Chapter ten a- the boring trip to Port's ville

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Adrien "I'm so sorry" I apologize.  "You don't have too, I understand that you're so busy that you also forgot your own sister" she says in a disappointed voice.  If only she knew the stress I'm in she might understand but hey, she just recently lost her mate, so she understands more than I. I kneel down in front of her.  "Look, I know you're the Alpha, so it's not right for you to bow in front of any body, so stand up" she says trying to lift me up.  I get up and sit besides her. She lies on my lap and I start to pat her back gently.  "I'm sorry" I apologize again.  "No it's OK" she says and give me an assuring look that she forgives me. After like thirty minutes, she finally falls asleep without taking her meal. I pick her up from my lap and place her on the bed. I lean down and kiss her on the forehead. I will sacrifice anything for the happiness of my sister, even my mate. She's been through a lot these days and I'll do that if that means she's going to smile again. I walk out of the room silently so as not to wake her up. ########## Katrina Dumm!!! I just feel my ass on the ground.  "Hey, is that a way to wake someone from a peaceful" I complain while rubbing my butt.  "I've been waking you up for the past thirty minutes but you sleep like a dead person, duh" she says and jumps down from the tree.  "I'll get you next time" I say.  "Well good luck with that" she says and starts licking her fur.  I look at my body and I don't wanna say it. I look super duper dirty, like an old witch. I haven't bathe for over two weeks now. I draw some strands of my hair and oh my gosh! My perfect hair has turned into a mini forest. To say it's dirty is just a wastage of my precious time. I'm definitely gonna spend one week in the toilet if I reach home. I wait for her to finish cleaning her body and for once in my lifetime, I wish that I was a cat, I wouldn't look like garbage. "Let's go" she says. I follow her silently because I'm just thinking about how dirty my mouth feels, ew, I must not talk to anyone when I reach home, I assure myself.  Few minutes later, at last, we finally reach the road.  "Finally, for the first time in over two weeks, I'm catching a glimpse of the sun" I say happily.  "Yeah, it's really obviously showing on your body that you are a bit void of Vitamin D" she teases.  "Duh, do you really have to say it" I say and we all laugh.  "Let's wait for a car to pass by then we'll ask for a lift" I say trying to sit down.  "If you will take advise from the experienced, I'd say that you shouldn't waste your time because you will never see a car passing by in this road" she says.  "But how?" I ask.  "Isn't this the same road that we followed during our field trip" I add specifically to myself.  "Now get your ass up because we have a long way to go" she says.  "Like how far are we gonna walk" I ask after I got up.  "Well, like about 10-15 kilometers or so" she answers as if it's a minute walk.  "Oh God! I think I'm even getting tired before the long walk" I say, dragging my legs.  "Ha ha" she fake laughs.  We start walking along the roadside silently because right now, I just wanna save all the energy I have for this long trip. We walk for hours that I don't know precisely how much.  "Please, I beg you let's just rest for a while and we'll continue" I plead with her.  "No we are not resting until we reach Port's ville" she insists.  "Oh come on let's rest for some minutes then we can continue walking" I say.  "OK, but if we sleep off that's on you" she says and stops to rest too.  As if we we're cursed, as soon as I try to lie down under a tree I found nearby, I doze off to sleep in an instant.
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