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(Quick note: Lol sorry i kinda messed up in the story. I noticed i skrew'd up some names. Im trying to fix it. Mrs. Marshell and Mrs Edinth is the same person (Her real and full name is acually Jane Anderson Marshell). Sorry for messing it up..  I had a little ideea about when im done with this story i migth do another one, but from Connor's perspective, and maybye in a diffrent kind of text. Maybye more of an roleplay kind og text? You know, Shakespear ;) Leave a coment if you would like that. Also i been going trough some stuff and just a small thank you to everyone who likes the story. It really keeps me motivated to continume when i see how many of you like and read the story. So thanks. ) "ONE TWO EH, ONE TWO EH, ONE TWO EH!" Fall.  Red and orange leaves, pumpkin pie, apple pie, cinnamon in the air. It's getting darker and darker. Chilly, very chilly weather. Chilly enough to go with warm hoodies, but warm enough to go without jacket. I love Fall. It is like the perfect season. So nice and calming. After an energiting summer, it's good with an calming brake before going on to winter and snow.  "ONE TWO EH, ONE TWO EH, ONE TWO EH!" Not that Winter is too cold for me or something. It's cold, yes ill admit. But goddam how fun it is to headshot somone with an snowball. And let's not forget to take snow and press it down the back on somone, it's so fun to see their reaction. Rigth before they chase you with snow to get revange. So fun.  "ONE TWO EH, ONE TWO EH, ONE TWO EH!" Yeeh, winter is fun, so is fall. It's three months with chilling, and relaxing after an summer full of swimming and prepering for a winter full of snow figths. Honestly, i think im the only one in the school to view fall from this perspective. Everyone is so hung up in the fall dance, even the teachers. Everyone must come. Stupid if  you ask me. The Principal is like trying to get the neighbour schools clouser and that stuff. But the worst isn't the fact that we must show up against our will, not the fact other schools are there, but the fact everyone, and i mean EVERYONE expects me to be the Fall king and Ashley to be the Fall queen. It's PE. Today it is a quite...Different ...The students dosen't do work out, but instead they dance. Not any type of dance even. Slow-dance. It was incedebly hard to not laugh. Mr Benkholf dancing with the coach. The principal and Mrs Marshell were standing an looking at them all. First one to laugh will have a month detention. At first the Coach were selected to pick a partner. He didn't see a problem with that, but it quicly changed his mind after geting redjected to dance with the only female teacher there. The principal ordered to dance with Mr Benkhof. No one said anything. The room fell in silence and the coach started complainin how "boys aren't allowed to dance with boys." Whitch Mr benkholf totally disagreed with. With that added the principal a look to the coach that said 'You see?' and before he had a chanse to defend himself Mrs Marshell turned on the music. Now honestly, it is kinda funny to watch it. But i dont think my way of how i find it funny is the same way other finds it funny. I just find it funny because two people that hate eachother most in the world, are forced to dance with eachother infont a group of some 16, 15 and 14 year olds. Im gonna be honest. F.example what's on William mind is quite...different than thats what on my mind. He keep wispering things like, 'Thats kinda gay' and talking s**t like that arround. Now when i think about it, it is kinda gay isn't it?  The question for me now is, why is it so bad to be gay? Why do my bros keep saying stuff like that?...And..Why is it bad that i wanna dance aswell?..Only...Not with Ashley.. I wanna dance with Connnor. Speaking if the devil, where is Connor?  James looked a bit arround. He noticed that Ahley had been staring at him. They got a second of eyecontact, but James chooseed to ignore her. He kept looking and looking until he saw Connor. Connor were minding his own buisness, he didn't look at James. He looked like he was inside of his deep thougths. Connor, like everyone else, were standing in a circle arround Mr Benkhof and the coach. He looked at them intens. Looks like he acually wanted to learn how to dance. It didn't seem that he were looking at the coach as every other boy. No, he were looking at Mr Benkholf. Mr Benkholf were the 'girl' (as people said) in the dance. James kept staring at Connor a long time until Jacob poked his elbow by acident in him. "ONE TWO EH, ONE TWO EH, ONE TWO EH," It's kinda funny to watch. The coach was furius at the principal. Our principal NEVER talk like that. He kept saind "EH" at every end. He did it just to tease the coach. I saw the look on Mr Benkholf face, he suprisingly didn't seem to be disturbed at all! Even looked a bit, Happy? I, and everyone else thougth Mr Benkholf and the coach hated eachother. But as i saw the look on Benkholfs face, didn't seem like he hated it.  "Okay thats enough fun for today, kids" As the principal sayd that the coach imediantly let go of Mr Benkholf and stormed away. Mr Benkholf didn't seem as mutch happy for it to be over as the coach, but nor was he sad. He just went with it and walked away to Mrs Marshell. The coach were still a bit mad, he kept wispering things to the principal. Mr benkholf on the other hand were chatting with Mrs Marshell. Jane seemed happy and friendly with Benkholf. Whatever makes Jane happy, makes me happy.  "OKAY STUDENTS, LISEN HERE" Everyone gatherd arround the principal. " Iv'e decided that since Mr Benkholf and the coach were dancing together, the girls can dance with eachother and the boys with eachother!" A large 'AWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW' and 'COMOON' were led out by everyone. Everyone, but James. "You can thank me later!" Dancing with the boys? Is that even.. You know... Possible? Jane turned on the music. I saw over at the girls. The girls were laughing and giggeling while dancing. I saw Ashley. She send me a blow kiss, but i turned fast enough arround to 'not see it' .It was a bit different with us boys. We just stood there. The coach noticed us quickly and came over. "Whai are ya princeses just standing there? Are yall scared of getting dirt on ya shooz? WELL TO BAD SO SAD! MOVE IT MOVE IT MOVE IT" Imidentally did every boy find a partner, everyone exept me.... "JAMEEEES? AND WHAI DO U THENK YRRR SPESHAL? GET YOURSEL A PARTHNER" "But sir, everyone is taken" The coach looked arround for a bit. "Not everyone boi, CONOOR!" The coach wizzeled in his wizzle and snaped so Connor could here loud and clear. Connor came over and the coach left rigth after. Connor were starring down at the floor and pushed up his glasses.
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