
966 Words
"Connor?" Connor sat and struggled with something, but he did lift up his head to check what was going on. I sat down beside him and pulled up mine books. I took out my art book and started working on it. Maybye now that im beside him, i will finally focus. I took out my pencil case and took out an random pencil. It started with a simple line. A line that is going to be a tree, but only in my dream. It isn't very nice to look at others stuff, but i can't help wondering what Connor is doing. He seems to strugle aswell. It looks like biology.  "Connor?" Connor din't seem to look up for a conversation, but i did catch his attention. "You're....really good in art" Connor didn't seem as he expect that. He pushed up his glasses and did a little smile that was so small that almost invisible. It din't matter because Connor smiled... I felt my heart skipped a bit. He turned towrds me. I felt that i were smiling too, for no reason. I dont want him to think that i said it for joke. I bit my bottom lip and tried to stop smiling, but as fast as our eyes met, he faced forwards to the wall. He probably wonder how i know it. Connor takes his time before he anwsers. "Thenks?..." "Do you like biology?" "No." Connors voice is so sweet and calm, and a little bit shy....I love it. "Maybye i can help you?" Connor took his time to think. He stared at the clock, then at his homework. Connor pushed up his glasses again. "Okay...How mutch do you want?" "I dont want money" "What then?" He seemed a little bit scared. "I dont want anything, but a little bit help with art would help alot" "Deal" But he fastly calmed down. Connor took my homework, and i took his and so we began. We both enjoy'd it. "Connor, why do you dont speak that mutch?" "What should i say?.." Silence came upon us. For the first time in my like i dind't know what to say. People just come to me and start a topic , and i just continume the conversation. He is so different...So uniqe from anyone i've ever met. "You like books?" Connor was silent but he did an nod. He pushed up his glasses again. "Yeah me too" My voice began to shake, why? Was i nervous? The silenc lasted atleast another 10 minutes before i felt confortable with my voice again. "What school did you were in before?" Connor went silent. He started acting like he was nervous. James quikly noticed it and changed the topic "I like your hoodie, even that it is a bit oversized" Connors hoodie were black with an dark blue endings on the arms. "Thats the point" "You like oversized hoodies?" Connor nodded "Cool" Connor pushed up his glasses and wispered "I like your shoes." and immediately began to blush. "My shoes?" He nodded again. I never heard someone comenting on other's shoes. But they are nice.  "I've been using black vans since like 7th grade" "Oh" "Yeah. Dad said they were cool, and since then i have been wearing them." "Did something happend?.." "No, my parents are just traveling very mutch, and im often home alone." "Oh im sorry.." "It's okay, im used to it" James and Connor were chatting a bit more. James got to know Connor better, and Connor got to know James better. Time passed and passed and both James and Connor agreed to meet up in the library to do eachothers homework. James was going to help Connor understand biology, and Connor was going to help James with drawings and art. The time was far over from librarys closing time, but no one asked them to leave.  "James your supposed to draw it like this and not like this" "Like this, Connor?" "Yes exacly" Drawing is acually really cool. It's like having a picture in your mind that no one can see and understand and put it on a paper then show it. Im happy Connor is going to help me with it.    "Hey whats the time?" I took out my phone and the first thing i see on the screen was 100 missed calls from Ashley. One hundred f*****g calls. "100 missed calls?" "Ye it's Ashley" "Is she your girlfriend?" "No, but she acts so" "Oh.." "She wanted me to come at her party to celabrate our victory." "Victory on what?" "We won against an school we had been rivals with in forever with" "Coungratulations" "Thenks" James goes in on snap and opens Ashleys snaps. It's bunch of videos of her drinking alcohol and showing how the party is going. She also films her friends. Connor looks over. After all these films James get something he hates to get. Nudes. Ashley send him picture of her breast. James puts away his phone. He wispers to himself "Ew". Connor stares at James. "I think i should get home." "Ye me too." "Is somone gonna pick you up" "Mom was supposed to.." "Oh. It's pretty dark outside" Connors voice became a little bit shakey. "I-ill b-be fin-ne" "I can follow you home if you want to" "Only if you want to." Connor and James grabed their books and backpack and went out. James hold his bicycle while he was walkig beside Connor. Connor lives pretty far away from school and the clock was already 1am. They walked and walked until they came to his house. James and Connor exchanget their numbers and James went home. James opend the door to his empty house and colapsed in the bed. The only thing he thougth of before he fell asleep was Connor.
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