"Do you mind?"

1263 Words
James woke up the next morning. The house was silent, no one else than James in it. He stood up, and noticed that he still wearing clothes from yesterday. He grabs his back pack and serches for his art book. It wasn't an artbook he found, but a chemistry book. James quicly grabbed his phone and texted Connor. "Hey, um i think we forgot to swich back yesterday."  And with an akward emoji he send it with a picture of Connor book. James didn't get an reply rigth away. He standed up and left to take a shower and grab something to eat. He cheked his phone once more before leaving to school. On the way to school he met his friend Jacob. James went from behind as Jacob lisened to music and scared him a bit. "James you're a pice of s**t you know that!" "Ah man you just NEEDED to see the look on your face! It was f*****g hilarious." "Eat a d**k James, you know that i hate when you scare me like that." "Dats why i keep doing it." "Anyway, why weren't u at Ashleys?" "I was in the library." "Bruh, the party was like so sick! Hot girls everywhere in those tiny slutty as f**k bathing suits, Ashley even got alcohol in some way." "And?" "And? And?! you missed the sickest party in the whole year, and you weren't there because library was more important??" "Mhm." "Well then mister bookworm, what did you find?" Fuck. I can't say that i ditched the party for Connor, but i can't eigther tell the truth. Jacob knows me too good, he knows when im lying. This dude has knowed me since kindergarden. We had been together, for like ever.  "Well uhm.." Jacob lifted one of his eyebrows. He stared at me. Looking deep down into my soul. As usual when he wants to catch me lying. The look on Jacob's face said it all. Not even a secound in to the conversation and he already knows im lying.  "I was...uhm.." ... "William made out with Beca." "Wait what?" "Mhm, on the party yesterday, around 3am." "Daymn, how long was the whole party?" "Most people passed out around 5 - 6 am, but i went home arround 4." "Did you drink?" "Ye of course, everyone did." "Oh.." James and Jacob continumes to chat for a bit before they arrive school. They walk in the entrance of the school, but no one is in the hallways. No one but the janitor. He was mopping the floor and were placeing yellow signs everywhere.  Me and Jacob looked arround. "Why is no one here?" Jacob raised his sholders and let them go. "I dont know." Janitor lifted up his head. He was pretty old. He has been working here,for, like, ever. He looked at us to and said with his old and exhauset voice  "You know that the clock rang for over an half hour ago? Rigth?" Both me and Jacob looked at eachother, then at the clock. "Chemistry!" Jacob ran to his locker, and i to mine. Then we both ran into the chemistry class. "Where have you two been?" Have you ever seen Harry Potter? Mrs. Marshell voice sounded exacly as the mother of all those gingers. I remeber i saw the movie with mom once. Thats the only movie i ever watched with her.  "We're sorry." Jacob bumped his elbow in me. "Sorry miss." "Take your seats!" Jacob walked to his place that was beside George since William and Beca are now sitting together. I went all the way back to Connor, he chuckled as i sat down beside him.  "Whats so funny huh?" "Well the perfect student James, got in trouble." "Okay, it's only this once." "No talking back there!" Said mrs. Marshell I wispered "Okay twice but that's it." Connor rolled his eyes "If you say so." And went back to work on the paper we got earlier. So did i. James tryed his best to focus, but it just didn't happend. Connor weren't focused on the work aswell. The whole class was silnet. Mrs. Marshell was writing something on the blackboard while the whole class worked in the silence. James carefully took out a paper from his note book. He started writing on the paper and gave it to Connor. "Did you get my text this morning?" Connor looked at the paper, then arround to see if somone is watching him. "What text?" "I send u a text this morning, we forgot to switch back books." "Sorry i haven't been on my phone since yesterday." "It's okay." "What do you got next?" "Art." "I got biology, library in the brake?" "I dont know, i got a whole girl gang following in and making noise so i usually get trowed out." "Oh." "But i can try, if no here are the books." I bend down to my backpack and get out Connors chemistry books. He bends down to his backpack and get's out my art homework. We both take our stuff and go back to work. James and Connor spent the rest of the class to just message eachother on the paper. As soon as the brake kicked in they packed as fast as they could to get to the library. Both stormed out of the classroom and went as fast as they could to the library. Kids aren't allowed to run in the hallways, but they could not walk normaly beacuse the girls would have catched up to them. William, Jacob and George assumed James was with the girls again, but when the girl-gang aproched them and asked for James, they became worried for were James was. Ashley did aslo ask, but as soon as she saw him going into library she went after him. She serched the whole library after him before she saw him and Connor upstairs. Connor and James was in the middle of an conversation when she came. "Sweetie, what are you doing upstairs with this looser?" Connor went completly silent. He pushed up his glasses and blushed. He was stairing down at his shoes looking like he is geting shouted on. He seemed to act like he is used to it. "His not a looser, and we were in the middle of something." "Are you trying to tell me that books are more intresting than me?" "I didn't say that." Ashley sat down beside me. She crossed her legs and did something supposed to look 'cute' with her eyes.  "Why weren't you at my party yesterday? We could have had sooo mutch fun." I'd rather lick a toilet seat than loose my virginity to her, but i can't say that. It would be mean, but it would be the truth. She only wants me to f**k her, im not into that. "I was sick." I did a fake cough in hope that she belived me. Ashley didn't  belive me, she looked over at Connor who were in full blush and kept pushing up his glasses. Ashley standed up. "We were in the middle of something, so, do you mind?..." "Yeah? I hope then that you will get better" She said it sarcastic and walked away looking at Connor in the worst way possible. Connor looked sad and as if he was about to cry.  "Dont care for her."  Connor were silent. We weren't able to start a conversation after that. He just took his books and said he was going to see the doc and weren't able to make it back to school later.
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