Chapter ten b - the trip to Ports ville continues

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Katrina Many hours later, we wake up because the place is getting a bit cold.  "Holy cow! It's already dark, why didn't you wake me up?" I ask her.  "Umm that's because I kinda doze off too" she says.  "Now what are we gonna do, it's dark already?" I ask.  "Continue walking" she answers.  "What! That's not possible" I say.  "It is girl, believe me this is the most dangerous place for a any living being to stay in the dark" she says and this makes all the bones in my body to melts into nothingness.  "Come on, time waits for no one" she says.  "OK" I answer and follow her from behind.  We walk silently and all that running in my mind is if there's a possibility that that was the place our car stopped. The only person who might know the answer is Star light.  "Umm star light, is there a possibility that that place we left earlier leads to an opening into the forest?" I ask.  She looks at me like a statue.  "Why did you ask?" she asks.  "Umm, the place looks familiar" I answer.  "There are may ways that leads to the place that you're talking about and it's one of them" she answers.  I just nod my head without saying anything. So there's a possibility that we followed that way into the forest, this means I have been walking deep into the forest not out of it.  "But how did you know about the place?" she asks curiously.  "That was the place we put up our camp the time our car broke down" I answer.  "What!?" she shouts in shock.  "What do you know something?" I ask.  "No just forget it" she says.  "You know what, why don't we sing something, it'll help us pass out the time" she says trying to ignore the other topic.  "I have many songs" I say.  "Then let's sing them, you'll teach me because I can't sing" she says.  "OK but aren't we forgetting something?" I ask in whisper.  "What?" she asks.  "The creatures in the forest might hear us and we'll be dead before we know it" I answer.  "Well, about that, I think we are out of the danger zone by now" she answers.  "Ah" I nod my head.  "Now sing then I'll follow you" she says excitedly.  I start to sing some children nursery rhymes. After I have finished, she too sings and believe me when I say it, I have never heard a melodious voice like hers.  "Wow!! You really got a fantastic voice" I complement her.  "You think so?" she asks.  "Yeah" I answer. We keep on singing and dancing on the road and before we know it, we start seeing some light ahead of us and I definitely know where it's from, Port's ville.  "Yay! We are almost there, finally, home sweet home" I shout happily.  I start to run after picking up star light. We are almost close to the town's entrance when all of a sudden, all the forces of this world crashes unto me and all I can remember is be bidding farewell to this wrecked world. ########## Adrien I don't know what happened, I only found myself sitting upright on my bed. It's like as if someone closest to me is in trouble. I quickly got off my bed and hurry to my sister's place. I open the door in hurry and the door handle breaks but I don't care. I hurry into the room and I find her sleeping peacefully on her bed. I walk to her side just to make sure if she's absolutely OK and she is. I kneel down by her side feeling relieved that at least she's fine. The pain in my heart didn't cease to stop. Then who is that person close to me that I don't know of?. I keep asking myself. The pain just keeps increasing by the seconds. I get up and kiss my sister on the forehead and leave the room. I call the guards and ask them to take care of her.  "Nothing should go into her room, understand" I say.  "Yes, Alpha" they say and bow their heads.  I walk out of the basement house and out of the pack house. I charge into the woods and shift into my wolf form whose whimpering in pain. The pain is so much that we all can't bear it at all most especially my wolf. Who is that person close to us that is in danger?. The pain becomes so unbearable and before I know it, I fall on the ground and pass out instantly which is so unusual for an Alpha let alone an Alpha like me.
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