my eyes unless you look very closely. No one knows where the silvery-green or emerald-green in our eyes comes from. Our dad’s eyes are ocean blue-green, very similar to Kira’s without the honey color surrounding his pupils. My red hair is also a mystery, but we do have a strong Irish heritage on mom's side, so there is that. On the other hand, Margot's silver streak is really weird because another lock of her hair turned silver after I "accidentally" cut it when we were little. She had tried to cut the unusual streak out of her hair, but it always grew back silver. None of us has ever tried cutting our hair after that, afraid it might all turn silver. Just as I had finished brushing my teeth, the sound of our pups jumping on my bed pulled me out of the haze of thoughts I had fallen into. I rushed out of the bathroom and into my closet, pulling on my favorite green maxi dress and brown wedges. I walked over to my body mirror to apply lip gloss, mascara, and a couple of bobby pins to secure my massive messy bun before I grabbed my things. Giving Saphie and Phephe a couple of pets, I scooped Ollie, one of our little white Frenchies, up off of the floor and placed him on my bed with his sisters before I made my way out of my room and down the coven house stairs.
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