"The moment"

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 Days went and went. Jacob didn't talk with James alot after he saw him and Connor in the library. Jacob and James went often too school in the morning, but in the past days they didn't. James didn't notice it. He just spent his time mostly with Connor. Him and Connor often spend time at James house. They were never at Connor's, but sometimes James followed Connor to his house. James didn't know why Connor didn't want to invite him inside, but he didn't dare to ask. Connor made him forget about Ashely and the whole date-thing witch was next day and JAmes ratherd wanted  to hang himself that going on a date with Ashely. But he was forced to. Jacob noticed something is going on with James, he knew what was happening, but he wasen't sure how to talk with him. He didn't know mutch about that stuff eigther. It all happend so fast. "BEEEEEEEEEEP BEEEEEEEEEEEEEP BEEEEEEEEEEEEP" Fuck. It's friday morning. That only means one thing. Saturday is tomorrow, and what is happening on saturday? A fuckings tripple date with Ashley. wOohOo. f*****g end me. I hate Ashely. She was so mean to everyone, expessialy Connor. I dont get her why. Connor is so kind, funny, helpfull. Even that he is shy at first. He is,... Quite, spesial. James goes arround in his house geting all his stuff together and that. While he walks he eats a chicken sandwich. He looks at the clock, he still got some time. He walks arround the house without his left sock searching for the rigth one, even that he was supposed to find his backpack in the first case. It's pretty chill when he is home alone. James can do whatever he wants to. Normally he is outside with friends, or reading books. He finnaly find his rigth sock after walking arround for ten minutes straigth. James but the sock on and grabs his bag and backpack. He start cycling to school. On the way while he lisens to 'Stuff is messed up' -by The Offspring, he sees someone walking on the sidewalk. It was Jacob. "Yo man!" Jacob took his headsett down, he was compleatly quiet.  "Yo is something going on?" He didn't say a sowrd, then out of nowhere he said "Whats going on between you and Connor?" "M-me an Connor?" "Yeah." "We are friends" Jacob said nothing.  They walk to school in silence after that. Jacob seemed a bit upset. James didn't dare to ask him. Jacob was upset because he thougth James and him were bestfriends, and bestfriends don't lie to eachother. As soon as they came in trougth the door to school , James and Jacob splitted up. This time they weren't late, but just in time to go off to PE class. This time they played  dogeball. It was quite fun for everyone. Not fully for James. He got often hit.  It wasen't because he was bad, but rather that he wasen't focused. A lot gone trough his mind. The first thougth wasen't suprising. It was Connor.  It was  always Connor. The second thougth wasen't directly Connor. It was what Jacob asked him. Why was he so upset after i told him Connor was my friend? Connor sat at the grandstand cheering for James. But quiet. For himself mostly.  After the PE James went and changed. He changed pretty fast and went off to meet Connor in the library. Ashley, Beca and Charlott were standing rigth outside the changinrooms waiting for James to leave. James left pretty quick so he didn't notice they were standing there. He got to his locker and left his bag there and went off to the library. Ashely followed him. He sat down and started chatting with Connor, neigther of them knew Ashley were arround the corner. "Are you okay?" "Ye." "Dosen't it hurt? You got hit by many balls pretty hard." "Dont worry Connor, im good" "I don't know James, you look like you going tohave bruises" "Neh ill be fine" Connor took my arm and pointed at one spot. "No, i see already one is forming over hear" He pushed up his glasses.  We both sat and looked at my arm. Talked a bit more. Out of nowhere came Ashely out, she really jumpscared us. She came rigth just by the corner, did she lissend to us? "Well, well, well. Who do we have here?" "Ashley what do you want?" "I just wanted to talk to you James." "Ye what is it?" "Can't we go somwere more private?" "No, Ashley if you wanna say something say it infront of Connor." "Oh, okay. Well i just wanted to say i got myself a friend." "And that's it?" "No, it's far from that." "Then what is it?" "She goes in another school you know."¨ "And once again, why do i need to know this?" "Well the school she goes into is calle Brixed"  "And?" Connor started acting nervous. He pushed up his glasses and blushed extremly mutch.  "And, i got to know a little and intresting fact about your friend Connor." I went completly silent and turned arround to Connor. He was rock solid and red as a tomato. He even was shaking a bit. Is it something Connor haven't telled me? I turned back. "Connor?..." "Ah yes, Connor. He left the school, because he is gay!" Gay? Is it like, Irish or something? "Gay?" "Yes your dirty little friend want's to r**e you!" I was in complete shock. r**e me? Why would Connor r**e me? "That was it, well cya at the date tomorrow" Ashley left. I turned back to Connor. I saw tears running down his cheek. "Is it true?" Connor were silent, just sniffing and sobbing. "Is it true?!" Connor didnt say a word.  "I ASKED IS IT TRUE?" Connor looked down and nodded. Without another word, i took my backpack. putted on my hoodie, and left without a word. I didn't even go to classes. I took my bike and left.
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