
1065 Words
"Up to you." A bird? Too complicaded for me atleast. A cup? Too easy for him. A plant? A tree? A lamp, a dog , a house, a garden, a mountian, a forest , a lake? Too complicaded or too easy for both of us. Prehaps a game caracter? We used to play a lot of Super Smash Bros when he was over at mines. Like an classic caracter.  Link? Mario? Luigi? Zelda?  or maybe more of a new one?  Ness? Ike? Ridley? James was laying in his bed. He was looking at his phone. More correctly, his messages with Connor, or, more of the message itself from Connor. He was trying to figure out what to say to his teacher, Mr Benkholf when their were going to have Art today. James weren't able to have a good nigth sleep in a long time, but this time he was even more tierd. He was up late, read a bit, played a bit, tougth a bit, like always. He yawnz a yawn or two before going down to the kitchen and getting himself some food.  "looks like it's shoppiiing day" Jameses parents haven't comed home yet. It's been over three months since he saw them. Even three months ago their were home in just almost one day before they left again. Atleast they both send him "good" money each week. He uses the money to buy himself food and that. He also saves up the rest of it. It sounds almost like an dream dosen't it? He is home alone, his parents pay for the home, send him some money and he just lives in it. It comes with an price of loneliness. He dosen't like that at all. Altrough he do like to read an book in quiet, he mostly likes to hang out with his friends. As he made some brakefast and lunch, he took out his phone and called Jacob. When the calling noise dissapeard he heard Jacobs tierd voice. "Morning morning Jacob" "Mmmmmm...." "I hear that your up and ready to go huh?" "Ughhmmmmmmm" "I take that as a yes" "Uhmm" "Sounds like you finished the game again huh? Speed running Zelda?" "Whaaaaat issss iiiiiiiiiiiit?" "Heh, Its just i need to do groceries after school, wanna join me?" "Uhmmmmmmmmmmmm" And then he hang up. It's always so funny lissening to tierd Jacob. He is so grumpy. Not everyone sees that side of him. He's fine a little bit later after he wakes up. It isn't the first time he had been up al nigth playing videogames, and it isn't the last one for sure. I dont know how many times he had beat the whole series of Zelda. But i  am for sure that it is over five or six. I dont quiteknow what he likes abot beating the series times after times, but im sure as hell he plays it as it was his first and last time.  James ate up his brakefast, packed his bag and backpack and cleaned up the house a bit before he went off to school. As he cycled eith American i***t by Green day on his ears he saw Jacob walking peacefully to school. It would be rude if he scared Jacob as he told James atleast a million times that he hates it. So James decided to do so. He sneaked up on Jacob and scared him Jacob took off his earplugs and poked his elbow hard into James stomack. " When exaclly do you plan to stop it you little smukh." "When you decide to not be my best friend anymore." "Then so, were not best friend anymore." "OOO somones a bit moody since you went to sleep arround.... Let me gess... 6 am?" "Mmmm not exaclly." "Hmmm... how  about... 8am?" "Thats when i usually wake up dumbass." "Okay, okay... Then it must be arroud 3am." "Bi wi wu wu, GAME OVER." "So when did you fall asleep?" "Like 5am...Tuesday." "Not first time eigther huh?" "Nah, gonna snoose in math an history." "ill join you in history, Benkholf is such a bore." "Ye i know rigth." "Where is your bag by the way?" "What bag?" "Jacob...You know that we got soccer practice in third, rigth?" "f**k i forgot all about it." "I got extra shoes and a extra t-shirt." "Thenks man." "No problm bro." "What else do we have today?" "Art, Chem, Math, Soccer, and um i think Biology aswell" "Okay so Snoose, snoose, snoose, get yelled at and snoose?" "Yep, exaclly." "Man, did you see the coach yesterday? He was f*****g hillarious" "Lol yeah, but did you see Benkholf?" "Ye he didn't  mind, and coach stood there like he was about to die" "And the principal? Ive never seen somone so happy, yet so evil before" "Ah man....by the way, whats the clock?" "Let me check........well fuck.." "..." "Three past nine" "Late again" James and Jacob hurried to school as fast as they could. They came into Art class with Mr Benkholf ten past nine. Mr benkholf wasen't pleased but he just gave them an warning this time. Jacob went over to George and they started painting. They painted a cup with different sorts of flowers blooming in it with an garden in the background. The cup was with with blue details on it. Jacob was working on the background while George painted the cup. Such greate teamwork were Mr Benkholf expecting, but it wasen't that easy for James and Connor. Neigther of them said anything. They just sat beside eachother looking at an white canvas. None of them said a word untill Mr Benkholf went over to them to see how it was going.   "What are you guys going to paint?" "We are uhmn.." James looked at Connor, and Connor looked at James. Quicly after Connor looked at the Canvas then at the floor. He pushed up his glasses and were silent. As Connor were looking at the floor  James looked at Connor. He felt his heartbeat rising. He admired Connor. Then he looked back at Mr Benkholf.  "We are going to paint our mains in Super Smash Bros" "Oh, who is that?" "My main is Link" "And Connor, Whats you main?" Connor said very quietly in a shy voice. "..My main is Zelda.." No more words were exhanged, Mr Benkholf walked away and Connor began drawing and so did James.
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