"Dont say we didn't warn you, faggot!"

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Again. PE. Still not James favorite, but neigther did he dislike it. He is still higly disturbed by all the outfits to the girls. He still dosen't understand  how the boys get turned on by it. James just find it discusting. But now that he is 'straigth' he seem to be more expected to like it all. He never understood 'The system'. He was forced to live in it, so thats what he did. Went on with the system the dont understand. The bell haven't rang yet. James was sitting in the groundstand all alone, and furious. Or atleast he thougth he was alone... "Give us the money or we will beat you up!" "..." "Din't you hear what he said? You f*****g faggot! Give us your money, freak!" James sat quietly. He had a thougth what was going on, but he refused to belive his ears. He hoped it wasn't what he thougth it was. "God, not again, i beg you." he wispered to himself. "Give us the money! Now!" James was still furious, he had only two words dancing around his mind. 'Why Me?' Why was James supposed to go trough this? Why him? Why not litterary anyone else? Is it because he didn't have a good enough childhood? Or maybe was it because he had too little friends? Maybe too little girlfriends in the past? Maybe because he had a good relationship with a teacher? Or maybe because he drank once of the same cup as William? He didn't get it. So many people in the world. But still. He was different. And he knew it. But refused as if somone asked him if he was a part of Wicca. "Dont say we didn't warn you, faggot!" James heard a large noise. He couldn't help it. He standed up and went to see what was going on. He saw what he thougth, and the thugth he feared. Two grade-unders were standing there. Beating up one boy. It wasen't just a boy. It was Connor. James was even more furious than before. He grabbed one of the boys by the shoulder and pressed him against the wall. He took his fist in the air and punched the kid rigth in the stomac. The kid coughed and ran away while the other one already were gone.  James looked at the two kids running away before he did an slow turn to Connor. Connor sat on the floor and were crying. In the secound James saw him cry, he saw the moment. The moment all turned bad. James couldn't stand seeing Connor crying, it made him more furious. Not on Connor, but on himself. James didn't know what to do. Should he sit down by him? Should he walk away from him? They waren't friends anymore, he thougth. He bend down to pick up Connor's glasses for him, but in the same second Connor were about to pick them up himself. James grabed from the one side of the glasses and Connor from the other. And there they stood. in an akward silence. James was starring directly into Connors eyes. Connor didn't. He was looking down, but his sigth were comming up a bit for bit. They at the end got eye contact. They both were staring at eachother. Connor were still a bit sad. One of his tears rolled down his cheek. James saw it and took up his tumb and wiped it away. he let go of the glasses and walked away. He could just imagine Connor putted them on and pushed them up. The bell rang and soon were the PE class full of students. They all stod lined up, waiting for the coach to give them instructions what they were going to do.  "Eh! Today we are going to do mussle trenin prhincheches. Itz all bout da legz an arms bois an gerls!" "Muscle trainig? That really hurts! Omg i can't belive it. Ugh!" and many other complains came from the girls standing arround. The boys weren't happy eigther but the didn't show it because they didn't want to seem weak. James were standing in the corner, all alone. The coach blew the wissle and everyone were doing push-ups and sit-ups. James were't a weak person. He wasn't a show-off but he did definitly 40 push-ups instead of 20 for the girls and 30 for the boys , like the coach oders were. Coach knew Jamesgood, he was always pushing him a little bit extra. He had a hope that James would be a famous soccer player. Sometimes he asked James to stay a little bit longer after the trainings. Once in a while James agreed. He liked to train, as mutch as he liked to read. He didn't always feel like he fit in. Altrough he liked to spend his brakes in the library, people looked at him as a nerd, and a weak. James didn't like that. He started hanging out with the boys more often and people stopped and kind of forgot the nerdy side of him. Many did, but Jacob didn't. Jacob dosen't seem to care about James beeing a bit nerdy and bookworm-ish. Jacob may not be a bookworm like James, but he sometimes do enjoy a good  book. Jacob were more kind of a chill guy. He mostly played games. He mostly were interesed in the old and 'classic' games. He loved mostly the Zelda series. Probably had every single game of it. He also enjoyed super smash bros. Jacob ment it was an epic crossover. Whenever James was over at Jacob's, he and Jacob played a bit of super smash, then soon played a game from one of the caracters. Jacob were a huge fan of games. Name a game from super smash and he probably will find in his room the caracters original game. He also got many old consoles. James once asked Jacob what his favorite game was, which Jacob's anwsere were; Games brings me joy, and so do everything we do together, that means we always play a game, no matter what. and thats my favorite game. To spend time with my best friend. Thats my favorite game.
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