Chapter 1

1000 Words
 Prologue  Blood spurted from the small hole in the women’s pretty head. A bitter end for the CIA special agent Catherine Lawrence. They killed the woman she loved brutally. She saw it happen with her own eyes. Her mother had been raped and killed by a man with a dragon tattoo and her father was lying dead with blood gushing out of his mouth. After fifteen years Sara Lawrence a beautiful architect, walked into the conference room with confidence and grace and had men turning towards her and admiring her. Some wanted a piece of her, some had huge respect, some were jealous but one man sitting at the far end corner of the room had goosebumps looking at her familiar face and his heart beat started racing away, making him vulnerable and horrified at his weakness. Rufus Matthias thought she had vanished away from his life, but she was back with a bang with a look to kill for but as he looked closely at her, he observed that her eyes were very aloof and rigid. She saw him but tried to control her excitement, as she could not give herself away. But one kiss from him and she was lost again. An exciting novel of vengeance …a fascinating story……..gripping and exciting will make you fall in love with the characters when they unravel themselves. Please do add this story to your list, as I will be updating it every day. Much Love Melanie. E Chapter 1 “Sara……………” she heard her mother whisper her name and she woken up from her deep sleep. Her mother picked her up and carried her to her bedroom and made her sit on the bed and looked at her lovingly trying to control her tears. “Sara, sweet heart come along, we will play the game of hide and seek and you will have to hide behind the secret chamber that I had shown you that day. You are not supposed to come out till mommy comes and gets you, okay.” Her mother said excitedly. she was fully awake now and was excited about the game, as she loved hiding when her mom and she played the hide and seek game, on the weekends and the secret chamber was a secret between her mom and herself but the main reason was, she could see everything from the peephole inside it and no one would be able to see her from outside. “But mommy, you know I am hiding here so you will find me in no time. It will be so boring” She said unhappily. Her mother smiled at her lovingly and hugged her, “That’s the fun for today as we will both hide and daddy will look for us. So how do you think the game is interesting?’ “Yayyy………..that would be great ………..but where is daddy?” Sara asked her mother. “He will be with us any moment. Now quickly go and hide and don’t come out till you are told.” Her mother instructed her and made her go inside and the secret chamber and tied a gold chain around her neck. And kissed her forehead and said. “Just remember this Sara mommy and daddy love you and Nick and you should always listen to your brother, okay?” “Okay mommy, I will always listen to my big brother but when will he come back,” Sara said innocently. “He will be back soon, love. Now quickly hide and don’t come out till we call you.” Sara was excited as daddy would be searching for them. It was so much fun. It was late at night and she was surprised that mommy wanted to play a game before they slept. She sat comfortably and looked out through the peephole on the cabinet door to see if her daddy was looking for her but she couldn’t see anything as the room’s light was very dim. She was giggling thinking he must be looking around the house for her but was not being able to find her. The rays of the moon fell from the night sky and entered the secret chamber and it looked bright inside. She was bored to death and thought of giving a hint to her dad about her hiding place and was about to open the door of the secret chamber when she heard a loud noise. She quickly peeped from the hole and saw that her mother was lying on the bed and she thought daddy had caught mommy and now he will find her and so she stood there quietly and looked outside eagerly. Sara saw that her mom was lying on the bed and a man who did not look like her dad was naked and was approaching her mom. She panicked, as she saw him slapping her mom, she opened her mouth to protest but no voice came out. Then she tried to open the door, but it could not be opened. She looked at that man who was forcing himself on her mom, as she struggled fiercely not allowing him to touch her. Then she saw her dad coming in and grabbing that man and they started fighting, hitting each other. she tried to see the face of the man but failed miserably as it was dark. Then she saw the strange man pointing something at her dad and he staggered back and fell, she could see her mom struggling and trying to hit that man but all of a sudden even she collapsed back. She was shocked and puzzled as to what was happening and tried to shout but no voice came out of her mouth. She stared at her mom, motionless in her place. And then she fainted. When she woke up, she was lying on the bed and her granny and brother were sitting beside her. Nick hugged her tightly but no sound came out of her mouth.
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