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Art. Still not my favourite, but i dont hate it as mutch. We are supposed to have art with the grade under, but since they have a pretty big test in biology upcoming, the teachers decided to change a bit, but just for this time. We sat with beside a canvas, each one of us had our own.  "Today we wont paint, we gonna do that next time since the other half of the class isn't here" Mr Benkholf is.. uniqe. He isn't a normal teacher for sure. He got fluffy short hair, almost like an eBoy. He always wears skinny jeans, dark blue or black. He also wears a ligth pink hoodie or with a jeans jacket on it. Maybye he is different because he is the youngest teacher here? He looks like he just finnished his studies, and we are his first class. Apart from that, he is pretty chill. I dont quite know if it is just his personallity or if he acually smokes anything, but he is really cool. He also acts like a teenager, altrough he is like 22 or 24. He is acually the first time with us, we had Mrs Allin before, but she died. Not of anything bad, she just was to old. It migth be for the better maybye, she wanted us to do math, in the middle of the art. If somone tryed to tell her it wasen't math she sayd 'Shhh kitty, momy is here' and petted whatever student speeked up. So i think it's better that her days came instead of living in a meaningless world.  "We are like um, gonna, ummm.." Fun fact, the coach hated him at first sigth, one can see that. It's pretty funny acually, to see them to together. They can't figth because they will be bad examples to the kids, therefore they are forced to act like work buddies, but when the principal or other teachers dont look, they argue pretty mutch. It's allways funny to hear that. "Mr. Benkholf. Are-" "Oh please, just call me Cris." Silent went upon the room. "Cris. Are we going to work in pairs?" "Yeah." Coach roastes always Cris, and Cris comes back with an epic comeback. So it is like that, the best is that we are going to have him in other classes. He's chill and cool, i bet Connor will love him. I wonder what's Connor is doing rigth now.  "James!" I turn arround and see the whole class is watching me.  "Did you hear what i said?" "Um.. no Mr. Benkholf." "Call me Cris." "Sorry, Cris, i didn't lisen." "Oh, what were you doing then?" "I just, uhm.." "Comon, tell the class whats more important than my classes." "I was thinking about biology." "Biology?" "Yes." "In art class?" "Yes." "Are you sure?" "Yes." "Why were you thinking about biology, in art class?" "It's my favourite class." "Well sometimes we have to do things we dont like John, and even that you dont like art now, you need to focuse on the class, understand?" "Yes." "Good." Finnaly came the lunch brake, after a long class of art and Cris talking about what happend if you mix colors, like blue and red, yellow and blue. He even talked about what happends if you mix white and blue. Boring to death if you ask me. I walked arround looking for Jacob, when i felt something jump on my back.  "Woooohooooo!!!" It was Jacob, he sat on my back and didn't want to go off. "Jacob!" "It's payback for earlier, now off we go!" "Where do you wanna sit?" "Donno man, since William is dating Beca, Ashley and Charlott are following us all, and Charlott is getting up my ass." "Well fuck." "Shes clingy and annoying." "Didn't she want to date George?" "Thats the problem, she is trying herself on us both." "Ye man.." "Well.... hmmmmm.... what about there?"  Jacob pointed at a table a bit outside other tables. No one was sitting there so they decided to go and sit down. They started eating and chating when William came up to the table." "We need to talk." "Me?" "Yeah you James." "Okay?" We walked a bit away from the table so Jacob wouln't hear what William was trying to say.  "James, remeber when i did you that huge ass favor when you broke a windo and i took it all on me?" "We agreed to never speak again of it." "Yea.. but do you remeber it?" "Ofcourse i remeber it, i own you a huge man." "Yeah dats why im here." "What?" "You know im dating Beca now." "No s**t Sherlock." "She wont stop asking for a dobble date, or more of a tripple if you count Charlott." "WHAT?" "Man you own me one! You must!" "f**k. Why dont you ask George or Jacob, or litterary another dude?" "Because Beca wants to have a tripple date with Ashley and Charlott, and Ashley refuse to go without you." "Fine, but only if Jacob will be there." "Dont worry, he owns me aswell. Next saturday, The Cheesecake Factory." "f**k you William." "Love you too." William ran of to Jacob and got him in on this bullshit aswell. I can't belive it, im going on a date with Ashley. The thougth of it just makes me sick. It's like in almost one and a half week. But still, it makes me sick just to think of it.  The bell rang. James went to his history class. They also do have Mr. Benkholf as their teacher in this class. They often have teachers in different classes because it is a small village, and not enough teachers. While everyone lisend to the boring history of Mr. Benkholf, James was stareing outisde the windo. Two thougths were going arround in his mind. The first one was date with Ashley. He didn't want to go at all, but he must. A promice is a promice and James is a man of his word. He just need to survive one evening with her, atleast he got the delicus cheesecake. The secound thougth was ofcourse was Connor. What could he be doing now? Hopefully something better than lisening to Crise's boring stories of his teens. Maybe he was at home playing videogames? or maybe he was at the doctors. How long does it take at a doctor? James isn't sick that often, but he did brake his foot once. He wasn't able to play soccer in a month. Also his family was in Hawaii doing some work. Luckly Mrs. Marshell was there to help James. She drove him home everyday, helpt him with cleaning and cooking. Sometimes James was sleeping over at Janes. She did help him alot trough James life. He dont know how he would be without her. Jane may be old and strict, but she is kind and lovley at the end.
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