Chapter seven- finally out in the light

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Katrina "You know what, you're the most kind person I've ever meet in my three years" star light says.  "Ohh! Why do you say that?" I ask.  "It's the truth, you see, amongst the humans, I was always being maltreated, so I just thought that they are all the same but you proved me wrong" it says.  "Well, I guess not all of us are the same" I say, thinking about what I just said if it's the truth.  "And because you're different from them all" it says.  "How?" I ask confusedly.  "Uhh, I don't know how to put it but first, you can talk to me and also understand me not like other humans, so you see, you're unique" it explains.  "Yeah, I guess" I say, unsure of what she just said.  May be I'm just going bunkers that's why I'm talking to a cat. "Why are you quite?" It asks.  "Huh?" I exclaim.  "I was talking to you but it seems like your mind is on a pilgrimage" she teases. " Uuhhh, it's just that I'm tired and it's already getting dark" I lie, well, half lied because it's really getting dark and we need to find some food to eat and also some shelter.  "I think you're right, let's walk a little bit, I think there's a place that we can take some shelter for the night" she says.  "You really do know this place I see" I complement her.  "Thanks to the humans that don't want me in their lives" she says sadly.  "Uhh, where should we follow?" I ask, trying to change the topic.  "Ah, we should follow left" she says.  I turn to left and start walking till I reach an opening. There is an abandoned hut in the place. I walk over and enter the hut. The place is so dirty and dusty. Star light jumps off from my body and lands on a mattress. It's so old and torn but it's more than enough to manage.  "Let me go and get us something to eat and in the mean time, you should help clean the room" she says.  "OK" I answer and she runs out.  I pick up the broom that I find laying on the floor and start dusting the place. After I've finished, I lie down on the mattress and all the bones in my body struggles to adjust. I have slept on trees for over five days now. As soon as I feel comfortable, my eyes starts to become heavy and I roll off to sleep. I feel like someone's licking my face or something. Maybe it's just a dream but wait, it's becoming more real by the second. I lazily open my eyes and I see star light licking my face. I immediately sit up because she has really scared the hell out of me. She looks like one of those creatures that I saw that day during that incident.  "What?" she asks in confusion.  "Uhmm, nothing" I lie.  "OK, if you say so" she says and walks down from the mattress.  She drags some fruits with her mouth and brings them up to my place.  "Here's all I can get, eat and go back to your sleep" she says and releases them on my lap.  I hurriedly start eating because the truth is, that I'm really hungry. I haven't eaten since yesterday and it's already late in the evening now. After I have finished taking all of them, I turn to face her.  "Uhmm, let me ask you, how did you know this place and how did you get this delicious fruits?" I ask at the same time.  "You ask too many questions girl" she says.  "This place is the first place I came by when I first came here and the fruits are from some trees near by, I'll show you tomorrow, Ahhhh!!!" she yawns and turns to sleep.  I lie down too and in no time, sleep takes over. ########## Adrien "Calm down, calm down everything will be alright" I try to comfort her.  "I promise you, I'll leave no stone unturned, I'll find them all and finish them all" I assure her.  I hand her the sachet of blood that I brought for her. She collects it and starts drinking it like a hungry wolf even though she's not. After she has finished taking her meal and she's a bit normal than earlier, I collect what that remains of the blood and return it to the cooler so that it won't spoil and she needs them later.  "Now go freshen up and we'll talk" I say to her.  "No, I wouldn't touch any water until the people that killed my mate are all dead" she refuses.  "Tell her who she is to us" my wolf says.  "I won't" I say to him.  "She'll get what's coming her way" I add.  "How dare you?" he growls.  "Now both of you shut up, you're disturbing my peace of mind" my beast warns.  "How dare he want to kill our mate" my wolf growls.  "So then what, we should get this over with, maybe she's not even our mate to begin with" my beast answers.  "How dare you?" my wolf growls in his Alpha voice and even my beast cannot escape his wrath sometimes.  "OK calm down, you two" I interfere because I know they will start getting on each others neck soon.  "We'll deal with that matter later, now my sister needs me" I add.  "He's right, she's also our sister too, so we should also keep our differences aside and be there for her" my wolf says.  That's why I like him, no matter how angry he is, he always considers other people's pain and ignores his.  "I guess you're right" my beast agrees too.  I turn to face my sister and I see her staring at me like a stranger.  "What?" I ask.  "I should be the one asking you this question, you just zoned out and I've been talking to you, so tell me what's wrong?" she asks.  "Ahh, nothing" I kinda lie because what I'm discussing with my companions will only add to her worries.  "OK, if you say so" she says.  "So what were you saying?" I divert the question to her to prevent her from asking me other things and I can't tolerate lying to my sister.  "I was saying, how far have you gone in your search now, is there any lead yet?" she asks.  Here she goes again, anytime I come over here, that's the only question she keeps asking. And I always answer with we're still searching.  "The answer is still the same" I answer.  "Oh come on! I asked you to let me lead the search but you didn't" she complains.  "How could I have let you go out there in your condition?" I ask.  "I want to see them all dead, they'll pay for killing my mate" she says and I can see her canine becoming longer by the seconds.  "Calm down, I promise you that I will get rid of them all, this is a promise your Alpha is giving you today" I promise her.  "And I'll lead the search myself if that will make you fell better" I add.  "OK, whatever" she says and I can feel the anger in her voice.  "Now go take your bath, you know your mate would never rest in peace knowing that you are suffering in this cruel world" I say trying to reason with her.  She keeps quite for a minute and then she finally speaks.  "OK, I'll go freshen up" she finally says and gets up and walk into the bathroom but before she enters, she turns.  "Your mate will be very lucky to have you as hers" she says and walks into the bathroom leaving me speechless.  How am I suppose to tell her that there's a possibility that my mate is one of the people that attacked her mate.  "Just tell her, I hope she'll understand" my wolf says.  My wolf is the who loves our mate more among us and my beast is the one who loves her the least and the human me is in the middle, I'm still not sure about her.  "We made a promise, so we can't go back on our words" my beast argued.  "Now enough you two, we'll deal with this after confirming if she's our mate" I say.  "Then we should go and find her now" my wolf says excitedly.  "Not a chance" my beast growls and before they can get into another fight again, I knock them all out. These creatures want to see the end of me if I'm not careful enough. So I have to get a solution to this fight of there's before they see the end of me and I have a very good idea of where to get these answers. I really do hope that I will find the answers there.
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