"Up to you"

1122 Words
Du du duuri du~ Du du duuuuuri duuu~ Awkward? No, that  isn't the word im searching for. Awesome? No, not that either. What's a word for when something is completely awful, awesome and awkward. Dont know? Me neigther, but that is how i fellt when i was dancing with Connor. It is like the best day in my whole life, but also kinda the worst. Du du duuri du~ Du du duuuuuri duuu~ Hey i dont got any problem with slow dancing, but it isn't my favorite thing to lissen to. Im more of an Green day and My chemical romance guy, i also enjoy The offspring Foo figters and Blink-182. Altrough relaxing and slow music isn't the perfect for me... I so happend to be lissening to it rigth now. James was at home. It was an exhausting day. He got much homework aswell. Long and boring History class, a bit snoozing Biology, boring Math and a really long, but also short PE. The fact that he has Biology, Art, Geography and History hoemowork aren't helpfull at all. 'So much work, and so little fuuuuun' he keep's thinking. James look's over to the Schedule plan rigth after he finishes his History homework. "Agree with your partner what you two would like to paint" Partner We are a bit over the schedule. Art class is with the grade under. Since the grade under had test, we were alone and without 'work'. Next time we had a pretty important test and we got to practise instead og having the Art class. We havent began yet, but we did select partner a time ago. Connor was mine partner in Art. None of us had acually spoken since...Well... 'That moment'... None of us had the guts to contact. Who am i trying to lie to.. He hated me! f**k, i did act like an asshole didn't i? James took out his phone. He went on the messages. The good memories started floating in as he got distracted by their old messages.  " Wanna hang out in the library?" James felt his heart skip. As his smile faded away and the moment started floating in he managed to snap back to the harsh reality. He looked a bit at his phone. The white screen was as brigth as the sun. He didn't open his phone. He was just staring at it. Stared at his lockscreen. It was him and his bros. A nice memory of their victory of their inportant match. He looks a bit clouser on Jacob. So happy, both of them, all of them. William most. He held the trophy, and the rest of the team held him. James, Jacob, George, Noah, Lucas, Oliver, Chandler, Mason, Daniel and Gabriell were smiling and cheering as they held William. James smile faded back in. He opend uphis messages again. This time he didn't get distracted, but again nervous. " It wouldn't suprise me if he'd block me." With a really 'Care' atitude he said that out loud to himself. Deep down behind all that 'Care' atitude, he knew. He knew he would get a bit sad, a 'bit'.  James was nervous. What if Connor dosen't reply, or, worser, what if he do? James heart were skipping some beats for each letter he wrote. It took him a good 20 minutes to write a sentence. He didn't want to  say anything else besides their Art project. At the same he wanted to speak about anything. Anything but school, anything but the drama, anything but Ashley. Go back to the same friends as they were before. "You know that Art project we have in Art class? What do you wanna paint?" James couldn't stand the pressure of waiting for an anwser. For sure not after he relised he wrote 'Art project in Art class'. James cringed for good 5 minutes after dat. Who writes 'Art project for Art class'? Well it is obvius isn't it? When you have an Art project it is ofcourse for Art class. Why couldn't he just write class?  He turned off the waltz music and putted away his phone. He layd down on his bed and opened his book of Romeo and Juliett. "Can I go forward when my heart is here? Turn back, dull earth, and find thy center out." "..." James layed down on the bed. He read a bit more and slwly slided futher down. It was just a question of time before his feets were on the bed and his upper body haning of the bed and reading upsidedown.  "ROMEO (aside) She speaks.O, speak again, bright angel! For thou art. As glorious to this night, being o'er my head,As is a wingèd messenger of heaven. Unto the white, upturnèd, wondering eyes. Of mortals that fall back to gaze on him. When he bestrides the lazy-puffing cloudsAnd sails upon the bosom of the air." "JULIET  O Romeo, Romeo! Wherefore art thou Romeo?Deny thy father and refuse thy name.Or, if thou wilt not, be but sworn my love,And I’ll no longer be a Capulet." "ROMEO (aside) Shall I hear more, or shall I speak at this?" "JULIET 'Tis but thy name that is my enemy.Thou art thyself, though not a Montague.What’s Montague? It is nor hand, nor foot,Nor arm, nor face, nor any other partBelonging to a man. O, be some other name!What’s in a name? That which we call a roseBy any other word would smell as sweet.So Romeo would, were he not Romeo called,Retain that dear perfection which he owesWithout that title. Romeo, doff thy name,And for that name, which is no part of thee. Take all myself." James closed his book. He was as red as a tomato. He was hungry. James laied the book on the floor and got up.  "Thou art thyself, though not a Montague. What’s Montague? It is nor hand, nor foot,Nor arm, nor face, nor any other part. Belonging to a man. O, be some other name." He went downstairs quietly after that. He took out some bread and a bit of ham. Took out a pan and some eggs. He took out some margarine and started frying the eggs. As he fried he made the sandwitch. He continumed the frying when he suddedly heard a large 'BLING' from upstairs. He took the pan as fast as he could of the stove and tuded off tha heat and ran upstairs. James serched his whole room before he found his phone. He saw at the screen the name 'Connor' with an peace emoji showning up. James heart skipped a beat or two as he opend the screeen and saw that Connor just wrote "Up to you."
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