Chapter 2

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Authors POV Fifteen years later…… Rufus Mattias managed a perfunctory grunt, but his gaze stayed riveted on the specs for the Lyman- Lawrence project and his mind was fixed in it. He glanced at his watch, as he had to go to the board room for a meeting with Nick Lawrence the CEO of Lawrence group in less than ten minutes and he wanted everything fresh in his mind. He had worked day and night putting ideas for this project, aware that it would be a great milestone for Mattias and Associates Architecture to get a good go-ahead. And it would be an even bigger coup for him personally to be asked to head up the team. He had done a lot of work. Using his ideas. Rufus had spent the last two months putting together plans and the public space layout for the Lyman-Lawrence project. High-rise hospital and condo buildings. And last week while he had been to San Francisco working on another major project, he received a call from Nick telling him to come back as they needed to start the project soon. Rufus’s POV Nick had left a message on my mobile phone last night while he had been flying back from San Francisco to say that he will be coming to meet me the next day to discuss the project. Which meant, I thought with a quickening excitement that they had surely won the Lyman- Lawrence project, as he said he wanted to discuss. He had spent long hours working up a design for the forty-story hospital building and a park for the kids to play. It would also have shops, offices and living space for the staff on the other end. And he had gone and met Nick personally and told him about his ideas, as he wanted to be the head of architecture for the project. So he tried to keep improving and revising the general plans, as this project was started by Nick’s Parents but had to be drooped, as they died and the project was just lying there and as soon a Nick took over his dad’s company he proposed the idea of starting the project, it was his parent’s dream project. He sighed and went towards the window and looked at the view outside, as a chopper just passed through his window noisily. He wanted to take a break and go hiking but work had been a bigger and more tempting mountain to climb. And there had always been more peaks, bigger peaks, tougher ones. And he had realized the challenge, determined to prove himself. And to make his fortune to go with it. His family had a fortune, of course. The hotel empire that his father oversaw guaranteed that. In another family, that fortune and those connections could have paved the way for a struggling architect. But he had refused to associate with him and had his own name. In fact, he doubted whether his father even knew what he did for a living, much less had ever wanted to encourage him. His father did not even care. As he owned buildings, he did not create them. And he had no interest in my desire too. Author's P.O.V The one time they had discussed his future, when he was eighteen Bernard had said, “we can start you in the Los Angeles project I think.” And Rufus had said, “what ?” “You need to get a taste of whole business from the ground up, for when you come to work for us.” he had said as if it were given to him freely. When Rufus had said. “I am not interested.” Bernard had raised his brows and given his eldest son a long disapproving stare when turned on his heels and walked out of the room. End of the discussion. Rufus would have said it was the end of the relationship, except they had not had much of one before that, either. At least Bernard’s indifference had provided a wonderful incentive to do things in his way and to make his mark. Rufus's P.O.V I was standing in my office, feeling the cool spare elegance of the surrounding, admiring the spectacular view which also happened to include over thirty buildings, my company has been responsible for creating it and I felt that surge of determination all over. I opened my portfolio and began laying out the sketches, I had done so we could jump right into things and the door burst open and my assistant informed me that Nick’s car had already arrived downstairs. I thanked her and stood up from my place to go to the conference room. As I entered the conference room, I was met by strange indifferent glances around me, as this was my company’s conference room but many people who were involved in this project have been invited by Nick as his base was in Budapest and he had just come here to finish up the project. So he had been using my office as a base. I acknowledged everyone as I went and took my seat. After a while my secretary walked in with Nick Lawrence and everyone looked at him with awe, as he was an extremely good-looking guy, with blue eyes, I saw my secretary looking at him with interest and I don’t blame her because Nick was handsome. He smiled at me and after acknowledging everyone, came and sat beside me. Everyone was nervous, as they wanted to know who would be the chief architect for the Lyman-Lawrence project and were waiting for Nick eagerly. Nick looked across everyone and then spoke very clearly. “ Gentleman, as we have gathered here to officially start up the Project, which my parents had started. I would like to congratulate Mr. Rufus Mattias, as I have decided to hand over the whole project to him.” He said and turned towards me and held on to my hand, before congratulating me. I was elated as this was my dream project. I could see the people around me trying to forcefully smile at me and I was least bothered, as I had worked really hard for it. “But Mr. Lawrence who would be the chief architect of this project? As it a collaborated project we would like to know, with whom will we be working?” Said Mr. Mark Dawson. Who was the chairman of the F.W.N enterprise? He was a very shrewd man and was not happy with Nick’s decision and it was evident in his face. “Well, Mr. Dawson, I was about to go there and gentleman I request you to please cooperate with each other as it is a very important project for me and I don’t want any sort of animosity amongst all of you.” Having made his point clear he continued. “This project is very close to my heart, so I have already decided that the chief architect for it will be, Sara Lawrence. You must have heard about her. She is an upcoming, top-rated architect around the world and has won many awards internationally. And of course, not to mention that she is my younger sister.” He concluded proudly. “You mean to say the “Sara Lawrence”, who recently won RIBA International award.” One of the board members asked curiously. “Yeah, that’s her,” Nick confirmed. “Please wait a moment, she will come any moment, you can meet her personally and she will give you a demo of whatever she has planned.” I was a little disappointed but was happy that I had gotten the project in my pocket and it doesn’t matter who will be in charge. I had heard about Sara Lawrence and was curious to meet her, as I was googling about her but there were no pictures available. Suddenly I heard the heels cracking on the floor, as someone entered the conference room. I looked up and saw those beautiful eyes and I was awestruck and shocked. I had always dreamt about this day of meeting her again but did not expect that I would meet her in these circumstances. “Lola !” I exclaimed softly.
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