Chocolate cake

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"Can you go and get me the milk?" I dont drink usually mutch milk. Sometimes its just nice with a bowl of cereal. Like Reese's puffs or Lucky charms. Sometimes mil is usefull to make something aswell. Muffins for an examle. They haev milk in them. Or cake. I dont usually bake, but sometimes can i bake something. Sometimes i just get an feeling for something sweet. I think everyone do. Im for sure not an expert. If i had bake something alone, i'd probably burn down the house. Usually i just bring some ingridiens to Jane. She loves baking, and she is really good in it aswell. To be somone as strict as her, she dosen't acually mind if i show up at her door with groceries. She let's me in everytime and we bake. I love her, shes like a familly member for me. I don't have any younger siblings, and my parent's are never home for long. They are gone for about one to two months before cming back and stay for a day or half.  "Aigth." I think im going to visit her today. I got nothing else to do, and i haven't visited her in a long time. ill bring some ingridiens for cake. Maybe a chocolate cake would be nice? We both like chocolate cake. I remeber once when i was about nine years old and she took me home to her home. We made chocolate cake, and i asked if she isn't to old for chocolate cake. She anwsered me: One are never to old for chocolate cake. Since then we kind of always baked chocolate cake.  "Can you get me four plates of chocolate as you come back?" My parent's travel a lot. They traveled since my birth. For mostly i had a nanny looking after me. Almost everytime i came home there was a different Nanny there. Even at the christmas day i spent it with a Nanny. My parent's atleast came home to the evening, and brougth some presents. Nanny made the christmas dinner and decorated the house and the tree. The tree was brougth by my uncle, atleast that's what mom said. Now that i think of it, i don't think he was my uncle. He just brougth the tree and Nanny gave him some money for the tree. Not everytime it was the same man too. The guy that came wasen't even sure of my name. After christmas, mom and dad left. Usually in the morning next day. It was the same with Easter. "Okay." Nanny stopped visiting me after i started in first grade. I took it well acually. Nanny wasen't the same all time so i got used to it. My first grade teacher was Mr Marshell. Jane thougth i was a normal child like the others. That quickly changed after she got numbers and numbers of apology textes from mom and dad because they couln't come to the parent-teacher meeting. she also noticed i didn't do my homework well at the beginning. Well i had the whole house for myself as a six year old. I needed to make my own food, make my own lunch and make my own dinner. I had also to clean up the house, and do groceries. Also i started at soccer. Sometimes i went over to Jacobs. His mom didn't and still dosen't know what i were going trough.  "Dark, milk or white?" It started with Jane helping me out in my homework, and driving me home after school sometimes. Then she drove me home everyday. Then she asked me once to come over to her house. Im so glad i said yes. Kids have a great imagination. And i had a sligthly bigger than the other kids. Jane noticed that quickly. It migth be good for other kids to have a good imagination, but for me it was the absolute worse. Having a nigthmare in the middle of the nigth was afull. I couldnt sleep after it. I was scared, alone and tierd. Tierd kids are the worse, so grumpy and sensitive. I walked arround beeing mega tierd, and sensitive.  Pretty sure as an seven year old i had depression. i started giving up on school. Giving up on anything. "Milk and dark." Jane noticed something was wrong. She sarted helping me with my homework, driving me home and all that. Then she started treating me like her own child. Jane's kids are all adults. She has a daugther named Alex and a son named Merlyn. I've met them a few times. Really nice people. I see them every year. On chrismas and easter.They kinda got used to me beeing at their mother house. At first they fro sure took it starnge that their mom had one of her pupils over, but after a while they kept treating me as a sibling of them. They even bring me gifts for christmas, and i bring them. Mom and dad come home for chistmas and easter, sometimes. Even when they do they leave as soon as they can. Not that they hate me or anything, they just need to keep working. They are both workaholics. They travel everywhere. But when they come home, they always bring me something. A t-shirt or a hoodie, sometimes small suveniers such as snow globes of different places.  "Okay." Jane haven't met my parents even. Shes been my teacher since first grade and still haven't met them, neigther had Jacob. At first Jane wanted to and tryed hard to meet them, but after a couple of 'Im sorry, but we can't meet due to our work' textes from mom and dad, she gave up. As i grew older i learned how to survive on my own. Jane learned me cooking so i didn't have to eat sandwitch for dinner anymore. She didn't just learn me at school basic thing as math, english and that. She also thougth me cooking and cleaning and all that. In my school, the buildnings are separated in two. One buildning is for the first and up to fourth grade and the second one is from fifth to tenth grade. And when you go from fourth to fifth grade you get a different teacher, same as from seventh to eigth. Jane asked and begt for to be my teacher, and luckly the principal agreed to it. Thats how she is still my teacher. But next year ill start in high school, and Jane will go back to be a firsth grade teacher. I wish her all my luck. I hope for that when im in high school i still will be meeting her. "ill get the vegetables and we meet over at the cash register."
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