"I dont like soccer."

1145 Words
After a long, boring to death, never ending, meaningless history class the bell finaly rang and it was time to go home. James went out of the class and fast out to his locker where he found girls waiting for him. They started chatting with James and he was unable to get to his locker. After some failed attemps to get away the girls walked away. James turned arround and saw Ashley staring at him. This time she was alone. "I just like tryed to talk to you like uhm the whole f*****g day" Ashey were standing with all her weigth on the rigth foot and playing with her hair while giggeling at me. I really don't got time for this, but im not a rude person eigther. I turned to my locker and started packing my books.  "Oh." Ashely leaned agaist the lockers. With her playing with her hair and trying to flirt with me. I noticed in the corner of my eye that both Beca and Charlott were standing and staring at us.  "Yeah, since you just hanging out with that looser Connor i nev-" Looser? Looser! No one calls Connor a f*****g looser! James got really furious. Altrough he is a pretty chill guy, this knocked him out. He turned arround to Ashely. "Connor is not a looser" He slammed his locer and walked away. Ashley was standing there in pure shock. James had never screamed at somone, never ever. "Something with that looser Connor must have changed him." she thougth. She walked back to Beca and Charlott who also were shocked. "He yelled at me!" "Maybye he just having a bad day?" "No it's not that!" "Then what is it?" "It must be something with that FREAK Connor." "Ye, he, like, never acted like that before Connor showed up." "There is something Connor is hideing." "What is it?" "I dont know yet, but when i find it out, im going to destroy his whole f*****g life." James gets finnaly home. He was faster than usual this time. Even that he almost died, he was faster home today than yesterday. He was cucling home and almost got drowe over. James didn't hear the man shouting after him, he just heard "That looser." Connor wasen't a looser, and James got really upset when Ashely called him a looser. He didn't have time for anything now. It was almost time for him to leave, he had soccer practice. He still got homework to do, but he mostly wanted to meet up with Connor. He ran arround the house searching for his stuff. He got his phone and texted Connor. "Hey, i got soccer til 5, but i thouth we could do homework after it?" He ran and ran arround the house finding his stuff and he heard a lage beep from his phone "Ye i'd be happy for that." James got a warm feeling inside of him. Just like happines, but sligtly better. "If you want to, you can come and watch us." "I dont like soccer." "Oh." "But ill come a bit before end." "Ok. James made himself something quickly to eat, then he rushed off. He cycled while he was eating a chicken sandwitch lisening to a song named 'The devil cheated me' -by Nicolas Galitzine. The song is acually from a movie. The movie is called 'The beat beneat my feet'. James like that movie. He watched it about 100 times, and he loved the songs. He cycled with his headsett on, it is kinda dangerous, but the village was so small that it wasen't that dangerouse at all. He cycled and cycled. James liked old school rock. He mostly lisened to The Offspring, Green day, My Chemical Romance, Foo Figthers, Blink-182. Most of his friends did like it too.  When James finnaly arived, he noticed fastly that he is late. He ran in the changing room and ligthning fast changed into his soccer outfit. He ran out and heard a lot of cheering from the girls on the groundstand, but also got yelled by the coach. After 5 minutes of straigth up yelling from the coach, the match had finnaly began. On James team was George, Jake, Gabriell, Lucas, Chandler. On the other team it was Noah, Mason, Daniel, Oliver, William and Jacob. Each team had 6 playes. James was the capitan of the whole soccer team. Together they were all 16 people where usually 4 was to if somone was hurted or exhausted. The coach blew the wissle and the match began. James was really focused on the game. He had been their leader in almost 5 years. He sended the ball over to Jake, who send it over to Lucas. Lucas didn't catch it fast enough and Daniel took it and shot it.  "Two Three"  Yelled the coach and pointed at us.  "Comon bois we got this!" Shouted James as he send the ball over to Gabriell. Gabriell ran straigth forward and send it back to James. James cougth it and scored a perfect score. The score made the girl scream. Normally James dosen't look over, but this time he did turn arround. He noticed that on the grandstand, not only were girls there. But also Connor. James could not focus after he saw Connor cheering at him. Noah took the ball away from Chandler and send it over to Oliver. Oliver shot it over to Mason who scored it perfectly. The coach blew his wissle and the match was over. All of the boys went to the chaning rooms, but not James, James  went over to where Connor were. "Sorry for your lose, but you tryed your best and that what counts." "It's okay, ill meet you at the library, okay?" "Okay."  "I'll be there soon." Connor left and James went to the changing rooms. No one else was there exept Jacob. He quickly jumped into the shower and changed. "Yo, good game man." "Huh?" "Today, to bad you lost this time." "Yeah." "Hey what ya doing rigth now? Wanna hang out?" "Sorry Jacob, i can't today." "Why not?" "I, uhm.." "Going to the library ?" "Yeah, one can't read too many books you know." James went fast out and to the library. Jacob could't understand whats so good with the library. He knows that James is a big bookworm, but he goes there almost every minute of his life, something must be wrong.  He decided to follow James. Jacob walked into the library and walked arround for a bit. He heard voices coming up from upstairs. He imediantly thougth James was hinding a secret. A secret that he finally found somone. Jacob knew it's non of his goddam buisness, but he couldn't resist knowing who the lucky girl was. He walked silently upstairs. He saw James and that guy from PE class. Jacob stood there, shocked.
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