Birthday party

1097 Words
June PoV . . “The party will be so much fun”. Sara screamed in delight, I can’t wait to be there I watched her scattered her bags searching for what to wear “ here. She said handing me a red long gown “ what should I do with it?”, I asked “ you gonna wear it?”. She replied still searching her bags “I have what to wear”, I queried “ what?, those sacs you call clothes?”. She asked in sarcasm I looked at the red gown, it was long beautiful with a slant design “It is decent”, she smirked looking at me “I don’t like the slant opening”, I complained “ Just wear it just for tonight please”. She pleaded, i don’t want you looking like a sac bag I looked at the gown and sighed “fine”. I will put it on”. I agreed and Sara flashed me a smile . . . I stared at my reflection in the mirror . The gown brought out my curves and I looked different “ is this really me?”. I asked Sara who was putting on a very short red gown “ it is You June”.She replied smiling, you are beautiful. “ Thanks”. I blushed “Do you need lipstick?”. She asked “hell no”. I replied, She chuckled as she kept the lipstick inside her box She pulled out a silver heels underneath the bed and handed it to me “ what should I do with this?”. I asked her “ wear it dummy”. She replied, what were you planning on wearing?”. She asked “ sandals”. I replied “Oh June”. She said with an eye roll, you will never cease to amaze me . . “ is this how birthday parties look like?”. I asked Sara as we stepped into the hall “Is this your first time of going to a party?”. She asked I nodded “ your parent are kill joy”. She remarked I looked around as we walked in . I shook my head as I saw guys and ladies smoking I noticed Sara was walking towards a table where two guys were seated “ where are you going?”. I asked Sara , Let us just sit here “ please June don’t try and kill my fun”. She replied dragging me along “hello Ben”. She greeted a guy with red hair “Sara”.The guy called as he bit his lips , how are you? “ cool”. Sara replied sitting down and gestured me to sit I glared at her as I sat down “Did she bring me here to watch her flirt with guys” I thought “ hi”. the second guy greeted me “hi”, I grunted “ what is your name?”. he asked “Is he trying to flirt with me”. I thought and ignored his questions “ Are you trying to ignore me?”. he asked “ just let her be Simon”.Sara said , she is mama girl “ really?”. he asked laughing . The whole hall immediately became quiet when Troy , Steph and some huge guys walked in I stared at them in awe,Troy was really so cute in his all black outfit and Steph looked like a goddess in her white flora gown They walked towards to the front table and sat down “ Aren’t they cute?”. Sara asked me “they are”. I replied staring at them I watched Troy whispered something to Steph as he stood up and walked through a door with his guards “ where is he going “. I thought . . The Dj played a popular music and most people stood up to dance including Sara and her red hair boyfriend “Do you care for a dance?”.the second guy asked me “ No”. I huffed “ you are so impossible”.he said and stood up probably to look for another girl to dance with him I looked over at Steph table, she was seated alone frowning . Troy was not yet back and I felt sorry for her I suddenly felt the urge to pee “ where is the bathroom?”. I muttered. I stood up and walked up to a server “ where is the bathroom please?”, I asked him “ over there”. he said pointing to an entrance “Thanks”. I muttered I walked over to the entrance and was surprised to see Tony bodyguards standing there “ you can’t go in now”. One of them said “ why?”. I asked “You need to come back later”,he said ignoring my questions “ I really need to pee please”. I pleaded he looked at me and sighed “ fine, make sure you make use of the first or second bathroom”.he warned, don’t go into the third one “Alright”. I nodded I rushed past the entrance and saw three doors I opened the first door and immediately closed it back, it was not flushed I opened the second one and walked inside to urinate . I sat down on the toilet seat and heard moans , it was coming out from the third toilet “ what is happening?”. I muttered. I came out of the toilet after I was done . I turned to leave but my curious self wanted to know what was happening. I summoned courage and walked to the toilet and pushed it opened “ Holy father!”. I exclaimed as I saw Troy banging a girl “ who are you?”. Troy asked buckling his pants “ I am mmmm sorry”. I stammered as I met his cold gaze “ you can go b***h”. he said pushing the girl out of the bathroom “ who are you?”. he asked again, who let you in “ I am sorry”. I apologised. “ really. he scoffed and walk past me “ you are not pure”.I mumbled “ what did you say?”. he stopped asking “ nothing”. I replied “ what did you say?”. he asked moving closer to me “I said you are not pure”. I blurted out closing my eyes in fear “ really?. he asked laughing I looked at him in surprise, I was expecting him to hit me he stared at me for a while and left without saying anything.... “ what just happened”. I muttered . . I returned back to the hall and glanced at his table , he was seated already and Steph was smiling again “ if only she knew that her boyfriend just cheated on her”. I thought I walked over to my table and sat down “ where have you been?”. Sara asked walking towards me, I have been searching all over for you “ I went to the bathroom ”. I replied “Alright, make sure you stay here”. She instructed and went back dancing I looked over at Troy and was surprise when I met his gaze and he immediately looked away “ why was he staring at me?”. I asked. . . . Hmmmmmmmh . TBC
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