"Ah, strict parents huh?"

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"Knock knock" "Who is it?" "Hawaii? Who?" "Im fine, Hawaii you?" With an laugther back the door Jane opened up her door and saw James on her sormat holding two bags of groceries. It was a heavy rain outside and water were dripping from Jamese's dark blue rain coat.  "Comon in" James took off his mud covered shoes before stepping inside. He puttet down the groceries and took off his rain coat and hang it on to dry. "Tea?" "That would be lovley" "What sort?" "The usuall, please." James took the bags and sat down on the blue tufted sofa in the livingroom. He looked a bit arround. A bit of the childhood memories started flowing slowly in. Jane brang a silver plate with two cups, sugar, teapot, a bit of ginger and sliced lemons. She sat down on a old purple tufted chair. James took the teapot and his cup. He filled the cup with tea and added sugar and two slices of lemon. He took a spoon and mixed it. "What brings you here my dear?" "I hoped we could bake a cake, a chocolate one" "Oh dear, thats perfect, i was expecting a guest later this evening." Jane took up her cup and filled it with tea. She also enjoyed a cup of lemon tea. But unlikely like James, she liked a hint of ginger, something that James hated in his tea. "How is it going else?" "Mmm... good" "Ive noticed you hanging around this girl Ashley." "Uhm..yeah, were are like, sort of together now." "Oh. Well um.. Im glad for your happiness" If she just knew what a pain in the ass Ashley was. Jane does. She sometimes have classes with them, so she knows it good. Awkward silence fell down on us. Jane drank up her tea. She looked at me. I saw the look on her face, she definitly knew i was hiding something. Suddendly she stand up. "Oh well, the cake isn't going to finish itself" She placed down her cup on the silver plate. She took the bags on the way to kitchen. "Your rigth." I drank up the rest of my tea and also set it down on the silver plate. I took the silver plate to the kitchen and set it all inside of the washing machine. Jane had already taken out some of the ingridiens. She had aleready on her apron. I quickly took on mine and washed my hands. "Can you hand me the mixer?" James staring looking trough some of the cabinets in the kitchen. He searched low and high and found it in the rigth cabinet over the sink. He placed the mixer on the counter and took out a big bowl. It was warm from the fireplace. Jane poured some flour to the bowl, mixed in some milk and started the mixer. James took a pan from the cabinet to left for the sink and took it on the stove. He puttet in some butter in the pan for it to melt. Jane poured in some baking kakao.  Memories, both good and bad. Teamwork, as always.  Many many times had Jane and James baked a cake together. For mostly they baked together when James was just a little kid. They baked and cooked all sorts of things. They baked apple pie for fall. Made cinnamon rolls for winter. Delicus spring rolls for spring. Loveley fruitsalad for summer. Honestly, James didn'r like others knowing he can make food. Not even his best friend Jacob knew'd about his cooking skills. James always made an Mac & Cheese for dinner when Jacob were over at his. Sometimes, but rather very rareley they made Tacos together. James used to help Jane alot in the kitchen when he was a kid. He is acually a pretty good chief in the kitchen, even that many thinks his horrible. The reason for why James dont want anyone to know, is that he finds cooking a 'girly' thing to do. He dont want to be different. He isn't different. He is normal. A normal fiftheen year old boy who loves soccer and hanging out with his friends. As the cake was in the oven, the last thing was to decorate it. James took a bit of butter and melted it in the pan. He later on poured in some milk and chocolate and made an chocolate glaze to the cake.  "DING DONG" "Oh lovley, my guest is here. James dear, can you finish the cake alone?" "Ill be fine, go and take it" Jane left. She opened the door and the guest stepped inside. James didn't saw, or care who it was. It was probably one of the neighbours to Jane. Rigth now his foccus was on the cake. He poured the chocolate over the cake. The chocolate dripped a bit of the cake, but that wasen't important because the chocolate will become still in a few moments. James serched and serched for one last finish. A cherry on the top is what he needed. In this moment it wasen't even a cherry, it was sprinkles. Jane always, and always had a box of star-shaped multicolored star sprinkels. It was Jameses childhood, chocolate cake with multicolored star-shaped sprinkles. He searched and serched but didn't end up with any luck. He said; Where are the star shaped sprinkles Jane? As he walked into the livingroom. He didn't belive his eyes. On the same cozy blue sofa that he this day earlier sat on, was Mr Benkholf sitting, and he was sitting in crossed legs. His memory flashed for a secound back to when he first saw a boy sitting like that before he snapped back to reality.  "Mr Benkholf?" "Oh please, call me Cris" James was about to say something before Jane said that the star-shaped sprinkles were in the rigth above the sink. James nodded and went back to the kitchen. He found the box of Star-shaped sprinkles and sprinkled it over the cake. James knows it's rude to lissen to somone elseses conversation, but he couldn't help himself this time overhearing Jane talking to Benkholf.  "He's just so lovley." "Where did you two meet?" "We met at the bar, classic." "How is he?" "His tall, smart, kind and hot." "Sounds intristing, Do you want some tea?" "Yes please honey" Jane came in to make some tea and James was cutting the cake in half. They always slplit eaqually. Half for James, and half for Jane. James puttet the cake inside a cake box. He cleaned up the kitchen too, and was about to leave. "Are you leaving so soon?" "Yeah i shoud probably get home" "Oh well, come again soon" "I will" James grabed the cake box and was leaving the kitchen. Jane asked Benkholf if he wanted some cake, whitch he agreed to. James was going trough the livingroom siently. "Are you leaving now?" "Yeah i must get home" "Ah, strict parents huh?" "Yeah.." "Well cya buddy tomorrow, and dont forget to bring a smile and energy for tomorrows dance practice!" "I wont." As James walked, he started to think of Mr Benkholf's words. "We met at a bar" "He's tall, smart, kind and hot." Did James hear it rigth? 'Hot'? Mr Benkholf likes boys? 
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