"Julius, or Juliet?"

1005 Words
"[To JULIET] If I profane with my unworthiest hand. This holy shrine, the gentle fine is this. My lips, two blushing pilgrims, ready stand. To smooth that rough touch with a tender kiss." "Good pilgrim, you do wrong your hand too much. Which mannerly devotion shows in this. For saints have hands that pilgrims' hands do touch. And palm to palm is holy palmers' kiss." "Have not saints lips, and holy palmers too?" "Ay, pilgrim, lips that they must use in prayer." "O, then, dear saint, let lips do what hands do. They pray, grant thou, lest faith turn to despair." "Then move not, while my prayer’s effect I take." "He kisses her" ... It is an classic. Isn't it? It always had been, and always will be. Rigth? Boy and girl. Girl and boy. Romeo and Juliet. Juliet and Romeo. I still dont know. If i prefer Romeo and Juliet or Romeo and Julius. I know Connor prefers Julius, and i know Jacob prefers Juliet. Do i prefer Juliet? Maybe i do. Maybe i dont. Maybe the ideea of an Julius isn't that bad? Maybe it's horrible. All i know, im forced to date Juliet now. After our first date everyone expects it. I feel pressured.  James lays in his bed at home, all alone. He just can't describe anything. He and Jacob were trying to figure things out. But they didn't end up good. They sat maybe two to three hours and talked. Talked about James feelings. James don't know alot of that gay s**t. He had been living in a world with a girl and a boy system and never learned something else. Now he was confused, laying in his bed. Reading Romeo and Juliet. Still confused if it shouldn't be Romeo and Julius, or just be Romeo and Juliet. "Thus from my lips, by thine, my sin is purged." "Then have my lips the sin that they have took." "Sin from thy lips? O trespass sweetly urged! Give me my sin again." "They kiss again" ... Welp... Better get ready. I dont want to go, but a promise is a promise. My bed is once going to be my coffin. It's confortable. And i lay in it non stop. the only difference will be that then i will be dead, now im just reading and chilling.   James gets out of his bed and walks up to his closeth. He opens it up and considers what he should put on. He have may shirts, but mostly hoodies. He decides to put on a hoodie and takes out a dark blue hoodie with black adidas logo on it. He picks out aswell a dark blue jeans to it and puts on black socks. He wants to look nice, but not for Ashley. He gets his phone and textes Jacob. "When was it again?" "Like about 2 hours?" "K" James took his bicycle and started cycling to the buss station. The cheescake factory was in the city, witch was one and a half hour away from where they lived. It isn't the first time he's been in the city. But he isn't often there. The buss drove and drove, he couldn't see the end. He started getting flashbacks. "Im not coming if you dont invite him."   "It's Connor, isn't it?"   "Hamlet huh?"   "Did you grab your sisters notebook instead of yours?" "Connor?"   "Deal" "Well the perfect student James, got in trouble."   "Okay, it's only this once."   "Dont care for her."    "Ye i'd be happy for that."   "I dont like soccer." "Oh." "Are you okay?" "Ye." "Dosen't it hurt? You got hit by many balls pretty hard." "Dont worry Connor, im good" "Gay." "Gay." "Gay." ... Connor nodded. James arrived to the cheese cake factory after a long ride. He say Jacob standing infront of the resturant, but the others haven't comed jet. He walked slowly as he still saw Connor. He saw him. Him crying. He didn't hear silence now. only his heartbeat. Badum- Badum. He saw his tears running down Connor's cheek. The tear was running slow, but not too slow. It was running, and running, and running. Tear did not see an end, just a cheek to run on.  Badum-Badum. Connor's voice faded in his head. He wasen't crying. His voice were normal, but James saw him crying. The voice faded in faster and faster, louder and louder. It turned slower and slower over to crying. Badum-Badum-Badum. Badum-Badum-Badum. Connor's sobbing and crying broke James heart. He hated himself when he saw or heard Connor's voice in pain. The voice started slower and slower fading away till James heard silence. He heard silence, but still saw Connor crying. Badum--Badum--. "Juliet?" "Julius?" "Juliet." "Julius." "Juliet?!" "Julius?!" "Juliet!" "Julius!" "JULIET" "JULIUS" ... What did James want? What do he desire? How can he cure himself? Why do he feel rigth with Connor, even that it all is too wrong?  It all striked him, rigth there, rigth then. As he stood about one to two meters away from Jacob he relised. All things can be fixed if one have the rigth tool. Maybe Jameses tool was rigth under his own nose all the time. It all felt wrong, but it seemed rigth. To stop James from getting distracted by Connor, he needed somone else. Some girl. And here he is, on a date with a girl. He saw Ashley getting closer and closer. She was followed by Beca, Charlott and William. She kept comming closer and closer. Badum-Badum. She wore a pink hoodie with an puffy adidas jacket on, she also had black jeans and shoes with a bit of heel. Badum--Badum. It happend again, he saw Connor.  She kept coming. Badum-Badum-Badum Closer and closer. Connor's voice became louder and louder.  She came closer and closer. Louder and louder. Closer and closer "Juliet" "Julius" "Gay." Ashley came clouse to James. James grabed her by the waist and pressed her clouser. He took his hand on her cheek. He closed his eyes. He kissed her.
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