chapter 3

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Authors POV As Sara Lawrence entered the conference room, She walked very gracefully and all the men seated around the table turned their heads and admired her beautiful features. She had brunette hair. And she was looking very sexy in her way. She was wearing a tight-fitting knee-length skirt and a white top and had matched it with high heels. She had a perfectly shaped body. Her eyes were blue in color and she and applied red Matte lipstick, which highlighted her voluptuous lips. She smiled at everyone as she walked in and moved towards the place, where her bother was seated, only to be confronted with the deep piercing eyes of Rufus Mattias, as he stared at her with astonishment. Sara Lawrence POV I was nervous when my brother told me that I have to meet the board members in the morning but I had prepared thoroughly, as I needed to finish up my parent's dream project. Nick wanted me to head the project and I had readily agreed as I wanted to fulfill my mother's dream. As I walked towards Nick, I looked across and saw someone sitting beside him and I couldn’t move my eyes away from him, as I had always imagined how would it be if we met again. And he was looking at me with the same intensity. But wait what is he doing here? “Sara, I want you to meet our project head Mr. Rufus Mattias and he is also the CEO of Mattias and Associates Architecture,” Nick said and turned towards the man sitting beside him. Rufus was pulled out of his musings and he got up and smiled at her and extended his hand for a handshake. “What!” Rufus Mattias, I exclaimed but isn’t his real name Andrew Mellor.” I thought and shook my head before extending my hand. As he grasped my hand I could feel his hand holding my hand very firmly and I had to pull it back as it made me feel uneasy. If he noticed my discomfort he didn’t say anything and I was relieved that he did not. My brother made me sit beside him. One of the board members who was looking at me very keenly stood up and asked. “ Mr. Lawrence, I don’t mean to be rude but if I am not mistaken Miss Sara can’t speak right?” I looked at my bother and could see his eyes flaring with anger but I held on to his hand and he relaxed and said. “Indeed, my sister can’t speak but she has an interpreter who will explain everything to you. So please wait patiently.” My brother said very firmly. He gestured towards me and I got up and moved towards the white screen and tried to hold on to my emotions as Rufus or Andrew had always affected me to the extreme. I could feel his eyes boring on me. My secretary c*m interpreter Merlin came and stood beside me, as I explained it with sign language, which I knew that no one would understand. But my secretary interpreted it properly and after a long time, I heard everyone applauding my works and asking me when we would start our project. Nick assured them that it would start by next week and before winding up invited everyone to come for a small party which he had thrown the day after. After a while, everyone left and I and Nick were the only ones, apart from Rufus Mattias, left in the conference room. I looked at Nick nervously but he was busy talking to Rufus. When Nick saw me staring at them he smiled and said. “Sara you must be hungry by now, lets garb something in the office cafeteria before we leave.” “Nick, can I just review the project with miss Lawrence, once again as I have some doubts about something,” Rufus said suddenly when they were about to leave. “Oh, sure carry on I will just finish up some work by then. Is it okay Kiddo?” Nick asked me. I just nodded my head. My secretary had rushed out as she had whispered in my ears that she needed to pee very badly. I had merely smiled and allowed her to go. I told my brother in my sign language to send Merlin, he nodded and left. As I turned towards Rufus I bumped in his hard chest and looked up to see his smiling face, as he was taller than me and his cologne was so toxifying. Suddenly his mouth came down and captured my lips and before I could protest he was kissing me hungrily.
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