
760 Words
Geography. What a funny word. When i hear the word 'Graphy' i think of 'Graphic' and relate to visual art. And when i hear the word 'Geo' i think of earth. So when i hear 'Geography' i think of earth-art. All nature, all animals, all structures created by humans, it's all beautifull art. Earth without art is just eh. I love art, who dosen't? Even that i love at it, i pretty mutch suck at it. People when they hear it react with "James who is a perfect student, best grades at every subject, sucks at art? Impossible." Jupp, i hear that one a lot. But do you know who dosen't suck at art? Connor. Connor spent the rest of the Geography class drawing in his notebook. He dosen't just draw single stick-figure, he draws a lot more than that. Now i know it isn't nice to look at somone else stuff, but i had to look over and see his sketches. Especially when his notebook was open wide. It was catching my sigth. The destiny wanted me to see it. Why else would it hit the corner of my eye? Connors drawing were pretty nice. He is really good at drawing, like REALLY good. Im afraid if i'd say something, he will never have it open arround me. And thats why we spent the whole Geography in silence.... James is at home, all alone, as usual. His parents are out of the house for some weeks. He had been trying to do his homework in over one and an half hour now. Usually he just does it whitin about 10-20 minutes, but this time he can't focus on anything. The word 'Connor' is stuck in his mind. James can't understand why he want to get contact with this guy so badly. It's just a normal dude, isn't it?  Fuck this. I can't do this f*****g art anymore. When will we ever need to draw a tree with the technics we learned in the class? James gives up on the homework. He hides his school books in his backpack and pulls out Romeo and Juliet "Be ruled by my words, forget to think of her." "O, teach me how i should forget to think." "By giving liberty unto thine eyes. Examine other beauties." James is laying on the bed with his head hanging of the bed corner. No one know why he likes to read upside down, but he belives that he highly enjoys the book more. He is very into the book and when his phon vibrates he gets shoked and falls of the bed. He quickly gets up and sits on the bed normally. James recived a snap. "Please not Ashley" He opens the snap and sees her with almost showing off her breast and saying 'Remeber the party at 7pm'  with many heart emojis. James textes his friend Jacob.  "R u goin 2 Ashleys party 2nite?" "idk, George n William r comin, r u?" "idfk idts." "Y?" "Don want 2" "K ttyl" I have a really bad feeling about this party. It makes me sick just thinking of it. I can't stay here eigther, i know them too good, Ashley knows where i live and will probably come here. I need to leave, somwhere where they won't find me. Somewhere like... Library. I still have some time. James puts on his backpack and rushes downstairs and out, he grabs his bicycle and leave without saying or thinking of anything else but Connors voice... It's getting darker and darker but he finnaly reaches the library School looks so haunted at dark. It's a bit scary to walk through the school hallway must i say, but i like it. I feel my adrenaline raising and i feel like im gonna get an jumpscare. Like the one from form five nigths at Freddy's. I remeber playing it with Jacob once at a sleepover. Imagine walking down hallway at school, just wanting to go and read some books, and get a massive jumpscare. Kind of cool, but hella scary at the same time. I take a little stop inside the library. When i look at the library, it's so cozy, but when i look outside, it's just a creepy hallway. I look arround. It seems that no one is here. Course towards the staircase then.  James is walking up the staircase, while he looks at the books. He stops here and there to look at the books, and when he finaly comes to 'his spot' he notices somone sitting there. "Connor?"
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