Chapter five - run away but don't get away

920 Words
KATRINA I keep running for I don't know how many hours and the silliest thing is that I'm going deep inside the forest not out of it. When my feet starts to weaken, I slow down a bit because I'm 100% sure that I'm far from them, unless if they have followed me. I reach out for my travelling bag but it's no where to be found.  Oh my gosh! What am I gonna do now?. I have no cell phone to call for help, no food to eat and no place to rest and definitely no escape. I kinda wish that I'm dead right now but maybe there's still hope. I hear something moving behind me and I just surrender to my demise.  After like ten minutes, the noise stops and I'm still perfectly alive. All the parts of my body are aching and it's almost dawn from what I see in the sky. I walk a little farther into the forest until I reach a huge tree. I walk over and try to climb on it but as it is, I'm a very bad climber but I won't give up just like that. So I try and I fall down to the ground and hurt my knee.  Blood starts coming out like as if a pipe has been broken. That's good, what I least expect to see, blood. I don't know why but whenever I see blood it feels like I want to taste it or something. I ignore the wound and stand up to climb the tree again. After falling for many uncountable times, I finally climb the tree. I find a big branch and hide there hoping that nobody will spot me.  Awhooo!!! I hear the sound of an animal crying almost angrily.  "I hope they are not near" I whisper to no one in particular.  The crying keeps going on and on disturbing my peace of mind and at last it finally stops when I least expected it. I lie down uncomfortably on the branch thinking about my escape plan from this dangerous place that I didn't know when I fell asleep. ########## ADRIEN I reach the place as soon as I can. Most of my pack members are already present. I turn into my human form and run over to them. Harry hands over a long coat for me because my clothes are all torn and I'm almost in my birth suit. I walk over to my sister who's laying in the ground next to some mortals and her body is all drenched with blood.  "Serena" I say after kneeling down in front of her.  "Brother" she says and falls on my body.  She's so cold and pale right now but that's normal because she's a vampire.  Yeah, I'm a werewolf and a beast and my sister's a vampire but I still do love her. We are all supernatural beings so why the enmity.  "They killed him" she says while crying.  "I'm sorry, I'm sorry" that's all I can say right now because I'm really not here to protect her mate.  I can exactly tell how devastated she feels because I haven't found my mate yet but I know it's so unbearable. I pick her up and walk out of the area to where they all parked our cars. I open the backseat and place her on the seat. I try to release her but she hold tightly to my shoulder.  "Don't leave me here please" she pleads and when I look into her teary eyes.  I can see how broken she is but I have to attend to others as the Alpha. They are all my family too.  "Don't you worry, I'll be back home before you know it" I say and kiss her forehead. I  slip my hands from her body and close the door.  "Take her to our pack house, I'll be there in a while and make sure she's taken cared of" I say to the driver.  He bows down in respect and enters the car and drives off.  "Now take all the corpses and take them to my cabin nearby, we'll bury them with respect that they deserve tomorrow" I say painfully.  "OK, Sir" Harry says with his head bowed down.  "Uhmm, Sir" he says when I turn to walk away and inspect the other wounded victims.  "What?" I ask shortly.  "We found that bag over there" he points to a tree.  I collect the bag and sniff it. From the smell of the bag the owner is still alive and maybe part of this assault. But wait! The scent is so different.  "She might be our mate" my wolf cries.  "No, our mate can never be a heartless human"  the beast side of me growls.  "OK whatever it is can wait, we have other serious matter at hand" I interrupt them before they start fighting.  We are all living together for I don't know how long, but they usually don't get along.  "Whoever owns this bag is definitely alive and not far from here because human can't run like us, they can run away but not get away" I growl because my wolf is trying to get over me to stop and my beast is pushing me.  "Leave no stone unturned to find her..." my wolf says.  "How do you know it's a she?" he asks.  Well, how do I know?, I ask myself too.  "Just get to work" I command because I'm in no liberty to answer his question.  I just turn and head into the forest and shift into my wolf form. It has won over both of us. I start crying calling out to the moon goddess to guide me on whatever I'm about to do.
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