Chapter nine a- the return of the monster

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Adrien "Sir we found some human species in the forest today but I think that they are not the same people that attacked us but they were suspected to be spying" A guard reports.  This imbecile humans, I don't know what's wrong with them these days. I go to the hospital every day to help them and cure their aliments and here they are trying to wipe my entire pack. I have to deal with those leeches soon or else...  "Bring them here" I shout.  Before I could even turn, the guards have all disappeared. After about ten minutes or so, they returned with four humans along with. They throw them at my feet.  "Sir please spare us, I promise you we are not spying, we just came here to look for our colleagues who have left for some field trip to Kansasdale and they have been missing for over a week now" a man amongst them says fearfully.  I open my mouth to utter a word but before the words could escape, some groups of fairies come in.  "What now?" I ask them.  They all bowed their heads down. Even the fairies in this forest of Kansasdale have pledged allegiance to me. Almost all the supernatural creatures of Kansasdale are under my humble rule.  "A...A group of our pack have been reported to be planning a coup again you so we brought them here" the leader of the fairies guard answers.  "Bring them " my wolf growls because he's almost on the verge of surfacing and descending all his anger on them all.  "Yes Alpha" he answers and turns to leave with his scouts following him from behind.  "Now back to you disgusting creatures" he growls as he almost charges at them.  Even the sound of his growls has evidently send shivers down their spines.  "Who Gave you the right to come to my territory and try to INVADE!!!" both my wolf and beast roars the last word, invade.  They all pack themselves in one corner fearfully. I'm about to charge at them and rip very single vein in their useless body when the fairies guards come back with my rebels.  "YOU!!! YOU DARE HAVE THE AUDACITY TO QUESTION MY RULE " my supernatural creatures shout.  For the first time in forever, they seem to be finally working together on one thing, revenge. Within a millisecond, I'm standing in front of them thanks to my beast.  "NOW TELL ME THE REASON OF YOUR REBELLION  BEFORE I RIP YOUR HEADS FROM YOUR BODIES" we all shout together this time.  One of them whom I think is a werewolf comes forward.  "With all due respect Alpha Adrien, we think that you are also a cause of this incident that happened to us that day" he says and bows his head to avoid looking into my volcano like eyes.  Well, I didn't expected that.  "How if I may ask?" my wolf speaks this time.  "You are always at the hospital trying to help those heartless human beings and there came to our sacred place on a full moon day and attacked us which is a bad omen" he pauses to catch his breath.  "And also the fact that the moon goddess hasn't blessed you with a mate yet, I mean no disrespect Alpha, I mean you are the strongest amongst us no one can deny that but we won't let a mate less Alpha rule us, Never!!!" he finishes by emphasising the last word.  "Yes, we cannot let a mate less Alpha rule us" the others follow suite.  The word mate send me and my beasts to the edge and I let out a thunderous roar that threatens to destroy the pack house. How dare they questions my being mate less for such a long time. We have waited for our mate for like forever and now I have to sacrifice her because she's one of the enemies. I charge at them and within seconds, they we're all turned into shreds by my wolf because my beast says he wants nothing to do with our mate even though he has waited for her too but she's not of his expectation. I turn into my human form and get up not caring that I'm naked and drenched with blood all over. I turn to our human counterparts and find them all unconscious on the floor. Such weaklings, but their species dared to attack my pack on an auspicious day. But I want to see the fears in their eyes when they are taking their last breath.  "Take them away and lock them up, I'll deal with them later" I order as I leave the room. ********** Later in the evening The pack house's so quite today as if someone has died, well litterally, many have died today. I'm afraid that I'm turning to the beast that I was before. I was so heartless, more than a rogue itself, but everything changed a little bit when I thought that all my pack members were by my side but I guess I'm wrong. Gosh!!! I haven't even for once checked on my sister today. I get up from by bed and walk out of my room to the basement.
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