Chapter six- I'm Lost, Please help!!!

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KatrinaIt's been almost two days since I ran away from those creatures. Now I'm stuck in the middle of nowhere. No food to eat and water to drink. I tried to find a way out but it only turns out I'm just going on and on in circles. The worst thing is that I've dropped my bag and all my essential things are in it, so I just have to survive it till my death finally comes to visit or some kind and reckless soul decides to follow this way. I jump down from my new sleeping place, the trees. I sit down under a tree and start eating some fruit that I plucked around. I don't even know that type of fruits that I'm putting inside my stomach but I hope that they are not harmful. My only problem for two days now is water and I haven't taken my medicine because I dropped the stupid bag even though I was told to guard it with my life. Out of nowhere, I hear something moving. I jump to my feet and climb up the tree in seconds. Well, I have become a champ in climbing now and the trees are very tall I tell you. After about five minutes, the movement stops. I climb down and instead of me to just run for my dear life, I walk toward where the movement was. It's from a tree near by. I silently walk over and check but there's nothing. I guess it's one of my imaginations again. I've been having them since when I turned eighteen but they stopped when I started going for therapy and now I've lost the damn drugs and they are back again. I turn to walk away and out of the blue, I see a weird creature right below my feet. I want to run but as usual, I can't. "What are you looking at like that?" I hear. "Huh?" I say confusedly. I check but there's no one around. "Hey, down here" I hear again. I look down and if I'm not mistaken, it's that little weird thing is that's talking to me. I master all the courage that ever exists in me. "AAA...are you talking to me?" I ask. But instead of answering me, the creature starts jumping and circling me. "Ohhhh!!! She can understand me, finally" that's what it keeps saying and circling me as if she's dancing of joy or something. After dancing to it's heart's content, and I couldn't even move a muscle, it stops and lay in front of me. "Sit down already, don't you feel tired" it says. I sit down obediently because I don't know if it's a rabid creature. "So where are you from?" It asks and before I answer, it continues. "Who am I kidding, you're one of them" it says. "Who?" I ask fearfully. It starts laughing and rolling on it's back like a cat. I don't want to ask and make it angry but this thing looks like a cat but it's blue and I've never seen a blue cat in my life. "Seriously, you don't know them?" It asks. "No" I hesitate for some seconds but. "I'm actually lost in here" I finally say. I don't trust it but what's the harm in asking since it can understand me. "Lost?" I asks. "Come on you're kidding me right?" It asks again. "No" I answer briefly. It keeps staring at me for a while and finally, when I gave up all hope, it speaks again. "OK, so how can I help you?" It asks. "I'm looking for a way out of this forest" I answer. "Going where in particular?" It asks again. I hesitate but what's the harm in answering it, I say to myself. "I'm from Port's ville" I answer. "And I'm looking for my way back home" I add. "Home! Home!! Home!!!" It says and climbs on my body and cuddles itself. This thing is definitely related to cats. "Are you a cat?" I finally ask. "Of course I am" it answers. "Why do you ask?" It ask. "You look like a cat but I've never seen a blue cat and you can talk" I answer. "About my colour, I still find it weird that I have different hair than the others and as for me speaking, you're the only person I've ever talked to" it pauses. "They always shoo me away or just give me food when I try to talk to them, so I figured they don't understand me" it explains. Uhhh! But how can I talk to it?. "Why are you in this creepy place?" I ask because I know cats can't live in this kinda forest. "Creepy huh? You haven't even seen that creepy part of the forest yet" I says. "And back to your question, all the people that adopted me used to treat me differently from the other cats and so I figured that they don't need me and I fled" it says. "Uhhh, that's so sad" I say. "How can anyone as cute as you be treated differently" I say sadly and seriously, she's kinda cute with her pink eyes. "You think I'm cute?" It asks. "Yeah, absolutely" I answer. "Uhhh, thanks" it says and rolls on my lap. "What's you're name?" It asks. "I assume you have one right?" It adds. "My name is Katrina but you can call me Katry" I say. "Sharing nicknames already, huh!" It says and laughs. I smile too. "And your name?" I ask. It lowers it's head. "I don't have a name" it answers sadly. "Do you want one?" I ask. "Yeah, yeah" it says excitedly. "Uhhmmm, I name you star light, because you are my light" I say. It jumps off my lap and starts dancing happily like earlier. "Thanks, you've no idea how happy I am, now I finally have a name to be called with" it says happily. "You are welcome" I say and put her on my lap and I start playing with her tail gently and she didn't even protest. We're friends already I guess. "How is that other people can't talk to you but I can?" I ask. It stares into my eyes as if it's looking for something in them. "It's a gift that you have" it answers. "How?" I ask confusedly. "I don't know too, I'm just a cat remember" It says. "OK, I'll find out some day" I say. We chat for a while and I even get to know that star light was adopted for almost fifty times and she's just three years now. Poor cat. That's why it ran away to stay in this creepy place. "OK, let me get going, I have to find my way home soon" I say while standing up. "Can I come, can I come?" It asks happily and wriggles it's tail. I look at it's googly eyes and I know that I can't refuse them. "I know this forest more, so I can guide us out" It says. "OK, come along" I say. "Yay!!! Thanks" it says happily. I pick it up so that we can cover more distance because I'm bigger than her. ########## Adrien It's been very tiring since that attack. We are all scattered around the forest looking for any survivors and kill them and my sister is so devastated. Her mate is murdered. He was one of my best warriors. The best amongst all and my Beta is also gone along with him. I have to set my hospital work aside until all this is sorted out. The funeral of the deceased will be next week. By then, we would have finished hunting down the enemies and all the wounded are healed. I'm so lost in thoughts these days. "Sir" one of my soldiers says in respect. "What?" I answer for the millionth time today. "Commander Harry is here to see you" he answers. "OK, send him in" I order. He bows his head in respect and walks out. A minute later, Harry comes in. "Any progress yet?" I ask. "No, Sir" he answers with his head bowed. "How is that?" my monsters growl. "We've been tracking that scent of that bags owner but we still couldn't find them, it's like they've been moving around in circles for a long time...". "And how how does that affect our search?" I ask almost shouting. "A...we can't exactly say where the scent is headed now but we'll find it soon, Sir" he says almost stammering the word. "You better" my monster growls. "And my sister?" I ask. "There's no improvement" he answers sadly. She's been out of her mind since the attack so we have to contain her in a cell for the safety of the pack so as to prevent other deaths. "But she wants to see you" he says. "OK, I'll go right now" I say. I walk over and pat his shoulder. "You're doing great, make sure you kill the last bit of them" I say to him. He nods his head. "You can go now, I'll go there by myself" I say. He walks out even though he doesn't want to but he knows better than to disrespect my order. "We should be the ones looking for her, she might be our mate, you know" my wolf says to us. "We don't have time for this nonsense" I answer him this time because my beast doesn't even have his time. Before he could even say another word, I block him out of my head. I walk out of the office to the cells where my sister is. She really needs me now. I'm lost and I really do need help these days.
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