Chapter eight- The decision has been made

1545 Words
Katrina It's morning already, the hunt for an escape out of here continues.  "Wakey, wakey" I say tapping star light who's sleeping comfortably on her back.  "What now, can't you let a soul rest, what do you want in the nick of the night?" she asks while stretching her body.  "Night? It's late in the morning already, or didn't you have some sleep in the night?" I ask.  "Oh come on! I barely slept for an hour" she complains.  "Ah, we slept for about nine to ten hours if I may guess" I correct her.  "You slept for that period of time, I had just gone to sleep when the sun started coming out and I know by then we might be slightly out of danger" she explains.  "Danger! What danger?" I ask confusedly.  "You know someone's gotta keep an eye in the night and you seem so tired that's why I kept an eye and now if you'll excuse me, I wanna have some sleep and you too should go back and rest for a while" she says and goes back to her sleeping position.  "No we gotta go" I insist and try to pick her up but she runs away before I could reach her.  She's really fast I see.  "Why are you in such a hurry?" she asks after bracing herself from the running.  "I wanna reach home before that creatures" I blurt out without even realizing.  Oh! I never wanted to tell her that the creatures are actually after me and maybe my family too. Now she will just leave me.  "What creatures?" she asks.  "Ah nothing, now let's get going" I try to change the topic.  "No, now tell me what's going on" she insists.  I keep quite for a while and I finally speak.  "If I tell you, promise you wouldn't leave me" I say.  "Why would you ever think of me leaving you, we are best friends remember" she says and that gives me courage to continue.  "Actually, we we're supposed to go to Kansasdale with my other colleagues and my instructors, but our car broke down on the way near this place" I pause.  "After the car broke down, we walked into this forest and from that moment I know something's wrong but I guessed that I might be wrong, we came by to an opening which is very unusual in this kind of forest but as it was, we had to obey our instructors" I take a deep breath while the images of the incident shows clearly in my head.  "After we have finished setting our camp, we all sit on our respective places" I stop. "Well, continue" she says.  "We were attacked by some wild animals, they came and attacked us and killed all of us, well, most of us" I say.  "After the incident, I went back to our camping area and I found them there and I saw them killing my instructors in front of my eyes and they promised to kill the last piece of us" I say, trying to stop the tears from falling off my eyes.  To my surprise, when I finish telling her the story, she didn't even utter a word. She keep quite for almost ten minutes and I'm starting to get bored.  "Why aren't you saying anything?" I ask.  If it were some average person now, they would be shouting why they have even associated themselves with this kind of danger but I guess she is not an average person, well, who actually talks to a cat? Me I guess.  "No, it's because I don't have anything to say at the moment" she answers.  "Now let's get going before it's late, we'll find something to beat on the way" she adds and she starts to head toward the door.  I quickly stand up and follow her from behind.  "Are you still going together with me even after what I told you?" I ask confusedly.  "Yeah why not, that's what friends are for, to protect and guide you through hardship, isn't it?" she asks.  "Yeah, I guess you're right" I answer and from then, we didn't utter any word again and she didn't let me carry her like yesterday.  She just keeps leading the way as if she wants us to get out of there quickly too. ########## Adrien "I'm gonna be out for a while, so take care of my sister and don't let her get out no matter what, a lot of damage has been done to us and I don't want anyone being harmed again" I order the guards.  I didn't even wait for their answers, I just barged out of the basement. As soon I as get out, my beast takes over. Actually, he's more faster than my wolf. He runs like a thunder lightning in the middle of the night. I want to go and see our pack's oracle. With many bad things happening these days and the so-called mate of mine barging out of nowhere, it's to much for me and my pack to handle, I guess seeking the advice of some elders wouldn't be bad. He runs into the forest in a speed of lightning. In less than half the time we were supposed to take to be there, we finally reached the oracle's place. She specifically asked to be kept here, far away from all of the other members of the pack with only her apprentice, the half oracle. She's so called because most of the time she's half true in whatever she predicted and they are always talking about danger to be befallen on my pack. I intended to exile her but the oracle advised me not to. She told me that even though she's not always right, she has a very special gift that no one ever has in our pack. I walk into the house hoping that I will not meet the half oracle but it seem like luck has run out for me, as soon as I enter the house, she's the first person I set my eyes on.  "Danger will always be lurking around so long as you don't accept the truth" she says as soon as she sees me.  "What does my Alpha wants?" she asks in respect.  "I want to speak with the oracle" I demand.  "She's not here, she went out to get some medicine for the injured" she says.  She walks over to the other side of the room and turns with a mischievous smile on her face. Sometimes I really do think that this mad old lady is an evil witch.  "But I'll tell you what you wanna know, you'll always be troubled if you don't accept the truth now and by the way, she's in really good hands now, so you don't have to worry" she says confidently.  "Who are you talking of?" I ask.  "Your...".  "Enough now Lana, I'll take it from here" the oracle interrupts her.  She walks out the room from the other exit. Ahhh!!! Finally, she's out because I'm really getting tired of her stupid talks, but who's safe and why would I accept the truth?.  "Sorry Alpha, I went to get some drugs for the injured ones I didn't know you'd be coming this early" she apologizes.  "No, it's OK, I didn't inform you that I was coming" I say.  "Now back to business, I know you're here because you're stressed and confused" she says.  What! She knows why I'm here but how did she know because other than the three of us, no one knows about my mate.  "Yeah, don't look confused, ever since that fateful attack, I've monitored you and I finally found out why you're stressed" she says when she understands that I didn't get what she's saying.  "I know this will be a difficult decision for you but the whole pack looks up to you for justice, I'm not trying to be unfair to you but you have to choose between your happiness and your packs happiness and as you know, it's the pack, then us and everything will work out perfectly, you have to be true to your word" she adds.  "Give us the justice we all deserve and kill them all" she says in a hoarse voice.  "But she's my mate" my wolf growls angrily that even the oracle shakes in fear.  "Forgive me Alpha but I'm just trying to remind you of the promise you made" she says in fear.  "Yeah, you are right, I have to keep to my words, I can't let my emotions get the best of me" he says and I can literary feel his pain.  "Finally, we have agreed on something for once" my beast comments.  Before they turn up fighting each other again.  "OK thank you oracle, I'll be taking my leave now" I say as I get up to leave.  "You are a very strong person" she says and bows.  I walk out of the house and head to the gate when I see the half oracle standing by the gate.  "Farewell my Alpha but I'm advising you that the answer is simple, just accept the truth and anything will fall back in place" she says.  This is the first time that she has actually said something positive and soothing.  "Or else they'll be more danger ahead" she adds and bows.  There she goes again. I walk out of the compound and turn to my wolf form. He's made a very huge sacrifice today and even my beast would not dare stop him from getting the fresh air that he needs or else there will he a huge catastrophe. 
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